Martial Gods

Chapter 230 The Wisdom of the Door of the Poison Deed

"Sword Master!"

No matter how Lu Ying shouted, she couldn't hear Xiao Chen's voice or sense Xiao Chen's spiritual pressure.

"Calm down, calm down, I'm not dead yet!"

"I'm Xiao Chen's contracted spirit beast. This uncle is not dead, which means he is not dead either!" As soon as he finished speaking, the Black Zelei beast was suddenly sent away by the net, and there was no more movement.

Lu Ying was stunned.

A breeze full of desolation and dead silence blew across her face, messing up her three thousand blue silk.


Xiao Chen only felt dizzy for a while.

Difficulty breathing.

The whole body was as heavy as lead water, and it was like a rock was slowly sinking in the bottomless sea.

He couldn't open his eyes.

Unable to hear surrounding sounds.


At that moment, a terrifying thought popped up in Xiao Chen's mind.

"Am I going to die..."

"I'm so tired, I want to sleep."

"No, I can't sleep!"

"My consciousness is slowly fading, if I fall asleep, I'm afraid I will never wake up again!"

Xiao Chen is very aware of his situation.

Although he doesn't know what the situation is now, the only thing he can do is to stay awake, stay sensible, and find a way to take away his consciousness!

Although Emperor Bai is fusing the demons, it is best not to disturb him rashly, but the current situation is also special, Xiao Chen still tried to contact her, but unfortunately, the voice could not reach the chaotic space at all.


A boundless picture appeared in Xiao Chen's mind.

is a desert.

Barren to no life.

Deadly, silent.

In this way, while Xiao Chen was awake, the image kept repeating in his mind, which accelerated his fatigue and aggravated his despair and confusion.

I don't know how long it took.

one day?


a year?

Do not.

Xiao Chen felt as if he was in such despair that he couldn't move, and had spent more than ten years with the desert scene in his mind.

He couldn't hold it any longer.

during these long years.

Xiao Chen didn’t wait for Emperor Bai.

From beginning to end, there was no response from Emperor Bai.

He was dejected.


Did the White Emperor fail?

"I'm going to wait!"

"I have to wait!"

Xiao Chen doesn't seem to feel his existence anymore, as if he is integrated with the surrounding environment, and only a wisp of consciousness remains and supports.

"I have made an agreement with Emperor Bai to help her complete the unfinished business, how is it possible to die in such a place!?"

Suddenly, a thick voice entered Xiao Chen's mind, both surprised and admired: "What a kid that surprised me, it has been so long, and there is still consciousness left!"


The man didn't respond, but in the darkness that Xiao Chen couldn't see, he waved his hand slightly.



Xiao Chen's body crashed to the ground from somewhere, smashing cracks one after another.


He fell from a high place.


As Xiao Chen's consciousness completely recovered and he successfully regained control of his body, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"I'm alive!"

"My body hasn't disappeared either!"

"I'm not the only one left with consciousness!"

Xiao Chen's pupils shrank, and he could already see everything around him, hear everything around him, and even feel everything around him.

This is the world of quicksand.

The surroundings are desolate.

Not too far away from him, there was a middle-aged man with purple aura all over his body. He turned his back to Xiao Chen and stood with his hands behind his back, with a pair of deep, burning eyes looking into the distance.

Although this person's gaze was not on Xiao Chen, it gave Xiao Chen a very strong intuition, and his every move was clearly captured in his eyes.

"Who are you?"

"Me? Hehe..."

The middle-aged man turned around.

said lightly.

"The door of the poison contract."

His identity made Xiao Chen moved, and it could even be said to be taken aback! Because the door of the poison contract is a space-type spiritual tool placed in the poison sect, how can it become a person?

"Could it be that you are the spiritual wisdom of the door of the poison contract!?"

The man nodded slightly: "You have some knowledge."

"Yes, I am the wisdom of the door of the poison contract."

The birth of a spiritual tool requires a very high grade, and it takes a long time!

There are not many spiritual tools with spiritual wisdom on the Lingwu Continent, and it can even be said that there are only a handful of them, and there are no more than three high-level spiritual wisdom that can be compared with spiritual practice!

Xiao Chen heard long before entering the door of the drug contract that this is a spiritual weapon with no grade.

at first.

He didn't think much of it.

Looking at it now, the door of the drug contract is likely to be no trivial matter!

Just as Xiao Chen was shocked in his heart, the wisdom of the door of the poison contract slowly opened his mouth.

"You are in my body now, and I can decide your situation and the situation that any spiritual practice that enters my body will face. I can easily play with you."

"You're an interesting, but very boring kid."

"What's interesting is that you can stay awake under my suppression, and even after a long period of more than ten years, your consciousness has not dissipated, and it is still the same!"

"What's boring is that you insisted on a contract that you can give up anytime, anywhere for more than ten years. It's so simple that I can't understand it."


Xiao Chen laughed.

"If you can't understand it, it means that you are not alone, you are still a spiritual tool!"

These words did not make the door of the poison contract angry, he even nodded: "Indeed, I am not a real person, so I can't understand what you are doing."

"But I have seen a lot of spiritual practice since ancient times. No one has ever been like you. They will despair and regret when they can't hold on, regret entering the door of poisonous deeds, and even hate the injustice of heaven."

"The same is true for those spiritual practices that entered the door of poisonous deeds with you."

Xiao Chen clenched his fist slightly.

It is concluded that I have slowly regained the feeling that the soul and the body are perfectly matched.


He jumped up.

Facing the door of the poison contract is a fierce punch!


However, this fierce punch was easily blocked by the door of the poison contract, and it did not make a big wave at all.

"Looks like you're in good shape."

"Next, I am willing to give you a chance. If you can take my punch, I can send you some fortunes hidden in my body, and send you out safely."

"In addition, the spatial flow rate here is completely different from the outside world, because it is the space interlayer in my body. The more than ten years you have spent here are only a dozen days outside."

Xiao Chen touched his face.

It seems that it is no different from when he just entered the door of the poison contract.

It should also be the reason for being in the space mezzanine.

"What about the people who came in with me!?"

"What would you do if I said I was dead?"

"I'll find a way to kill you!"

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