Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 17: Fog top hospital

Under the leadership of Zhu Baqi, they finally came to a different courtyard in the fog. This courtyard has a large area, and it is absolutely more than enough to live in a few people.

The courtyard is hollow and there are no people to serve here.

Zhu Baqi introduced them to other hospitals, and smiled: "He respects, according to the rules, you can enter the other hospitals in the main peak or the peaks of the post-tenors who are less than ten. They will clean the other houses, and Complete any of your instructions."

Just after the words of Zhu Baqi, Yu Jinglei immediately said: "Zhu Xiong, according to the regulations, we can also send people to Yokoyama."

The two of them were originally the best friends. Although they were in the face of He Yiming, they still had no jealousy.

Zhu Baqi smiled and glanced at him and said: "Yu brother, here is the main peak, you have to give a little face. Although He Zun is born in Yokoyama, but you send up to three people, the other seven are still The main peak or the peaks of the Tianchi are well selected." Here, he carefully took a look at He Yiming and said: "Of course, if it is the persistence of He Zun, we can only obey."

Yu Jinglei said with a smile: "No, it is the so-called "going to the countryside". We have three disciples in Yokoyama and we are very satisfied."

Zhu Baqi nodded slightly and looked at the hundred and eight. He said: "If you are also a lord of the mountain, you can also get a different house here. I don't know what you mean..."

He Yiming waved his hand and categorically said: "No, the hundred brothers live with me in a courtyard.

Zhu Baqi’s mouth squirmed a few times. After all, he did not dare to violate the current He Yiming. He had to smile in his heart and gave up.

"He Zun, the three disciples from Yokoyama are handed over to the brothers, but how do you plan to choose the other seven disciples?" Zhu Yaqi asked with respect.

He Yiming’s brow was slightly wrinkled and said: “Must choose people to come in?”

Zhu Baqi quickly explained: "There is no hard and strict rule, everything is with you." But he sneaked a sneak peek at He Yiming's face, cautiously saying: "But you are still practicing, and then You don't have to worry about the rest of the trivia. And you are an alchemy teacher. Before each alchemy, you can let those people prepare materials for you, so you don't have to waste time. Also, these people are the main peaks of the natives. It is quite convenient for you to serve them on the sidelines."

He Yiming sighed and said: "Zhu Xiong, you also know that I am still young, I must travel to the Quartet, and I will not be able to come back once in a few years. Even if I am back, I am not necessarily able to live here. If the people are arranged to come in, it will not become pure waste."

Yu Jinglei coughed and said: "He Zun, actually can enter this place. For those people, it is a good thing to ask for, even if they are placed here regardless of their disregard, let them fend for themselves, for them. In terms of it, it is also a great blessing."

He Yiming was very surprised and asked: "Why, this is why."

Although he was promoted to the Sayādaw, but in the eyes of these two names, they still follow the previous name. Of course, although Yu Lei and Zhu Baqi were happy inside, but the mouth of the special school "decisively did not dare to call it as before, but screamed and called the He Zun.

Yu Jinglei made a look to Zhu Baqi. This kind of thing is still introduced by the parties.

Zhu Baqi does not hide, honestly: "This ancestor has had a legacy." Any disciple who can be recognized by the sages of the past and enter the fog-top region can be at any time to the congenital elders on the way of cultivation. They ask questions and receive a reward for the energy of Jin Dan every year. If you are lucky enough to be seen by the Supreme, you can even get the innate Jin Dan, and eventually advanced. ”

He Yiming raised his eyebrows and said: "Zhu Xiong, where the younger brother has ten innate Jindan, so these people will be exempted."

Zhu Baqi said with a smile: "He Zun said to laugh, and the ancestors who were able to obtain the innate Jin Dan by serving the sages are absolutely few, you don't have to care."

Yu Jinglei also couldn’t help himself, and his face crossed a smile. “In fact, once these people can enter this place, no matter what kind of gain they get, as long as they don’t die, or if they don’t get out one day, then Their status at the main peak is very different. After a pause, Yu Lei Lei said with infinite emotion: "Not only are they different, but even their families will enjoy special care. ”

Zhu Baqi nodded and said, "Yu brother said it is good. Every time a new lord comes to the main peak, there will be no enemy to break the scalp and want to grab a position. Therefore, He Zun will definitely be able to pick the most suitable one. Candidates."

He Yiming realized this. He hesitated a moment. He said: "Zhu Xiong, all the sages of Tianchi, including the branch lords, live here?"

Zhu Baqi shook his head slightly and said: "Some of the sages are solitary, and some of them like to wander around the world, so they are reluctant to enter this place, but most of the sages still have a single court here, whether they live or not. The place is also good."

He Yiming nodded slightly and said: "In this case, these candidates will ask Zhu Xiong to choose it. However, some of them can be good at raising horses.

The expression of August 7 was obviously stiff. He twisted his body and looked into the hospital. "He started to shake the white horse thunder in the yard. And it seems that it looks everywhere." Extraordinary.

He naturally understands the meaning of He Yiming, but how to see this white horse does not seem like an ordinary horse. If it is fed like a normal horse, will it be kicked by its big bowl of hooves? Fly it.

"He Zun, your mount is a spirit beast." Zhu Baqi asked tentatively.

He Yiming said: "Yes, lightning is a holy beast."

"We have a disciple who specializes in communicating with the beasts... Hey, what did you say? Holy Beast..." Zhu Baqi finally reacted, and he couldn’t help but screamed.

He Yiming nodded slightly and said: "Yes. Thunder is a holy shrine, is it strange?"

Zhu Baqi shook his lips, and his heart was completely metaphorical.

What kind of status does the Holy Beast have? As a first-line master, he knows it clearly.

At this moment, his gaze to the white horse is no longer an appreciation, but full of awe.

Taking a deep breath, Zhu Baqi said: "He respects this matter, this matter is very important, please be sure to report it immediately."

He Yiming nodded. Since he came here with a white horse, there is no intention to hide it.

Zhu Baqi rushed away with a strong and excited heart. When he left the other hospital, he looked up and saw an emotion that could not be said.

In such a courtyard, the bran is inhabited by two sages, a holy beast.

Such a strong strength is really chilling.

Although He Yiming is the youngest sage, he is far from the equivalent of Yu Huiliang, the new leader of the Tianchi main peak.

As soon as he turned around, Zhu Baqi quickly stepped away. He wanted to convey the news to Ai Wenbin's ear. As for the future, the future of the infinitely worthy Sayādaw, it is not what he can imagine.

He Yiming visited it casually. Everything in the other hospitals has already been prepared. All the places are cleaned, and the bedding is also brand new. It seems that someone already knows that he is coming over, so it is ready.

Yu Jinglei accompanied him for a moment, and he said infinitely: "After a message that you were promoted to the Supreme People from Da Shen one year ago, Zhu Baqi was ordered to prepare this hospital for you. You look If there is anything you need, let them know and make sure they are ready for you.

He Yiming was instigated in his heart and said: "In the brothers, have we lived here before the three great saints in Yokoyama?"

Yu Jinglei nodded slightly and said: "In addition to the founding fathers, the other two sages have special residences here, and the time of staying is constant." He hesitated, finally a little bit of a low voice , said: "It is said that practicing here is of great benefit to those who respect the realm of the Sacred."

He Yiming's gaze turned around. Although the fog of the mountain road was relatively strong, after entering the other hospital, the fog was much weaker, and the impact on the line of sight did not seem too big.

All this should be the mystery of a legendary array.

Moreover, once he came, he naturally understood that the fog here is not mysterious, and perhaps for the Sayādaw, there are certain benefits.

The ears shook a little, and He Yiming’s face suddenly appeared a look of surprise. He turned his head and sighed: "But Xu brother is coming and coming inside."

The courtyard door was gently pushed open and walked into a spirited old man, who was the one who met with him when He Yiming left.

He Yiming hurriedly greeted him, except for the hundred and eight and white horse lightning, but even the thunder was followed by the past burning novel network at this moment, He Yiming suddenly geomagnetic. I feel that people who are not serving are also very troublesome.

He smiled and came to the side of the old man. He Yiming gave a slight glimpse and said: "He Yiming has seen Xu Xiong.

Xu Zili reached out and said: "He brothers don't need more gifts." He sighed and said: "The old man thought that although you and I must have a day of brotherhood, but at least ten or ten years later, but no I think that within three years, you have already broken through the limits and successfully promoted to the realm of the Supreme."

He Yiming smiled and said: "Ning Yu" is lucky one by one,"

Xu Zili is quite funny: "The old man also wants to be lucky, can you help?"

He Yiming suddenly smiled, and now Xu Zili's strength, except for the Shinto people, "I am afraid that no one can help him advance to a higher level."

Xu Zili's gaze swept past everyone, and finally fell on the white horse thunder, his eyes quickly swayed a strange glory.

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