Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 353: Easy to kill

The white horse runs like a wind on a land that is as stiff as ice.

Even in such a harsh environment, the degree of white horse lightning is still not slowing down. But as before, it still doesn't like to fly in the sky, but likes to use its powerful four long legs to walk through every corner of the continent.

He Yiming’s eyes glanced at the ground from time to time. The traces of the faint footprints were difficult to distinguish and distinguish in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of He Yiming and Baima Lei, it was invisible. It’s hard to see the autumn.

Adhering along the route of this footprint, He Yiming can clearly feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slaying, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big princes, the night prince, the gods, the gods, the throne Proud of the world's most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts will be the night of the gods of the gods of the throne to seek the magic of the world, the nine strongest days, the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the gods will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandoned The Great Zhou Dynasty’s gradual changes in these footprints, he knew that he was about to catch up with these beasts.

Although He Yiming is not a professional hunter, he also hunted with his elders in Houshan when he was a child. He has a little experience in distinguishing the footprints of beasts. So he can see that it is not a monster that leaves these footprints, but at least two or three.

And these monsters 9! The size of the i is larger and the weight is not small. If this is not the case, they are not likely to leave a slight trace on such a hard ground.

The jitter of the ears is suddenly fast - one, He Yiming e! j face slightly changed, whispered: "Not good.

At this moment, he has already caught the screams and fierce roar from the distance. He used his toes to think that this is the monster that entered the crowd and began to wreak havoc.

Waiting for him to order, the white horse thunder immediately spread the four hooves. Although it was running fast, it was far from exhausting all efforts, but at the moment it was a white light in the air, like a meteor rushing like a moon. Go out.

Once the white horse thunder has a real degree, the whole world seems to have become clean. Except for the incomparable sound of the explosion, it has no sound.

"Booming eleven eleven one"

As the white horse thunder suddenly stopped, it sounded an unbeatable loud crack in its body and instantly spread throughout the space.

Here is an obvious place of human habitation. The population is not too large, only about a thousand people. In this inaccessible place in northern Xinjiang, barely can be regarded as a small and medium-sized residence.

Although the living conditions here are quite difficult, when the number of people has reached the scale, they can still survive in such a harsh environment.

However, at this moment, this place has been devastated.

Two huge, burly beasts are madly trampled in this place, and wherever they are hit, they are instantly collapsed.

These two beasts are like elephants, but they don't have that long nose. There are four horrible fangs on the mouth, and under the reflection of the sunlight, there is a bright radiance.

The living conditions of the people in northern Xinjiang are quite difficult, but this has also caused their awkward folk customs.

Faced with two huge, beasts who know that they must not be defeated, the men in the northern Xinjiang did not retreat, but they picked up their own weapons and wanted to block these two fierce beasts in various ways. The impact.

He Yiming's eyes turned and immediately knew that there was no innate power among these people. Wu Dao Xiu was the highest, and he was only a ten-layer cultivator.

And their opponents are two beasts. Although these two beasts are not powerful in the eyes of He Yiming, they are already an irresistible death for the tribe who does not have the innate power to sit in the town.

The most powerful practitioner in the inner strength is a middle-aged man with a long knife. He screams "distracted eleven eleven"

His voice was filled with despair and sorrow, but it was a zinc knife that did not hesitate to cut off the front leg of the beast.

Although he is angry, he knows that his strength is not enough to kill this beast, so he just cuts away from the other's legs, as long as he can delay the opponent's attack and let everyone escape. I am already satisfied.

However, the power of the beast is far beyond his imagination. It does not even look at the small human being in front of him. The eyes are full of **** colors, just like a huge tank. I ran over the ground without hesitation.

The middle-aged man's knife was cut on the legs of the beast, but it didn't have any effect except splashing a piece of Mars.

This is the gap between strengths. The difference between the power of congenital beasts and ordinary practitioners is almost impossible. It is impossible to make up.

The powerful force bounced back, and the middle-aged man flew up and flew up. Even the long knife in his hand was shocked on the spot. His tiger's mouth burst, and the blood berthed out, but his eyes were full of fear.

Perhaps just with the power of that knife is too great, although did not bring any harm to the other end they reveal, but also to make it feel wudongqiankun Holy, holy king made the night to kill the Indian **** throne seeking the strongest magic Fate seventh heaven abandoned little big week of the royal family night will kill Indian **** throne seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate abandoned little big week of the royal family wudongqiankun the night to kill his divine throne and India seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate few big week of the royal family abandoned the **** night throne demand printing kill **** magic Fate Nine days most large circumferential fold less royalty to considerable pain. So it's the pace of a collection, a huge body suddenly turned over, lips fangs off high, Victim, after staring at a middle-aged man, it suddenly rushed up.

Although it reveals the size is quite huge, but it was not at the degree of slow, at least faster than the day after tomorrow practitioners on a chip.

Although the middle-aged people tried their best to dodge, they were still quickly caught up by it.

Seeing that the open blood basin is in front of me, the smell of stinking is full of body circumference, and the middle-aged man closes his eyes and waits to die.

However, he heard a loud noise in his ear, and then he felt that something seemed to fly away from him. The body trembled a little, and he was a courageous person, otherwise he would not be able to rush out with a knife. At this point, the eyes were opened quickly, but now the eyes were empty, and the beast that had opened a huge mouth in front of his eyes had disappeared.

Another giant scorpion came from another direction, and then he saw a scene that would make him unforgettable.

The other beast that ran rampantly in the village flew up high, and passed a beautiful arc in the air, and then smashed it to more than ten feet.

There, there was already a beast lying on the ground, seemingly suffering from a very strict sanctuary, and could not climb. And this spirit beast flying in midair is like an eye, and suddenly it is on the body of the beast.

At the same time, the two beasts screamed fiercely, but there was no arrogant taste in these two voices, but it was full of a feeling of fear.

The wisdom of the beast is quite high, and the beasts of more than a thousand years have the wisdom that is not inferior to human beings.

These two beasts know in an instant that the sudden strength is definitely not something they can contend with.

The white light flashed, and He Yiming riding a white horse thunder has appeared in front of these two beasts. Their eyes are also full of fear, because it is not until this moment that they know who just kicked them out of the village.

In this s1, they have no momentum, and there is a hint of pity in their eyes. They think of the words passed down by their ancestors, living on this snow-covered land, it is best not to provoke those human beings, because some of these seemingly cowardly guys have some powerful power. . These forces are far from being able to compete against them.

If they are in peacetime, they naturally cannot invade human strongholds, but today the air is full of a strong sense of oppression. It is in this inexplicable oppressive feeling that even a docile beast will become violent. They will put aside all their concerns and nail their hands.

It is not just limited to human beings. Even if the beasts meet with the beasts, sometimes they will be divided into life and death, and the souls that ultimately choose to escape are quite rare.

He Yiming glanced at them, and his heart was quite surprised. The power of the Northern Beasts was indeed better. They were obviously better than the beasts on the mainland. Perhaps only the spirits of the open seas Can compete with them.

With the lightning flash of the white horse thunder, it is impossible to kill them once. It can be seen that the physical possession of these spirit beasts is far from being comparable to ordinary spirit beasts.

However, the fate of these beasts is already doomed at the moment when the white horse thunderbolt appears.

No matter how thick and rough they are, but in front of the white horse lightning, it is really nothing.

With a slam, the unicorn on the top of the white horse began to light up the purple electric awn. Just for a moment, the powerful electric awning was separated from the unicorn, and rushed toward the two beasts who were struggling to get up.

The screams of screaming resounded again, but this time it was called a short scream, and then it disappeared like a sharp cut.

Looking at the body of the two monsters in front of him, He Yiming shook his head slightly, and he reached for a wave, and the five-ring ring had already appeared in his hand. Under his control, a golden light flashed across the heads of the two beasts, and the two heads burst open.

He Yiming's eyes are slightly The idea is explored, and suddenly the two inner bins hidden in it are sealed.

Reaching out for a move, the two Nedans rushed out of the head of the beast and flew into the hands of He Yiming. Of course, at this time, he has taken out a clean soft cloth from the world of five elements, wiped the blood stains on the stains, and gently shook his wrists. He has already earned two of them into the world of the five elements.

Although for him today, the ordinary congenital beast Nei Dan has not been so much in mind, but this inner Dan is a good thing to refine the innate Jin Dan, no matter which sect, it can not be disgusted.

The careful footsteps rang from the back of He Yiming, but no matter how cautious this person was, his every move could not have won the ears of He Yiming.

Looking back, the person who was quietly approaching was the middle-aged man who was rescued from the mouth of the beast.

At this time, his face was full of shock, gratitude and fear.

Seeing He Yiming’s gaze came over, he quickly succumbed to the ground, and Christine said: “Small man Iger, meet the grown-up.”

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