Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 169: Bonfire

The eyelids are slightly condensed. He Yiming said: "Chu brother, you said it. They think it is the sage...

Chu Artemisia has waved a dragon whip in his hand, saying: "He brothers can rest assured that as long as there is such a thing, the old man can definitely succeed." His words are filled with a taste of swearing and unwavering.

He Yiming suddenly understood that the old man had made up his mind and decided to go alone.

In order to fulfill this wish, Chu Artuo is afraid that even his life will be left there.

He sighed and inserted his head and tried to help. But when he looked at the face of Chu Artemisia, he refused to use the expression of thousands of miles away.

Chu Artuo suddenly slammed his head and said: "He brothers, since you have already sent this high-level weapon of the gods to me, my brother has no thoughts, please take these mysterious irons."

He Yiming hesitated a moment and said: "Chu brother, this weapon of the gods is obtained by a certain body in the ghost crying ridge. Since it is a high-level weapon of the gods, it must be of great origin, if it is caused in the future. What troubles."

Chu Artemisia shook his head and said: "He brothers are relieved, above the martial arts, they have always been strong. Since you got it in the ghost forest, then this thing is yours. After the transfer of the old man, all these causes and effects are naturally taken over by the old man." He paused and said: "But as the old man saw, this thing seems to be made in the West, even if someone wants to come to the old man. It’s not easy to be troublesome.”

He Yiming was somewhat relieved that the Feng Shui Bao fan was not able to take it out on his body, but this dragon whip is different.

Since he can help Chu Artemisia, and he can get so many black iron, he will certainly not miss this kind of beautiful thing.

Stretching a hand, the two Xuan iron moved, but did not fly to the hands of He Yiming.

The emblem is a glimpse, and He Yiming once again raises his hand. The instinct used this time is far from being suitable.

Suddenly, the mysterious iron of the second autumn flew up, and he came to his hand.

He Yiming glared at the weight of it, and the mouth was so strange that such a heavy iron was afraid that it was only a treasure like Xuan Tie.

After getting the mysterious iron, He Yiming’s heart suddenly had a lot of thoughts.

He wouldn’t leave the mysterious iron to Tianchi in such a stupid way. This thing should belong to Yokoyama and Hejiazhuang.

With these mysterious irons, plus the dragon snake's horn in the space ring, no matter which series of weapons of the gods he refines, the quality can be improved.

It can be said that as long as there is a strong person who is a gift of the sage in Yokoyama and Hejiazhuang, there is no need to worry about the weapon of the gods.

Moreover, the mysterious iron and the dragon snake's horn can also refine the armor, although other Tiancun treasures are also an unattainable thing, but He Yiming believes that if they take out some of these treasures in their hands To exchange, then I can definitely bring him good news."

Just as He Yiming took the mysterious iron and wanted to leave, the ear suddenly heard a long scream.

This long scream is full of anger and sadness.

Subsequently, a few screams of "呱呱..." screamed in a hurry.

The face of Chu Artemisia suddenly changed. He screamed: "The **** black cockroach! The body shape flashed, he has left the cave...

In He Yiming’s eyes, the same flash of light shines, and his heart is also worried, but it is not the same as that of Chu Arthurs.

He is worried about Bao pig, this little guy, if he did not estimate the mistake, he should take the grilled fish to see the white horse.

If you encounter a black raid raid at this time, its situation is not too good.

Although it once showed great power in the Ghost Cry Ridge, with a squeaky pig like a pig, the dragon snake was repulsed, but in the heart of He Yiming, the image of Bao pig still did not change much, it still Only a loving pig.

Putting away the two mysterious irons in his hand, He Yiming’s body shape was like electricity, and he left the Dongfu with Chu Artemis, and ran away in the direction of the long snoring.

Although the two mysterious irons are precious, but in the heart of He Yiming, they are far less important than the pigs.

The sound of the wind suddenly sounded in the ear, and the scenery in front of me suddenly became light, and the world of black and white appeared again.

After being promoted to the Supreme, although the limit did not get faster, but when using this technique, He Yiming has become more sophisticated, and can continue to use it.

His figure disappeared instantly in the same place, and it appeared outside the dozens of feet after a flash.

However, the light-weight exercises exhibited by Chu Artemisia in the first step are not under He Yiming. His footsteps are like flying, and there is a sound like a big wave, and his own is like a waterfall. In general, a white line crossed the air and rolled forward.

Although the two men used different goals, they did not agree to the fastest.

In the distant sky, flying a few huge black shadows, it is the black scorpion on another island.

During this time, He Yiming already knew that the black man and the white horse and the old man of Chuzhou were bounded by the sea in the middle of the island.

These winged beasts are very psychic, knowing that the old man and the white horse are not easy to provoke, so they never crossed the border. But this time, they may have seen the miserable situation of the white horse, so they will fly over and attack, and want to completely reduce this big heart.

After all, the side of the couch is tolerant of others falling asleep. This is not just a matter of human understanding. These beasts are even more so.

Far away, I haven't waited for him - Yiming and two people rushed to the battlefield, they have already seen this and cut.

In the sky, a total of ten black pelicans flew their wings. They were like a group of wolves with wings, and they attacked the white horses that were seriously injured in batches.

From their mouths, they constantly spit out the blue wind blades. The strength of these wind blades is extremely powerful. Among them, the wind blades of the two strong black scorpions are not even better than the ones who are strong. The hit is inferior.

If it is in peacetime, these wind blades are hard to threaten the white horse, but the white horse at this moment has just been seriously injured. When walking, it seems to be twisted and twisted. The body is quick and flexible, and it cannot be waved at all. These attacks can only be defended by their own thick skin.

However, the white horse's Tiancheng is indeed unparalleled, at least far more powerful than these black. If it were only these black scorpions, then their attacks would be so powerful that they could not hurt the life of the white horse.

However, in the black scorpion group, there is one of the greatest guys.

This black scorpion turned out to be more than five feet long, and it was almost comparable to the boat that He Yiming was riding.

Such a huge bird hovered in midair, and there was a bit of magnetic sensation.

It is obviously the king of all black scorpions, and the rest of the sables act under its command, just like the army.

Moreover, judging from the fluctuations of the heavens and the earth surrounded by this black scorpion, it is definitely not a natural rest.

He Yiming’s heart was secretly surprised. If he did not make a mistake, it could cause such a fierce turbulence in the heavens and the earth. This spirit beast is afraid that it has reached the legendary sacred beast.

This is the first time he saw the Holy Beast, and when he was surprised, he was quite looking forward to it.

I don't know if the Holy Beast is as powerful as the legend. If you play with this guy once, it will definitely have great benefits for his future totems.

The sacred beast is different from the other. It slams down, not like other black scorpions. Try to avoid the physical contact with the white horse, but use the huge claws and wings to simultaneously grab the white horse. Come.

The white horse squatted on the ground, and suddenly broke open the big cockroach. In its mouth, it showed a very sharp, sharp-edged tooth.

He Yiming took a sigh of cold air. He hadn't noticed before. If he had seen this sharp fangs long ago, the idiot knew that this guy could not be a tame herbivore.

The huge body of the black scorpion turned out to be a dexterous turn, avoiding the sharp teeth of the white horse. The huge claw suddenly grew much longer, just like when the human master used the arm fist, the white horse back. I caught it.

Although the white horse is thick and thick, the strength of the other side is also extraordinary, and five **** long marks appear on the back.

It made a slap in the face, but suddenly jumped from the ground.

This downturn was really sudden, and the white horse, which seemed to be incapable of action, suddenly jumped up and made people unable to guard against it.

The black beast of the sacred animal seems to perceive the crisis, and it flutters its wings. However, in this s, 1, White Horse has come to the air with a strong bounce, a pair of heels smashed out like a fly, kicked in the black king.

The black scorpion Wang sighed was suddenly flew out directly, but at this moment, from his mouth also spit out a huge wind blade, hit the horse on the heavy.

The two beasts fell out at the same time, leaving a large mark on the beach.

The black king took two wings and suddenly flew back, and the white horse was more miserable. It was already **** and fuzzy on the back. In the face of the sacred attack of the sacred beast, no matter how thick its flesh, it is finally fleshy.

The black scorpions in the air saw the blood, and the more excited they were, the more they swooped down, the more frequent the breath in the mouth, and they all went toward the wounds of the white horse.

If it is really trapped here by these black shackles, then the white horse is powerful, but the consequences are only one.

Although the changes are complicated, they are only born between a few breaths.

The two days of Chu Artemisia suddenly became red, and after seeing the **** touch on the back of the white horse, the murderousness on his body exploded like a magma, and his feet slammed downwards, which turned out to be straight. Jumping towards the sky.

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