Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 108: Discharge

"Great, it's amazing!"

Hood looked at the scene in front of him and was completely shaken. A neat sword of five hundred people, such as the long sword forest, the scene is shocking and more tremble.

Even if you are a second-rate master, Hood does not dare to go forward with this team. Forced to go forward, it is simply the rhythm of finding death. These five hundred people, almost like a killing machine, are full of killing atmosphere.

"How did Lin Yi’s brother do it in the end? There is a magical power that has turned into a magical one! Is this the power of my Huashan? Who said that there is no strong sword array in Huashan, this is the sword array of Huashan!"

"Thousands of Huashan disciples are able to form the Huashan Swords!"

Hu De’s heart was full of sighs, and he seemed to see the Huashan sword array, the appearance of the Megatron. As long as there are people with brains, you can think of it, so fast, you can form a sword array, and there are still no limit to the number of people, the more the better the sword array. It is much stronger than the other big factions.

The Shaolin Eighteen Copper People's Array is very powerful, also known as the Zhenjiang Lake. However, they practiced the 18-copper stick method from an early age before they could practice it. How many Shaolin monks can play the 18-copper array? If you die one, you can make the power of the 18th Bronze Mange greatly reduced and completely break open.

Similarly, the Taiji sword array of Wudang is the same. The number is too small, and it is too difficult to learn. It is very difficult to cultivate. If you die one, you can force the sword array to crack.

But at the moment, Huashan Jianzheng does not have these shortcomings. It is simple, based on the Huashan sword method, all Huashan disciples can be formed. Huashan disciples are hundreds of thousands of giants. As long as ten days, they can train a sword.

Even if one is killed, there is no impact on the sword array. In the large-scale battlefield, this sword array is the most terrible.

It can't be broken at all.

In the face of a master, it is like a hedgehog, so you can't start.

In the face of the average master, it is like a wolf, swallowing you bit by bit.

At this moment, Hood thought so much, and his heart was shocked. Deeply for Lin Yi’s vision and intelligence, he was shocked.

"Lin Yi’s brother, it’s really a arrogant!"

At this moment, Hu Decai really felt that Lin Yi said at the meeting that it would not be a false statement to have a hospital in Hangzhou and to dominate the entire Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions.

Hangzhou Bieyuan, a disciple of two thousand and three streams, more than 10,000 disciples who do not enter the stream.

All of them have practiced the Huashan swordsmanship, and all of them can form the Huashan sword array. This is a great power!

The swords of five hundred people defeated dozens of second-rate masters.

How many third-rate masters can be defeated by more than 10,000 Huashan disciples formed by non-invasive?

There aren't thousands of third-rate experts, don't want to beat.

In Jiangsu and Zhejiang, which martial art has thousands of third-rate masters?

No, no one!

At this moment, Hu Decai suddenly realized that the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions with intricate powers are the most prone to hegemony. There is no big school here, only famous doors.

But those famous doors, the whole door up and down, no more than 10,000 disciples.

How can you resist, Huashan's tens of thousands of swords?

As for the strength of the combination, this possibility is even smaller. Huashan is not a vegetarian, a big school, a crowd of people, who dares to be hostile? As long as things don't go too far, almost no one will unite and fight against Huashan.

At this moment, Hood had to sigh, Lin Yi’s brother is really far-sighted and confident. The seemingly impossible task, but in his short time, can be completed.

This miraculous degree has to make him feel very emotional and even have some worship.

Seeing the disciples of the 500 law enforcement team, the moment when the Huashan swordsmanship was used in a uniform manner, Lin Yi’s expressionless face finally revealed a long-lost smile.

His army is trained.

It has been more than ten days, and three months, only two and a half months. Time is tight, it is time to start.

He did not train other people to build the Huashan sword array as Hood thought. First, he didn't have time. Second, he didn't think it was necessary.

There are five hundred law enforcement teams, it is enough!

After all, this is not a real war, there are not many life and death battles, practicing five hundred law enforcement teams, but also for his future, large-scale formation of the Huashan sword array, the experiment done in advance.

If you want to take the site in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces in the hands of Huashan, the difficulty is not as difficult as you think.

Because of the factions of various factions, their main strongholds are still in their martial art station, but they do not value the city. There are not many people, all of them are equivalent to the existence of the eyeliner.

What Lin Yi wants to grasp is the rule of the entire Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions. Those who ruled were not ordinary people, but ordinary people. It can be said that there is no intersection in the place of competition. There is not much contradiction with the famous gates in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

The city that is heavily valued is just a Hangzhou city. As long as Lin Yi does not attack Hangzhou City, there are not many famous gates to stand up. There is no name to come out to be right, other small door small factions, dare to fight against Huashan?

This is why he dares to be so unscrupulous and to do a big job.

How to get the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions, forty-nine state towns, hundreds of county towns, and Lin Yi’s heart has long been a plan.

Looking forward to the law enforcement team, Lin Yi summoned Hood, let him match five hundred horses, the law enforcement team one person. When the horses were all in line, Lin Yi waved a command: "Getting started!"

Han Bai, Yu Hai, and Jiang Xiaoyu all went to the horse and followed Lin Yi. And the disciples of the 500 law enforcement team were evenly and uniformed, and the movements were simple, rapid, and full of strength.

When you look at it, you will feel that you are well trained and don't dare to have any contempt.

"Depart!" Lin Yi waved his hand, riding a horse and walking in front. Followed by it, the horseshoe sounds the same.

Step on the step.

More than five hundred horses hooves, such as the drums, the thunder and shock, listening to people only feel inexplicable shock, the ground is shaking.

Accelerated, five hundred law enforcement teams ran out of Hangzhou, and went to the nearest state. Behind them, Hood arranged for more than a thousand third-rate masters who had not been selected, followed by Huashan disciples who had been recruited from various places, and also followed by a honeycomb. They are the team that cleans the battlefield and is strong.

Wanshan Wan’s disciples, who have been quiet in Huashan’s courtyard for more than ten days, flocked out. In an instant, all the forces in Hangzhou, not far away, were noticed, and the entire Hangzhou city was shaking.

They are speculating on the death of Xian Jian Lin Yi, serving as the dean of Huashan Hospital in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, and vying for the position of the chief disciple, what is the first action.

In the city of Hangzhou, all the big inns, restaurants, rivers and lakes gather.

Eyeliners from the large and small forces in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces are all here, inquiring about the news and talking about each other.

"Just got the news, Huashan Bieyuan dispatched a huge number of people and set off to the west. The momentum is huge, I don't know where to go!"

"This is the first time that Huada Tianjiao, the famous name of Huashan Tianjiao, is fighting for the position of the chief disciple of Huashan. I don't know how he will start."

"Oh, no matter how he starts, what he wants is to evaluate the results, and it must violate our interests. He is against everyone in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. He is crazy!"

"There is a huge number of people, this is the life of the sword, and the courage is too big!"

"No matter what, let's wait and see what he is going to do, comment on it!"

"Also, what exactly is he going to do?"

The entire rivers and lakes in Hangzhou City are speculating and discussing this topic. Even many ordinary people have participated in it and remain curious about it. What is the name of Lin Yi, the famous sword of the famous name?


The largest and most luxurious in the city is undoubtedly the Wu family.

Wujia is a family of martial arts in Jiangzhou, and it is also the most powerful force. It is a veritable emperor in the Jiangzhou area, and the whole of Jiangsu and Zhejiang is strong.

The ancestor of the family, Wudong, is the first strongest in Jiangzhou City. He is a famous second-rate master on the rivers and lakes.

On this day, the Wu family Changwu Cave is drinking tea leisurely, looking at the booklet from Hangzhou City, the booklet is called "Jianghu". In January, the above recorded the major events in the rivers and lakes, as well as the rookie geniuses emerging in the rivers and lakes.

However, as a local booklet, most of its contents are still about things in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. I am looking forward to relishing the comments and commenting on the new rookie genius.

Suddenly, the Wu family’s children came in and looked worried and worried. The current juniors in the family are becoming less and less calm. The psychological quality is really bad. When you encounter a little thing, you will be scared.

"What!" screamed.

"The patriarch, the patriarch is not good, the big things are not good! The people of Huahua Mountain are driving into Jiangzhou!" The Wu family's children looked flustered, frightened and stuttered.

"What?" Wu Dong looked straight and frowned, was about to reprimand, suddenly heard the news, suddenly a black, standing unsteady, finally eased the face, a look of anger and anger: "How is it possible? How is this Huashan? Will you find us in Jiangzhou? What are they doing here?"

In the booklet of "Jianghu", he has already got a long time in the Huashan Courtyard in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Because the new dean is the famous Tianshan arrogant of the Huashan generation in the rivers and lakes.

As the chief disciple, the assessment came.

These news, he knows, in his opinion, has nothing to do with his Wu family, but he never thought that this Huashan people, the first person to find, is actually Jiangzhou City, he Wujia!

"Go out and see!" The heart is uneasy, and Wu Dong is also tolerant, pretending to be nothing, ordering a voice. In the dark, bring your own fine iron gloves, take the Wu family, and walk out the door.

When I first arrived at the gate, I heard the deafening horseshoe coming.

Step on!

Like a thousand horses, what shocks him is that there are only a few hundred thousand hooves. The entire ground was shaken very rhythmically, like a sledgehammer, striking the ground.

One time, two times


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