Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 195: Wrong information

Looking up at the sky, He Yiming slowly nodded and said: "Since Sima brother invited, He Mou dare not kill.

Five colors of light swayed from his body, wrapped in him slowly rising up.

Underneath, the gems of the hundred and eight gems seem to be flashing, and the two sacred beasts are bigger eyes.

With a small eye, I can't understand what He Yiming is doing.

Those of them who are beside He Yiming certainly understand that if He Yiming is down-to-earth, even if he can’t win, he will not be defeated. But if he can’t stand his irony and rise to the air, then this battle does not need to be played. I know the answer.

Because it only illuminates a weapon of the gods, He Yiming has only protective power in the sky, and the means of attack are lacking.

The pig screamed a few words on the squat, and there was a black awn on its four hooves.

Fly towards the sky.

It is very simple in its small mind. This person is a bad guy, then he goes up to a fire and burns him.

However, Bao pig just flew to Ningkong and felt that the scalp was tight and had been caught.

This movement and technique is quite familiar to Bao pig. It does not need to look back at all, and know who is doing good things.

Half twisted over the head and neck, Bao pig screamed for a long time, and expressed his indignation clearly. He Yiming took a funny and smug shot of its head and said: "Little guy, this thing doesn't require you to intervene."

After all, he gently throws it away and throws the pig to the hundred and eight.

Bao pig’s dejectedness is also a bit strange. He Yiming is also able to fly, but since he was in an unclear state at the time of the Guanghua Shenbing, when flying with the gods, no matter Degree and dexterity seem to be worse than the rest of the five-powered.

However, it inherits the inheritance of Shenglong. Although there is nothing to be said about the flight, it is not what He Yiming can compare.

But this time, it did not know how He Yiming flew behind him.

One thought of this, Bao pig raised his head again, the little guy seems to have figured out what, a pair of small eyes swayed, full of inexplicable excitement.

He Yiming sent Bao pig back, his body slowly rose, and gradually forced to Sima Bin


Since He Yiming began to take off, Sima Bin’s face was accompanied by a sneer, mocking sneer. Although there is still a trace of doubt in his heart, he is convinced that his intelligence is not wrong.

Because he pledges to him, it is not only the Qilian brothers and brothers, but from three different forces, so he firmly believes that He Yiming is only a successful photochemicalization of a soldier.

However, he also knows that there seems to be a very powerful sacred treasure in the hands of He Yiming. If he is close to him, once he has provoked the special power of the sacred treasure, he may not be able to benefit. .

Move, it is already coming to He Yiming.

The long sword in his hand is a veritable fierce sword.


He Yiming looked at the front coldly, his face was quiet, and he turned a blind eye to Sima Bin’s long sword. The people below are all fascinating. The big fists of the big devil are slightly clenched, and the heart regrets it. If you know that He Yiming is so impulsive, then you have to stop it anyway.

However, when Sima Bin’s fierce sword was about to be stabbed by He Yiming, he raised a hand.

This is an empty palm, and it stretches out flat.

Everyone's eyes are on the palm of the hand, and nothing is suspicious in the heart. Could it be that he wants to fight the flying sword with an empty hand?

If He Yiming is so planned - then he is absolutely crazy.

The weapon of the gods and the shackles are human beings who can confront each other. Is it that he and the sacred beast have been together for a long time, and he has treated himself as a sacred beast...···

The fierce color of Sima Bin’s eyes flashed past. Although he is unlikely to kill He Yiming here, but this person is so stupid, then he will get rid of one of his hands and it will be a bad smell for Yujia. .

The eyes are condensed, and the murderousness of the fierce sword is more powerful.

However, just before the fierce sword and He Yiming's hand, the empty hand suddenly burst into a strong light.

A crystal-clear lightsaber suddenly appeared on this hand.

With a gentle wave, the brilliance of the flow, a crisp and sweet gold and iron cross-talk, He Yiming's lightsaber easily swayed the imposing sword.

"Impossible..." Sima Bin, who was blind with 7 eyes, shouted: "How can you be lighted?"

God soldiers? ”

He Yiming looked at the front with a smile, saying: "If He Mou is not a light soldier, how can he use the light to fly."

Sima Bin's face was blue and red, and he took a deep breath and finally calmed down. At this point, he finally understood, He Yiming turned out to be a successful photochemical second soldier.

"You will fly up to fight with him.

However, the information he has mastered in advance and the planned plan are all done.


Looking at the face of He Yiming with a smile on his face, Sima Bin’s heart was bitter, and the guys who provided him with intelligence were stupid...

Slowly, He Yiming's face converges. He sighs: "Sima brother, since it has already been played, then this contest should also end the spoon."

Sima Bin snorted and his eyes were still full of fighting spirit.

He has been promoted to the Three Masters for more than a hundred years, and he will not be afraid of He Yiming in any case.

With a wave of his hands, there was a ray of light again from his body. Together with the fierce sword, these two rays made different trajectories in the sky and stabbed him toward He Yiming.

Since a **** soldier can't resist, then the two soldiers are dispatched together.

At this moment, Sima Bin’s heart is quite regrettable. If it is not the gongs bursting, then at the moment, three squadrons will be together, and they will be able to fight and scream.

Yan Yiming gently waved the sword of Aurora, and he just caught the attack of the other side's gods. The technique of God's calculations was actually applied to the sky by him, and there was still no mistake.

go with.

Sima Bin did not hesitate to retreat, and in the vast sky, He Yiming took the park.


The battle in the sky is different from the ground. If the two sides are similar, then it is almost impossible to approach the other party. No matter how He Yiming advances, he can never get closer to each other. Sima Bin is obviously very familiar with this type of combat. He did not relax the attack and harassment against He Yiming while manipulating the flying of the gods.

He made up his mind in his heart, even if it was grinding, he would kill the other person.

He Yiming is deeply sucked, and if the other party touches him hard, then he is sure to fight the other side in one fell swoop. But when Sima Bin used this rogue way to entangle, he now, he really does not have a good solution.

Looking at the sword of Aurora in the hands of 7 eyes, he sighed in his heart. He did not want to expose the secret of this sword so quickly, but at the moment, there is no choice.

His eyes suddenly condensed, quickly took out the shield of the Shinto treasure, and instilled the infuriating sword into the sword of Aurora.

The next moment, the sword suddenly disappeared into the eyes and became a void.

He Yiming’s mouth whispered, he was silently calculating the side of Sima Bin’s move.


Flying freely in the sky, even Sima Bin himself does not know which direction to fly to the next moment. However, with He Yiming pursuing behind him and passing observations and drawing out his certain habits, he is quite good for predicting his next move.

Finally, He Yiming let go of his hand, he drove the five elements of light burial - continue to track, as for the two rays of constant attack, it is to use a shield to open it.

Although Sima Bin felt a strange change, it seems that the soldiers in He Yiming’s hands are no longer a beautiful lightsaber, but a large-scale hard-plate-like object. But this variation has not been taken care of by him.

No matter what Hebing is used by He Yiming, he firmly believes that he must definitely go through the other side in endurance.

Although the movements of the two of them were extremely fast, they always flew above the valley, so Sima Bin turned around and once again turned a corner and passed through in the air.

But at this moment, his heart suddenly raised a strong uneasiness, this

It is a kind of top-notch for the danger of a foreboding.

Sima Bin was immediately engrossed and cautious, but he was as embarrassed as he was, and there was no embarrassment.

Behind him, He Yiming chased it up like a wind-like and took advantage of his chance to fly in the air, pulling the distance into a lot.

Sima Bin no longer cares so much, he speeded up and rushed forward.

Then, he felt that a violent heartache was coming from the thigh, and his eyes glimpsed, and suddenly he saw a **** rain splashing in the air.

The bright red color swayed from the air, bright and colorful.

Sima Bin sighed, and the powerful real gas suddenly poured into the side of the wound, stopping the blood that was mad.

At the same time his body fell like a meteor towards the bottom, and in his heart, he was already horrified.

I don't know when, in his leg J1 is already a transparent hole.

This injury is quite serious, but what is more serious is that his confidence has been greatly hurt. Because he didn't know at all how he was hurt.


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