Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 225: Uncontrollable power

In the boundless sea, there are still some birds, and when you see it in the eye, it is a wave of water, still flashing purple water.

·How is this going? He Yiming murmured.


"The lightning power that the lightning has just released is too strong, causing a violent explosion and blowing up the island." One hundred and eight said in an understatement.

The muscles on He Yiming's face slowly twitched. He smiled bitterly: "How can this be?


Although the power of the white horse is powerful, it is definitely not up to this point. An island has been blown up, and it is absolutely beyond the limits of humanity.

Want to

Perhaps, only those dragon ancestors or tree gods in the Kowloon furnace can do it.

Let's go.

"This kind of explosive power is not strong." One hundred and eight quietly said: "It's just by monomer

The power of biological release is indeed a subject worth studying. ”

He Yiming gave him a glance, and if even this power is not too big, what kind of power is huge.

Then he is happy

Eyes suddenly condensed, He Yiming exclaimed: "Where is the lightning?"

When the island was still struggling, the white horse thunder was of course lying on the island, but now the island is gone, and even the white horse disappeared into the big bang, which naturally made He Yiming horrified.

Hundred and eight pointed to the sea that is still surrounded by purple electricity. "The thunder and lightning have sunk there, and with its strength, it will not be a big problem."

He Yiming shook his head and sent the pig in his hand to the hands of the hundred and eight. After a period of rest, his spirit has recovered a lot.

This is the greatest benefit of reaching the innate realm. Whether it is physical strength or the recovery of infuriating, it is far from being comparable to those of the day after tomorrow. He Yiming’s cultivation at this moment has reached the level of the five-powered sage, so the recovery is faster.

Taking a deep breath, He Yiming sang: "I will pick up the lightning."

Listening to the tone of the hundred and eight, the white horse lightning should not be hurt, but it is sinking into the sea. It certainly won't be drowned, but it is still necessary to drag it to the surface.

With a slight movement, He Yiming has sneaked into the water and swam forward.

After the small eyeballs of Bao pig turned two laps, they suddenly jumped into the sea from the body of the hundred and eight, and followed He Yiming.

Hundred and eight silently suspended in midair, he gently, seems to be talking to himself: "You still don't want to go."

However, he said that this sentence is a bit late, and it is impossible to pass it to He Yiming and Bao pig's ears.

In the sea ahead, it is still a flash of electric awns, which proves that there is no power to stop the release of electricity in the white horse.

But another congratulatory thing is that these electric awns seem to have a slight change.

Although overall, it is still a purple electric awn, but under careful observation, "it is still able to see a silvery white into it."

In my heart, I suddenly realized that this may be the result of swallowing the silver 鳗王内丹.

The five elements of the light curtain were released and immediately placed him in it. He firmly believed that as long as the white horse lightning did not specifically release lightning for him, there would be nothing to break through this natural insulator.

There was a slight wave of water flowing behind him. He Yiming smiled slightly, and the multicolored light spread out, and the treasure pig that caught up was taken over.

Under the protection of the five elements of the light curtain, those scattered and scattered in the water, the power of the electricity did not bring any trouble to He Yiming.

Soon, they have already seen the situation under the sea.

Under the bottom of the polyester, it is still a strange stone. Although the explosion just now is strong, it only exposes the part of the sea that has been blown out. Under the sea, this island still exists.

But the original area of ​​this island is not big, so it looks even more at the moment.

It’s all right.

Under the surface of the water, the white horse thundered quietly in the same place, and the body flashed from time to time. But what makes He Yiming reassured is that there is no scar on it, and the power of life that comes from it is absolutely incredible.

He Yiming’s vague sense has arrived. This time, the strength of White Horse seems to have a qualitative breakthrough, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to have a strong life atmosphere at the moment.

If you just swallow a sacred benef, it is impossible to have this miracle.

However, the King of Silver Jubilee is a variant, and what is even more rare is that it has a different amount of lightning power than White Horse, but its power is not inferior.

When the two forces come together, God knows what will happen. And White Horse is fortunate enough to withstand the sudden changes brought about by this surge in power. This is what makes He Yiming really happy.

Slowly, the white horse thunder opened his eyes wide. Although it is in the sea, He Yiming is still able to see a faint purple and silver-white glow flashing in these beautiful big eyes.

This kind of light is like a dream, as if it has infinite magic, especially reflecting the strange colors in the water, which makes people more intoxicated forever.

Subsequently, the white horse jumped up and rushed toward He Yiming. Its degree is the same as before, it is almost at the extreme, and it has already come to him in an instant. He Yiming gently patted the horseback, and the relatives seized its * item. Looking around the eyes is still not completely dissipated in the water and mans, his eyebrows "Hip Bu Pei holding the pigs back to the horse.

With a gentle grip on the legs, the white horse thunder and lightning immediately moved away from the sea and came to the surface of the sea.

Far away, one hundred and eight quietly watching them coming, the pair of jewel-like eyes lit up, shot a ray of light, swept away on them.

The white horse thundered a sigh of relief. Although it was somewhat dissatisfied, it had been with the hundred and eight for a long time, and it was common for him to have these strange abilities.

He Yiming laughed and said: "Hundred brothers, you can come down.

Hundred and eight firmly shook his head and said: "Not me down, but you should come down.

He Yiming was very strange and asked: "Why?"

One hundred and eight look at him, said: "Come on..."

He Yiming is more curious. He is waiting for what he is asking, and he feels that a powerful electric power has suddenly been uploaded from the body of White Horse.

Since leaving the thunder and lightning area, He Yiming has converged the colorful light. At this time, the power of these lightnings entered the body unimpeded and touched the pig along his body.

One person and one pig screamed at the same time. He Yiming’s buttocks seemed to be spring-loaded, and suddenly jumped high.

In their bodies, a group of purple electric awners shimmered proudly, as if they were showing their achievements.

Falling down from the air, I will fall to the white horse again. "The colorful light burst suddenly. He Yiming slammed the pig, so he paused in the air, then flew away." Hit it up.

When I came to the sky, He Yiming looked down. The white horse thunder and lightning did not know when it had splashed a purple photoelectric. The attack on him was just the power of these electric forces.

However, at this moment, seeing the white horse's eyes, it seems to be full of inexplicable, it is uneasily twisting the neck, the four hooves gently stepping on the sea, the beautiful big eyes are full of innocent colors.

He Yiming’s body shook a bit, like shaking all the goose bumps, saying: “Hundred brother, what is going on?”

"The power of lightning is too great, and it can't control this power."

Jing's factory: "I just reminded you that the electricity is going to overflow."

He Yiming’s almost seven-year-old smoke, just a hundred and eight have no words and said the word "come", if this is also a reminder, then unless it is a worm in the belly, then anyone will react But come.

Taking a deep breath, He Yiming ping-pong- said: "What should I do now.

"Don't get close to lightning, wait for it to slowly adapt to your own strength."

In this sentence, the eyes suddenly light up and said: "It's coming again."

His words just fell, a huge arc suddenly burst from the white horse's body, this time the power of the manpower is far better than the talent.

He Yiming’s face suddenly became ugly, if he just suffered this electric

Mang's words one by one r one by one

Looking at the pig with a glance, whether it is big eyes or small eyes, it is a color of fear.

After a long while, the electric mans on the white horse finally disappeared. It ang, a long snoring, seems to be celebrating that the body has returned to normal.

He Yiming carefully carried the Bao pig and flew down. He looked at the white horse thunder and lightning, and He Yiming’s heart was full of Yu Yu.

After devouring the silver 鳗王内丹, the strength of White Horse has unexpectedly improved, but because the power is too strong to control, so don't expect to ride, and it is estimated that this time will not be too short.

The white horse's four-footed swing seemed to want to come up, but suddenly it stopped and stopped.

It seems to understand the changes in the body, so it does not dare to approach.

He Yiming gave a wry smile and took the initiative to move forward. He sneaked his hair and said: "It doesn't matter, after you can control your own strength, we will swim the sea again."

The white horse's eyelids suddenly lit up, and its neck was raised high, and the look of a look of hope, it seems that the world can go.

However, just in this 3·1, He Yiming once again feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big empire, the prince, the night sacred god, the throne, the throne Proud of the world's most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts will be the night of the gods of the gods of the throne to seek the magic of the world, the nine strongest days, the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the gods will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandoned The Great Zhou Dynasty had a strong sense of crisis, and he quickly retreated without thinking.

Sure enough, after a slight fluctuation, a bunch of electric awns broke out from the white horse's body again. If it wasn't for He Yiming's evasion, it would definitely be a move again.

The white horse's head hangs his Before he managed to control his own strength, it was no longer proud.

He Yiming shook his head without f6, and suddenly heard a hundred and eight in the air: "Come.

He was immediately absorbed and ready to escape.

With the magical power of White Horse, God knows how big the lightning range is. It is always correct to be careful.

However, after half a ring, there was no movement on the body of White Horse.

"Hundred brothers, did not come.


"How can I not see?" He Yiming's heart glimpsed, is it that the white horse's thunder and lightning advanced to the invisible and colorless realm?

"Where..." Hundred and eight reached out.

He Yiming was stunned and looked up. There was a small black spot in the distance going straight to them.

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