Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 162: Unsolvable God

A fierce punch. A punch like a wind. Powerful punches...

In this way, he hit the sudden palm of his hand, and then everything disappeared.

Mr. Yu’s face instantly became extremely ugly, and his heart was shocked by words.

The feet are slightly hard, and they are already sliding far away like a skating. He stared at him and appeared at the moment between him and He Yiming. He turned out to be a young man with a cold face.

Looking at his face, it seems that there is no more J1 than He Yiming, and the two eyes on a face are more sparkling, and it seems that he can directly see through his heart.

Mr. Yu Lao’s heart was shocked. This is where the master came from. Is there a second strong young man with He Yiming in this world?

He is confident in the strength of his own fist, even if he meets He Yiming who is fully committed, he will not suffer. But this punch was on this person, and it turned out to be like a rock and the sea, and even a little wave of ripples did not rise. For a time, his evaluation of this person was so high that he could not add to it.

Yu Feiyang's gaze is also a slight change. Lang said: "The ancestor, he is one hundred and eight, once defeated the hundred and eight of the **** operator."

Mr. Yu Lao took a sigh of relief, and he asked sharply: "How did you come in?"

They had already calculated the group of masters around him before they set up to deal with He Yiming. The sudden disappearance of one hundred and eight has made them feel less than hunters. But they are convinced that if this guy wants to be close to the wing, it will definitely be seen by countless sentries along the way.

After all, for this day, the human and material resources they use are already innumerable.

The guard posts here are all arranged by Yu Feiyang, and even Mr. Yu can't sneak in without stunned anyone without killing anyone.

However, the emergence of the hundred and eight is too strange, and the expression of He Yiming, the idiots know that He Yiming has long known that Baihuan is nearby, otherwise he may be so calm.

In this case, how did this person get through the crowds?

For a time, everyone’s mind flashed a name that would make everyone in the world horrible.

Huang Quan’s ancestors, R, R, and I are afraid that it is only this person, and there is a way to do this.

One hundred and eight calmly looked at the opponent and said: "I am coming in.

Mr. Yu Lao was slightly stunned. He opened his mouth and was confused, but he wanted to break his scalp and he didn’t understand what it was.

He snorted and thought that one hundred and eight was deliberately ridiculed. He stepped forward and danced up and down with a pair of snares of arms, forming a palm shadow, and shrouded the hundred and eight.

And the action of the hundred and eight is even simpler, and the full body shape does not move, just like the borrowing, the mountains of the mountains stand still. Subsequently, his hands moved slowly.

It was like a breeze blowing over the hills, gently stroking the sea, and swaying in the void.

Subsequently, his hands accurately caught the ever-changing fist of Mr. Yu.

There is no sound, just like the beginning, the double fists carrying the unparalleled power are once again like the sea of ​​stones, without any sound.

There was a horror in the eyes of Mr. Yu, and he exclaimed: "The way of God!"

The reason why he began to retreat in the past was because he was defeated by the gods.

Although it is a long time, but for the way of God, he is still fresh in memory.

However, after so many years of submersible, he has never settled on the Taoist way, and has spent hundreds of years studying the method of cracking this way.

There are only two ways to solve the problem of God's calculations. One is to break through the power, just let him hold the five-line ring, or the nine-day world that promotes the peak of humanity. Then a fist squats down, and the **** operator can calculate the position and is unable to resist.

However, this method will never be applied at this moment. Although there is no counterattack in this hundred and eighty, this man who is as deep as the sea has made him unable to see it at all.

The second way to deal with God's calculations is to use cumbersome and complicated martial arts to make constant attacks. When the cumbersomeness of martial arts reaches a certain level, the limit of human computing will come out. What is the way of God, naturally it is not broken.

Over the years, he has been using the oracle as an imaginary enemy, and both methods are well prepared.

At this moment, he waved his hands, his arms rotated like a wheel, and the whole space was covered with dazzling arms, as if his fist had been filled with every bit of space here.

He is violently shaking his body, just like the genius of the genius, it is impossible to capture the specific position.

The huge boxing wind broke through the air, and it spun out countless fierce sounds, and it was spiraling toward the hundred and eight.

However, when he changed his mind, even if Mr. Lian Yu himself did not know where the fists of the fists would fall, the moment he stopped, he was sad, his fists met, Still the pair of palms that look like a touch of metallic color.

The old man's face became extremely shocked, but this was not used by him. Only the God of the God operator can be considered the most appropriate.

But at this moment, this set of combat skills has completely lost its effect.

His heart is extremely depressed, and the old man who has been convinced by the heavens has vowed to say that this set of chicken-like exercises can absolutely restrain the **** operator who cultivates the way of God, because the cumbersomeness of this martial art has passed the human can calculate The limit, only the use of years of combat experience, with a near-instinctive reaction to fight with it.

But at the moment, watching the one hundred and eighty, the wave is not shocked, the glory is not shocked, the appearance of slow reeds.

In his heart, he couldn’t resist the big martyrdom. What has passed the limit of human computing? The old man, in his capacity, will still lie, and there is still a lot of truth. a)) He Yiming laughed loudly, and only he understood the meaning of this home.

Flowing over, he said it.

At the moment, although there are four sieges on his side, unfortunately, they are simply unable to open in this small place, all the subtle stunts, especially the powerful flying sword. It is impossible to release it. Here, the only thing that can be done is to attack with hard hits.

However, He Yiming has five elements in his hands, unless he encounters such powerful ones as Mr. Yu, not only is Wudao Xiu to reach the peak of humanity, but he is also a talented person. Otherwise, he is impossible. Fear of strength.

Several people fought in this space, with the strength of the five elements of He Yiming, and his almost horrible fish chasing the body, even if the four top five Wuqi Chaoyuan was not able to It is the cheapest.

At this point, the three great sages understood why the Yujia invited them to be shot at the same time. It turned out that this enemy is indeed too difficult.

Yu Feiyang's eyes condensed, suddenly raised his head, his nose screamed, and the light from the top of his head was released, and the entire room suddenly collapsed.

The faces of the three Western masters flashed a glimmer of joy, and they retreated at the same time, throwing their hands out. The three magical weapons fly down the general impact.

He Yiming sneered a sneer. When he was just advanced, he once killed three masters of the same rank. Nowadays, he is an advanced five-powered sage, so he will not be afraid when holding the imitation artifact five-ring ring. In the same order of four.

He waved his hand gently, and the five elements of the light curtain suddenly rose up, and in the air made a huge waterfall of several feet high, pouring down to the Western three.

Seeing such a mighty power, the three of them dared to sneer, and then refused to take advantage of the flying swords, and released their own protective soldiers, all of which defeated this round of light waterfalls.

He Yiming’s heart is in the dark, and there is no vain under the prestigious name. These people can be promoted to the five-powered sage, and it is not an incompetent generation.

If Elvis and others know the idea of ​​He Yiming at the moment, it will definitely vomit blood.

Yufei’s head was low, and the whole person suddenly turned like a gyro, and then stabbed him in the air.

He turned his head to the tip of the arrow, and the strong enthusiasm of the singer became more and more fierce.

He Yiming’s heart was slightly shocked, and the five elements of the ring suddenly burst out, and the other’s steel head was heavy and hard.

Five times the power rushed out, even if a real King Kong was cast, the head was smashed into iron slag. But to make him unexpected, he was forced to take a step back, but Yu Feiyang turned over in the air and stood on the ground, even shaking.

He Yiming took a sigh of relief, what is this head...

The secret skills of the world are really numerous.

He laughed happily, and the five elements flashed, and all the attacks came to the door. Ge Lang said: "The crowd, don't accompany you to play After listening to everyone, they are all caution. Prevent him from escaping from his own direction.

In this magical land, you can't use the technique of drilling the ground, so he is sure to stop He Yiming.

However, to their surprise, He Yiming did not escape, but took a long strip from his arms that only had the length of his palm and the thickness of his thumb. Then, his hand went up, and the strip suddenly flew up into the sky.

They looked at it inexplicably, until the strip flew to the sky and suddenly burst open, and a lot of fireworks were set up, even under the scorching sun, it was clearly visible.

The three Western guests naturally did not understand what He Yiming wanted to do, but the two of Yu’s two faces were changed.

Just like their conjectures, they have not waited for them to continue attacking He Yiming, and they saw a flash of white light in the distance.

This light seems to be a white line that originally existed. Even when the blink of an eye is not available, it has already rushed into this thin and almost invisible red fog.

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