Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 185: Leading Dafa

With the tumbling of He Yiming's hands, in front of him, the magical pattern formed by the colorful light appeared again.

Both the pig and the white horse are gazing at each other. I want to see how it works with the pattern of great power. However, after half a ring, He Yiming still showed this posture, but did not display any earth-shattering power.

Bao pig was dissatisfied with the sensation of the sound, it seems to be counting what is falling.

He Yiming didn't breathe a sigh of relief and said to himself: "It's strange, what is the use of this rune?"

Although he used the gourd to draw this rune with five elements of infuriating, it was very regrettable that he did not appear until now, and when the rune was completed, he could not provoke it.

Just like after the bow, there is no sharp arrow on the bowstring. This feeling is quite weird and not very good.

Baozhu's eyeball suddenly turned, and it had a mouth, and suddenly spewed a ray of light. The nine-toothed nails flew high, and a powerful firepower wave fluctuated in the air. One of the nailed tines became a huge fire dragon. , rolled over to He Yiming.

He Yiming was shocked and immediately understood the meaning of Bao pig.

The runes mastered from the book of Shinto are absolutely impossible to use, and since he can't use it now, the mystery of this rune is on the defense.

His heart is dark!! This little treasure pig is really smart.

The fire dragon rushed toward He Yiming without any mercy, but he was prepared with his hands in a hurry, and a rune condensed in the air suddenly floated up, just catching the surging dragon. .

Thousands of moments, something amazing is surprising. The fire dragon carrying the infinite majesty disappeared.

In the moment of contact with the mysterious rune, the fire dragon disappeared. It seems that the rune in the middle of the condensation is a black hole, and the fire dragon is absorbed.

He Yiming and Bao pig had 7 eyes at the same time. Before the real confrontation, no one of them thought that this strange thing would happen.

The power of this rune is really powerful, even the descendants of the horrible dragons in the Jiulong furnace can be melted, and the whole process seems to be completed in an instant, so that He Yiming does not have any Reaction opportunity.

One person, one pig, one horse and one horse face each other, this power is really too weird.

The only thought in their hearts is that fire dragon? Where did you go?

This thought just flashed from their hearts, and a few dozen feet came a powerful and boiling fire.

The eyes of the people almost invariably turned to the past, and when they saw the situation there, they could not help but be amazed.

There, a fire dragon jumped up and down, seemingly wanting to burn everything around him.

Judging from the breath of this fire dragon, it is the guy who suddenly disappeared after contact with Rune, but somehow, it appeared in a place not far from the point after disappearing.

Here is a forest. Under the raging fire dragon, dozens of big trees are ignited in an instant. If this fire dragon continues to churn, it will definitely cause the most terrible forest fire.

He Yiming brow wrinkles, said: "Bao pig, received the soldiers."

Bao pig breathed a sigh of relief, and the fire dragon suddenly turned into a red light, flying lightning over the nine-toothed nails, and then swallowed by the pig.

After seeing the special ability of Bao pig Guanghua Shenbing, even the white horse lightning is quite envious. But this talent is extremely rare, even in the spirit of the beast. Just like the thunder and lightning of the white horse, it also makes the pigs covet.

He Yiming’s body movement has come to the center of the flame.

From his body, a large amount of fog suddenly emerged. Although He Yiming has not yet condensed the flower of fog, it is still not a problem to control the fog and want to spread to this extent.

Subsequently, a chill of coldness rushed out of his body, with a dense fog to control the temperature in this area to a very low level.

The fires that have become more and more fierce suddenly disappeared. Although these fires belonged to the fire in the artifacts, they met He Yiming who mastered the Jiulong furnace in their hands, but they met like a nemesis, and they quickly went out. It is.

Looking at the kind of wolf-like scene of the 7-eye week, He Yiming shook his head slightly, in the middle of the forest, it was not a good place to play with fire.

Although his reaction was extremely fast, the power of the fire dragon has caused considerable damage. The surrounding ten giant trees are at least half burnt, and the remaining half is hard to survive.

The smoky black smoke rushed up, and J1 smashed into a straight line on their head.

He Yiming sighed and said: "Go."

He rode a white horse and went away in an instant, leaving only this mess. However, as long as this forest is still there, it will take a long time to regain its vitality.

Far away from this place, before coming to a rocky hill, He Yiming got off the horse and meditated.

He faintly felt that the rune composed of the power of the five elements must have unpredictable and high cabin strength, but he could not find the relationship between them at one time.

The eyes suddenly lit up, He Yiming said, "Thunder, you use lightning to attack."

His wrist turned over, and the multicolored light reappeared again, re-condensing into a magical pattern.

The white horse thunderbolt bowed, and the lightning flashed on the unicorn. In the face of He Yiming, it certainly couldn’t do its best, but he also knew that to test the power of this rune, too little lightning would not work. .

Therefore, when the thunderbolt accumulated a certain amount of power, a fist-sized lightning group crashed toward He Yiming.

The degree of the lightning squad is reaching its peak, almost when it is out of the body, it has already hit the rune floating in the air.

However, the magical scene reappeared in front of everyone, and the lightning group disappeared, so that the disappearance of the air disappeared without a trace.

He Yiming and others learned the last lesson and began to look around.

After the two breaths, farther away, there was a lightning bolt that, with an unparalleled degree, passed through the sky and slammed into the ground.

Suddenly, the ground became dark and sparkling with purple electro-optic lights. In the area, insects and other little guys are unlucky, and one by one fainted in the past, and there is no longer a chance to wake up.

He Yiming's eyebrows were light, and then he wrinkled again.

He can already be sure that the effect of this rune is very weird, that is, the opponent's attack can be transferred to other places.

God knows how this rune is done, but both attempts are the same, it is not a simple coincidence.

However, the only thing that makes He Yiming feel uncontrollable is that the locations where the fire dragon and the thunderbolt appear after disappearing are not the same. It can be said that it is a long distance and the distance is not long.

This kind of clueless appearance makes He Yiming feel a headache.

After a long period of hard work, He Yiming’s eyes suddenly brightened.

His hands danced again, and the magical rune was formed in his hands again and again, and then dispersed. However, in each process of dispersing, the smile on He Yiming's face seems to have deepened.

I don't know how long it took. When He Yiming stopped, he suddenly appeared, and only one hundred and eight were still with him. The Bao pig and the white horse thunder and lightning ran to a large stone and stood quietly.

He Yiming did not disturb them, or watched it seriously.

Because from their body, there is a strong energy fluctuation, if He Yi

If there is no mistake, the two holy beasts seem to be undergoing some kind of cultivation.

The sacred beast is different from the human being. The human being wants to make constant progress and can only continue to practice. But the Holy Beast is born with the ability to continue to advance, as long as they can survive, as the age grows, the strength will continue to grow.

But at this moment, Baima Thunder and Bao pig have passed their own efforts to practice, which is now also aroused by He Yiming.

The battle to Yujia, and the pursuit of God by Huang Quan’s ancestors, deeply stimulated the pride of these two little guys. It is estimated that they want to hurry up to catch the power of the dragon snake.

Waiting for an hour, the two beasts finally ended their day of practice. After seeing He Yiming, they went to say hello intimately.

He Yiming shook his head and said: "Thunder, continue to attack me."

Thunder and lightning, but it does not hesitate, and constantly motivated, and once and for all, thunder and lightning on the rune.

He Yiming was calm and a little bit of change was fine-tuned.

Under his control, the branch’s infuriating flow and the formation of runes have a subtle


Although every time the thunderbolt disappeared, and appeared casually in the body of everyone, but after half a ring, they have already seen the mystery.

The lightning that emerged from the emptiness of the sky, the more and more - the more concentrated in a certain area.

In this way, He Yiming and others stayed in this uninhabited place for three days. During these three days, they have tried countless times until He Yiming can completely grasp the mystery of this rune, and can make the sudden attack of the other party appear in a certain direction. ~When He Yiming finally succeeded in mastering this, he and the white horse thunder

When a person forgets everything to study something, he doesn't feel tired, but when all this research succeeds, all the fatigue will emerge at this moment.

Even the strength of the white horse thunder and lightning is so strong, at this moment is also spit tongue loss, there is a feeling of overwhelming.


He Yiming will be the Shinto: &t; hundred brothers, copying it into the arm of the hundred and eight immediately into the book of Shinto, after a while, everything is restored. This time, the white horse thunder and the pigs are indifferent, and this guy even has a knife.

They can all change, then he will make something shocking and unpredictable, and will not let them move.

After a restful day, He Yiming stood up and finished. He was indulging, his eyes gazing at one direction, slowly saying: "Maybe, the technicians should go there and go."

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