Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 41: The origins of Iceland

The screaming eyebrows bounced a few times. If it’s just a matter of asking for a notice or negotiating something, then it’s fine.

However, if, as Zhuo Wanlian said, the sensation caused by the top characters in the northern Xinjiang will be unimaginable.

Even if he is not very familiar with the local sects, He Yiming knows that when these people can gather together for something, and sit down and talk. Then this thing is definitely no longer a faction, or even a certain area.

This is definitely something that can affect the world and make all the top people unable to stay out of the way.

Ai Wenbin's face is faintly white, and he also thought of this in the same way, the same as the heart.

He Yiming whispered: "Ai Xiong, what happened to Iceland in the millennium?"

Ai Wenbin gently shook his head and said: "I don't know this thing very well. Even the records in the door are quite vague. But" he hesitated for a long time and finally condensed the sound into a thin line. "According to the predecessors' mouth-to-mouth, thousands of years ago, there was no mysterious Iceland that has been in existence for thousands of years."

He Yiming heard something in his words, just because he was jealous, so he said so.

Thousands of years ago. This range can be too general.

Indulging in the mystery of the film, the mind suddenly flashed.

Although there are so many things that were born thousands of years ago, there seems to be only one thing that can be associated with the best people in the world.

The veteran sorrow snorted and whispered: "You guessed it."

He didn't ask anything, just looking at He Yiming's expression. I already understand his


He Yiming nodded silently. He has fully understood why these top figures are so concerned about the millennial Icelandic issue.

Because this Iceland is definitely related to the disappearing Shinto people.

Perhaps, in that place, you can find the reason why the people in the past Shinto disappeared.

If you can really find the reason, then these top players are expected to be promoted to Shinto in this life.

This temptation is too big, especially for the figures of the major faction level, this is simply the temptation to resist.

But only with this matter is it possible to bring together all the top powerhouses.

Three people sat silently, whether it was Ai Wenbin or He Yiming. There is no interest in wanting to introduce people from northern Xinjiang to the newcomers.

Although life and death are important, how can they be compared with what is happening now.

Now those people are still in the dark, if they let them know what happened, I am afraid that it has already caused a sensation.

After half an hour, two figures came down from the mountain, and it was the Dawn Dong and the old servant who went back.

After the old servant came to the place with Dawn, he bowed to the crowd and then he came to the front of the hundred and eight, and then slammed into the ground, and then he stepped back and walked back until after the gazebo. Just turned away.

When Dawn Dong and others were at the servant's ceremony, they did not dare to neglect and respectfully return. However, when she saw the old servant deliberately bowing to the hundred and eight, and the hundred and eight were standing in the same place, and the movement was not moving, the shock in the heart was indescribable.

She hesitated. Dao: "Ai Zun, this is a high man, don't you introduce it?"

Ai Wenbin smiled and said: "This is a friend of the Hezun who is a hundred and eight hundred."

Dawn Ying hesitated, but no matter what, there is no such famous person.

Ai Wenbin coughed softly and said: "The hundred sages are acquainted with each other in the mountains. The hundred lords once played against the great man of the door. They finally won with one stroke."

Dawn Ying and Zhuo Wanlian took a sigh of relief at the same time. This is the next. They thoroughly understood why the old servant would respect the one hundred and eight.

However, after hearing this record, even Dawn Man has a similar feeling.

In the face of such a strong, no matter how respectful, it is not too much.

He Yiming’s calm voice sounded: “Li Zun, how did the Sovereign Master say, is he willing to travel to Northern Xinjiang?”

Dawn Dong habitually slammed the cold eyes on the burning novel network, but she immediately saw that standing behind He Yiming, like a bodyguard, the cold color in the eyes suddenly disappeared.

This is not because she is too snobbish, but cultivated from an early age, because of the worship of the strong and the habit of awe.

at this point. It is the basic principle of this powerful world, and anyone who violates this rule will be cast aside by all the strong.

"He Zun. Although the old man saw the lord of the nobles, but the thoughts of his old man, it is the old man can guess." Dawn Ying helpless.

He Yiming suddenly became dumb, but think about it too. If it is easy to get along with it, he will not even dare to ask the master of the sect.

Dawn Dong said. I waved to them and said: "The task of getting here is finished, and I will leave."

Er Wenbin's eyes are wide, Dao! "Li Zun, you come not far from the distance, the sentence of the hair" must live for a few more days, how can I go immediately, then it is not to let people say that I Tianchi does not understand the hospitality. ”

Dawn Ying waved his hand. Dao: "The emperor of the emperor sent the emperor to ask me to bring a message to the master of the house. The matter is quite urgent. You said that the old man still dares to stay here."

Ai Wenbin suddenly closed his mouth and never dared to say a word of retention.

Dawn Ying turned his head and said: "He respects, I know that you are very worried about Li, but I can assure you that what she enjoys in the Ice Palace. It is the most top-notch treatment, even if it is old. And in these few years is the key to her impact on the realm of the Savior. If you think about her again, please wait a few more years, and wait until she can promote the Supreme and then come to Northern Xinjiang to find her.

He Yiming snorted and said: "When Li Lizun’s opinion is seen, when will Li Huang be able to step into the sacred world?

Dawn Ying indulged for a moment, saying: "As long as three years or so, and more than five or six years, she must be promoted to the Supreme."

He Yiming was shocked and said: "Can you be sure?"

What is the situation of Yuan Lihuang? He Yiming can be well aware of it. If he wants to be promoted to the Supreme in such a short period of time, God knows how these people in Northern Xinjiang can do it.

Dawn Ying smiled and said: "He Zun, if it is the power of all the strongest people in the world, it is impossible to let Li Huang promote the Supreme in a short time, then it is an accident."

He Yiming faintly understood the meaning of her words, and the hearts of the rapid turn of countless thoughts. This time, I would like to invite strong locals to the northern Xinjiang. Apart from the legendary Iceland, it is not related to Yuan Lidong.

However, these words are not suitable for inquiry.

Dawn Ying and Zhuo Wanlian no longer hesitate, they followed the original road, and the wind rushed toward the mountain.

He Yiming and Ai Wenbin looked at each other and saw the curiosity and surprise in each other's eyes.

The news brought by this time in northern Xinjiang. It is too shocking.

For those of them who have basically no relationship, they have already felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the venerable world, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment, the big empire, the prince, the night sacred god, the throne Seeking the devil, the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the strongest Abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty royal family to a huge pressure of near suffocation. So what will happen to the world's top group, who have the power to attack Shinto.

Vaguely, they all have a bad feeling.

Maybe, from now on, the world will not be flat,"

A long sigh, Ai Wenbin suddenly said: "He brothers, today, you and I better not to declare it."

He Yiming nodded without hesitation. For this, he is the approval of 120,000 points.

Especially after getting the news of Northern Xinjiang at this moment, everyone will see the world of life and death. If the message is scattered at this time, then the people are in a big mess. It is possible to have anything to do.

Ai Wenbin turned and said helplessly: "Let's go, when you lie, you still play with it."

He Yiming rounded his eyes and looked at him with a grin. He couldn’t think of the seriousness of Ai Wenbin, who had always been serious. The heavy mood suddenly faded a lot.

The two of them walked side by side to the middle of the mountain, and the hundred and eight honestly followed He Yiming. Perhaps, he is alone. Will not care about this.

Soon, they have already returned to the hall.

When they enter. Everyone looked over with a suspicious look.

Ai Wenbin went out to meet. It’s almost a time to be tempered. If it is not here, it is a heavy land in Tianchi. If everyone does not dare to let go of it, I am afraid that more than half of them will go out and ask for it.

Ai Wenbin's smile on his face could not see his full heart at the moment.

"The public, the old man is late. Please forgive me."

Huarui Jin took a look behind them and said: "Ai Xiong, all the same people in northern Xinjiang.

Ai Wenbin sighed and said: "You, there is a very bad news under this. This time the trip to life and death, North Xinjiang is probably uninvolved.

Everyone was slightly nodding and was not surprised by this.

In fact, when they did not see the people of Northern Xinjiang, they had this but it was confirmed by Ai Wenbin at the moment.

Ai Wenbin continued: "Because of this, the old man talked with the guests of northern Xinjiang for a while, and asked everyone to forgive me."

Hua Ruijin and Yu Mufei also expressed their understanding.

These forces are not the first time to meet. Seeing that other major forces have the emergence of new sages, but this time there is no sage.

So easy to get along, they will not feel good.

Ai Wenbin stayed with him for a moment and comforted him. Naturally, no one would take this to make a fuss.

Hua Ruijin’s eyes were condensed, saying: “Since no one is coming in northern Xinjiang, can we come out early?”

Ai Wenbin nodded slightly and said: "Hua brother said it is good. In this case, we will leave for the life and death world after three days."

Everyone looked at each other and agreed to the amount. In the eyes of every new sage, there was an excitement that could not be concealed. (To be continued)

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