Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 172: Master

At this time, the sun became a large red wheel on the far side of the mountain, and the layers of the mountains were turned into a purple-brown touch on the skyline.

That touch of the wheel seems to disappear completely at any time.

However, at this time, above the peak. However, a figure was slowly raised, and his figure was filled with a strange feeling under the setting sun.

He Yiming was deeply absorbed, he did not see the face of this person, but he felt that the martial arts, the holy king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the week, the royal family, the night杀神神印王座求魔傲世世重天最强了少大周皇族武动乾坤夜夜神神印王座求魔傲世九重天最强弃少大周皇神神神夜杀神神印王座求魔Proud of the world's most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty to the powerful momentum of this person.

This momentum is not concentrated, it is visible. This person did not concentrate the momentum, just casually scattered.

But even this is the smell of casualness. It also made He Yiming feel an unprecedented sense of fear.

Yes, this feeling is frightening, and it is a strong sense of fear from the depths of the heart. Even He Yiming himself did not understand why he suddenly had such a terrible feeling.

"This person is very strong and stronger than you." The sound of the hundred and eight sounded in his ear in a timely manner.

He Yiming’s eyebrows were picked, and he pulled the hundred and eight quickly and flew down.

"What are you doing?" asked the egg.

"Go down." He Yiming said without hesitation.

Since this person is so powerful, it is only how He Yiming, who has just polished a weapon of the gods, can be its enemy. If it is against the people in the sky, then it is not only the power of beating.

So his first thought was to hurry down with the White Horse Club, only to ride on the white horse. He Yiming can be able to attack and retreat.

However, He Yiming just flew down. I saw that the figure in the distance moved.

When he was hanging in the air, it was like a huge mountain, giving him an unattainable feeling, but the moment he moved. The race is like a falcon flying in the sky, and it has already sprinted in a blink of an eye.

He Yiming was shocked because he had already seen it at this moment. This person is far from being able to compare himself. I am afraid that he has not yet landed, and he has to be intercepted by him in midair.

At this time, He Yiming was only the ability to lighten the five elements of the ring. Once he was intercepted in midair, it would be turned into a knife. It is also absolutely fierce.

The white horse on the ground smashed a beautiful big eye, and its one-horned J1 was suddenly purple.

It also saw the terrible man, this guy is definitely an unprecedented master. When I looked at this person, I even reminded the white horse of the big one I had encountered in the open sea. So when it came up, it attacked with extremely powerful lightning, and there was no room left.


Before this sound came out - the thunder of the bowl was already hit, and the target was the shadow that was flying very fast.

The speed of lightning is definitely the best in the world. Even the man has no way to escape in this situation. But this person. The sleeves were displayed, and between the waves, there was a dark hole in front of him.

The purple thunder of the thickness of the bowl was punched into the hole and then disappeared.

He Yiming took a sigh of relief, and he and Baima Lei have cooperated for many years, knowing how the power of these lightnings is. Even if it is a powerful figure like the **** operator and the ancestors of the Yu family, in the face of lightning, it is also cautious, to go all out.

However, this person's attack on lightning is just the same as it is, and it is easy to crack these electricity.

Such a horrible character, such a horrible means. He Yiming’s heart is cold and cold.

The following white horse and Bao-Pig are also stunned. They look at the top, and the person’s shot is understated. There is no earth-shattering momentum and combat skills, but it’s obviously a wave of sleeves that have not been fully tried. Powerful lightning. Both beasts have a deep sense of awe at this moment.

Hundred and eight whispered: "Throw me over the burning novel network.

He Yiming was slightly stunned. First, he was still a little bit, and then a scene flashed in his mind.

At the time of Yu Feiyang's flesh-and-blood soldiers. It was a riddled hole that once bombed the body. But this guy is not dead, and it is only a blink of an eye to fully recover.

It can be seen that this guy is absolutely immortal, and that person's ability is even bigger, and he would like to hit a hundred and eight.

With a wave of hand, He Yiming suddenly turned the hundred and eight as a hidden weapon and threw it into the burning novel network in the direction of the man flying.

Such a huge hidden weapon can't be seen by anyone. The man is once again reaching out and a huge thrust suddenly emerges. It seems that he wants to push the hundred and eight to give birth to life.

However, the body of the hundred and eight has suddenly illuminated the colorful light. If it is about the number of colors, there are two more than the colorful glory of He Yiming.

Under the guardianship of these rays, the power of this person was completely resolved.

The man's figure seems to have a slight pause in the air.

His initial goal was indeed He Yiming. But when the body of the hundred and eight lights illuminate, he began to face this person.

The mind was swept away in the body of one hundred and eight, and the man’s heart was also shocked.

This person's body does not have the slightest breath of life, how did he do it?

This manual was already a late step, so he did not see the conversion process between the hundred and eight and the big knife, otherwise he would not be so strange.

However, this person's confidence in himself has reached an unparalleled level, although he is very curious about the practice of 108, but this does not affect his decision.

He snorted and extended a palm. Continuous clicks in the void, just in the blink of an eye, have changed countless times. Subsequently. A faint red light flew out of this dazzling fingerprint.

However, what surprised him once again was that the battle for a hundred and eight was like waiting for a long time there, blocking this pale red light.

The man snorted and said: "The way of God?"

His fingerprints suddenly stopped, and they pushed out so flatly, and the enormous power was unparalleled.

One hundred and eight identical fists were hit by the chest, and they met with his palms in an instant.

The man’s figure finally stopped in midair. However, Hundred and Eighth was flying towards the distance and flew past the burning novel network, and fell heavily towards the bottom.

There are two ways to solve the problem of God. What the ancestors of Yujia practiced was the limit of pursuing change, but this person. What is used is the simplest trick. With the power of breaking, as long as the strength of a punch is large enough, no matter how accurate the calculation of the search, you can't bear this thunder.

A loud bang, one hundred and eight has fallen to the ground, adding a giant pit to the ground.

However, just after the interception of the other party's short period of time, He Yiming has landed steadily.

He sat without hesitation on the back of the thunder. The mind between the people and the horse has once again built a mysterious connection.

Subsequently, He Yiming's colorful light splashed, and the white horse's one-horned purple electric wire, mixed in the colorful light curtain, became more powerful and incredible.

Bao pig is the first step, jumped to the head of the white horse, came to the arms of He Yiming, facing the mysterious figure, it also - there is fear.

The man finally stopped and turned quietly in the air.

This is a tall, thin middle-aged man. His face is flat and there is no place for any color. However, anyone stood in front of him. I can't help but feel the chill.

Because of his eyes.

This pair is high above, like the eyes of a great god. Among these eyes, there is a light that despises everything. It seems that there is nothing in this world that can be seen in his eyes.

He Yiming and Baima Thunder and Light are all carefully guarded, after seeing this person's martial arts repair. They are all scalp.

This person faces the thunder and lightning of the white horse. It seems that it can easily get rid of and repel in the face of the blockade. This kind of power can not be said to have never been seen before, even if it is thought, it has never been thought of.

The man turned his head and looked quiet; lying on the face, the ancestors who had more gas and less air intake. The brow was slightly wrinkled.

Just a glance, anyone already knows. This person is just a lingering, reluctant to breathe. But his heart has broken, even if the **** is alive, he can not save his life.

Slowly turned his face, he whispered: "Is the ancestor of Yujia killed?"

Upon hearing this voice, He Yiming immediately knew that it was people who originally passed the sound to let them leave.

Slowly nod, He Yiming sighed: "Yes, it is under the kill." He paused. Tao: "This person set up a bureau to try to take the lives of the younger generation, so...

The high-altitude person waved a A fierce momentum suddenly came to the face, letting He Yiming’s words come to an abrupt end.

"Since it is what you kill, then you will leave your life." The man's gaze glanced at the white horse thunder, saying: "Your mount is mine."

One person and two beasts are almost mad at the nose. He Yiming and Baima Leidian are naturally angry with this person's eyes, but Bao pig is even more angry. This person did not even put it in his eyes, this is the big disrespect for it.

In the eyes of the three of them, there was a hint of anger at the same time, but it was strange to say that at this time, none of them even looked at the direction of the hundred and eight, because in their minds, they have already The position of zero is undead. Since it is not dead, of course, they do not need to worry about it.

"Who is you, can you give a big name?" He Yiming asked.

In fact, there is a hint of conjecture in his heart that has concealed the covenant, but before he can be confirmed, his heart still holds a glimmer of hope.

The man in the air chuckled and said: "The old man, Ji Mofan, you have found yourself. "The old man of the province is working to make you bothered."

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