Martial Gods

Chapter 645 Xiao Chen, pull it out!

Cut off the arm?

This is indeed a way!

Can successfully prevent Ban from swallowing Gao Qi.

In the end, at the price of an arm, in exchange for his own life.


But not the best way.

Bai Di snorted softly.


"Who made her lose control of her hand?"

"You have to be swallowed up by the ban, do you know what it means to be afraid? I never had any reverence for the ban left by the powerful Heavenly Emperor. This is the end."

Xiao Chen pouted, and secretly said that he had been exposed to that kind of restriction just now, but nothing happened.

To say that there is no reverence, I am the same as Gao Qi.

So he always has one.

Bai Di was not at all unhappy because he was dissatisfied with Gao Qi's reverence for the prohibition left by the emperor, but he felt that he didn't like Gao Qi very much from the beginning.


It may also be that she is over-hearted, because Emperor Bai has always been like this, and she has always been indifferent and indifferent when dealing with others other than herself.

"This prohibition has the power to involve blood, and it is also the key to opening it. Don't you realize that after Gao Qi's blood was incorporated into the prohibition, the prohibition has been contaminated and lost the effect just now?"


Xiao Chen quickly observed the ban.

It turned out that it was exactly what the White Emperor said.

After that layer of prohibition was contaminated with blood, it lost its luster.

"Just wait a little longer. When her entire arm is completely submerged, this layer of transparent restraint can absorb enough blood and then be opened smoothly."

Xiao Chen was surprised: "Really?"

"Why, do you doubt my words?"

Xiao Chen shook his head: "It's not a suspicion, I'm just wondering, what's the reason?"

"This layer of prohibition is left by the ancestors of the Gaotian family. Gao Qi has the blood of the Gaotian family flowing in her body. Naturally, it is the right key to unlock the prohibition!"

"Don't underestimate this kind of restriction. After all, it is something from the hands of the Heavenly Emperor. Even if it is just me in the state of the soul, it is impossible to forcibly break it."

"You have slaughtered the entire Gaotian family, and Gaoqi is the only clan with Gaotian blood flowing in her body. If she also dies, you can only wait for you to break through the emperor after breaking through the ban!"

Xiao Chen nodded thoughtfully.

Signaled that Gao Qi should not be afraid.

Although some blood may be lost, it is not life-threatening.

The truth is the same as what Bai Di said.

Just before Gao Qi's entire arm was about to be swallowed, the restraint shattered with a bang, scattered into the sky one after another, and finally disappeared into the air.

Gao Qi hurriedly pulled back her arm, watching with lingering fears that the layer of restraint was shattering little by little in front of her, and her heart almost raised her throat.

Girl Leng threw her a bottle of spiritual liquid with her backhand.

said lightly.

"You can restore your blood and injury in a short time."

"Thank you, Master."

While Gao Qi was swallowing the spiritual liquid, Miss Leng approached Xiao Chen casually, intending to sense something from him, but in the end it ended in vain.

"It can't be Xiao Chen's idea!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

"This restriction is something left by the Heavenly Emperor, and even I can't see the way to unlock it at a glance."

"How could Xiao Chen know that after it has absorbed enough Gao Qi's blood, that layer of restraint will automatically disintegrate without hurting Gao Qi himself?"

"It's because of his overconfidence in his actions that I won't believe it. This is his own discovery!"

Girl Leng admits that Xiao Chen hides very well.

But there will always be a time for him to show his feet.

I followed them into this ancient space, but also to find something from Xiao Chen.

"Perhaps, Xiao Chen knew that the rhizomes of Wangqinghua had the effect of dissolving the fragrance of flowers, and he was not wrong at all, but the expert behind him was pointing!"

"Now I can almost be sure that the mysterious existence standing behind Xiao Chen is definitely an existence that surpasses ordinary heavenly emperors. Not only is he rich in experience, but he is also proficient in everything!"

"Let's go, enter the hall!" Xiao Chen said lightly, looking at Gao Qi, who had recovered from her trauma and her face was rosy.

The ancient hall is very well preserved.

There are also totem patterns on the door that are similar to the Gaotian Sanmai Totem, and Xiao Chen and the three of them do not need to push the door to enter. The stone door of the main hall is opened by themselves after they approach.

The hall looked very empty.

There are three layers.

A wide and thick spiral stone staircase is located in the center of the main hall.

The first floor is ten feet high.

Xiao Chen wondered why the hall was arranged like this.

He had never seen the hall of any power so strange.

"It's gloomy." Xiao Chen's voice just fell, but he felt that his lower back was pinched by a hand.

Xiao Chen smiled lightly, and he could almost guess whose hand it was.

"Anyway, it's spiritual practice. Are you afraid that there will be ghosts in this place?"


However, Xiao Chen felt that the strength of the hand was getting stronger and stronger, and he almost pulled his flesh off. He couldn't help but gasped and turned to look at Gao Qi.

"not me."

Gao Qi shook his head.

Not her?

Is she still a cold girl?

Should not be ah.

Leng girl has always been calm, how could she secretly hold her waist?

But the strength of that hand was still there, forcing Xiao Chen to look at Miss Leng's position, but she was at least half a meter away from him, and it was impossible for her to move her hand.

Xiao Chen looked back.

People almost exploded!

A bloody arm was pinching on his waist!

That's right.

There is only one arm, and the broken place is bloody. It doesn't look like it was cut off by someone with a sharp weapon, but more like it was torn off by force.

The sound of blood dripping down, made Xiao Chen unable to control the explosion of the spiritual pressure, trying to bounce the broken arm away.

However, he found that the nails of the broken arm had been deeply immersed in his body, just like when Gao Qi was adsorbed on it when he first contacted the ban, and he couldn't shake it off!

Gao Qi and Miss Leng were caught by Xiao Chen who suddenly exploded.

When the two women saw that Xiao Chen had a bloody arm embedded in his lower back, Miss Leng's first reaction was to shrink her pupils, while Gao Qi's first reaction was to scream directly. stand up.

"This...whose arm is this?"

The three looked around together.

No one is missing an arm at all!

And it was bloody, as if it had just been broken off.

Could it be that there are other people in this hall besides them?

There is no spiritual pressure sensed.

I didn't hear any fighting, the hall was covered with a layer of floating dust, and when you stepped on it, you would leave an incomparably clear footprint, and there were no traces around except their footprints.

What the hell is going on! ?

"Xiao... Xiao Chen, this arm wants to get into your body, quickly find a way to pull it out!" Miss Leng reminded nervously.

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