Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 199: Shot

Recalling that when he first met Fan Shuo’s lord in Dongtianfu, his old man’s sudden remarks, He Yiming had already guessed in the future.

Artifact, the temptation of these two words can be described as unparalleled in the world.

Zhan Jun is undoubtedly using this bait to find ways to drag the hole into the water.

For example, today's next five-ring ring is only the one in his hand, and has been successfully succeeded by his success. If you want to seek this five-line ring, then it is not equal to seeking your own sexuality. Although the land is strong, but He Yiming is not a good scum, plus the Tianchi of his back. So although they are ringing five lines, they may not be easy to shoot.

However, if it is related to the artifact. Then it is hard to say that the master of humanity is the best player. If you hold the artifact, even if you only use one percent of the power, you will be able to compete in the humanity.

He Yiming breathed slowly, but his heart was a big hate.

Zhan Jun, this person, he did not say the way to promote the three elements of the ring, because he knows that this method is useless, just like a mirror, can see, but can not touch.

No matter whether it is the five top sacred beasts, the power of the five elements and the power of the world, it is not what the world can find today.

The cave is so strong that it is impossible to kill the top sacred beasts such as dragon snakes and unicorns.

Therefore, Zhan Hao will persist in this way. He must see the five elements of the ring before he can say this method. Because his knowledge is broken, he will definitely be enthusiastic and even give up the plan.

Sima Bin of the inner room was obviously very helpless. He snorted, but there was no good way to face the sage of the five elements.

After talking a few more times, Zhan Yu got up and said goodbye, Sima Bin did not retain, and ordered a disciple to leave the room with a donkey.

He Yiming slammed his feet and wanted to leave, but his movements were abrupt, because he heard a subtle but familiar voice sounded.

"Teacher, do you still want to find a five-line ring?" Fan Shuo, the great sage, said coldly.

Sima Bin did not hesitate: "Brother, I know your concerns, but the five elements of the ring is too important for the door, the younger brother can not give up." He paused, said: "As long as the five elements can be promoted to Artifact, then the world is big, and who else can be the enemy of the Sovereign."

Fan Shuo silently looked at Sima Bin. He sighed long and said, "Do you believe in Zhan?"

Sima Bin seems to hesitate a moment, said: "Zhan is the family of the former five elements dedicated to forging, the ancient records, after the disappearance of the ancestors of the mountain, the second five-ring ring is cast by the Zhan family. It can be seen that he absolutely does not I will be greeted with a yellow mouth." Speaking of this, there was a blush on his face, saying: "There is no invincible hand in the world. Hey, since we have such an opportunity, we must not let go."

He Yiming’s face was gloomy, and his mind turned a few thoughts.

However, beyond his expectation that the soap was not affected, Fan Shuo’s voice was still unaffected. He was still calm: “My brother, I always feel that something is not right.”

Sima Bin was awkward and said: "What is wrong?"

"Zhan 煊 煊 说 说 说 说 说 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” If we are afraid of saying it, we will give up immediately, so we will not tell the truth."

Sima Bin was silent for a long time, said: "You have to worry about your brother." He said that this sentence is quite reluctant, and it is clear that there is such an idea in the heart.

Fan Shuo smiled coldly and said: "If this is not the case, even if he refuses to say it all, he should disclose some of his tone. But now for nearly a year, he has never revealed a little bit. Do you think that? Is this normal?"

After a long time, Sima Bin smiled bitterly: "Sister. You understand what I mean, but this is perhaps the best opportunity for the rise of this door. The younger brother really does not want to miss it."

"Opportunities and dangers are always coexisting." Fan Shuo said calmly: "If the five elements of the ring can really promote the artifact, then it is worthwhile to sacrifice even more, but if the final wish is shattered, then the white erect is like this. A life and death enemy is really not worth it."

He Yiming’s heart was cold, and he thought that Fan Shuo looked at him differently and was completely standing by him.

However, after listening to their conversations, they realized that Fan Shuo’s great esteem was also worried about his own strength, so he would look so far.

If He Yiming is not a five-powered sage, if there is not one hundred and eight and two top sacred beasts around him, I am afraid that Fan Shuo will not hesitate to take the five-ring ring and grab his hand. His mouth is a bitter smile. Strength, in the final analysis, is still a question of strength.

As long as they have the strength to make them afraid, then they will not dare to shoot at this moment, He Yiming thought of the Huangquan door master, if the five elements ringed to the hands of these human peaks, I am afraid of Fan Shuo and Sima Bin will not consider this issue at all.

Gently raised his foot, He Yiming's body turned into a breeze in the air, blowing out lightly.

His light weight is powerful, even though the two top stalwarts of the inner room are not present.

After leaving the courtyard, He Yiming's ears continued to sway. He listened to the sounds from around, and carefully expanded this range.

In the room, Fan Shuo and Sima Bin did not have a long conversation, so Zhan Yi did not leave much. Under the listening of He Yiming, he immediately caught the familiar footsteps.

He Yiming’s eyes showed a firm color. He had already decided that even if he was disturbed by the heavens and blessings, he must first smash the man under the knife.

His movements are light and smart, and he is far behind Zhan.

Here is the heaven and the blessing, He Yiming did not dare to have a slight scornfulness, he mentioned all the spirit, and the wind and ear function was released to the maximum limit.

Of course, this limit means that there is no limit to the use of infuriating, otherwise the range of his monitoring can be greatly increased, but in the same way, the masters of the Sayādaw level can also present his existence in an instant.

At the same time, the obstacles from Huangquanmen were also used by him to the limit, and they appeared in the woods, although they could not be said to be incarnations. But even if Huang Quan’s ancestors arrived, after seeing He Yiming’s performance, he was afraid that he would also slap the case and try to pull He Yiming into Huangquanmen. He passed the small half of the mountain, and the disciple of Dongtianfudi finally stopped. When he came down, he took the lantern in his hand and respectfully said: "Predecessors, the younger generation have left."

With a slight wave of hand, Zhan’s half-turned back.

Looking up at the sky, there was no light in the air that day. I didn’t know what I thought of. Zhan Yu sighed and walked into the small yard.

A breeze blew, and He Yiming's body floated with the breeze past the burning novel network. He clung to the wall and converged the whole body's life to a subtle level.

Although it can not be compared with the pervert of this hundred and eight. But it is also not what Zhan Jun can detect.

Those who died in the hands of He Yiming’s poems and great sages are not in Min Min, but that is a bit of a hard battle. But at the moment it is different. In the face of Zhan Yu, He Yiming must have a blow. Once the first shot is unsuccessful, then the next situation will be completely out of control. He Yiming is not willing to see this anyway.

The flat hand extended and a light sword slowly emerged.

In this dark night, the color of the lightsaber is somewhat dazzling. However, He Yiming chose a very good position, and under his monitoring, he knew there was no sentry in the vicinity, and this light could not be seen.

If not, he would not take the lightsaber out so much.

A little bit of infuriating, the light slowly disappeared, and finally completely integrated into the night, leaving no trace.

He Yiming's movements are very careful, and the infuriating operation is slow to the extreme.

After all, Zhan Jun in the room is a genuine sage. Once he has a little bit of movement, it is a stunned snake, and never want to succeed.

Until the lightsaber disappeared completely, He Yiming’s face showed a smile.

Chu Artemisia once evaluated this sword of Aurora, saying that it is a more powerful sneak attack than the fork sword in the hands of Huang Quan's ancestors, and that the sword is a name for this sword, it depends on the next moment. Yiming’s hand was loose, and the idea was used to control the sword to move forward toward the door. If the room is not Zhan, but a great sage like Sima Bin, then this method will definitely be noticed by them.

However, this is undoubtedly the best means of assassination of a common sage who has not yet been eager to read.

In the room candlelight swaying, Zhan Yi does not know why it seems quite anxious, even walking around in the room.

He Yiming’s heart is suspicious, but he can be sure that he is not being seen by the other party. Otherwise, Zhan’s cognition of himself is afraid that he has long shouted.

After a quarter of an hour, Zhan Xi calmed down. He sat in a chair and didn't know what he was thinking about.

He Yiming's eyebrows are light, and he finally connected this best opportunity, under the control of his mind. The sword of Aurora burst suddenly and gently penetrated the window, and instantly came to the unsuspecting Zhan.

Through that gap, He Yiming even saw the already solidified feeling on Zhan's face.

In this expression, there is a horror and doubtful color. Obviously, he is not sure what happened, things.

Seeing the sword of Aurora will stab his body, but at this moment, the change will rise.

A strange light suddenly rises from the ground. In this way, the invisible sword of Aurora is bounced high...

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