Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 36: question

Yang stinky eyes are firmly fixed on the long sword that makeup is not right! Bu

Although he knew that this idea is basically impossible, it is impossible to restrain his own thoughts.

After half a ring, he finally raised his head and murmured: "He Zun, you forged this time, is it successful?"

He Yiming snorted and said: "Of course it is successful. Do you have any questions?"

Yang Lan opened his mouth. He had a thousand words to say, but when these words came to the throat, they could not be said anyway.

His throat shook a little and said: "This is the weapon of your forging?"

He Yiming’s face showed a smile, saying: “Yes, Yang brother is good eyesight.”

Yang Yuyu's crying and laughing, his heart is not my good eyesight, but as long as it is not an idiot can guess this.

His eyes were condensed, and he tried hard to see something from this weapon. But from beginning to end, even if his eyes were already smashed by the bells, he did not see that this thing had the slightest excellency.

In fact, when He Yiming first saw this weapon of the gods, there was no such thing as a mysterious one. If he tried it personally, no one could see it at first glance. This point, even the Chuzhou State is close, it should be the same.

He Yiming’s face suddenly condensed, saying: “Yang brother, I see that you have just agreed that my forging has failed, I don’t know why.”

Yang Lan’s face suddenly became quite funny. He smiled bitterly: “He respects, this is a few of our insights, you should never be surprised.”

He Yiming smiled and said: "I will not be surprised if I tell you something."

Yang Yu hesitated a moment and said: "He Zun, the weapon of the gods is the most difficult thing to create in the forging technique. Even if it is the worst weapon of the order, it is necessary to succeed in forging. Between the 7th and the 10th. But the time you go in and out is really too short. So we will think that you have failed."

He Yiming was so stunned that he nodded slightly and said: "How long I have used."

Yang Lan said in a tone that even he himself has some doubts: "You have not used it for a long time, just a day or so."

The two eyebrows slammed one by one. He Yiming knew that the original use of the Kowloon furnace forged the weapon of the gods not only greatly improved the quality, but also the main point is that the degree of connection can be improved several times.

It takes seven days for people to exercise the most common weapon of the gods. But after adding the top-level treasures of the mysterious iron and the dragon snake, they only used one day. It has been completely completed.

In this case, even he himself has some doubts about how he did it, and there is no need to expect other people to have any good ideas.

Shaking his head, He Yiming said: "Where is Ai brother now."

Yang Hao respectfully said: "Ai Zun, they are all in the mountains, together with the new lords from all over the world."

He Yiming said slightly, "It's been a day, they haven't dispersed yet."

What Yang said is of course: "He Zun, this opportunity is really rare, so they all value it."

He Yiming was dumbfounded, he had already heard it, although Yang Lan’s sentence was nothing but an unintentional loss. It is not intended to mock yourself. However, in his heart, he will definitely think that he is not doing business. He even gave up such a rare opportunity to communicate with many Sayādaws, but he ran to play forging.

Fortunately, He Yiming was successful this time. If it is unsuccessful, I am afraid that it will be criticized by people.

He Yiming gently waved his hand and said: "If this is the case, I will go directly to see Ai Zun." Hesitated and said: "You go find a scabbard for me. You can do it normally." ""

Yang Hao responded and found a most common scabbard.

Because they all know that when they use weapons, they are used to atomizing weapons and becoming the body of the atomized soldiers. They do not need any special scabbard.

This long sword, without the infuriating operation, was originally black and there was no dazzling place. Now, with a scabbard, it is even more inconspicuous.

He Yiming took the weapon and nodded to Yang Hao.

Although Yang Lan has some reluctance in his heart, he understands that the gap between his identity and his opponent is now a difference between heaven and earth.

Unless he can smoothly advance to the realm of the Savior, there will be no more qualifications for He Yiming to be a brother.

Although He Yiming’s title has not changed, if he really thinks he has this qualification, then waiting for his end will definitely be quite tragic.

Even if He Yiming doesn't care, the rest of the Sayādaw will never allow this kind of thing to be born.

After leaving the forging room, He Yiming walked side by side with the hundred and eight.

They had a few conversations by chance, but in fact, it was basically He Yiming’s eloquence, and after a battle with the gods, he seemed to become more and more silent.

Even if He Yiming tried his best to tease him, he was mostly ignored.

Far away, looking at the huge house, He Yiming’s face flashed a smile.

Before he left, he naturally took the expression on the faces of everyone. He knows that these people are not optimistic about themselves. But at the moment, when he feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the **** of the throne, the sacred king, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the empire, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the week. Royal martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神After the existence of the sense, the heart is getting more and more practical.

The ears shook slightly, and He Yiming could clearly hear the sound inside.

The people who talked there, except for the private conversation between two or three people, have never concealed their voices.

When He Yiming and Hundred and Eight came to the entrance of the door and pushed the door into the moment, they suddenly alerted everyone.

In their hearts, they are all in the heart.

Because they didn't sense the fact that someone was outside the door before the door was pushed open.

Therefore, when the door opened and the moment when someone appeared, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The sound in the room suddenly came to an abrupt end, and the eyes of more than a dozen sages formed tremendous pressure, exerting a faint pressure on those who came in.

Zhu Baqi was soft under the pressure of this leg, although the pressure at that time was far less powerful than this, but it was still the first-line strong people like Zhu Baqi.

However, it is not Zhu Yaqi who stands at the door today.

It is He Yiming who has a wealth of combat experience, and the one that has these breaths as the air, nothing.

Between his eyes, He Yiming smiled and said hello to everyone, and then came to Ai Wenbin's side with their sceptical eyes.

Ai Wenbin quickly said: "He brother, how come you?"

This sentence suddenly uttered the doubts of everyone's heart.

Although there are no high-level forgings among them, but with their age, they know more about forging things.

If you want to forge a weapon of the gods, it is not something that can be done in this area.

If He Yiming is empty-handed, then everyone naturally thinks that he has failed to forge, but everyone is old-fashioned. At the moment He Yiming appeared, everyone saw the sword in his hand.

At this time, carrying a sword to come here, naturally shows that he forged success.

But when I think about this time, everyone is just a face to face, some are unbelievable.

He Yiming looked around in a circle and said: "The Ai brothers have been forged."

Ai Wenbin’s gaze immediately fell on the sword in his hand. He hesitated for a moment and asked, “Are you successful?”

He Yiming shook his sword and said: "Yes, this is what the younger brother forged, please Ai brother correct me."

Ai Wenbin opened his mouth and he had a hundred questions in his heart, but at this time he could not say it anyway.

Fang Chen's face changed slightly. He stood up and gave a fist to He Yiming. He said: "He brother, according to what I know, I want to forge a weapon of the gods. Without a few days of hard work, there is no possibility of success. I don't know how you forged between the days?"

He Yiming has never had any good feelings for Hao Xue and Fang Kun. Plus these two people are always right against themselves. Although they can’t talk about the enemy, they have the opportunity to kill each other. I will definitely not keep it.

In the eyes of the cold mang, He Yiming glanced at him and smiled and said: "Fang brother, do you think I will tell you?"

Fang Chen’s face was reddish, and he sat down, but there was a rare color of grievance in his eyes.

Although the rest of the people are also curious in their hearts, there is not much doubt about He Yiming.

In his capacity, it is impossible to lie on it anyway.

However, everyone is also well aware that he must have mastered some magical method. But as He Yiming said, he is impossible to say.

Ai Wenbin coughed and caught everyone's attention. He said, "Come on, please show me."

He Yiming gave a cry and handed the sword in his hand to the hand of Ai Wenbin.

Ai Wenbin first smashed the weight of the sword, although everyone saw that the scabbard is the most common item but at the moment there is no one to pay attention to this scabbard, their eyes are flashing With a strange light, I waited for Ai Wenbin to pull out the sword.

Taking a deep breath, Ai Wenbin’s heart was also very excited.

To be honest, although he does not believe that He Yiming can forge something good. But He Yiming is, after all, a person in their Tianchi, and still so young, as long as he can really forge a weapon of the gods.

So no matter how good the quality of the weapon, it is enough to make him ecstatic.

In the eyes, the light flashed, and the hand was slightly forced.


The crisp sound of the golden stone suddenly sounded, and the heart of the people jumped vigorously.

Later, Ai Wenbin quickly pulled the sword out of the scabbard.

Everyone's eyes were concentrated on the right hand of Ai Wenbin in an instant. If you want to know what happened, please go to the 6 fierce "chapter more support authors, support genuine reading!

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