Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 152: Black beast

Out of the scream of the sky. The sea crabs walk through the cracks of the stone. The barnacles and oysters are densely packed on the rocks. The sea cucumbers are squirming in the clear water and spewing the white and white mucus.

In the sky, Rock Eagle is gliding. A good day, the sea, the sea, the empty landscape!

Suddenly, from the ocean not far away, two people emerged suddenly. On the neck of one of the people, there is still a pig that is as cute as snow.

They walked on the sea and headed towards the nearest island.

Their movements seem unpleasant, but the degree is unparalleled, but between the moments, it is already higher and higher. From the beginning, only one head emerged. Later, it was half a body, and even reached the knee. Even the foot surface is directly on the sea.

They walked as if they were walking on the 6th floor, not on the vast sea.

But the film s1, they finally came to the island.

These two people are naturally He Yiming and Bai Qiao. Since the boat has been unable to withstand the impact of the power of water, it has also interrupted the process of He Yiming’s understanding of the power of water.

This opportunity for epiphany is very rare, and this time the trip to the East China Sea, He Yiming's main purpose is to understand the power of water.

Seeing the dawn is in sight, but in the end it is a failure, and how open-minded the meta-theory is, it is inevitable that some of them are disheartened.

After turning over to the sea, He Yiming no longer had any interest in fighting against the big waves, and straight into the waves.

However, under the sea, it is another strange scene. Although the sea is full of trees, the sea floor is calm. Except for some unbearable pressure, it is impossible to imagine the situation on the sea.

One time, it turned out to be like two different worlds, which made He Yiming amazed.

After admiring the half-day view of the seabed, he casually went in a certain direction. One hundred and eight and Bao pigs are naturally tightly following him.

I don't know how long it took until he disappeared in the heart of He Yiming's heart.

I didn't expect to have just left the water, and I saw a faint combination of several islands in front.

He Yiming, who had suffered in the sea, saw six places and suddenly felt very cordial and did not hesitate to come to the island closest to them.

When the feet steadily stepped on the island, He Yiming took a long breath and his heart was clear.

Among the five elements, he has condensed three tangible flowers. Although he is a minor practitioner of the five elements, but wants to condense a tangible flower, it is not so easy.

After all, the more the flowers of the Five Elements are, the harder it is to concise, and the more often they try their best, but in the end they have nothing to gain.

Although He Yiming firmly believes that he can form a five-line gathering, but when he can reach this Japanese standard, no one knows.

In the vicinity of the shore, the small island at the foot is undoubtedly the smallest, and flat and flat, you can see the end at a glance.

In such a small island, let alone living in human beings, even animals and plants can not survive.

On a bare island, there is no other thing besides the hot sun.

However, in the vicinity of this small island, there are two islands that are huge.

Although the distance is too far to see the whole picture, there are dense jungles on the two islands.

"Hundred brothers, can you use your clairvoyance?" He Yiming asked.

One hundred and eight did not speak, and came directly to He Yiming, and his head turned into a screen again.

His back of the head has the effect of adjusting the distance lens. When He Yiming first received the cooking, he couldn't help but make a fuss, but now he is used to it.

The islands on both sides of the island are huge. After entering the lens, the landscape of the left island has changed at the top. A branch of veins has spread into the sea, and a rugged trail passes over the cliffs.

On the steep hills with low trees and grasses, there are blazing stones like blades.

The island on the right is a lot more peaceful, at least not so exaggerated in appearance.

However, He Yiming knows that what he has seen so far is only one side of the island. Before he can see the whole picture, he can't make a specific evaluation.

Uh...hey..." From the island on the left, there was a fierce cry, and then a huge strange bird waved its wings and flew toward them.

This is a big bird with a length of about one foot. It has a face resembling an owl on its neck, and a pair of wings open, almost like a sun-drenched feeling.

Its voice is full of enthusiasm, although it is not as terrible as the big python in the Ghost Ridge, but it is also in the ear, but it also makes people feel guilty.

He Yiming's brow furrows, he heard a trace of bad taste from this voice, and through the monitoring of the hundred and eighteen eyes, He Yiming can clearly have a ferocious taste and a breath of death.

Disturbed the scalp, He Yiming did not put this strange bird in his heart, but carefully recalled the world's rare books.

After a while, his eyes lit up and he had already thought of the origin of this strange bird.

This bird is called Black Skull. It is a very ferocious flying spirit beast. It has a wide range of activities and is not demanding for living conditions.

Whether it is East or West, or overseas, you can see them. The only thing that makes them extremely disgusted is the cold weather in the north, so in the north and northwest, it is basically impossible to see this powerful beast.

This kind of beast is born with a powerful supernatural power, and even more enviable is that this kind of beast is a rare creature belonging to the group.

In other words, if you see a black cockroach in one place, you will most likely see the second, the third, and even more companions.

The black cockroach spread its wings and hovered in the air. It swooped down and slammed into the mouth of He Yiming. A blue wind blade from its mouth. I spit it out and attacked like a fly.

He Yiming’s heart is a dark beast. It is a spiritual beast. Although it is ferocious, it is also quite intelligent. After seeing that there were suddenly two more people and one pig, I didn’t immediately rush down, attacking with a powerful body as a weapon, but tempting with a breath.

However, although this black scorpion is also a beast, its strength is even better than the old Red Wolf King. He Yiming can't put it in his eyes.

When the wind blade swayed down and saw it coming to their heads, it disappeared silently, as if it had never appeared before.

The black cockroach that hovered in the air seemed to stay a bit, then immediately patted the wings and flew over the island on the left, and it did not even have the guts for the second attack.

He Yiming’s amazed gaze went away with it, and his heart was secretly strange. This black scorpion was too smart to be overkill.

A slight smile, He Yiming said: "Hundred brothers, this creature is called black scorpion, they are sexually active, and there are about four or five in a nest. This **** has eaten a dumb loss, it is estimated that it is going back to summon the reinforcements. ""

At one hundred and eight o'clock, he said: "Their strength is not strong enough to threaten your safety.

He Yiming is a sneer, he is now a respected person, not to mention that there are imitation artifacts five Xu ■ ring in hand, even if you use the ordinary magic weapon, it is not these small spirits can Injured.

However, the only thing that bothers him is that the black scorpion is a winged creature after all, they can fly freely in the sky, but they can only stay on the ground. Although they can't help themselves, once they fly into the sky, they are also helpless.

However, after half a ring, the island on the left is still quiet, not to mention that there are no blacks coming in groups, even the one that originally returned does not disappear.

He Yiming looked inexplicably for a long time, and his heart was suspicious. Could it be recorded in the world?

However, the black scorpion cast a killer as soon as he came up. If he met an ordinary person or a general innate power, it would be difficult to cope with this breath.

From this we can see that this thing is indeed fierce and fierce, that is, I don’t know why, this time it has become a slap in the face.

Just as He Yiming was suspicious, a long snoring sounded from the island on the right.

This long scream is strong and powerful. Although it is far apart, it is still like a golden stone. It makes people hear clearly.

He Yiming’s eyes lit up. After hearing the long snoring, He Yiming immediately remembered the red horse in his hometown.

When he traveled the world, it was naturally impossible to bring the red horse to his had to be fostered in Hejiazhuang, and now it has not been seen for a year, I don’t know if it is all right.

The sound of the long sighs sounded again, and He Yiming’s ears shook slightly, and his face gradually showed a hint of color.

He has already heard it. It is definitely a kind of beast, and this beast is fighting with a certain creature, so it will continue to grow out to vent its emotions.

He Yiming's gaze flashed on the two islands. He immediately understood that the reason why the black scorpion changed the temper should be related to the creature living on the right island.

He indulged the film Xuan & & 1, a light shot of one hundred and eight.

His back of the head suddenly changed back, and all of them had been restored in an instant. "We are going there to see." He Yiming pointed to the island on the right and said softly.

Although he does not know what the long beast is, but it can be a powerful beast that can change the habit of the black.

After one hundred and eight o'clock, the two of them went to the sea again and headed for the island on the right.

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