Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 206: 9 dragon furnace appeared

Within the valley, there was a huge noise, and with these sounds, it was a purple, lightning.

Fortunately, these Lei Zhenzi fell into the hands of He Yiming, otherwise they want to fill them with power.

It will also be a headache.

Today, eight Lei Zhenzi, who have already been filled with lightning power, and the white horse lightning all-out, finally pour out its power at this moment.

In the beginning, these thunder and lightning were only flashing around the white horse's body, but only in a blink of an eye, suddenly expanded out of the spoon

A huge thunderstorm skyrocketed, and there seemed to be a flash of light between the whole world.


He Yiming did not hesitate to stick to the body of the thunder and lightning. Under such circumstances, there is no safer place than the white horse.

However, when He Yiming made this action, he was unexpectedly present, and Bai Ba Ba and Bao pig were even one step faster than him. It seems that they are quite jealous of the power of lightning.

The purple electric awning spreads in the center of the white horse thunder, and even the entire ground is splashed with a shining arc. The purple electric awn is like a monster that can swallow everything, drowning everything in front of them.

Everyone outside the valley is already unmanned, and Fan Shuo called out the origin of Lei Zhenzi.

After that, their faces became quite ugly.

Artifact, He Yiming’s hand actually controls the artifact...

Although this is not a complete set of artifacts, it is already enough to shock the whole world.

At this point, the absolute grasp in their hearts has disappeared, and replaced by a worry from the heart.

Although the **** tree is powerful, there is no one in the humane realm, but if it happens after encountering the artifact, no one can answer this.

Zhan’s mood at the moment is already incapable of being described in words. His face is gray and his body is under the treacherous thunder and lightning pressure. His feelings are far more profound and intense than the outsiders.

Fan Shuo and others still have certain confidence in the tree, but Zhan Wei, who is in the center of the whirlpool, is already closed to death.

However, at this moment, his side was swaying with a dark green color.

He is very familiar with these colors, and it is from the power of the **** tree. However, the more powerful the power displayed by the **** tree this time, the more he wrapped up the number of weeks in his body.

The huge Thunder burst a little bit, and the thick green was weakened a little bit, and the look of Zhan's eyes slowly dissipated and filled with despair.

I don't know how long it has been. In this desperate environment, even a mere second is so long.

The so-called day is like a year, Zhan Hao really tasted this sad hope.

Crazy taste.

Finally, before the green light around me was about to disappear, the lightning in the sky was first missed.

The power of thunder and lightning is enough to destroy the land, but it is still impossible to defeat this tree of God that has survived for many years.

When the power of the eight thunderbolts was exhausted, and even the white horse thunder and lightning were so tired that the tongue was filled, the purple thunder that filled the air that day was finally completely dissipated.

Zhan Yu was relieved for a long time. The clothes on his body had been soaked in sweat. He thought that he would ridicule He Yiming a few words, but his throat was dry and uncomfortable.

At this moment, he finally understood that he was still afraid of death!

Several of the sacred people on the hillside couldn't help but cheer up. When they determined that even the power of the artifact Lei Zhenzi could not threaten the tree god, the pride in the heart can be imagined, even the identity and restraint of the sages are not taken care of. Up.

One hundred and eight cold ice and ice roads: "Unfortunately, if there are two more Lei Zhenzi, you should be able to kill this person."

He only said that he could kill Zhan Yu, but he did not mention hurting the tree of God. It is obvious that his evaluation of the **** tree is far above the imagination of He Yiming.

A piece of white stone was taken out from the body, and He-Ming was stuffed into the mouth of the white horse.

Thunder and lightning chewed the white stone, and there was a trace of loss and stunned eyes. Eight Lei Zhenzi, the power of lightning contained in each Lei Zhenzi, has to go through it.

In order to supplement the thunderbolt power of these thunderbolts, White Horse is quite fortunate.

But at this moment, even if it is the power of all the thunderbolts, it is impossible to break through the power blockade of the **** tree. This is also a big blow to the arrogant white horse lightning.

At this point, it also has some understanding, why He Yiming was originally looking at the tree of God, his eyes will have that strange color.

That is because he has lost the confidence to win.

White horse lightning and Bao pig are the holy beasts with the blood of the beasts. Their relationship is quite harmonious.


The white horse's low mood immediately caught the attention of the pig, and its small body suddenly jumped up and showed extreme anger.

It opened its mouth and a white light suddenly rushed out.

The light turned in the air and turned into a nine-toothed nail.

The nine spikes on the nails suddenly flew out, and turned into several huge fire dragons in the sky, and began to hover.

Dragon furnace? Fan Shuo’s voice is more and more weird. He is unbelievable: Is this the imitation artifact Jiulong furnace?

The nine fire dragons of Bao pig were in the middle of Beijing, and the news naturally spread to the cave. But the rumors only have a detailed description of the nine fire dragons, but they ignore the humble nails. Therefore, Fan Shuo and others thought that Bao pig had acquired a replica artifact Jiulong furnace.

It was only after I saw the nails at this moment that I realized that the news they got was a big mistake.

The nine fire dragons hovered in the air for a moment, and they immediately looked at the direction. They opened the dragon mouth at the same time and spit out a powerful pillar of fire with a diameter of a foot.

Zhan Yu’s expression has been numb, and the means used by He Yiming and others are powerful and unparalleled. At this point, he has no doubt about the destruction of the Da Shen Yu family.

He Yiming and others really have this strength!

Seeing that the fire is about to burn on his head, the same green light is spreading around him.

After the huge force of the fire, after encountering these green masks, they could not ignite or destroy them. They only spewed flames on the periphery, but they could not further threaten his life.

Among the five elements, the wood burned when it caught fire. However, when the power of the two Q!i is too far apart, this statement will be reversed.

If it is a forest fire, then nature is unstoppable. But if it is only a little star fire, then when the wood of a car is smashed down, it is absolutely possible to completely extinguish this flame. At most, it is a black smoke, which is quite remarkable.

Nowadays, although the fire dragon released by Bao pig is powerful, even if the two western five-powered people are under siege, it is difficult to get out. However, when this powerful fire power meets with the **** tree, it is a far cry, and no matter how hard the nine fire dragons work, they can't break through even the green light curtain. In contrast, the power of Lei Zhenzi is much stronger.

After a while, Bao pig seems to feel bad, it is shouting, full of unwillingness.

He Yiming looked at the perseverance, knowing that he was powerless but did not give up. "He is very excited in his heart. With a wave of his hand, the five elements of the ring appear smoothly in the hand, and the light flashes between the nine small _ The fire dragon rushed out of the red light, and gathered together with the pig's nine big fire dragons, forming a greater power, rushing toward Zhan's position.

Eighteen fire dragons released all the power in this one. If Li Yajing and Hao Hao, who hold the imitation artifact Jiulong furnace, see this scene, they will definitely have 7 eyes and never trust their own. Everything I saw.

The huge heat wave rises to the sky, but the opposite is the endless life force.

The sacred tree released its power constantly, firmly retaining Zhan's life, and confronting the fire dragon with the power of life.

He Yiming's teeth are tight, and the more he feels, the huge and quintessential force of life has a faint tendency to counterattack.

It's like a wooden stick that is about to pour down, wanting to completely extinguish the flame.

With a cold sigh, He Yiming reached out and threw a hand, and the five elements of the ring came out, and came to the air. It floated and flew, and the power of the five elements of the world was completely opened, and the life force of the **** tree was madly absorbed into it. Within the five elements of the world.

However, although the five elements of the ring are powerful, the absorbed life force can only be described as negligible for the entire **** tree.

On the hillside in the distance, Fan Shuo breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The Boqimen weapons in their hands are weird. In terms of power, it seems that they are not under the artifact. But..." He smiled and said: "Thinking To break through the power of the tree god, the power of this fire is still not enough.

Sima Bin saw that the eyebrows danced, especially after the tree **** took the attack of the artifact Lei Zhenzi without any suspense, his letter, c has expanded to an indescribable point, for the power of He Yiming and others. I don't care about When he wants to come, even the artifacts are taken out, He Yiming and others are definitely poor, and it is hard to threaten the tree.

This line of gambling, although there was a little problem in the middle, but in the end it was still

Successfully resolved.

I thought that after the three days, the five elements of the ring will soon be completely in the hole, and his heart is full.

Full of excitement!

Sima Bin laughed loudly and said: "Fan brother, although the fire can be gram wood, but wants to let the tree **** bow, then under the heavens, there is only the legendary artifact of the Kowloon furnace. A copy of the artifact, is naturally unbearable Great use." He did not hide his happy heart, said: "I don't believe, there is a second **** on them...", then, then, that is... what? ”

Everyone stared at them, and they were stunned for a while, and they couldn’t say anything.

Inside the valley, above the sky, I don’t know when, there was a huge, top-notch stove...

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