Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 285: Snatch

Any omen, when the black boiled fork sword broke open the sea. At the moment when Shanshan Mountain came, the talents noticed the powerful masters hidden here.

Gimhaven's eyes are as calm as ice. Although his heart is full of hatred, his mood is more and more immobile.

This is the determination of the world's first killer, even if the enemy who does not share the sky appears in front of him, but as long as there is no killing, he will not reveal a murderous, but hide all the killing and breath. Undetected.

This sword is already the strength of his cohesion. The power of the nine-day powerhouse was released in this rush.

In the hurried situation of Garfield, there is oppression of the power of God on the top of the head, surrounded by invisible swords in the middle, and a sudden fatal blow at the moment.

Even the same nine-day master, in this complex will definitely be in a hurry, and even escape.

However, Garfield's eyes did not have the slightest panic. He seemed to have expected someone to sneak a sneak attack, and the dark chain had appeared below. It is also dark, but it belongs to two different dark forces that are fiercely hit together at this moment.

A huge sound like a thunderous bang sounded, and a lot of airflow rushed toward it.

When the sword of the Gifhargosh hits the dark chain of Garfield. He immediately understood that the dark godfather of the West was as powerful as he was.

It seems that Garfield simply did not care about the threat of He Yiming, but specifically reserved all the power to wait for this mysterious appearance.

Almost at the moment when Jimo Fanshu rushed out of the water, Franklin also moved. The Pope, who represented the bright family in the West, took out the stick of light and turned to the front.

The vast expanse of light was released, and a world of light was formed on the top of Garfield.

Whether it is He Yiming's invisible sword, or the giant peak like Taishan does not penetrate this bright world.

The white horse thunderbolt suddenly screamed, and the top of the head flashed in addition to the huge purple light column, and went to the side of the Yujia ancestors.

This Yujia ancestor rushed up with Garfield at first, but for some reason, he stopped at the middle of the road and seemed to be unwilling to join hands with the speaker.

But He Yiming knows that this cockroach, which has no sense of autonomy, is only hinted at by Garfield, so he will stop at the stopover.

This mysterious, when Huangquan's ancestors appeared, he turned out to be eager to move, but he had not waited for him to actually shoot. The white horse thunderbolt that had been prepared for a long time had already preempted the power of thunder and lightning, and this, the top-notch smashed hard. Go on.

This series of accidents began with the ancestors of Huang Quan, and it was only a moment that they all ended.

The changes are dazzling, except for the top peaks in the audience, even though the ordinary sages who watched the battle in the distance did not understand what happened in the moment.

In their eyes, the only thing that is seen is the ray of countless changes, except that. They know nothing about it. The power of darkness is surging here, and the most weighty people in the two dark worlds are completely separated after being hardened in the most powerful state.

Huang Quan’s ancestors’ feet were lightly on the water, and suddenly slipped into the ten-foot-out. He looked at Garfield coldly and said: “You have prepared for it, know that I will come!”

There was no fancy blow just now, so that Huang Quan’s ancestors understood that the other side was also ready to go, and the enemy he targeted was definitely not He Yiming who was initially entangled with him.

In the face of the nine-day heaven of humanity, it is necessary to retain all the power to deal with another person. Then in this world, I can make him so jealous. Only Huang Quan ancestors.

Garfield’s thin face flashed a faint smile, but the skin on his face was extremely aging, like a bark, and it was raging.

"We have long known that you are coming to Garfield's eyes and flashing. "You can't come out, we really can't feel at ease." ”

Jimo Fanshu slowly lowered his gaze. He whispered: "You already know that I am coming, very good, very good."

His tone is quite dull, but inexplicable, everyone in the presence has a creepy feeling, like a frog being stared by the world's most poisonous king cobra, with a deep heart. The chill of the place.

He Yiming’s sweat in his heart, perhaps only one person can understand the reason.

One hundred and eighty pretending to be Huangquan's ancestors exposed in front of Franklin, and hid in the sea with water arrows attacked these three humanitarian peaks.

Therefore, when He Yiming appeared, both the Temple Pope and the Dark Speaker, they subconsciously associated him with Huang Quan's ancestors. In fact, when Huang Quan’s ancestors came out and shot, the matter was completely settled.

In the hearts of the two Western powers, they have already identified the relationship between themselves and their ancestors. What is certain is that they will not believe whether they can explain themselves or their ancestors.

In the heart of Huang Quan's ancestors, and because of Garfield's attitude toward him, he decided that the Western powerhouses must have squandered the blood, and they will kill him.

The misunderstanding of this is only described by the yin and yang, but it is obvious that He Yiming will never explain this misunderstanding.

Franklin gloomy face, he sighed: "Fan Shizhuzhu, you are a nine-day, but

He Yiming’s eyes turned and immediately understood that he must have accused Huang Quan’s ancestors of overthrowing the promises of the past.

But the truth is that the one who promised Franklin at the beginning was not Gifam, but one hundred and eight. If the Pope’s Majesty is coming out at this moment, it will definitely make him wonder.

Looking up, suddenly shouting, the sound like a thunderbolt immediately interrupted the words of the Pope’s unfinished.

He Yiming reached out to Franklin and shouted: "The Pope, His Majesty, met on that day. Hemou Meng, you are grateful to be grateful. But today He wants to ask again, please let me know."

His words poured out like a hot wheel, and his legs were slightly forced. The white horse thunder immediately rushed up.

White horse remembers the old man in front of him who is wearing a strange shape. He knows that this is a top-ranking strongman, and he feels that the martial arts and the sacred king will make the sacred king to kill the gods and the gods. Abandon the little Zhou Dynasty royal family will kill the gods of the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the demon, the arrogant world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the gods, the night Killing the gods and the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, proud of the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou royals to He Yiming's murderous mind, it will no longer insist on being an enemy alone.

The infuriating moment of the horse and the horse merged into one, and the white horse gave birth to a multicolored light. It just stepped on the light and flew down to the pope in the air.

Garfield hesitated a moment, he made a gesture, Muran's ancestors turned around, seems to want to pursue He Yiming and White Horse.

But Jimo Fanshu sneered, and there was a strange cry from his mouth.

In an instant, the movements of Yu’s ancestors stopped, and its mouth creaked, and a pair of eyelids immediately turned into a red-blooded color, which made people shudder.

Garfield's face changed greatly, but this is a copper-like existence of his killer, but he could not think of a means by Huang Quan's ancestors, and he suddenly changed his mind.

However, the secrets that have been inherited from the Dark Council for thousands of years are also very different. His mouth is also singing a strange spell, while his hands are continuously stroking in the air.

After a few breaths, the face of the ancestors on the face of Yu’s ancestors has been calmed down, and even the blood in his eyes has gradually receded.

Gima Fanfan screamed, and after seeing the other's secret technique, he believed more and more. It must have been that this person took the ancestor of Yu's ancestors. If not, how can he cut off the coagulation and The idea of ​​his connection is linked, and the coagulation person is prevented from manipulating the body of the five elements.

Between the swaying body, Jimo Fanshu has already stepped on the sea for a few steps. Every step of his way out, his body suddenly turned into several figures. Every figure seems to be real, and the fork sword in the hands of each figure releases a strong murderous to the extreme.

Under this fierce murder, even Garfield felt a deep threat.

In his eyes, Jimo Fanturi seems to be incarnate as the legendary **** of death, but what he holds in his hands is not the huge sickle, but a magical fork sword that is not inferior. The wrist waved anxiously, and the dark chain rolled up a piece of black light around his body. The darkness of the secret technique was released as rainy on his hand.

In an instant, the leaders of the two worlds in the dark world have been fighting for death at this moment.

Of course, even at the moment when the fight is the most intense. They also did not abandon the plan to control the ancestors of the Yu family.

Gima Fanshu constantly uses the minds in his mind to call the coagulation person In contrast, Garfield is constantly throwing out the dark secrets to bless and consolidate.

Yujia ancestors seem to have become another battleground for them to fight for, so that they are also taking control of the shackles at the moment of the struggle between life and death.

However, Garfield is somewhat inexplicable compared to the hatred of Gimafan.

He couldn't figure out how to make it clear. Like himself, why did Huang Quan's ancestors, who have the same needs in the millennium, be so aggressively trying to fight for themselves?

The only thing he can think of is that this matter must be related to He Yiming.

If you let them know the truth of the facts, I really don't know if the top Western powerhouse will regret that it has spent so much energy to recover the ancestors of the Yu family.

However, in this case, he has no room for regret.

For the sake of humanity, the dignity of the nine heavens and the glory of the dark world of the East and the West, since this war between them has already been born, there is no room for retreat.

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