Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 130: Wonderful out of the ghost forest, even breaking the three levels

The top of the Condor Mountain, inside the hall.

Xu Laoda was lying on the stone seat, tilting his legs and humming his songs. He was very beautiful. He asked the people on the side: "Where are the rabbits in Huashan?"

"Back to the big house, Huashan people are trapped in the ghost forest, and they can't turn out. Our people touch it. They are a pair of arrows that are smacking their faces. They are crying and crying. Hey!" A bandit guarding the side, grinning.

Listening to this, Xu Laoda also laughed.

Ghost Forest is the first level of the Eagle Mountain. The natural misty forest array is almost covered with white mist all day long. During the day, only one hour will be scattered.

If it is the first time to enter the ghost forest, I am sure to get lost, how can I not go out. What's more, the people of Shenyingshan also deliberately took them around the circle. How could the people of Huashan go?

The entire ghost forest is a hundred miles away, and tens of thousands of people are stuffed into the sea, such as water flowing into the sea, sprinkling a trace of water.

"Tell the second home, do it well, kill this group of rabbit scorpions, dare to come to my eagle mountain chaos, hehe!" Xu Laoda snorted and waved, and the mood was beautiful again.

Ghost fog forest, ghost fog forest!

Lin Yi wrinkled his brows. In this place, in the past games, he had heard about it and was rated as the top ten places by the players. Almost all day, the white mist shrouded, it was a natural puzzle. If you don’t get used to this place, you won’t be able to go out. Did not think that this Shenyingshan, there is actually one.

How do you go out?

When he was alive, he only heard about it and did not go in personally. I couldn't help but frown more tightly, remembering the memory of past lives, thinking about the method of cracking the ghost forest.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, recalling a player's method of cracking.

"Map, yes, it's a map!" Lin Yi clenched his fist and his eyes were extremely bright.

If he remembers correctly, the player who cracks the ghost forest is relying on the map. In the upper right corner of each player, there is a nearby map display, just like the gps positioning system, showing the location.

Although Lin Yi passed through, the game system on his body changed, and the maps that each player had had disappeared. However, Lin Yi activated the construction panel, and there is a map of the sphere of influence on the construction panel.

Quickly open the construction panel and look at the map of the forces in Hangzhou.

The location of Shenyingshan is marked with a large black dot, forming a black circle, wrapped in a red circle. A big point on the map, the area is huge, and the radius is hundreds of miles.

Lin Yi **** point to the map, open to the outside, the map begins to zoom.

When zoomed in to a certain position, a tiny red circle is wrapped in a black circle. Lin Yi suddenly smiled and smiled very happy.

Sure enough, he did not expect.

The 20,000 horses he led also represented his power. Although he did not occupy the Eagle Mountain, his place where the horse is located is his sphere of influence.

This time, suddenly became like a positioning system, indicating his position. Constantly observing the map, zooming in and out, Lin Yi directly draws a straight line, pointing to the straight line of the headquarters of the Shenyingshan.

This is the way out of the ghost forest.

Lin Yi immediately released the order: "Listen to my orders, all give me a defensive stance, rush with me. Don't care about any mountain, just give me a rush!"

"Crush out of the ghost forest!"

Lin Yi gave a command and immediately took the lead of five hundred law enforcement team disciples and walked to the front.

"Follow up, keep up!"

The second-rate masters of the states screamed and followed.

Although they did not know if Lin Yi could get out of the ghost forest, but he also gave them a hope. One by one did not dare to fall, and followed Lin Yi, running all the way.

The faster and faster, Lin Yi has turned around in several directions, just like in a circle, it is very confusing. But all did not dare to say it, running wildly, ignoring anyone, going all the way.

"Not good, the second home, they seem to find a way out of the ghost forest, they have to come out!" Outside the ghost forest, a bandit of the Shenyingshan, flustered from the ghost forest, ran out loud Cried.

"What? How can they know how to get out of the ghost forest?" The second face of the house smiled, suddenly condensed, an unbelievable color, shouted: "Why don't you take them around the circle and pull them Go back!"

"No, I am a master, Huashan army simply ignores us. No matter what we do, they ignore it. I have been running forward, let alone bring it, even if it is stopped!" The bandit shook his head helplessly. Road.

"What the **** is going on?" Second, the brow was locked and his face was ugly.

At this moment, the earth shook, it seems that a large group of people rushed here, and the loud noises came from each other, getting closer and closer, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Not good, the second home they came out!" The bandit changed his face and shouted.

Second, the face of the ugly face is ugly, calling the people around him, shouting loudly: "Fast, retreat, give me back to the second level!"

Thousands of bandits, following the second home, have turned around and fled, fleeing.

Lin Yi turned from time to time, constantly observing the map. After changing the direction several times, he finally walked to the straight channel leading to the Shenying Mountain, and then began to lead nearly 20,000 people and went straight.

Along the way, it was a straight line and saw the light in the distance.


"That is the exit!"

"Everyone is going! Find the exit!"

When I saw the light, everyone was shocked, like a chicken blood, madly rushing to the light.

Suddenly, the eyes were bright, and at the end of the ghost forest, there were low shrubs and grass everywhere.

"Come out, we are out!"

"Haha, let's get out of this ghost forest!"

Everyone laughed and cheered. The sharp-eyed people suddenly saw not far away, and many of the bandits fled their backs, pointing at the back of the bandits and shouting: "Look, the bandits are over there!"


Many people who had been sulking in their hearts had screamed and shouted, carrying swords and chasing them up.

All the people in the forty-nine states of Jiangsu and Zhejiang chased them insanely. Once they caught up with the bandits, they were hacked to death by chaos. Even many Huashan disciples chased them up and bit the bandits.

The bandits were frightened by this scene, fleeing one by one. The vast majority of this is the fleeing of the 49th State of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and it is not a brave thing to go to the bandits of the Shenying Mountain. Seeing so many people chasing and killing, all of them are fierce and sinister, completely frightened, desperately fleeing.

The two heads who were wrapped in the crowd, with less than a thousand Shenyingshan bandits, could not gather the team under the chaotic situation, but they could only help themselves.

"Bite them!"

Lin Yi loudly ordered that almost the whole army was dispatched and chased like crazy.

Only five hundred Huashan law enforcement team disciples, as well as twenty elders in the formation of a neat team, did not go after the pursuit, followed by the pressure, slowly followed.

The top of the Condor Mountain.

"It’s not good to be a big master, it’s not good!"

A bandit ran into the hall in a panic and shouted.

"You are his mother, Laozi is good, how is it bad?" Xu Laodeng slammed up and stood up from the stone seat, glaring at him and yelling at it. After the code was finished, this was a slap in the face: "said, what happened?"

The bandit nodded again and again, almost yelling in the tone of mourning: "The big master, the ghost fog forest was out of the Huashan army, the ghost fog forest fell! The second level, also fell! Now Huashan army, is moving The third pass rushed!"

"What?" Xu Laoda's eyes widened and his face was unbelievable: "His mother, those Huashan rabbit scorpions, how could they get out of the ghost forest so quickly? Don't yell at me!"

The bandit almost cried out: "How big is the big master, how dare you lie about the military situation? This group of Huashan rabbits don't know what to do, and they don't care about our brother's lure. They took the arrow and shot them. They did not see it. They ran all the way, simply ignoring them. What is even more strange is that they seem to be able to see through the misty forests. They actually walked directly to the headquarters of the Shenyingshan. On the straight line! Everyone reacted, but they were killed all the way, and they were bitten by death, causing the second pass to be ineffective. They were broken. Now I am afraid that the third level is hard to protect!"

Xu Laoda’s hammered stone seat, screaming with anger: “What is his mother’s name? Can he still see the ghost forest?” Then he’s sullen, his face is cold and shouted: “I’m going to order three At home, in the fourth level, the emergency line was placed urgently, and the fourth level was given to me. The fourth level of the mother was also attacked by Huashan’s rabbit scorpion, and his mother’s son cut his head!”

"Yes!" the bandit yelled and hurried out of the hall.

Xu Laoda sat down on the stone seat and looked at himself with a confused face: "His mother, this group of Huashan rabbit scorpions, how do you find out the ghost forest road? Can they really see through the ghost fog? Lin is not finished?"

This problem has made him always confused, and he is angry with him.


The joint army led by Huashan, the excitement of countless people, one by one, like a chicken blood, crazy into the third level, crazy chasing the bandits of the third level.

A famous bandit crying and yelling at the mother's escape, all defeated, collapsed into a military.

The third pass won, and broke the three levels.

The joint army led by Huashan, the morale is boiling to the extreme, and the cheers of victory are everywhere.

"Kill, brothers, kill the fourth level!"

A burst of buzzing sounds came from the crowd again. Everyone was mad and excited. The victory almost made them bloody. They didn't feel any fatigue at all, and they rushed to the fourth level without stopping.

Lin Yi looks calm, calmly watching this group of people, chasing the enemy crazy, killing the fourth pass.

Twenty elders around him and five hundred law enforcement team disciples all slowly followed up and pressed to the fourth level.


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