Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 58: Recurrent taboo

In the room, He Yiming watched quietly, as if he wanted to engrave every inch of the pattern on his mind.

In fact, for this weapon of the gods, he is already familiar with it and can no longer be jealous. But getting used to it is one thing, and wanting to light it out is another matter.

At this point, watching the five-line ring gently turn in the hand, listening to its voice, there is a dreamlike feeling. Vaguely, He Yiming seems to be feeling the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slaying, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment, the big prince, the prince, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful The young Zhou Dynasty martial arts 乾 乾 将 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神Magical power.

This kind of power is like the most slippery fish in the sea. They are walking around, and He Yiming is like a fisherman searching for a fish in the sea. He wants to find this fish and catch it. Almost a haystack can be used to describe it.

This is the biggest reason why He Yiming is on the top, and after the valley was interrupted by epiphany, the reason why the anger is unstoppable.

It is clear that the fish has appeared in front of you, and you have prepared the fishing net, and the last one is lost.

However, in this case, a loud noise, the fish was scared away, so that he returned to the case of the needle in a haystack, and even he was not sure whether he would encounter so good in the future. chance. In this case, if he still remembers what patience, then he is purely looking for abuse.

At this point, as he slowly sensed each of the worlds with a five-ring ring, he seemed to have a feeling of approaching and approaching the fish.

Of course, such a slight effect is far less obvious in the front of the valley against the huge pressure, but for him, it is undoubtedly the best choice. The ears suddenly shook a bit, and the Qi-Yi Ming opened his eyes. He whispered: "Since Ai brother is coming, please come in." The door gently pushed open, and Ai Wenbin walked in with a smile.

He looked at his knees and sat on the bed, holding a five-ring ring of He Yiming, and smiled: "He brothers, are you still feeling the soldiers?"

He Yiming said a little bit and said: "Before the valley, I realized that I didn't want this feeling to flow away from my brain so quickly, so I wanted to be alone."

He said very clearly in this sentence, I want to get along with myself, I feel the way, you have something to say, nothing to go. Of course, even if there is something, if it is not greater than the sensation of the road, it is also good to avoid the mouth. Ai Wenbin smiled and said: "He brother, how much do you know about the world of life and death?"

He Yiming was excited. If it was something else, he really didn't have the patience to hear it, but since Ai Wenbin talked about life and death, he certainly didn't dare to ignore it. "The younger brother knows not much, please ask Ai brother."

Ai Wenbin nodded slightly, both: "In fact, every new sage will tell them some precautions before going to life and death. Although each sect is different, it is roughly the same."

He Yiming's eyebrows were light, and his wrist shook, and the five elements were closed. Then he got out of bed and married Ai Wenbin for a cup of tea. Although there is not much heat in the water, it is conceivable that this veteran will not enjoy it.

"He brothers, after entering the life and death world, everyone will have a feeling of being summoned. Then you will part ways and go to the place where you should go." Ai Wenbin did not look at the bowl of tea for the decorative facade. He said very directly: "When you get to the ground, you can naturally see a scene that will make you unforgettable. Of course, how much can you gain on this road, and how you feel after seeing it, that is to see it completely. you Wan Road up. "

He Yiming micro - micro surprised, he frowned and said: "Ai brother, little brother, if I remember correctly, it is life and death at the small valley community of open land." Yi Wenbin solemnly nodded and said: "Yes, it is here. "" but here is just this size, but also how so many people into the uranium content? "

Yi Wenbin laughing, she said: "He brother, Shinto human life and death is the former community built by their use of supernatural powers, but only space Shinto possible use of supernatural powers.." His face is covered with envy look, said:. "circles of life and death is definitely the first big signs on the East-West 6, etc. after you witnessed, you will understand."

He Yiming eyes flickering, but he has identified one thing, you want to explore the boundaries of the secret of life and death, is the only person a trip.

Ai Wenbin suddenly looked awkward and said: "He brothers, after entering the life and death world, there is one thing you must remember." Seeing him so cautious, He Yiming is also quite shocking, he sincerely said: " Please ask your brother.

"At the very center of the life and death world, there is a glory and a place to see. Anyone can look at it with a glance." Ai Wenbin took a deep breath and said: "If you see this place, then you must not approach. I have to turn and leave immediately. Even if I just press the birth and death, I have nothing to gain, and I can’t get close to it.” He Yiming’s face was slightly changed, and he sighed: “Where is this?” Ai Wenbin said a word The road: "It has been passed down from ancient times, the land of reincarnation, once in the reincarnation, there is no return. He Yiming squinted his eyes twice, and the sun shone with a strange brilliance.

Ai Wenbin calmed his face and said: "He brothers, this sentence is not the old man's words, but from the Shinto, it has already been passed down. After the Shinto masters disappeared, those who have been promoted for more than 50 years, It is said that because I entered this place, I have no time to go back." He Yiming said with amazement: "Ai Xiong, how did you know?"

Ai Wenbin shook his head and sighed: "They, when they enter the world of life and death, they behave differently. That is straight to the reincarnation, and no one can discourage them. Once there is artificial blocking, they It’s like a crazy attack like a life-and-death encounter with an enemy of the sky, until it kills a **** road and enters the reincarnation to be willing to stop. “Is everyone doing this?” “Yes, all fifty years.” The above sages and the holy beasts that have the blood of the beasts are the same." Ai Wenbin said affirmatively.

He Yiming slowly nodded his head, and in his heart, he had already marked the reincarnation as a brand of forbidden land. In any case, he could not touch the place.

Ai Wenbin smashed seven eyes into the distance and said: "At the time of the Shinto, there is a Shinto guard in front of the life and death world. No matter how many people, or the holy beast with the blood of the beast, can not pass this pass and enter. Life and death. But since the disappearance of the Shinto people, in the previous two thousand years, almost every time you open the world of life and death, there will be older people joining. They are as few as one or two

More than four or five people, never missing. He Yiming was very surprised and asked: "Why is this?" ”

If the first batch of seniors do not know why, then the second batch, the third batch will not always be a fool.

Ai Wenbin smiled and said: "The life of the three-flowered people like me - the three-year-old is about five hundred years. If you go to the fashion of the big limit and can't advance to the five-dimensional realm, then waiting for us is to sit down and die. One way. If at this time, you meet the life and death world, what choices will you make?"

He Yiming suddenly relieved, and when he was willing to die, he was brave in life and death - and of course another road to choose from.

Although they all know that this road is not good, at least it is a life of nine deaths. However, compared to the direct sitting down, this line of life is worth a visit.

After all, the life and death world is set by the people in Shinto. The legend of Shinto is a deadly attraction for any one of the saints.

Ai Wenbin shook his head and groaned: "But it is a pity that in the two thousand years, nearly one hundred of the sages have entered, but one has not come out. So, people know that there is nothing left in life, and There is no return. From then on, no one will dare to go in and die.

He Yiming also sighed with him for a moment, and with the understanding of the world of life and death, he became more and more jealous of the reincarnation. Ai Wenbin talked for a moment and repeated the words of his warning, and then he left.

After He Yiming fascinated him, he returned to the bed, his **** was not yet hot, and his ears were shaking. However, this time he did not speak, but directly waved his sleeves, and he turned the door open with a clever twist.

The Golden Battle stepped up and covered the door. When asked to open the door, he asked: "He brother, I have told you whether or not Ai Xiong will enter the life and death world." He Yiming nodded and said Ai Wenbin. Repeat it again.

Satisfied with the Golden Campaign, said: "I guess, he will definitely tell you in these two days. If not, this is the dereliction of duty in Tianchi." He Yiming stunned, he immediately understood the battle of gold. The purpose of coming here.

The reason why this guy didn't say it in advance was because he was a disciple of Tianchi after all, and by his side, there was the reason of Tianchi Ai Wenbin. Therefore, he is avoiding suspicion and is unwilling to cause misunderstandings.

But as soon as he heard his tone, He Yiming understood that if Ai Wenbin hadn't talked to him yet, then this guy would be ignorant of the first move. Gratefully glanced at him, He Yiming said: "Golden brother, thank you o"

The Golden Campaign shook his head, and his face suddenly shook his head. He said: "He brother, rumored within the realm of life and death." If it is a coincidence, it will be able to enlighten the avenue. Now I have succeeded in vibrating the soldiers. And with the most suitable second weapon of the gods this trip to the life and death world, I have great hope."

He Yiming looked at him with a stunned look. After a long ringing, he was incredulous: "Do you want to hit the realm of life in the realm of life and death?"

The Golden Campaign did not breathe in a breath. He glared at him and said: "Nonsense, have you seen the three-flowered lord who has just advanced, and immediately attacked the five-dimensional dynasty?"

He Yiming smiled and walked: "Golden brother, you have cultivated in the purple gas, and the three flowers have been completely stabilized."

The Golden Campaign still sighed and said: "I am going in this time, only to be able to thoroughly grasp the method of using ideas. So, I am satisfied." He turned around and his eyes locked tightly. He Yiming, Lang "You are indeed stronger than me now, but when I enter the price of the five-dimensional dynasty, I will definitely miss you."

He Yiming stood up in his chest, and his eyebrows fluttered between each other: "That is better than one. See who is in the first place." The two looked like bullfighters, and after a while, they laughed at the same time. , spread throughout the camp.

Everyone wonders, I don’t know what these two guys are doing...

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