Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 34: Control 9 dragon furnace

A loud noise came from the Kowloon furnace.

Although there was no sound in the outside world, He Yiming’s mind was able to hear clearly.

This is his control of the fire to beat the Jiulong furnace, feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the nine heavens, the strongest abandoned, the big Zhou royals will kill the gods, the gods, the throne The enchanting world is the most powerful and abandoning the big Zhou dynasty martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The voice of the little Zhou Dynasty after the change of the inner king. Since the Kowloon Furnace has inexplicably entered the five-ring ring, such a huge voice can only be endured by He Yiming alone.

He Yiming’s heart is quite embarrassing, because even he does not know whether his choice is correct.

However, since there is such an incredible artifact as the Kowloon Furnace on his body, if you do not use it, it is really unwilling.

It seems to be the feeling of martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the venerable world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abundance, the empire, the prince, the sacred god, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred Qiankun will kill the gods of the gods and seal the throne to seek the devil. The world's most powerful and abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty. The royal family will make the night killing gods and the throne. The huge Kowloon furnace began to tremble.

Although this thing is a dead thing, there is no life like the same as one hundred and eight. But He Yiming knows that the Jiulong furnace is the same as the Five Elements Ring. They are all treasures of the world.

In its world, there is a hidden power, which is enough to overlook the inhuman existence of all beings.

The power of the Kowloon furnace, that is, their will.

If you want to borrow a Kowloon furnace to accomplish your purpose, you must get their approval.

However, from this point of view, they do not seem to be willing to use the Kowloon furnace themselves.

Just as He Yiming suddenly wanted to give up, from his dantian, the two strange powers emerged.

One of them is naturally from the chaotic Dantian, and the other is from the power of the Tongtian Pagoda in the Temple of Lingbi.

It seems that they were affected by the sound of the Jiulong furnace at the moment. They all rushed out of Dantian and entered the five-ring ring that shimmered with colorful light.

The sudden emergence of these two forces, He Yiming thought of a turn, suddenly gave up the control plan.

Since you can't do anything about it, it's a good choice to try these two forces that you can't fully grasp.

Almost as soon as that moment, these two forces have entered the Kowloon furnace.

He Yiming was worried and worried, but unexpectedly, after the two forces entered the Jiulong furnace, it was like a stone throwing into the sea. Even a little wave did not pick up. It seems that these two forces have been assimilated with the Kowloon furnace. It’s like it.

The brow wrinkled slightly. Before the birth of this matter, He Yiming could not have imagined it, and the final result would be like this.

In particular, the power of the gods in the Tianbao Tower is likely to be a piece of the Kowloon furnace, which is even more incredible.

God knows what is the intricate relationship between these powerful forces. If you want to study thoroughly, you are afraid that it is only possible to advance the Shinto.

Just as He Yiming hesitated, three different forces once again flashed out of the Kowloon furnace, and then they returned to Dantian along the line of He Yiming.

He Yiming’s heart was shocked and happy. Although this kind of thing has already been born in the body, he still has a dreamlike feeling.

In addition to the two forces that were originally advanced to the Kowloon furnace, these three forces have the last power, which is actually the power of fire in the Kowloon furnace.

He once entered the world of the Kowloon furnace twice, and is very familiar with the huge fire dragon, so it is no stranger to this power of fire.

This is the power of the real source of fire. It belongs to the most powerful fire power of the fire dragon itself. It can almost be said to be equivalent to the power of the **** in the Tongtian Pagoda.

But this power has now left the Kowloon furnace and entered his dantian. This magical change naturally makes it difficult for him to believe his feelings.

Deeply sighed, He Yiming slowly closed his eyes, and the volatility almost jumped to the heart of the throat and slowly calmed down. He Yiming had such a feeling.

He has been recognized by the Jiulong Furnace and is able to use the No. 1 Jiulong Furnace, which is known as the Fire Artifact.

Of course, being able to use is one thing, but the huge fire dragon that can be manipulated is another thing.

Fortunately, He Yiming has no such unrealistic thoughts. He just wants to use his power of the Kowloon Furnace to help him to make alchemy and forge the weapon of the gods.

The hands flew again, and the same fire control method was quickly combined in his hand.

Suddenly, the force of the arson that had just entered within Dan Tian jumped out, and it poured into his printing method, perfectly combined with the power of nothingness.

The confidence of He Yiming suddenly rose and reached its peak in an instant.

He snorted and pushed his hands forward, pushing the power of the fire in the print into the red glory in front of him.

The power of fire hit the huge Kowloon furnace on his own.

This time, completely different from the previous situation, He Yiming’s mind immediately appeared in the Kowloon Furnace Center.

This is a huge void like a boundless hole. In this hollow, there is a sea of ​​fire everywhere. However, what surprised He Yiming was that the huge fire dragons that had been leisurely swimming in the sea of ​​fire had disappeared. What appeared in front of him turned out to be three small fire dragons that were dozens of feet long.

Tens of feet long, no matter what, they must be called giants. Before human beings are such giants, they are as small as ants.

However, I have seen infants and toddlers who have not reached the adult standard in the original fireworks in the Kowloon furnace.

These three fire dragons also seem to feel the martial arts, the sacred kings, the sacred kings, the night sacred gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred priests, the nine heavens, the strongest abandoned, the big princes, the night sacred gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the week. Royal martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The power, they suddenly stopped in the fire, are a kind of well-behaved appearance, seems to be waiting for what order.

He Yiming thought about the fretting and conveyed his meaning through the power of the bonfire.

The three small fire dragons began to swim quickly, and they actually acted in full compliance with He Yiming’s orders, without hesitation and disobedience.

At this point, He Yiming’s heart is truly reassuring, and it’s a joy that can’t be said.

Although it is impossible to control the existence of Shao's original steps, it is supplemented by these three obedient fire dragons, which is crucial for his work.

Opened his eyes, He Yiming’s eyes swept over the fine iron on the ground.

These fine irons are extracted from a few times the weight of the ore and the iron that the newly-introduced forging masters.

Three hundred pounds of steel, at least ten times more raw materials, can be forged.

However, for the weapon of the gods that He Yiming wants to refine, this level of stainless steel is also not applicable, unless it is re-purified, otherwise these things can only be said to be garbage before other weapons. It is.

The brilliance of the five elements of the ring has already been stretched over, and those steels have been involved in the soldiers.

The Kowloon furnace in the space opened a small gap and sucked the steel into it. The next moment, the steel suddenly appeared in the surrounded by the three fire dragons.

Under the command of the power of fire, the three fire dragons opened a huge mouth at the same time, spraying the flame in the mouth.

Of course, they did not wave out all the power of fire, otherwise the piece of steel in front of it would vaporize in an instant and become nothing.

Under limited control, the temperature of the flame slowly increases.

The size of the piece of steel slowly shrinks, and I don’t know how long it took. The three fire dragons stopped spraying the flame at the same time.

Looking at the steel that has been reduced by several times, He Yiming feels that this is the limit.

There was another ray of light on the ground, and the small piece of black iron was caught in it, and quickly entered the Kowloon furnace, which was closely attached to the channel.

The three fire dragons were once again ordered, and they opened their mouths and sprayed them more violently than before, and completely encased the black iron and the steel.

He Yiming is like a veteran, and quietly senses the changes.

According to the records of Chuzhou State, if you want to do this step, even if it is a strong person of the Sayādaw level, at least it will take three days and nights.

Otherwise, I would like to refine the steel to such a degree, not to mention the condensation of black iron.

However, with the assistance of the Kowloon Furnace, especially the flames in the three fire dragons inside, the time spent on this process was greatly reduced.

Although He Yiming did not pay attention to how much time he spent here, the only certainty is that it is not a three-day, I am afraid that even one day has not arrived.

When the three fire dragons retracted the flames in the mouth, the black iron and the steel were perfectly integrated.

The five elements of Guanghua on the ground flash from time to time. After each flash, the raw materials on the ground will be missing.

This 3.1, if someone is watching, then in addition to a colorful light, they will definitely not see anything. The Kowloon furnace has entered the five-ring ring, although He Yiming was shocked, but in a certain To a certain extent, it provides very convenient conditions for him to cover up the existence of the Kowloon Furnace.

Even if he uses the Jiulong furnace at the moment, he will not worry about whether he will be caught up in the past.

As the material on the ground gradually decreases, the brilliance of the brilliance becomes stronger.

He Yiming, who is hiding in Guanghua, has a little more smile on his face.

Within the Jiulong furnace, the three fire dragons worked tirelessly according to He Yiming's wishes, and kept venting the power of the fire in the mouth of the gradually formed weapon.

Although it was only the first time to cooperate with, but through the power of fire as a link, the two sides are like practicing innumerable times before, even a little mistake has not appeared.

If Chu Artemisia knows that He Yiming had such a magical encounter when he first forged, he would definitely be overwhelmed and unbelievable.

Finally, all these things will be completely completed.

He Yiming hesitated for a moment and finally made a decision - determination.

Guanghua flashed, and the last piece of material on the ground was recorded in the Kowloon furnace...: There is still a chapter, and it should be possible before ten o'clock.

From tomorrow, it will return to normal. In the morning, the second chapter will be around 10:30, and try to be before eleven o'clock. At around 7:30 in the evening, try to go before 8:00. However, if there is a slight deviation, please ask for more guarantees.

As of today, the monthly ticket growth has broken a thousand. This was not unusual at the end of the month, but it was able to have this result on the 10th. Baihe definitely did not expect it.

On the 10th, this should be the time when the readers have the least monthly pass, but the Valkyrie can increase by more than a thousand in less than a day.

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