Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 218: Self-contained world

A circle of silver light flashed in the sea, these silver awns are sometimes one, sometimes scattered, but in this large area of ​​the sea, filled with this glory that represents death.

Where the eyes of He Yiming are, the rest of the marine life has long since escaped. Those who are slow-moving or slow-moving creatures have already become a group of black-roasted fish. Either sink into the bottom of the sea, or be swallowed into the abdomen by these silver plaques.

Here, in addition to the silver carp, it has become a marine forbidden land, and no creature can get close.

However, He Yiming, who was riding on a white horse, was somewhat scared, but he did not have much concern.

Although the surrounding silver arc is strong, even his five elements of light can not penetrate.

The power of tens of thousands of silver urns is much stronger than that of white horses with the blood of the beasts. If there is such a huge amount of thunder and lightning, it is not tens of thousands of silver plaques, but only one silver plaque. Then He Yiming is definitely saying nothing, how far is far away.

But now, he is cold-eyed and quietly watching the changes in this group of silver.

The huge group of silver urns finally stopped and stopped moving at a distance of ten feet from him, as if they were in front of them, with an invisible wall blocking the roads.

After seeing this magical scene, He Yiming’s heart was worried.

Among these silver scorpions, there must be a unified command, and these scorpions are not hesitant to obey their kings, and even a little discount is not played.

Only in this way will there be such a magical scene.

The two sides are relatively embarrassing, just like the two armies across the river.

He Yiming's heart fretting, the colorful light curtain became more beautiful, and spread to the outside, and the same behind a sea area was also enveloped.

The opposite of the silver scorpion group seems to be hesitating, and countless silver cymbals swayed in the sea, but they refused to bully.

He Yiming’s heart sighs, and the vast intelligent creatures are jealous of things they have never seen before. The power released by his five elements is equally powerful. As long as the silver king does not reach the peak of humanity or the realm like a dragon snake, then he feels that the sacred king of the sacred king will make the night **** The throne seeks the devil, the world is the most powerful, the abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the royal family will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the most powerful The little Zhou Dynasty royal gods will kill the gods and gods, and the throne will be the most powerful and abandon the great power of the Zhou Dynasty to the five elements of the ring and see that this large piece is almost no more than the color of the squid group. It should be a bad opponent for Kim.

If the King of Silver Jubilee retreats because of fear, this is of course a joy. Even if it refuses to give in, the two sides will stand still. Wait until the three sea boats are far away, and they ride a white horse to Shanghai to run. These degrees are not very fast, and the silver plaque is definitely not catching up.

Everything is born, long and short.

Although these silver carp have strong lightning power, their degree is obviously slower than other fish. If not, I am afraid that there is nothing in the sea that can restrain them.

After half a ring, Min Shi’s silver scorpion, which was about ten feet long, came out of the group. They cautiously twisted their bodies and swam from different directions toward the colorful light of He Yiming.

He Yiming stunned, and the silver scorpion king hidden in the scorpion group was really too smart. He even knew how to send the death squad to explore the real thing.

There was a bitter smile on his face, although he spread the multicolored light to the point where it could not be added. But those radiances are nothing but the superficial light, and there is no practical power at all. If it is rushed by these silver plaques, I am afraid that it will be revealed immediately.

Between the thoughts, the colorful light in front of me suddenly shrank back and gave up a large space.

The silver scorpions who are ten feet long seem to have been given some sort of command, writhing their bodies desperately, moving forward like a water snake.

In their body circumference, it is even more silvery, and a large amount of electric power is poured out without reservation.

He Yiming snorted, and the infuriating rushed in. The aurora sword in his hand suddenly disappeared. Then, with a finger on his finger, the sword of Aurora suddenly broke the water wave and stabbed it toward one of the silver plaques.

However, his brow immediately wrinkled, and the sword of Aurora flew in the sky. Naturally, there was no trace of a trace, but walking through the water brought an obvious water arrow. This is the biggest stealth ability. effect.

The silvery tail trembled, and the huge silver electric light suddenly hit the sword of the Aurora Sword.

In the water, the influence of the resistance of the number, coupled with the degree of electro-optical light, even if He Yiming uses the mind control, there is no time to dodge.

The sword of Aurora shook a bit, and the strong paralysis of the magnet, even He Yiming was empathy.

But this little damage is for him, that is not worth mentioning. After a little trembling, the sword of Aurora moved forward again and smoothly came to the side of Jubilee.

The powerful power was completely released at this moment, and the sword of Aurora pierced the long silver snake in front of it.

This silver plaque is ten feet long and its body is as thick as a thousand-year-old tree. Although it was worn by the sword of Aurora, it was seriously injured, but it was not fatal. It squirmed its body desperately, stirring the chaos of the surrounding sea water, powerful power from its body unreservedly smashed out, centering on it, within a few dozens of flashing huge electric light .

He Yiming originally wanted to control the sword of Aurora to get a little cheaper, but he suddenly said that the power of these electric awns is really incredible. If you want to rely on the sword of Aurora to kill it, I am afraid that my own thoughts are also Can not afford the impact of the electric mans.

With a bitter smile, He Yiming took back the sword of Aurora, but he also understood that those who had once experienced the power of white horses would be so fragile, because the power of lightning is indeed too strong.

The colorful light suddenly extended the past burning novel network, they turned into a huge pair of palms, the power of the five elements in this moment to the extreme, the huge palms of several hundred feet long and wide, took this The silver plaque in your hand is in it.

The rest of the silver scorpion suddenly saw such a huge thing, did not turn and fled.

These body lengths have reached ten feet of silver enamel, which is also a psychic thing. Compared with those silver plaques that are only a few feet to a few feet long, they are undoubtedly smarter. Especially after seeing the companion's end, it is even more taboo for this inscrutable multicolored light.

After the two colorful hands were closed, the silver light flashed abruptly, and then the silver enamel disappeared.

Among the eyes of He Yiming, there is a hint of surprise.

He had only wanted to shoot this silver scorpion and give it to the sacred king who was hidden in the silver urn. However, I did not expect that after the death of the silver enamel, these big hands actually broke the whole silver carp into the five elements of the world.

Under his sense of mind, among the five elements of the world, there was a silver corpse in the awkwardness... Although the body had been photographed like a thin paper, and the blood of the silver scorpion splashed, it seemed rather messy. However, the frame was recognized at a glance, and the body of this silver carp was just the one.

Therefore, 1, He Yiming left behind this group of enemies in front of him, his only thought is, can the five elements of the world be used as space objects?

His eyes are shining, and he thinks that he has entered the Jiulong furnace of the five elements of the world, forcing the fact that he can allow the weapon of the gods and the village to enter freely. He Yiming’s face shows a bitter smile, so obvious The matter, I actually realized that it was unintentional until today.

The five elements of the ring, when the flowers of the five elements gathered, they already have the prototype of the self-contained world, and when he condenses all the flowers of the five elements, the world has been formally stabilized.

In addition, he atomized the five-row ring, and even the final actinization, made him the unique master of this imitation artifact.

Then, using the space of the Five Elements World is naturally a matter of course.

Just as his heart was ecstatic, the huge pressure was exerted from the front without mercy.

The spirit of He Yiming was condensed and looked up. The group of silver scorpions in front of them finally began to move them to form a huge team and proceeded in an orderly manner. From their body, the powerful electric mansions kept flashing, and the Sisters strengthened.

The pressure on the five elements of the ring suddenly became enormous. Although the distance between the two sides is still far away, the sense of oppression caused by the powerful power of thunder and lightning is still powerful and embarrassing.

The white horse thundered and snorted, and purple light shone from it. However, the white horse that has become calm now does not immediately go out with electric power, but silently communicates with He Yiming.

After a while, He Yiming has already grasped the meaning of it. In the middle of the five-line ring, the purple electric awn on the white horse's unicorn has been blended into the colorful light and bombarded toward the distant scorpion. .

In a flash two different colors of electric mans have been mixed together, and swallowed the bottom of the glory of countless beautiful Taobao women's cats Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter coat m.

The silver linings in the front row were thrown away by the huge force, just like they had an invisible palm underneath them, and they experienced the feeling of dizziness.

Although the power of electric power owned by White Horse Lightning is simply not comparable to the other side, when the purple lightning and He Yiming’s five elements of the world are combined, the power of the power is far from these Above the silver plaque.

After the first encounter, hundreds of silver enamels became victims of purple lightning.

Although they do not die as a result, in a short time there is no ability to fight again.

However, He Yiming's face did not relax as a result, his brows were lightly wrinkled, and his face became more and more dignified.

In front of him, the group of silver enamel began to make subtle changes, and gradually revealed its embarrassing side.

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