Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 162: The origin of the old man

The action of the sound came to an abrupt end, and he looked suspiciously toward each other...

In the fight just now, he is far more depressed than the old man. At least, under the continuous fist attack of the old man, in addition to using the newly realized singular body to avoid the punching power of the other party, he did not even have the slightest counterattack force.

Although he firmly believes that once he uses the five-ring ring, or the big knife, he will certainly be able to regain his inferiority. However, in the face of an unarmed man who has passed his tangible armor, He Yiming is not good at cheating. .

It’s hard to get through these rounds of blows, but the old man immediately stopped.

Looking up, the old man sighed with a long sigh and said: "Hello, you can't win the old clip."

He just said that He Yiming could not be won, but he did not admit defeat. It also shows that his strong confidence in himself has not been affected much.

He Yiming indulged for a moment and finally admitted that if he was alone in boxing, he did not have the victory over the other side.

Even if he has the thirty-sixth style of the mountain. But in addition to the last five-in-one strike, the other attacks were gradually suppressed by the old man when they were tit-for-tat. This is the gap in strength. It can't be compensated by the will alone.

However, I have recently learned the body of fish. It seems to be a wonderful thing, which makes the other party a headache.

He smiled slightly and suddenly stretched out his hands. In his palm, he was suddenly foggy, and in a flash he had already condensed a Qimen weapon.

Five elements of the ring, this five-in-one shrapnel whirls in his hand, and is constantly scattered with a huge momentum to the top.

"Your cult is very deep and admire. I want to teach you the power of the weapon on the weapon." He Yiming said: "Please

The face of the opposite old man suddenly became extremely wonderful. His gaze gambled on the five elements of the ring, and his eyes showed an envious color. Finally, he sighed and said: "The old man has no weapons."

He Yiming stunned, and the five lines that were in his hands were abruptly stopped.

It’s like hearing the best laugh in the world. The expression on He Yiming’s face is full of unbelief and doubt. Fortunately, today, his whole body is hidden in a swirling whirlpool. Even if it is in the eye, there is a whirlpool of whirls. If it is, then with his eyes and eyes, it will cause the other party’s hostility. Heart.

Countless thoughts hovered in He Yiming's heart. For the first time, he encountered a certain Sayādaw who said that he did not have a weapon of the gods.

If there is no weapon for the gods, how can he be promoted to the Supreme?

Huo Ran, He Yiming thought about it. When he first entered the island, he saw the old man fighting the one-horned white horse. But even at that time. The old man has never used weapons. This can be seen. Maybe he said nothing wrong.

Between the thoughts and the rotation, He Yiming turned his wrists. The five elements made a mess and entered the body. The whirlpool that was constantly rotating suddenly stopped suddenly, and then madly poured into He Yiming's body.

It takes great skill to release the physical armor. For the current He Yiming, it takes a long time to exercise. However, it is a very simple matter to put it away. As long as you have a heart, you can let the haze and visible flowers into the body and enter Dantian.

With a little bit of inspiration, He Yiming’s vague feelings, the whirlpool of Dantian’s haze seems to be a little stronger than before.

Although its volume has not changed. However, after absorbing a lot of the world's atmosphere, its power seems to be a step up.

What makes He Yiming most happy is that he finally figured out a trick. The method of using the sullen gas is not as good as before, and it is raised in the Dantian Zhongqin as a baby, but it has no effect at all.

Slowly opened his eyes, He Yiming apologized and said: "Please be ignorant, don't you need a weapon, you can also make the three flowers gather?"

The old man gave him a faint look and said: "The old man, the East China Sea, the Artemisia, how do you call it, from where."

"In the next He Yiming, from the northwest." He Yiming clenched his fist, said without concealing.

However, he does not expect the old man to have heard of his name, because listening to this old tone, has lived here for at least forty years, if such a person has heard of his name, it is called a ghost.

Sure enough, the old man’s face did not change, saying: “Northwest? Is it the Tianchi Supreme.”

He Yiming said: "It is under the gate of Tianchi."

The old man slowly turned his head and said: "The Tianchi one pulse is really the first big school in the northwest. It can be a generation, and it is gratifying."

He Yiming smiled slightly and said: "Thank you for your compliments."

In fact, He Yiming was born in the northwestern Hengshan, but the Hengshan vein is a branch of Tianchi. If it is in the northwest, He Yiming naturally wants to correct it, but he walked out of the northwestern land. This is the same reason that He Yiming still knows, so he doesn't have to be so careful.

Otherwise, it was passed to the ears of many of the lords of the main channel of Tianchi, I am afraid that they will have another opinion on Hengshan.

The eyes of Chu Artemisia look far away. Slowly, there was a strange look.

He Yiming was shocked by his heart. He clearly sensed it. In this kind of spirit, it contains strong resentment and strong killing.

Obviously, Chu Artemisia thought of something that made him heartbroken.

He Yiming was immediately stunned. Even a little bit of voice has never come out. If they are familiar with each other, He Yiming will persuade one or two. But the relationship between them is actually very common, and He Yiming simply does not know what happened to the old man, and he certainly cannot persuade him.

After a long time, the governor of Chu Artemisia sighed and said: "He brothers, you doubt whether the old man is lying."

He Yiming shook his head again and again, saying: "With your identity as a brother of Chu, of course, it is not a bully. If you say that there are no weapons, there must be no weapons."

There was a smile on the face of Chu Artemisia. He Yiming’s words immediately won his great affection.

"So you are surprised by this?"

"Yes, it is really strange at the moment." He Yiming nodded and admitted that any of the sages who encountered this incident would be strange.

Chu Artemisia’s eyelids sagged slightly and said: “The old man once had a weapon of the gods, but he was eventually destroyed by the old man.”

He Yiming's eyes suddenly rounded up.

For the Sayādaw, the weapon of the gods is already integrated into their bodies. It can be said that the two have become one thing. Even if the weapon of the gods is completely destroyed, it can be slowly re-aggregated by the method of warming up by Dantian.

However, the old man’s words made him feel extremely shocked. The original weapon can still be destroyed."

"Chu brother, why are you destroying the weapon of the gods?" He Yiming murmured. He made up his mind, as long as the other party refused to say, he would never ask.

However, Chu Artemisia seems to be because of the relationship that has been lingering in this matter for decades. Once there is a master of the same level who has been recognized by him, he can’t stand it.

Chu Artemisia was once a rumored disciple of the big sect. This sect has a pivotal position in his hometown and has three powerful sages in the door.

However, hundreds of years later, this sect began to slowly decline.

In the past few hundred years, two of the sages have come to sit, but this sect has only emerged from a master of the Sayādaw state.

Once, Chu Artemisia went out to travel, this is a full 50 years. When he returned to his hometown, it suddenly became apparent that his martial art had disappeared.

The sect of the sect has been occupied by another sect in the hometown. The children in the door are even more dead and wounded. It can be said that they have been uprooted.

Under the anger of his intersection, he found some of the sects that had been handed over to the door. Only then did he know that during his travels, the only remaining sage in the door had arrived, so he sat down.

When the news of the death of the Sayādaw spread, the high-ranking disciples stationed in the door returned to the condolences, and most of the innate powers came back.

But at this time, the second largest sect in the hometown moved the general attack.

There was originally a sage in that martial art. When he dealt with the original first big faction where no sages were sitting, he shot and killed all the innate powers.

Under the attack of the sages of the sages, the innate masters have no ability to resist at all, even if it is a line of days, even the strongest of the three-flower level, only the ones who are waiting for it.

After all, like the gold battle and He Yiming, there are too few first-line power players who can grasp the power of some heaven and earth in advance.

In this way, overnight, the original eponymous martial art was annihilated, and even a little of the fire has not been left, it has been completely destroyed its overall strength is easily accepted, and then It does not exist anymore.

Under the wrath of Chu Artemisia, he directly went to the door, but the result was unexpected. In this sect, there were two sages.

It turned out that in these decades, this martial art has appeared again as a master of the Sayādaw level.

The three men have a big battle, and the strength of Chu Artemisia is extremely strong. Even if it is an enemy: there may not be a chance to win. However, the weapon of the **** in his hand is only one of the most common goods, and the other person who is newly promoted. But he took the first soldier in the original sect of Chuge.

The balance between the two, the artillery weapon of Chu Artemisia finally broke into thick fog, and ultimately helplessly lost.


After this change, Chu Artemisia was so painful that he accidentally came to the island of this ridiculous one, and now the iron vein in the center of the island. So he reluctantly destroyed the original weapon of the gods, and slowly refining the mysterious iron here, wanting to create a new special weapon for him.

A few: There are three chapters tonight.

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