Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 160: Undead

The door slowly pushed away. He Yiming walked out with a body that could not basically see the human form.

His gaze has fallen to the side of the only UFO flying body. Yu Mufei rushed over and took over the unseen body from He Yiming's arms.

Yu Mufei’s face shook a little and said with the lowest voice: “Thank you.”

After that, he turned away with his body and quickly passed away. He even used the strongest light weight method of His Holiness and disappeared in a flash.

He Yiming looked up and immediately saw the three Western powers that were quite unsightly in the crowd. When He Yiming’s gaze looked at the burning novel network, the eyes of these three people also became fierce at the same time.

The eyelids condensed slightly, and He Yiming felt a strong chilling rush. He was shocked. Although he had not seen three people, it is clear that these three Western guests must have come from the top three masters in the manor outside the city.

Yu Feiyang’s face has changed slightly. Their plan is very simple. Please ask He Yiming to condense the five elements of his ancestors. If he can succeed, then with the current cultivation of his ancestors, as long as he cultivates for a while, the advanced humanity peak is actually Water is a matter of course.

If the body of the condensed five elements fails, then only the five elements of He Yiming’s hands will be robbed.

As long as the five elements of the ring can grab the hand, then with the cultivation of the ancestors, when this kind of humanistic peak has rushed to the northern ice palace, he has enough time to successfully illuminate the five elements.

In the same way, as long as it can vibrate the five elements of the ring, then the combat power of the ancestors of the Yu family will certainly be able to go further. And he was originally the master of the nine-day world of humanity, and further results must be the limit, becoming one of the top leaders.

Please ask these three Western visitors, just to prevent it. But now that the ancestors have successfully condensed the body of the Five Elements, then there is no need to seek the five elements of He Yiming's hands, not to offend the Tianchi vein behind him.

Seeing a few of them at the moment, it seems that they have a look of arrogance. They immediately stepped forward and came to the middle of them. They smiled and said: "He brother, let me introduce you. These three are from Yu. Western friends Elvis, Cabinley, Lord Motchi.

Later, he was still a smile: "This is the youngest up-and-coming star in the East, and Mr. He Yiming, the five-powered sage."

Elvis’s face suddenly changed, saying: “He Yiming... You are the one who killed our western master in the Great Plains.

He Yiming smiled coldly, but his heart was suspicious, how this little thing was passed to the ear of this person.

You know, when he and the Golden Battle faced countless Westerners on the Great Plains of the Central Plains, he used to cry and scream at the many Westerners who had hit the sky. But the top of those people is the first-line heaven, and it is one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the top five nobles like Elvis.

"Yes, those people look down on people, so I learned a little."

Elvis’s cold road: “The rules of the Central Plains, the nobles can’t intervene, don’t you forget?”

He Yiming smiled and said: "I am sorry, at that time, I was promoted to the realm of Zun.

He said that it was a big truth. In fact, at that time, he was not only a sacred person, but he had never even reached it.

However, this sentence fell in the ears of three Westerners, but it was so harsh.

Elvis smiled and said: "You have not been promoted to the Supreme at that time. Haha, can you be promoted to the Supreme Masters in the past few years, and you will enter the ranks of the five sages?"

There was also a taunting color on the faces of Kalibin and Mortsch, looking at He Yiming’s eyes with a faint taste of misery.

In the past few years, not only can he be promoted to the Supreme, but he is still directly advanced to the realm of the five-powered sage. No one believes this kind of thing even if it is spread out.

After all, if the Sayādaw wants to advance to the great sage, if there is no 20 years of hard work, then I don’t think about it.

The faces of Mr. Yu and Yu Feiyang suddenly became weird. To be honest, if not

Yu Feiyang saw it with his own eyes, and he was also unbelievable.

Long sighed, Yu Feiyang suddenly said: "This is after all, the Dashen royal family, everyone's grudges, or let go.

Elvi’s trio looked at each other and silently. They came here this time, and they were very big, but they were not willing to offend Yujia for a He Yiming.

Mr. Yu Lao suddenly said: "Please wait three moments for a while." Then he directed He Yiming: "He Xiao brother, the old man has a few words to say to you, break into.

He Yiming smiled and said: "Good." He rolled over and walked into the room, but before that, his eyes glanced in a certain direction.

After entering the wing, Mr. Yu opened the door to the mountain. "He Xiao brother, do you know where it is?"

He Yiming said, "This is not the retreat of the predecessors."

Mr. Yu Lao nodded slightly and said: "Yes, this is my retreat, but it is also one of our Yujia's 苠宝阁." He smiled and said: "Here, we only smashed an umbrella baby. ""

Reaching out, a round spherical object suddenly flew to his hand. This spherical object is quite weird. It was reminded by Mr. Yu’s instinct that it immediately ignited a pink color and quickly diffused. Come out.

He Yiming’s heart was shocked, but he immediately appeared. This pink mist is not a poisonous thing, and even the impact on the line of sight is its emblem.

Mr. Yu’s voice rang quietly: “He Xiao brother, I want to make a deal with you.

"What trade." He Yiming said calmly, just floating in his eyes.

There is a hint of ridicule.

Mr. Yu Lao Shen said: "I want the five-line ring in your hand.

He Yiming smiled and said: "What are you going to change?"

"We have been in the world for hundreds of years, and we have collected countless world treasures, as long as the brothers

Willing to exchange, then the old man is willing to pay any price. ”

He Yiming sighed softly and said: "Mr. Yu Lao, you are also a respectable predecessor. Is it going to be ungrateful and deal with the younger generation?"

Mr. Yu Lao sighed and said: "The old man is not willing, but the five-line ring in your hands is too important for Yujia. Even if it is unscrupulous, the old man will take him to his hand." He paused. Dao: "As long as you have left a five-line ring, the old man can put the five-row reincarnation book in his hands and open the treasure house for you to choose."

He Yiming smiled coldly and said: "If you don't have a five-line ring, you think I have to use these things."

Mr. Yu Lao was not surprised, just sighed: "So, you are not willing to exchange.

He Yiming did not hesitate: "Of course not.

Mr. Yu Lao sighed and said: "This matter, I am afraid that you will not be unwilling."

It is.

With his words, four people came in from the pink mist, and it was three masters from the West and Yu Feiyang.

Although the three masters are quiet, but they are full of Ling in the eyes of He Yiming.

Severe murder.

Yu Feiyang looked at the direction of his ancestors, but even at his heart

If you don't want to, you have no choice.

After the appearance of these four people, they moved intentionally or unintentionally, and He Yiming was caught in the encirclement network.

He Yiming laughed a few times and said: "Mr. He Lao, do you think these people will be able to leave me?"

Motqi screamed and said, "You can give it a try." Although his big words are not standard, they can be understood.

Mr. Yu Lao calmly said: "You have helped the old man to rush, and it has already consumed too much instinct. At this moment, it is already the end of the strong, even if there are five lines in hand, do you still want to escape?

He Yiming looked at him and sighed with a long sigh. He said: "Mr. Yu, you moved me today, but I thought about the consequences.

"Of course I thought about it." Mr. Yu Lao whispered: "It is a godsend to move you at this moment. If you wait until the nine heavens of Tianchi, Lingbibao Temple and Dongtianfudi return, I will not dare to risk you.

He Yiming’s eyes were picked. It’s not just a Tianchi vein. Even the humanity peaks of the Lingbi Hall and Dongtianfudi have already rushed to the Northern Palace Ice Palace.

Raised his head, He Yiming and Mr. Yu Lao's four eyes, his table sound is low and powerful.

"Mr. Yu, I want to leave a five-line ring, that is to ask me to live, you are planning

Not dead? ”

Mr. Yu’s eyes are deep and dark, and he said coldly: &t; since you said that you are not dead, then it is.

He Yiming smiled and said: "Okay, then don't die!"

There was no fear in his voice, but everyone in the room heard a feeling of lack of energy.

They all know that this is definitely the reason why He Yiming spent so much money.

Elvis’s eyes turned and said: “Since it’s not dead, let me know you.

'bar. He screamed, his hands rolled over, and a huge pair of big swords suddenly appeared in front of him.

In such a small space, it is naturally impossible to use the technique of flying swords. He screamed and slammed his head.

He Yiming smiled the wrists were waving, the colorful light appeared, and the sly smashed with the sword.

Just when everyone thought that He Yiming was about to lose his strength because of his insults, he heard Elvis screaming, and the whole person flew like a kite with a broken line. Go out.

A loud bang, even the small half of the wing was blasted.

He Yiming holds a five-ring ring, and his face is faintly proud and ridiculous.

Mr. Yu’s face suddenly became iron blue, and he screamed: “You...had still left room?”

He thought he had seen He Yiming. Since he had promised Yu Wusheng, he would certainly not leave room when he helped him to rush, but now it seems that his exhausted action is clear.

This section--He Yiming, the spirit of the exuberant, is like sleeping for three days and three nights, where there is still a bit of wilting.

Moreover, in his eyes, that ridiculous look is getting colder...

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