Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 67: Exchange condition

Accompanied by Chu Artuo sighed. He Yiming said: "After the brother-in-law saved the life of the white horse, this time he refused to take his life. It is indeed the best."

However, the face of Chu Artemisia suddenly turned red. He coughed and said: "There is one thing that the brothers don't know. Twenty years ago, when the old man practiced the tangible armor, he once went into flames and angered the world. Inciting the chaos, they alerted the **** black gangsters. They took advantage of the old man’s inability to move, and came to sneak attack. When the old man paid for himself, the white horse suddenly shot and drove all the black scorpions and saved the old man. Life."

He Yiming’s face suddenly became extremely weird. This man spent a long time on this desert island and saved each other’s lives. Reminiscent of the old man wants to seek the life of the white horse, take its blood refining device, and these decades of entanglement wrestling.

This intricate relationship suddenly made him feel like he was a big fan.

but. After talking with the elderly, He Yiming also understood why the old man was hesitant.

After 40 years of getting along, they seem to be tit-for-tat, but if you really want to hurt each other's life, it is difficult to start.

Chu Artuo suddenly raised his head and issued a long sigh of relief. He laughed a few times, and there was an unspeakable happiness in his voice.

He Yiming looked up inexplicably, not knowing what he was thinking about...

Chu Artuozhou has a big sleeve and said: "He brothers, please come with me."

He strode over the meteor and left. After a while, he left the mountain and walked toward the mountains.

As long as he looks at the direction he is heading, He Yiming knows that he is heading toward the Dongfu residence.

Although He Yiming had long known about the place where he lived, he had never been there, and it also restricted the scope of activities of Bao pig here.

After all, it is still necessary to maintain the necessary respect for a master.

Just under the leadership of Chu Artemisia, He Yiming has no more scruples.

The Dongfu residence of Chu Artemisia was created by him personally. Although his elderly people did not have a high demand for living environment, after 40 years of residence, the Dongfu was already very small.

However, what really surprised He Yiming was the small cave behind the old man's bedroom.

This small cave was built behind the old man's bedroom, which shows that the old man valued it.

There is only one thing here. That is the kind of gold treasure that the old man once gave to He Yiming.

The number of mysterious irons is actually not a lot, but it is equivalent to the two thighs of a normal person. However, He Yiming knows that it is definitely not a simple matter to refine the iron ore with his own firepower and get so many black iron. If he did not estimate the mistake, this is already all the savings of the old man for forty years.

Sure enough, the eyes of Chu Arthurs swept a few eyes on the nostalgia, saying: "He brothers, the old man is here for forty-two years, except for the first year, the rest of the time is mostly spent on the refining iron The storage here is already the experience of the old man for forty years." He raised his head and proudly said: "If you want to refine the black iron, at least you need to cultivate it, but the old man is innately comparable. Forty years in the district, there have been so many black irons. Under the universal world, few people except the old man can do it."

He Yiming nodded slightly, and his heart became more curious about the iron ore in the center of the island. However, it was learned that the other party spent 40 years to obtain such a lot of black iron. The eager feeling in my heart has basically disappeared.

He didn't have much time to stay here, even if he knew that there were iron ore that the world dreamed of, he still couldn't stay for a long time.

Chu Artemisia suddenly turned his body and said: "He brothers, the old man wants to discuss something with you, please ask for it."

He Yiming’s only indulge, said: "Chu brother please."

"He brothers are under the gate of Tianchi, and according to the old man's knowledge, Tianchi is the first big school in the northwest. The position in the whole northwest is almost the same as that of Dashen's Lingbi Hall." "If the brother can get me a high-end weapon of the gods, then the mysterious iron here is the brother of the brothers."

He Yiming's eyes suddenly brightened, but he was Shen Sheng: "Chu brother, the younger brother is just a nameless generation on the Tianchi, you can't be the master of your request."

Although He Yiming is coveted by the mysterious iron here, he also knows that the value of these things is absolutely greater than that of a **** weapon, even if this weapon is a high-end thing.

However, he knows better that the high-level weapon of the gods is among the major sects, and it is also the kind of thing that can be encountered and not demanded. It is not at all that he can control.

Chu Artemis smiled a little and said: "He brother, you know what this is."

He Yiming said awkwardly: "Although the younger brother is very knowledgeable, he still knows one or two about this golden treasure."

Chu Artuozhou is satisfied with his head. His only concern is that He Yiming does not know this thing, or does not know the value of this thing, but he is seeing the expression of He Yiming at the moment. He will understand that He Yiming is certainly very well known.

"He brothers, if you look at me, if these mysterious irons are exchanged, can you switch to a high-level weapon of the gods."

He Yiming suddenly paused. After a long time, he said: "Chu brother, tell the truth, with your weight here, if you only want to exchange a high-level weapon, it is definitely more than enough. But you also I know that the general weapon of the gods is okay. If you want a high-end weapon of the gods, you must look at your chances. If you are not lucky, I am afraid that it is difficult for you to get the weapons of the hand."

Chu Artemisia’s eyes flashed a hint of approval.

After seeing so many black irons, He Yiming did not take it down, but carefully analyzed it. This shows that he is absolutely sincerely thinking about himself, but not wanting to take these things away, and then shoot Take away people.

"He brothers, you said it is good. In fact, every weapon of the gods has its own unique attributes. Like the old man, the sages of the three winds and the fellow initiates, even if they look at the entire human history. So don't say that it is difficult to find a suitable old man in the high-level weapon of the gods. Even in the general weapon of the gods, it is difficult to find qualified conditions."

He Yiming deeply nodded his head and suddenly remembered something. "Chu brother, what is the weapon of the gods you used before?"

Chu Artemisia smiled and said: "The old man used to use it, it is a fire knife. At the time of the attack, it is impossible to let the old man play all the strength, so he will be defeated at the time of revenge."

He Yiming is amazed. If you only want to be promoted to the Supreme, then you can only help you to have a weapon that can have any of the wind, fire, and water. However, if you want to play out his strengths, then the weapon of the gods you are looking for is not simple.

Hesitated for a moment, He Yiming asked: "Chu brother, you will not consider this question for a day or two. I don't know what you plan to do. Let's just say it."

Chu Art State’s forehead, said: “He brothers are really refreshing people. In fact, the old man has already considered this problem. The first solution is to build a magic weapon by the old man, to the mysterious iron, super The spirits of the beasts, as well as the old man's hands at the time of forging, and constantly feeding the blood, then after the weapon is successfully built, it should be able to become a weapon of the gods that meet the characteristics of the old man."

He Yiming looked at him unexpectedly and asked suspiciously: "Would you always forge a soldier?"

Chu Artemisia does not need to laugh proudly: "When the old man knows his talent is the three series of wind and fire, he has long expected that he will worry about weapons in the future, so from the time of cultivation, he began to learn the technique of forging. Although I can't say that there is no match in the world today, there is no problem in training a weapon of the gods that I use for myself."

He Yiming flashed a hint of admiration in his eyes, but he was truly convinced.

The technique of forging and the technique of alchemy are the taboos of the practitioners, and the forgemaster who can build the weapon of the gods, the lofty status, even in the big sects such as the Lingbi Hall, is also the same as the baby. In the hands.

Unexpectedly, the old man he met on the desert island suddenly became such a powerful forgemaster.

Just hesitated, He Yiming said with a smile: "Your old means is really brilliant, but now you have put a white horse, I am afraid that this road will be blocked."

Indeed, I want to refine the black iron soldiers. It is necessary to superfine the blood of the beast. In addition to this white horse, He Yiming is the only super-spiritous beast that has been seen in the ghost crying ridge.

Chu Artemisia can't bear to kill the white horse, and He Yiming never thought that he would have the courage to go to the ghost crying ridge to challenge the dragon snake.

In this case, the plan to refine the weapon of the gods will be lost.

"Although this method can't work, there is still a way for the old man." Chu Artuozhou Shen Sheng said: "I don't know that the brothers have heard of the beast."

He Yiming’s heart suddenly became Road: "The martial arts people, have not heard of the beast, I am afraid that it is very rare."

Chu Artemisia nodded slightly, saying: "He brothers, the body of the beast has the natural ability to communicate all things, no matter what attributes are in front of the beast, but the bodies left after they die or after the molting are refining. The treasure of the weapon of the gods. If you can use these materials to refine the soldiers, then once successful, no matter what the master of the property, you can use it."

He Yiming opened his mouth and said: "I understand, you want a weapon of the gods made by the body of the beast."

Chu Artemisia suddenly smiled and said: "The gods made by the body of the beast are precious, but most of them are high-ranking soldiers, but the number is scarce. Only a few can be kept in the big door." As soon as the words turned, he said: "But the value of these mysterious irons is definitely not under any high-ranking soldiers. For the big sects, such a black iron should be more useful than a high-ranking soldier. ”

He Yiming nodded slightly, his heart suddenly moved, his eyebrows raised, said: "Chu brother, please wait a moment, the younger brother will come." He turned and left, and disappeared.

Chu Artuo looked at him inexplicably, and his heart was suspicious.

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