Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 281: Open mouth

A whistling from the mouth of He Yiming, his five elements circled vigorously.

The huge infuriating spirit rushed out of the five elements of the ring, and pressed the rain to Jimo Fanshu. In the face of this old killer, He Yiming no longer dared to keep it.

His shot is his own bottom of the box. Five times the strength of the powerful increase, after he was promoted to the peak of humanity, among the same level of masters, there is no more power to resist it.

Sure enough, in the feeling of martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment, the princes, the princes, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment, the week, the martial arts乾 乾 将 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神After the pressure, even the face of Jimo Fanshu is changed. His reaction is exactly what He Yiming expected. It is no longer the same as the first time when he meets with the same powerful force. Blocking, but in a rather strange body's law, in the moment, the range of the five lines of light is attacked.

He Yiming secretly admire, such a master, of course, will have their life-saving skills. Therefore, He Yiming has never expected to be able to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

The ray of the five elements is like a long-eyed eye. Following the pursuit of the body of Huang Quan's ancestors, the degree of tracking the enemy with the light of the gods is faster than the fastest limit of the human body. However, this set of exercises by Huang Quan’s ancestors is really weird. Even if the mind of He Yiming can't be locked, let alone hurt him.

Suddenly, Huang Quan’s ancestors who were tumbling and disappearing disappeared, and they disappeared in front of He Yiming.

A faint glimpse of God, a strong sense of crisis once again appeared in his heart. "He Yiming did not think about the limbs and heads, and suddenly appeared on his body a huge vest, will be all his The torso was wrapped in.

He just finished the action and there was a slight "叮..." sound on the vest. Subsequently, Jimo Fanshu made an incredible roar and instantly took out ten feet.

The colorful light came back to He Yiming's side and built a light curtain around him.

The head lice and the limbs slowly got out of the big vest, and He Yiming looked heavily at the strong man in front of him.

The code of the seedlings is too powerful and weird.

At the last meeting, Huang Quan’s ancestors did not use this method of practice, but this time when he was qualified to stand in front of Huang Quan’s ancestors as an equal, the old killer did not hesitate. He has shown his most powerful combat skills.

His eyes gazed at the black turtle shell on He Yiming's body, especially after the vest suddenly became smaller and he was close to He Yiming. The face of Jimmy Fanshu finally changed.


One of the most important features of the artifact is that it can adjust the size of the gods. In addition to the artifacts, there are no other soldiers who can do this step.

He Yiming smiled, he did not explain, just said: "Huang Quan's ancestors really are supernatural powers, and He will fight you with a one-on-one fair."

The momentum in his body suddenly expanded insanely, and even his body seemed to be a bit high in this breath.

At the same time, behind the Huangquan old ceremony. The same momentum is also boiling. This momentum is not human. However, it seems that it is not inferior to He Yiming in Wei Neng.

Jimo Fanshi eyes turn, feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big princes, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the most powerful Little Zhou Emperor Wushu Qiankun will kill the gods and gods in the throne, seek the devil, arrogant, the world, the most powerful, abandon the big, the Zhou Dynasty, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the young, the royal family, the Ming and the great momentum of the white horse thunder, his heart finally has a shake.

"He Yiming, you are already the golden age of humanity, do you want to win more?"

He laughed and screamed for a long time, and He Yiming’s face was so heavy and cold. “Yellow ancestors, when the totems of the past tossed the Lord’s Lord to travel the world, no matter what the masters are, it seems that they are all human beings. You should know this."

Gimfan Fan screamed and said, "That is the rule of the totem family. Are you also a totem?"

He Yiming shook his head and said: "He is not a totem, but Baima is a companion sacred beast of Hemou." He paused and said: "Today we will fight against the rules of the totems. If you are not satisfied, you may also want to join a holy animal to join you."

Gimfan Fan's eyes turned over - although his cultivation has been very good, but after hearing the words of He Yiming, he still almost roared out.

It is too unfair to follow the rules of the Totem family. As for letting him go and find a sacred beast, it is even more nonsense.

For a while, he was asked where to find a top beast that could match the white horse thunder.

He screamed, but knew that today's business is no longer good. However, even in the face of two masters of the same level, he did not panic, because he is quite confident in his escape, not to mention the same level, even if the number is doubled, he also has confidence Escape from their hands.

"Unfortunately, the old man's embarrassment is not here. Otherwise, I will not know who the deer will die.

Jimo Fanshu said with regret.

He Yiming suddenly flashed a strange light in his eyes, and he suddenly understood why the other party came here.

The ancestor of Yujia is definitely the ancestor of Yu’s family who was trained by Huang Quan’s ancestors to perform some magical technique.

Although Yiming did not know how Huangquan's ancestors actually refined the shackles, one thing he can be sure of is that there must be some unknown mysterious connection between them.

As soon as the eyeball turned, He Yiming said: "What?

Gima Fanshu smiled coldly, and his body began to shake slightly. However, there is no fighting will and strong killing on his body.

It can be seen that this humanity. The strongest of the peak does not want to fight with He Yiming, but wants to get rid of his tracking with a strange body.

He Yiming was in a hurry. After seeing the body of this old killer, He Yiming did not dare to say that he would be able to catch up with this person. The same is true even if there is a white horse thunder.

"Huang Quan's ancestors, what you said, but the Yu family ancestors?" He Yiming suddenly violently shouted.

The figure that was shaking suddenly stopped suddenly, and the eyes of Jimo Fanshu were brilliant. Firmly staring at He Yiming.

"How did you know that?" From his mouth, he said something icy.

He Yiming smiled and he sighed. "He had seen the ancestors of Yu's ancestors a few days ago. If Hemou remembers correctly, this person should have died, but this time he lived in Hemou. In front of the front; and also has the strength of the humanity's peak of the nine heavens. He paused, said: "The old ancestors of the Yu family were fallen in the land of nine secluded, if Hemou can not guess. It is too stupid.

Jimo Fanshu’s driving on his face did not move, but the murder in his eyes was much less.

"Where did you see the ancestors of Yujia?

He Yiming’s stunned look. Dao: "He Mou met this person on a certain sea area above the South China Sea, but with this person, it is a famous person.

The eyes of Jimmy Fanshu are bright, and his expression has returned to calm: "Who is that person?"

He Yiming’s smile: “Huang Quan’s ancestors. He is not yours. Isn’t it rude to ask questions?

Jimo Fanshu looked at him coldly, after half a ring. Finally said: "He brother forgive me, who is that person?"

At this moment, the famous old assassin finally recognized He Yiming's position to be equal to him.

He Yiming’s heart was full of emotions, and in order to achieve this step, his efforts were so great.

Converging his mind, he said: "This person is named Garfield, I don't know if the ancestors have heard of it.

Jimo Fanshi’s eyes changed and he said: “The president of the Western Dark Alliance Council is an adult?”

He Yiming nodded again and again, saying: "The ancestors really saw a lot of knowledge, even the people of the West know.

Gimfanfan’s heart sneered, and the nine-day power of the world added up and didn’t even have two slaps. How could he not know the names of these same-level masters?

"He brother, this person has always been active in the West, and when he rarely left, why did he come to the South China Sea?

He Yiming sighed and said: "Not only is Garfield coming, but even Franklin is jealous."

This time, Jimo Fanyu is really moving. He asked in a deep voice: "Why is this?"

"Because of the millennium ice "Island legend." He Yiming shook his head and chose to tell the intent of these two powerful masters to come to southern Xinjiang.

Gimfanf was initially skeptical, but after hearing what they did. But it is a letter of 70%. If it is easy to get along with, I am afraid that he will have more fierce means to display it.

"He brother, can you be sure whether the Yuzu ancestors are really by their side?" Jimo Fanshu asked coldly.

He Yiming nodded again and again, cursing and swearing: "He and the ancestors of Yujia have handed over, naturally it is impossible to misread. But the strange thing is that the ancestors of Yujia seem to listen to Garfield, and this is somehow."

Jimmy Fanshu’s lips shook a little. Dao: &t; Are there other people besides Yu’s ancestors?”

He Yiming's peptide bag shook more diligently: "There is only one person at"

Jimo Fanshu took a deep breath and made a deep glance at He Yiming. He said: "Thank you for your brother's truthfulness. In the future, no matter whether it is an enemy or a friend, there will be a newspaper."

He Yiming waved his hand and asked: "The old ancestors are polite." He paused and asked with full of hope: "You are now in a hurry. It is not to find the ancestors of the Yu family."

Gima Fanshu hesitated and finally nodded: "Yes, Garfield and the old man have different hatreds. This time he left the Western world, the old man will have no return.

Although there is no ups and downs in the tone of his sentence, He Yiming has heard the strong and extreme grievances.

He Yiming’s singularity, under the yin and yang, Huang Quan’s ancestors must have recorded the blood of Hao’s blood and Yu’s ancestors on the head of Jia’s.

He Yiming’s heart turned a myriad of thoughts. He sighed: “Huang Quan’s old target is not as good as you and me?’’

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