Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 259: Camouflage

Franklin’s face was positive and said: “Family, please come out and see.”

The silence on the sea is like a dead silence, and there is no sound other than the faint echo of the open land.

"His Majesty, is it really him?" Garfield asked hesitantly.

Franklin nodded his head and said: "The ancestor of Huang Quan is wrong when I see it with my own eyes." What he said in this sentence is a vow, and it is a firm face.

After seeing the expression of His Majesty the Pope, the Speaker of the House will no longer doubt.

How is Franklin's vision so old, since he has been so certain, then the one below is definitely 100% ancestor.

Looking up, looking at the direction of He Yiming's departure, Franklin Lang said: "Where the lord of the door, but you are in his head, then we will not be embarrassed this time."

Garfield hesitated, and finally he slowly lowered his head.

Although He Yiming is strong, his white horse holy beast is even more capable of being able to compare with them. If you can leave them, you will definitely get great benefits.

However, all the benefits are compared to the millennium of Iceland, it is tasteless.

Both of them can be in the West for hundreds of years, naturally not ordinary people, but they have already figured this out in an instant.

The two men nodded each other and plunged together in the sea.

As for the ancestors of Yujia, they also followed behind them and sneaked into the sea together.

I don't know what kind of means Garfield used, but I can get the control of this embarrassment. The means of the Western black-dark world are really endless, unfathomable, and not in the top of the East.

In the sea, it is still dark and dark like Ping-Shi.

Franklin and White Horse Thunder have been fighting for a long time. If it is on the land, it has already caused enormous damage that is difficult to make up. But in the sea, this is not enough.

No matter how great the energy is, it will not bring any substantial harm to the sea. All the steamed or blasted water will eventually return to the embrace of the sea. The endless seawater will be filled from the endless sea until the sea surface returns to normal.

At this point, when they came to the sea, they immediately began to search for the whereabouts of the person in their mind.

Whether it is Franklin or Garfield. All of them have great expectations for this. After all, they are Westerners. If you want to participate successfully in the Ice Palace, then a partner in the East should be crucial.

Moreover, based on the special ability of the old man, looking at the world, no one is willing to offend him. Once he joined, their confidence will be much greater.

However, the two of them quickly disappointed. In this sea area, there is no hidden human being-o

The only one that is more eye-catching is the more than ten variants of the big fish that swim in the distance.

The courage of these fish is large, and the size of the fish is not small. Even the smallest fish is similar to a human body.

And these fish seem to be born with violentness. After seeing three more people in the sea suddenly, the door, without hesitation, stalked the big tail and opened the flat fishing rod, showing sharpness. Tooth decay, biting at them three.

Franklin and others naturally will not put these creatures in the sea in their eyes.

If there are sacred beasts among these fish, they may also be interested in killing and getting a sacred inner dan, but they can easily be sensed from the life of these big fish. They are all a group of ordinary fish, not even a single beast.

In the face of these self-seeking guys, they are not interested in entanglement.

Garfield reached out and waved freely, and the big fish that rushed to the front were awkwardly black and shadowy.

The black shadow disappeared after the buffalo swayed, and the big fish stopped strangely. Their bodies seemed to move a little in the water, and then they were divided into several pieces.

Gaffer-De's shot, it was a ghostly and unpredictable means to turn these big fish into several pieces.

The wounds on their bodies are smooth and round, and they are clearly drawn. There is no such thing as a stagnation that can cause such a neat wound.

Suddenly, the surrounding seawater was reddened by the blood left by the big fish.

Although the rest of the big fish did not understand what happened, they saw that these people were not delicious food, but the king who was desperate.

The biggest one of the strange fish turned and swam towards the distance, and the rest of the strange fish also turned and swam. Their degree is quite fast, but in a few moments, Ting has lost in the eyes of everyone.

Franklin and others. Naturally, they will not put this little episode in their eyes, in their body.掴 Power with different attributes, but these forces are powerful and able to smash the nearby waters.

After searching for a long time, Franklin and Garfield finally gave up, and they slammed into the sea.

"His Majesty, you really know that Gimfan is willing to join us?" This is crowning!

The second time asked about this.

Franklin's face flashed a trace of anger. But even he himself felt extremely puzzled.

The things that were born today are all accompanied by a strange taste. Huang Quan’s ancestors appeared at the same time as He Yiming. Although he promised his invitation. However, he immediately concealed it and made a clearance for He Yiming at the most critical moment. More importantly, the powerful assassin is clearly nearby, but he would rather hide himself and not want to come out and meet with him.

His Majesty the Pope felt that there must be something wrong with this, but in the face of the old-fashioned inquiry, he was cold-sounding. Road: "Jimou brothers agreed to my invitation. Do you think he will regret it.

Gaffer-Der immediately shook his head. For them, the importance of obeying the promise is no need to repeat it, even in the dark world, if someone violates the trust, "the same will be cast aside by everyone. .

And he would not doubt Franklin’s words. If the Pope will lie on this matter, then the world is really crazy.

Of course, what's more important is that, with the cultivation of their three humane-peak powerhouses, they have been searching for a long time under the water, but they still have nothing to gain. Those who have such hidden powers are definitely few in the world. At the moment in southern Xinjiang, I am afraid that only Huang Quan’s ancestors will be able to do this.

"Since he promised, why don't you come out to meet us?" Garfield asked with distress.

Franklin was dumbfounded. After a long time, he snorted and said: "Maybe he is jealous of our number."

Garfield glanced at the face of the old ancestors, and his thoughts flashed through several thoughts, but now it seems that there is only this explanation.

Shaking his head, he did not go to the sea again to find the plan of the top assassin, but coldly said: "His Majesty, this time because this is because I am late to make the Eastern New lords leave, then Let me make up for this mistake."

What are you going to do? ”

"The dynasties of the Eastern New Generations came to southern Xinjiang. They only went to one place." Garfield smiled and said: "You wouldn't mind going to visit the glazed hole with me.

Franklin considered the moment 1, but slowly followed the head, saying: "The speaker, I thought that since the message has been passed out, the effect of letting these people leave is better."

Garfield Wei Wei, he slowly nodded his head and said: "What are you going to do?"

"Wait." Franklin did not hesitate: "We have no grievances with South Xinjiang. The relationship has always been good. If we can get the approval of the glazed ancestors, we should be able to break the plot of Ice Laughing.

Garfield sighed and said: "If you want to let the glazed ancestors recognize, our inventory can be bleeding.

Franklin calmly said: "I am laughing at this unusually unusual invitation to many humanities - the peaks come together, perhaps because of what is happening. If he can really solve the mystery of Iceland, then even if it is to give everything, I am also willing."

Garfield’s eyes flickered and he nodded slightly.

The two old people who fought for hundreds of years in the Western world in order to compete for the highest authority have achieved a common understanding at this moment.

In their age, if there is no breakthrough in this opportunity in Iceland. Then waiting for them, it will only be a way down. Therefore, they have no choice.

Looking at each other, they flew in a certain direction. There, there is an uninhabited island, which is the temporary residence of the Westerners at this time.

They are waiting here for the return of the glazed ancestors. Only by obtaining the understanding and support of this amnesty can gradually participate in it.

However, he was surprised to know that just after they were far away, a weird big fish suddenly rose from the bottom of the sea.

If His Majesty the Pope and the Speaker are here. They must be able to recognize that this is one of the strange fish that just attacked them.

This strange fish tumbling a few times on the sea. There was a silver light in the body.

Just between the moments of interest, the silver light has disappeared, and the fish has slowly stood up from the sea.

This is one hundred and eight. He uses his special ability to disguise himself as the ancestor of Huangquan and the strange fish in the sea. It is easy to deceive the two strong players in the past.

Although this camouflage is simple, it is very practical. Even in the face of the three human peaks, there is no - revealing a little flaw.

Hundred and eight glanced at the direction of the two strong men and seemed to be thinking about it. After a while, he turned and followed the rain in the direction of He Yiming's departure, almost breathing between. The colorful light of the sky has disappeared.

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