Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 254: Trick

The biggest disadvantage of White Horse Thunder in the face of human power is that it cannot fly. For a white horse that has lost a pair of wings and has never been a lighted soldier, once the opponent has reached the top of its head, there is not much to do.

At this moment, when He Yiming rushed to the top of the lacquer, Franklin had already hovered in the sky, and on the sea, the white horse was screaming at the big round eyes, looking indignantly. sky.

He Yiming took a long breath and his heart had an unspeakable sense of pride.

Can make a human peak expert do not dare to be enemies with it, the strength of White Horse has already been strong enough to this point.

Of course, if it is easy to get along with, He Yiming can't be enemies with a top holy beast.

If human beings are stupid and competing with the spirits, then unless they are doing what they are doing. Just watching Franklin’s move at the moment, He Yiming’s heart was quite emotional.

Franklin held out his hand, and the light of the road came out of his hands. In his hand, the light seemed to live, and from different angles toward the white horse on the sea.

White horse lightning is not to be outdone, but the same powerful lightning, although it is far apart, but He Yiming can also feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the **** of the gods, the throne, seek the magic, the world, the most powerful, abandon the big week The royal family will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night gods The throne seeks the devil to be proud of the world's most powerful and abandon the great power of the Zhou Dynasty to the thunder and lightning.

This man and a beast did not have any hands in the face of a powerful enemy, but tried their best to put the other person to death.

For a time, the whole sky was thundering and thundering, and the light was shining. Even the sea was full of waves, and the powerful arc and the light as the essence were intertwined, turning this sea into a real The land of death.

He Yiming held Bao pig far away, and he and Bao pig stared at the battlefield. In the depths of their eyes, in addition to shock, they also had deep, powerful warfare and determination.

The battle between Franklin and White Horse Thunder is definitely a battle between the peaks of humanity. The power released between them is far beyond the limits of the five-powered people.

The difference between the ranks of martial arts and repairs is a huge gully. Unless it has an artifact of the anti-sky level, it cannot be made up.

After seeing the battle scene between them, He Yiming gave a wry smile, and Franklin could only say that he was a slight warm-up exercise when he was fighting against himself.

Until the encounter with the white horse thunder, he really released the full strength of the human peak.

The huge arc and light became more and more fierce, and there was a tendency to spread gradually. The powerful force in the battle group made He Yiming feel a bit scared.

He suddenly became clear, why Franklin wanted Adevin to stay away from this place, and finally agreed to let the Golden Battle and others leave.

Because the power released by the battle between the powerful peaks of humanity is too great, if they are accidentally involved in these new sages, then these people will only end.

Franklin, who didn't want to make a deadly revenge with many powerful forces, even if he didn't want to give up, and only gave up the original plan, finally, the electric mans who could not spread it spread to He Yiming's feet. However, there was a black vest on his body. A black mangling spread from the vest, like an insulator on the foot of He Yiming. The powerful electric power did not cause any harm to him.

The mysterious tortoise shell refining the nine-headed dragon ancestor is extremely powerful. Although it looks like a vest, if it is driven by its protective light, it can naturally wrap the whole body.

However, when he was faced with Franklin, He Yiming did not have the courage to protect the human body and the power of the human body. Therefore, the body of the turtle shell would always compete with it. And now, the face of the tooth \\ & war to the aftermath of the diffusion, use Yiming SG body care, there would be no problem.

Feel wudongqiankun deities divine king made the night to kill Indian **** throne seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate less abandoned the royal big week night to kill his divine throne and India seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate abandoned little big week of the royal family will wudongqiankun night to kill Indian **** throne seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate less abandoned royal big week night to kill the **** Indian **** throne seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate abandoned little big week of the royal family TV drama more powerful impact, He - a The heart of the song is boiling, he runs a strong desire, and he has to join it anyway.

But he was more aware of haughty temper white lightning, if he was involved, I am afraid that the lightning will not be happy.

Andy pig hum a few times, from the sound of it you can hear it in the excitement of the moment.

Gently rubbing his head, He Yiming whispered: "Bao pig, this is not the battle we can now participate in, but one day..." His voice is firm and powerful: "We can, too!" "

Bao pig stunned a few times and seemed to be agreeing with He Yiming.

Suddenly, there was a scream in the distance. The **** Ying Ying eagle flew here from the island. It avoided the sky above He Yiming and Bao pig. After taking a big garden in the air, it was quiet in the distance. Watching quietly.

From the point of view of its movements, the injury that has been shocked by the pigs with sound is already good.

He Yiming’s heart was amazed, and Franklin was also a healing saint. Even so soon, the eagle recovered his combat power.

The eyes squinted in that direction, and He Yiming’s heart was excited and suddenly counted on his heart.

There was a vague smile on his face, and the ear whispered a few words to the pig. The little guy was immediately beaming, and the expression on a small face was very rich.

Then, four more black clouds emerged from its feet and flew up into the sky.

Although the Temple of the Condor is concerned about the battle between Franklin and White Horse, it is equally jealous of He Yiming and Bao pig. At this moment, once the pigs flew into the sky and flew straight toward it, the eyes of the eagle suddenly showed a faint color.

The thunder of the treasure pig was scared of the courageous temple. The war eagle no longer dared to be enemies with the front of the pig. When I saw the little guy swaying and approaching, it was immediately a wingspan and it was far away. Come, and in his mouth, there is a long beeping for help.

He Yiming's body shape is moving, and his colorful light surrounds him and flies up from the other direction.

He is with the treasure pig, and does not hide the killing of the sky. They are carrying a large factor in the air, and it seems that they want to kill the guardian sacred beast of this temple.

Franklin, who is consuming with White Horse, can't stand it anymore.

During this time with the white horse thunder, he has initially figured out the foundation of this terrible sacred beast.

Although this sacred beast has a powerful thunder and power and that incredible power. But its biggest drawback is that it doesn't fly. So as long as he stands in the sky for long-range attacks, there will be no danger.

As for the outcome of the battle with the White Horse Thunderbolt, it is not the result that can be obtained in a short time.

At the peak of humanity, unless the two sides have deep hatred and hate, it is basically impossible to divide the winners and losers.

However, when they were playing lively, another unexpected battle was born.

His sacred eagle eagle was besieged by one person and one beast, and Franklin knew that this man had the strength to kill the eagle.

If the guardian sacred beast falls here, it will be a huge blow to his prestige and temple. So he raised his body without thinking, and immediately flew away from the battle group.

The white horse thundered a long sigh of resentment, and it felt deeply violent for not being able to fly.

A fierce shout sounded from Franklin's mouth, and the bright stick in his hand flashed two points. The thick light column stabbed He Yiming and Xiaobao pig separately from the pain of the string.

He Yiming did not evade, and stood up to his chest. With his own body... the mysterious turtle shell on the hard one took the sharp blow.

Huge power slammed him into the sea, but only between the moments, He Yiming has already re-floating from the sea.

The powerful protective force of the mysterious tortoise shell can be resisted even by the power of light, not to mention Franklin’s anger.

The treasure pig was standing in the air in the air, it opened its mouth, and an earth-shattering roar suddenly came out.

The beam of light that had been stabbed toward it shook a few times in the air and finally completely dissipated.

Franklin’s eyes were slightly earned, and his heart’s evaluation of the pigs was even higher. However, he then regained his gaze and whispered.

The Temple of the Warhawks once again took a look - after that, he came to his feet.

His Majesty the Pope took a step in the void and stood firmly on the eagle.

Although he can fly freely in the air without the help of the power of the eagle with his own strength, but otherwise, when he stands on the back of the pet, it seems that the plain white is more majestic.

He Yiming’s heart is overjoyed. The reason why he is struggling to chase down the Temple Warhawk is waiting for this moment.

Reaching out for a move, the five elements of the ray turned into a big hand, smashed the jewels of the martial arts, and then ran toward the direction of the white horse.

Although there is a lot of flashing power on the sea, He Yiming is struggling with his feet and is not affected at all.

Between several ups and downs, he has come to the side of the number - Baima Leidian ~ ~ Thunder, they are two people and one, want to win more, we also join hands. ”

He Yiming said seriously.

The white horse thunderously snorted, and the reason why it insisted on heads-up at the beginning was that the pride of the blood of the beast in the body did not allow it to be bullied in the face of the human masters of the same order.

But now that there is more than one war pet at the foot of Franklin, their joint efforts are taken for granted.

As for Franklin's strength with the Temple of the Eagles at the moment, his strength has increased, or not rising, it has nothing to do with He Yiming and Baima Lei.

They just know that the multiple cooperations have formed a good tacit agreement between humans and animals, and they can release all the power again.

The colorful light rushed out from He Yiming's body, and even shattered the white horse thunder.

Subsequently, the two of them, together with the pigs, flew high into the sky.

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