Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 176: Bao pig blame

The power of the white horse thunderbolt gradually recovered, and its degree became faster and faster, gradually recovering to the best state.

However, he was surprised by He Yiming, and even some of the fears were behind them. The powerful humanity 巅峥s high-handedly turned out to be chasing after him, and the fierceness of the extreme to the extreme is still firmly locked.

At this point, He Yiming has finally become clear, why the gods are thousands of miles, in any case, it is not advisable to provoke those who have the humanity peaks and nine strong heavens, because these people's martial arts repair is really too horrible.

Their minds are powerful, and they are at a terrible level. Not only that, but the degree of their flight in the sky is as far as people can imagine. Even if it is a white horse, it cannot be thrown away.

Turned his head and looked at the distant horizon. That little black spot is always on the lookout. I can't get rid of it at all.

He Yiming secretly cursed a sentence, and his mind flashed countless thoughts in an instant, but he never thought of how to get rid of this person's method.

Although the adult operator has said that if you really provoke these strong human peaks, you can go to Tianchi. \\{) There are lords who are the masters of the land.

But the problem is that today's Tianchi Yimai master is already going to the Northern Palace Ice Palace. If He Yiming introduces Huang Quan's ancestors to the Tianchi, then the consequences are not something he can afford. .

In fact, He Yiming also thought about it. Nowadays, in the Northern Palace Ice Palace, it can be said that it is a gathering of masters. If he can lead Huang Quan's ancestors to the Beihai Ice Palace, then he will never dare to provoke.

However, let He Yiming become more depressed. He simply did not know exactly where the Northern Palace Ice Palace was located.

There is a big killing Zen on the top of the head. When he is chasing after him, He Yiming can't believe it. He will stop himself and ask for directions.

In this way, like a headless fly, it’s a bit of an hour. The white horse thunder and lightning can’t stop the Huangquanmen group on the top of the head, but the humanity peak is also the same depressing, this holy beast is too Faster... The enemy hundred workshops, except in the face of those masters of the same level, Ji Mofan has never used such a long time to chase a person but can not catch up.

He Yiming sighed and filled with helpless feelings.

He thought so, if that is the case, then everyone will consume it and see who can stick to the end.

It seems to be the feeling of martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the venerable world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abundance, the empire, the prince, the sacred god, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred Qiankun will kill the gods of the gods and seal the throne to seek the demon. The world's most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty. The royal family will make the night of the gods and the gods of the throne, and seek the devil. The nine-day heaven is the strongest to abandon the idea that the big Zhou Dynasty has come to Yi Ming. Bao pig suddenly jumped in his arms and said, "What is the slap in the face?"

He Yiming has widened his eyes. Although he can see every movement of Bao pig, it is a pity that he is not at home! What does the treasure pig want to express?

Soon, the intelligent Bao pig understands that the communication between man and pig is very laborious. It twists the neck and the small eyes are stunned. Suddenly rushed up, he confessed with He Yiming's He Yiming with his nose, and immediately understood what it meant. He took out the tracker from the front chest.

"Hundred brother, are you there?" He Yiming asked quietly.

Hundred and eight finally came forward to intercept Huang Quan's ancestors, so that White Horse has the time to restore strength, otherwise this time they are afraid that even one can not escape.

Although He Yiming and others are convinced that one hundred and eight will certainly not be life-threatening, the opponent he intercepted is, after all, the horrible big man who has reached the extreme, so He Yiming also took a bit of thought when asked.

Soon, the familiar voice of the hundred and eight was passed from the tracker: "I am.

He Yiming took a long sigh of relief and said: "Hundred brothers, I can't understand what Baozi said, you can help me translate it."

"it is good"

Very simple, no hesitant voice passed from it, He Yiming, this is really reassuring, and 100 is still the same, it should be very healthy.

Bao pig screamed at the tracker. It seems to be very, very angry.

"Bao pig said, it wants you to go to the ghost crying ridge." Slowly translated.

He Yiming’s spirited spirit hit a cold, and once he mentioned the ghost crying, He Yiming thought of the huge and horrible dragon snake.

Among the creatures he has seen, only the unknown monster encountered in the open sea can stand shoulder to shoulder with the dragon snake. In addition, perhaps only the Shenglong adults who died in the reincarnation and that only It’s the name of the unicorn that has never met before, and it’s possible to compete with the horrible dragon snake.

Hesitating for a moment, He Yiming said: "Bao pig, why do you want to go to the ghost crying ridge? Is the dragon snake able to protect you."

Bao pig Bo head nodded again and again, a natural expression.

He Yiming hesitated, in fact, as long as there is a possibility, He Yiming would not go to the ghost crying ridge. Because the impression that the great dragon snake gave him was too deep, just like forgetting and forgetting.

Suddenly, an extremely weird thought popped up. He Yiming said: "Bao pig, can you let the fire dragons in the Kowloon furnace come out?" He Yiming's eyes shine brightly. Tao: "As long as they are willing to come out, they will be able to fight Huang Quan's ancestors."

Since the Kowloon Furnace has entered the five-line ring, no matter what means He Yiming uses, it is not willing to come out. Although He Yiming and the fire dragons in the Kowloon furnace have greatly improved at this time, he knows that he does not want to mobilize these monsters even more horrible than Huang Quan's ancestors.

Bao pig shook his head without hesitation, and his small eyes were closed, which was also a helpless expression.

He Yiming sighed with disappointment. If Bao pig can find ways to mobilize those fire dragons, then how much difference can he mobilize with him.

And at the moment, a few fire dragons are fighting hard with the mysterious tortoise shell, only fear that they will be innocent.

The murderousness that came from afar seemed to be a bit more fierce. He Yiming gnawed his teeth and said, "Okay, let's go to the ghost crying ridge."

The direction of the white horse turned slightly, and it turned into a straight white line and went away instantly. Under the guidance of Bao pig, it embarked on the road to the ghost crying ridge.

The high-altitude Jimo brothers showed a hint of surprise. His experience is extremely high. "From the beginning of the pursuit, I saw that He Yiming did not have a fixed direction. It seems that as long as they can get rid of themselves, Then no matter where you go.

But at this moment, he understood from the sudden change of direction and movement of White Horse.

He Yiming, they have already identified a place, just as the ancestors of the Yu family have to go to the land of Jiuyou, they must also go to $! A place to get rid of the pursuit of ancient times.

However, his face showed a sneer of disdain. In this world, at this time, in addition to the Northern Palace Ice Palace, there is still something to resist him.

Although the degree of the white horse is fast, it is not going to the north, which makes Huang Quan's ancest completely put down his heart. He speeded up and followed closely. Although he could not chase J1, he also did not get rid of the white horse.

However, as the white horse continues to advance. The face of Huang Quan’s ancestors was somewhat gloomy.

Because he had already seen it, in the distance, a mountain covered with gray-black fog appeared in his eyes.

With the knowledge of his old man, of course he knows where this is, and he has already entered this place before he has yet to enter the price. It is here that he has taken the most important step in his life. The success is Sayādaw adults.

Although he has not been here for hundreds of years, anyone who has been there once will never forget it in this life.

The white horse's footsteps seem to be getting faster. It hasn't hesitated to cross the steep mountain wall. In this place where the cliffs are everywhere, the white horse is just as flat.

Later, in the incredible gaze of Huangquan's ancestors, White Horse held He Yiming and rushed into the dark fog of gray and black.

Gima Fanshu came to the front of the cliff with thick fog. He stopped his figure and floated in the air. He looked at the gaze in front of him with amazement.

The choice He Heming made was really unexpected.

Even if they fled to the Northern Ice Palace, he would not be surprised. However, I entered the Ghost Cry Ridge. This result is not the ancestor of Huang Quan. I am afraid that even the operator can imagine it.

At this moment, there is only one thought in the heart of this top humane master. Do they not know that it is the site of the dragon snake?

After the white horse rushed into the thick fog, he suddenly stopped and his eyes stared at the top of the mountain. There seemed to be a trace of confusion and surprise.

Bao pig jumped out of He Yiming's arms. It J1 squats and jumps, seems to be explaining what to the white horse.

After a while, the white horse finally relaxed. It hit a nose and followed the pig, moving toward the high.

He Yiming rode on the white horse. But his heart is already high.

He has such a strange feeling. It’s not that Bao pig is not afraid of dragon snakes, even Bai Jian does not seem to be afraid of dragon snakes.

The two sacred beasts were extremely fast, and it didn't take long before they reached the top of the mountain.

The concentration of fog here is far below, and when He Yiming comes here, it is able to clearly sense the huge pressure of the giant behemoth on the top of the mountain.

After a while, a huge squeak rang, and He Yiming was a singer and immediately appeared. There is nothing malicious in this call. Instead, there was a hint of surprise.

Bao pig suddenly followed, and the white horse was not willing to show weakness ~ long a few words.

He Yiming did not see the dragon snake on the top of the mountain, but after listening to the three beasts who had the blood of the beast, the heart gradually calmed down.

Bao pig really did not say anything wrong. The dragon snakes here are sure to shelter them, and he is the blessing of the white horse and the pig, and can also escape the chasing of Huang Quan's ancestors here.

Bao pig suddenly got excited, and it screamed a few times.

In front of them, there was a hurricane in the air, and the dragon snake screamed with an earth-shattering roar. Then, a huge wind blew over it, even though He Yiming was almost turned to the ground.

After half a ring, He Yiming reacted, and the dragon snake left the mountain that had been entrenched for countless years, and left the ghost crying ridge with the supreme power. After a long while, He Yiming took out the tracker and asked: "Hundred brothers, what did Bao pig say?"

"Bao pig said, did you lose a corner? It saw someone playing with a dragon snake's horn outside. After asking a question, the man has been chasing it and came here."

He Yiming: "..."

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