Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 44: 5 qi ideas

Finally, I finally stuck with it, giving the room a little light and almost negligible temperature.

Looking at the empty seat in front of him, He Yiming’s heart is tidal.

Today's discussion with the Golden Campaign allowed both of them to benefit at the same time.

At this point, they have already understood.

Although the three-flowered realm and the five-dimensional realm are the strongest of the Sayādaw level, they are already very different on the road of cultivation.

The cultivation of infuriating to the point of Sanhua Zun, has reached a peak, and the road to become the more difficult.

Therefore, the ancient people of ancient times thought of the Guanghua Shenbing. They used the soldiers as carriers to greatly improve the abilities of the practitioners and let them spread the powerful power beyond the ordinary three-flowered people.

However, to achieve this, the accumulation of instinct alone has been quite slow, and even impossible to achieve.

Therefore, the thoughts appear in front of the practitioners. After many attempts, they have to combine the willpower of the people with the instinct and become a tangible thing. From then on, they can be used to light the weapon of the gods, control the space, and take the people to the level. Outside.

This is the biggest mystery of the **** operator manipulating the flying sword.

Because he is not only using the instinct to control, but using the combination of infuriating and will, the ideas he exercises to control.

Therefore, his flying sword will be so fast, so powerful and unbelievable.

In the same way, just because of the idea of ​​this thing, the five gas lords can control the weapon of the gods to wrap themselves in the sky.

All of this is not pure instinct, but the combination of instinct and will is expected to be achieved.

This ability has already gone far beyond the peak of the ordinary Sanhua Supreme, which is definitely not on the same starting line.

At this point, He Yiming really understood the power of the five-powered people.

Recalling the unfortunate Huang Quanmen deputy door owner Hu Yan Aobo, He Yiming has an impulse to go out and scream at the white horse thunder and laugh.

If the special ability of non-lightning is just restrained by Hu Yan, then He Yiming really does not have any grasp that can escape his pursuit.

After understanding this, He Yiming and the Jin campaign also knew why the five-powered people would be so rare.

That is because even among the three flowers, few people can understand the existence of ideas. However, if you can't get the idea, you can't communicate with the weapon of the gods, and you can't even say that Guanghua's second weapon is a true five-powered person.

In the meantime, He Yiming feels that there should be more than one legend in every five-powerful dish.

To understand the existence of ideas, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

In Chuzhou, he lived in the desert island for more than 40 years. In order to revenge, he even broke the first weapon of the gods. What kind of perseverance and determination is this, even if He Yiming is amazed.

Although the Golden Campaign is much younger, his situation is not always smooth.

On the way to the Zhongjing City, he accidentally went into flames. If he was not treated in time, it was not only the repair of the body, but his life was difficult to maintain.

This blow was quite deadly for anyone, but the Golden Battle took this opportunity to scrutinize all obstacles with tenacious fighting spirit and eventually came over.

Subsequently, in the battle with Li Jiangfeng, once again fell into a mortal situation.

It is in this impossible situation that he not only did not give up, but instead stimulated the potential and the desire to survive when he had just passed through the life of the nine deaths, and at that last minute he succeeded in consolidating his ideas. And smooth the light of the soldiers.

All of this seems to have no bitterness in Chu Artemisia for 40 years, but if it is about the degree of danger, the ear is beyond it.

In this, as long as there is a slightly poor joint, the fate of the Golden Battle will move in a completely different direction.

With these two people as examples, He Yiming’s mind has already understood a lot.

Imagination, this invisible, intangible, purely idealistic thing, how to cultivate, or is it radical?

After a long time of indulging, it is still nothing.

The light suddenly disappeared, and the candle was completely extinguished. The room suddenly fell into a darkness.

He Yiming suddenly woke up, he smiled dumbly, thinking about this thing, not to mention that people who did not cultivate did not know how to cultivate, even those who have already cultivated, it is also inexplicable, can not sum up a specific method.

Everyone has different feelings for the first time. Even the Shinto people can't find out the rules, only waiting for the chance of hitting the big mover.

This is also why there are detailed records of the practice of qi practice below the Sanhua realm. Even if you look for three points in the weapon of the gods, you can find a successful and universal approach.

However, once it has been repaired to reach the realm of the Sayādaw, there is no cheat that can be promoted step by step if you go up. If you want to go further, you can only rely on your personal chance and understanding.

Even if it is a person who is more intelligent, if there is no such thing as Wutong, then the original body cannot go further.

This can be said to be the biggest barrier faced by practitioners, and it is not purely infuriating.

With a long sigh, He Yiming thought of the opportunity of the Battle of Chu Arthur and the Golden Battle, and he was very emotional.

Perhaps, only in the moment of ignorance and life and death, can there be a greater possibility of political ideology.

However, it is not easy to achieve these two points!

He Yiming has been to the north and the north for the past three years. Even the East China Sea has been there, and he has also turned many travel notes.

I have never seen anyone deliberately ignoring the magic.

As for what is in danger and potential, it is even a big joke.

Unless it is like the Qilian double demon of the past 6, there is no way to go, otherwise who will have nothing to look for to experience the danger, and it is still the kind of nine deaths, even the danger of ten deaths.

If there is such a person, I think that in this environment, I can certainly realize the existence of the mind as suddenly as the Golden Battle, and the success of the Guanghua Shenbing is an idiot who is uncompromising.

An idiot can cultivate to the realm of the sage, this answer is absolutely no.

Shaking his head, He Yiming threw away this strange idea.

He is still young, and there is a long way to go. As long as there is a chance, he will not choose to take those incredible roads.

Between the wrists flipped, the five-row ring reappeared.

Looking at this weapon of the gods, He Yiming's thought is how to be able to lighten this thing.

According to his understanding, in order to beautify the soldiers, we must first thoroughly understand the weapon of the gods in the hands.

Basically, all the sages can do it. If they can't, then the possibility of atomizing the sacred soldiers will rise. Often low, achieving the sage is even more a joke.

However, it is far from enough to do this alone. The biggest reason for the sacred flower is the idea.

There was a hint of helpless smile on his face. He couldn’t think of a circle that had been in the middle of the day, and he once again returned to the original path.

Shaking his head slightly, He Yiming’s spirit once again sank into the five elements of the ring.

In this world, he has a feeling of controlling the whole situation. I don't know why. He likes this feeling very much. He vaguely feels that if he can continue to be strong, he will be able to make a rain in this world, even without Can't.

The most basic force in the five elements of the world is the power of the Five Elements. The world at the moment seems to have been completed, but it seems that it has not yet taken shape.

Gradually, the spirit of He Yiming's original cohesion spread out.

This feeling is very strange, just like he is alone, lying naked on the uninhabited beach.

The sun's rays of the sky shone down and let him; $body felt a warm and incomparable warmth.

He sighs slyly and really wants to indulge in this comfort forever.

At this moment, his spirit seems to have begun to flow with the five elements. The power of the five elements will have a cohesive force every time it flows, making the world more stable and strong.

This is the most characteristic of the five elements of reincarnation.

He Yiming even has a strange idea. Although this five-line ring is still a replica artifact, if it continues to evolve like this, then maybe there is - heaven, it can really have the same color as the Kowloon furnace. Huge power.

This is the biggest difference between the five elements and the single line of power. The mind is turned, He Yiming suddenly sensed it. In this world of the five elements, it seems that there is a slight hindrance.

This kind of abnormal feeling is very small. If his spirit at the moment is completely indulged in the five elements of the ring, it is definitely not the abnormality of this point.

The spirit of smashing into the endless void immediately condensed. After a while, He Yiming finally found the place where the stagnation occurred.

The flower of wood, the flower that controls the strength of the wood system, does not have the perfect complement to the strength of the other four series in the reincarnation of the five elements. In any respect, it seems that there is a layer of barriers that cannot be completely Into the five elements of the world.

He Yiming’s heart is full of enthusiasm. He has now condensed four flowers of five elements, and the flower of wood is his last weakness.

After a moment of contemplation, He Yiming has decided to put aside the clueless things of the Guanghua Shenbing and fully understand the power of the wood system.

Perhaps, when he really realized the flower of the wood and thoroughly perfected the flower of the five elements, there will be new opportunities. bar!

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