Martial Gods

Chapter 252 Re entry into the space mezza9


That is, there are a lot of opportunities and good fortune stored in the poison deed space, and the artifact spirit can pull people into the space mezzanine, where the time flow rate is different from the outside world.

It can even be said that the difference is huge.

Just when Xiao Chen couldn't wait to know all the secrets about the door of the poison contract, Qi Ling also spoke slowly.

"This tool was refined by a tool refiner in ancient times."

"In the ancient times, there was a very terrifying catastrophe on the Lingwu Continent. Countless powerhouses fell one after another, and the remaining martial arts powerhouses also held the determination to die to quell the catastrophe, but no one can guarantee himself. I can still survive, so I left my good fortune and chance in the poison deed space."

"As long as the door of the poisonous deed is not destroyed, one day, those lost opportunities will be passed on to future generations."

"This is the origin of the Door of the Poison Deed, and the purpose for which the Door of the Poison Deed was refined!"

"The door of the poisonous deed carries the hope of the ancient masters!"

"Although the master can't directly take the opportunity here, but at any rate close to the water tower, as long as you can break the restrictions left by the great masters, you will naturally be able to obtain some rare inheritance."


Xiao Chen suddenly looked at the door of the drug contract with admiration.

turn out to be.

The calamity in the ancient times was so serious that the strong men from all walks of life were forced to leave good fortune in this poisonous deed space, waiting for future generations to take it, so as to better inherit it.

Xiao Chen originally thought that the poison contract space behind the poison contract door was just a place for the refiner to store his collection, but he didn't expect it to be so heavy and huge.

"The door of the poison deed itself is a gradeless spiritual weapon, and it will continue to open up to its former size with the improvement of the master's strength. Big."

Xiao Chen was slightly taken aback by these words.


"That is to say, before the blood contract with me, the size of the space inside is just the initial state?"


Xiao Chen was surprised: "Even the initial space is so big. If I wait for me to break through the Heavenly Emperor, what state can I open it up to!?"

"At least it won't be much smaller than the current Lingwu Continent."


Xiao Chen gasped directly.

Because Qi Ling's answer really shocked him.

Wouldn't it be smaller than Lingwu Continent?

That's too scary!

Is this really a spiritual tool that came from the hands of an eighth-grade artifact refiner?

Seemingly guessing Xiao Chen's curiosity, the tool spirit said slowly: "Because at the beginning of refining, the bloodlines of many Heavenly Emperor powerhouses were incorporated, and the door of the poison contract is not just an ordinary spiritual tool."

Incorporated into the blood of many Heavenly Emperor powerhouses?

The door of this poisonous deed is simply the existence of "collecting thousands of pets in one"!

Who would have thought that this item was actually obtained by the Poison Sect, and who would have thought that such a non-offensive and non-defense spiritual weapon would have such an extraordinary origin!

If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, Xiao Chen would definitely not believe it.

But he has no reason to doubt now.

"In addition to those great creations inside, the door of the poisonous deed has a more important use. After the master enters the poisonous deed space, I will talk about it in detail!"

Xiao Chen nodded.

Find an extremely hidden cave.

Then, he opened the spiritual formation that shielded the spiritual pressure and fluctuations, placed the door of the poisonous deed into the spiritual formation, concentrated his mind, opened the entrance just like opening the Qiankun ring, and jumped in.

Xiao Chen couldn't help but be stunned by the sight in front of him.

Even Bai Di and Heize made sounds of surprise.

The poisonous wind here has completely faded. It was a barren desert, but there was also a little bit of vitality. Although it was not an endless grassland, we could see that vegetation was sprouting.

what happened?

"It's because of the blood contract."

"That's what the ban on the door of the poison contract is. Only by formally signing the blood contract can the environment change, and the original barren and dead silence will become vibrant!"

"All of this is the vitality brought by the master!"

Xiao Chen was shocked.

"Then, if I die..."

"When the master falls, the blood pact between me and the master disappears, and the budding vitality here will wither in an instant, turning into a dead and barren world again."

Xiao Chen murmured: "It's too sad that all the vitality disappears in an instant..."

"Then why don't you just die?" Heizawa smiled, gearing up in the soul imprint space: "Quick, quick, quick, help this uncle to ask, how can we break the 'curse' of the Heizawa Thunder Beast Clan!"

Xiao Chen can understand Heizawa's impatience, because the tool spirit once mentioned that he knows something about the black Zelei beast race.

When he changed the subject of the matter, the spirit tool said lightly: "I do have eyes and ears. When the master can find the living Jiaolong clan, it will not be too late."

"If I say it now, it will only hit that black zealot."

Black Zelemon stretched out its ears to listen.

He didn't expect to get such a reply, and at that moment, his mouth was crooked.

Because it's the same as saying nothing!

Of course.

It's not really that I didn't get any useful information.

Xiao Chen murmured: "It seems that Jiaolong is the key to breaking the curse of Heizawa."

"But the Jiaolong clan and the Heizawa Thunderbeast clan have long since disappeared from the Lingwu Continent. It is not easy to find a live Jiaolong clan, and it can even be said to be impossible..."

Xiao Chen paused for a while and said: "Let's not talk about these things, I want to go to the space mezzanine to practice right away, and strive to break through the realm and improve my strength within a few days of the outside world."

The tool spirit transformed into a human form in the poison contract space.

He gave Xiao Chen a respectful salute.

"No problem, of course, Master."

"But there is a very important point that I have to explain to the master."

"Go ahead."

With a wave of the tool spirit, the Devouring Spirit Formation hidden in the poison deed space appeared in front of him and Xiao Chen: "The last time the master was pulled into the space mezzanine by me, he was completely immobile, so the time between the space gaps The flow rate is very slow, one day in the outside world, and one year in the interlayer."

"If the master wants to move freely in the space mezzanine, the flow rate corresponding to the space mezzanine will also become faster, and it will not be able to achieve the conversion effect of one day inside and one year outside."

Xiao Chen said indifferently: "What is the effect of shortening?"

"One day in the outside world, one month in the mezzanine."

Xiao Chen said: "Enough!"

"To be on the safe side, I'll stay inside for two days outside!"

"Master, please." The tool spirit made a gesture, and the devouring spirit formation started to operate. Xiao Chen hesitated for a while before being pulled into the space mezzanine by the spirit formation.

It's pitch black here.

Can't see five fingers.

But I can feel the twisted energy around me.

Moreover, unlike the last time, Xiao Chen can move freely in this dark place, no matter his limbs or the circulation of spiritual energy in his body, it is not affected at all.

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