Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 292: Unsustainable


On this vast sea of ​​waves, a sound that was not too big was suddenly coming. But this voice was heard in He Yiming's ear, but it seemed so loud. His face changed slightly, and he looked around and saw a fascinating color in his eyes.

Originally suspended in the middle of the air, the gestures between the hands and the feet caused a huge fluctuation in the power of the heavens and the earth, and in one fell swoop, the island was divided into two halves, and the ancestors of the Yu family, who made the sea become a stormy sea, fell like a meteor.

Looking at the coagulation person who suddenly fell into the sea, He Yiming could no longer remain calm. His figure swayed and immediately rushed down in that direction, and at the same time he immediately got in touch with the idea of ​​the blood coagulation in his mind.

Although there is no wisdom in this idea, but through the connection of ideas, He Yiming can clearly grasp the physical condition of the blood coagulation.

When he flew to the surface of the sea, he immediately understood a general, but after understanding this reason, his heart also had a hint of laughter.

The aptitude of the ancestors of the Yu family has indeed reached the standard of Shinto. This is not only the operation of the power of God, but the realm of the former Shinto master in power.

Refers to the heavens and the earth, the landslide tsunami, this is the true power of the legendary Shinto people, far from the nine-day power of these human peaks can imagine.

Although the legendary people have captured the people of Shinto, but in the era of the disappearance of Shinto, no one has truly seen the power of Shinto. Franklin's two nine-day days have a certain power of God, so they think they can resist the attack of Yu's ancestors under the light and dark.

However, they never thought that the true power of the Shinto would be so earth-shattering.

If you know this before, then when the ancestors of Yujia began to absorb the power of the heavens and the earth, they would never have the hope of resisting, but they should immediately escape.

However, through the exchange of ideas, He Yiming also understood one thing. In the present world, it is really not a good place where people in Shinto can exist.

The reason why Shinto is called Shinto is because the power they possess has reached the limit of humanity and reached the realm that only the gods can imagine.

The ancestors of Yujia’s ancestors seemed to be very simple, but it was only after the moment that all the heavens and the earth in the vicinity of hundreds of miles were absorbed into his body, which was able to release the power of Dawei.

Although this attack is unparalleled in the world, even the light and darkness that cannot be broken by the joint force of the three human powers is as ruined in the face of this power, and eventually a nine-day escape with magical space. And another nine heavens was even turned into a lifelong disability.

However, after releasing this blow, it caused tremendous pressure on the surrounding environment, and the power of the heavens and the earth within a hundred miles was so emptied at this moment. Although there is an endless stream of power from the farther places, but I want to restore the original level, there is no day or two, and I don’t want to do it. After all, Yu's ancestors are only a beggar, not a real human.

Shinto relics can control the flight of the ancestors of the Yu family, relying not on the light of the gods, but by the power of the gods to control the power of the heavens and the earth to fly.

Because of this, He Yiming and other talents could not detect the light of the gods on the ancestors of the Yu family.

However, when the surrounding heaven and earth gas was exhausted in an instant, the ancestors of Yujia could no longer continue to mobilize the power of the heavens and the earth that had not existed, and the equally unable to fly his body.

If it is a normal human, then in this case, it will naturally be transferred to the light of the gods, but for a scorpion, and is just a sacred person who has occupied the body of the ancestors of the ancestors, such a momentary means of change The request is too high.

Therefore, very straightforward, the scorpion of Yu’s ancestors fell into the seabed without a doubt. Once I figured out the reason for the incident, even He Yiming was a bitter smile. Standing on the sea, He Yiming is deeply suffocating, he feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne The enchanting world is the most powerful and abandoning the big Zhou dynasty martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The young Zhou Dynasty watched the changes from the surrounding environment.

Although it is still the vast sea of ​​hope, and the broken island, but in the feeling of He Yiming, the power of the heavens and the earth here is almost exhausted.

After a long while, his face changed slightly. He has already come to the conclusion that if he cultivates in this environment, then a person can only cultivate up to the top ten layers of the inner strength. As for further, he wants It is impossible to promote to the innate. This shows that the strength of the heavens and the earth here has been thin to what extent.

The shock of the earth-shattering attack is so great that the power of heaven and earth within a hundred miles is empty. And this is just a slap in the face of the Shinto people. If you let go of your hands and feet, like the tyrannical wars of the human peaks, I really don't know what will happen.

After a thought, He Yiming finally understood why the nine fire dragons in the Jiuji furnace of the past artifacts refused to show up. Because under the power of the world today, there is simply no chance that they will appear.

With a wave of wrists, the five-ring ring suddenly appeared. Looking at this imitation artifact with scattered colorful light, He Yiming’s heart was full of bitter taste. He learned from the mouth of the cavemen the way to promote this artifact, and he was full of confidence.

As long as you can find a place where you can get a lot of power today, you can try to upgrade the imitation artifact to a real artifact.

Although it is difficult to do in the ordinary outside world, in the plan of He Yiming, the mountain of Ghost Hill, the top of the main peak of Tianchi, the volcano of Liulidong, and the first hole of Dongtianfudi. It is not the most powerful place in the world.

Once He Yiming gathered the power of the five spirits, he planned to try to see if he could lift this imitation artifact to the realm of artifacts.

If it succeeds, then he will be able to hang a piece of artifacts without being able to please the Kowloon furnace like a grandfather.

However, this beautiful wish, after seeing this attack by Yu’s ancestors today, is undoubtedly all shattered.

In the Shinto people, the attack of the heavens and the earth within a hundred miles was instantly absorbed. Such a degree, although such a quantity can make the Shinto people throw out the power that cannot be imagined in the human realm, but in the same way, this is no longer the power that the world can withstand now. The disappearance of the Shinto is really inextricably linked to the lack of power in the heavens and the earth.

Helpless! The $5 line earned the body, and He Yiming shook his head and completely abandoned some unrealistic thoughts.

Although he does not know how powerful the world needs to upgrade the artifacts, one thing is certain, that is, the number of needs is absolutely thousands of times today.

This kind of power consumption of the heavens and the earth, let alone in the general place, even within the first hole of the day, it is estimated that there is no drama.

Perhaps, if he is allowed to come to Wanshu Valley in Dongtianfu, and to absorb all the life power of the old tree that has not been known for many years, it is still possible to promote the five elements to the realm of artifacts.

However, at the thought of the power of the big tree to compete with the Kowloon furnace, He Yiming consciously dismissed the idea.

The nine days of the human peak are indeed powerful, but in front of these old monsters who have passed the human limit, they are still a little better. The sea surface cracked, and the ancestors of Yujia once again flew up from the raft. Only this time, he is not controlling the atmosphere of the world, but flying with his own light.

He Yiming sighed and said, "I will follow me next time, without my orders, I can't easily shoot."

Yu Jia's ancestors swallowed his head indifferently. He didn't even turn his eyes, but a cockroach could do this, and He Yiming was very satisfied.

With this beggar beside him, He Yiming can be said to be a tiger, even if it is a humane peak, he even has the qualifications that are not in the eyes.

But unfortunately, this master can only take a shot. After this, he has become an ornament, and even the strength of the original human peak cannot be guaranteed. After passing the exchange of ideas, He Yiming finally understood one thing.

The greatest strengths and weaknesses of Shinto relics are equally prominent. In places where the power of heaven and earth is abundant, he can even be used as a Shinto powerhouse, but when the power of the day is exhausted, he will become a beaten only. Oh, nothing. At this point, he even has a far-reaching coagulation.

Because the Shinto relic who has become accustomed to the use of Shinto power does not use ordinary human power, this result makes He Yiming unbelievable in the blink of an eye.

Of course In any case, this is a very self-protecting ability. Although he is not proficient in the use of power below Shinto, he does have nine heavens and even better. Physical fitness, even if the human peak is strong, wants to kill him, I am afraid that it is impossible to do it. Looking around, the boiling waves finally calmed down.

Although the power of Shinto is powerful, in the face of nature, it seems that it can only bring a momentary change to this sea area, and it cannot keep this change lasting. The figure went forward, and after a while it came to the ridiculous island where the waves were pouring fire.

Here, lying on a thin body, there is a huge blood hole in the chest and abdomen of this body. It can be seen from the blood hole that his internal organs seem to have been shattered.

Far, is the real cause of death in Garfield.

Under this kind of injury, even the true Shinto power can't live, let alone the nine heavens of a human peak.

However, at this moment, He Yiming was stunned. When he came to the front of the body, a black smoke was ignited from the body, and it began to condense in front of him...

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