Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 161: Advance, roaring, fox wind

The third person is on the court. ·Chinese website·..

Another sword.


The fourth person is on the court.


Lin Yi decisively shot, did not keep a hand, a sword, clean and neat, will defeat the four opponents, successfully promoted!

"I said, the position of the chief disciple is my Lin Yi, you wait for me to be a master! Hahaha!" Lin Yi laughed, his feet slammed, and leaped to the most central platform.

Looking at his figure, everyone looked at each other and couldn't help but talk.

"Awkward, really arrogant!"

"I have never seen such a madness? Is this Lin Yi really thinking that the position of the chief disciple is his?"

"Hey, don't you say that this is Lin Yizhen Zhang is arrogant, but people also have arrogant capital! The top ten disciples, not all of them killed by a sword?"

"I just want to know how his swordsmanship is practiced. How can it be so powerful?"

"What awesome? It's a metamorphosis!"

"Hey, such a arrogant person, really is our master, don't know if it is good or bad?"

"What is the relationship between arrogance and arrogance as a master? If Lin Yi really can lead me to Huashan, it will become stronger and become more powerful and able to revitalize Huashan. He is a hundred times more arrogant, and I would like him to be our master. what!"

"This is really not wrong. When Lin Yi was in a hospital in Hangzhou, it was also very arrogant. On the second day, he gave all the elders of the Hangzhou hospital to the air, let them go out to watch the movie, and arrogantly said to be dominant. The whole of Jiangsu and Zhejiang! What is the truth? He did it! Jiangsu and Zhejiang were dominated by him, and the Shenying Mountain was also attacked. The first-class master was given a slap by him. Now let's talk about it, when he said that he wanted to dominate Jiangsu and Zhejiang, he was arrogant. Wouldn't it be said? Hey, the truth is like this. If you can't do things, others can say that you can do it, you say he is arrogant, this idea is wrong! Maybe Lin Yi has already had a good idea, he has the confidence If you have the strength to be able to defeat the fox wind, you will be mad, and let him know in advance that he will be the chief disciple."

"That's right! Compared to the fox wind, I hope that Lin Yi can win. Be our master, become the future head of our Huashan! Let the wind not work, let him be the head, he is too bad. He has no ability to govern, and he is indecisive. How can he sit on the top of my Huashan position? On the contrary, Lin Yi is very suitable. He is very sultry, he is crisp and straightforward! Not only that, but he is also far-sighted and able to bend. When he was in the lower house and the disciples in the upper house, did he say that he wants to be the chief disciple? No! This means that he can bend, he is very self-aware. When he was a true disciple, he said that he wants us to call him a master? No! He also called our brothers. But now, Hangzhou's other courts dominated Jiangsu and Zhejiang. His general trend has been completed, and there is support from other departments. He dares to show his sword, and he has his own heart and mind!"

"When the sheath is sheathed, the sword will appear when the sword is thrown. This is what the swordsman is doing! Lin Yi is our Huashan, the real swordsman!"

A group of true disciples, the elders have a lot of arguments. From the beginning, I couldn’t understand Lin Yi’s arrogance. But soon the tone of the wind turned, and began to hold Lin Yi's arrogant arrogance.

This is because of strength!

They saw the strength of Lin Yi!

Lin Yi’s strength has made them all convinced!

Standing on the central platform, Lin Yi was very eye-catching. Almost all eyes were attracted to him. It’s shocking to win the game so quickly.

You know, another battle is still fighting hard!

The fox wind did not rush to play, holding the sword in both hands. Still watching the battle quietly. I didn’t expect it at all. The battle between the two sides was so fast. At this moment, Lin Yi actually won the battle. He was anxious in his heart and immediately jumped on the field.

The younger sister was beaten by this matter and touched him a lot.

He decided to fight for the position of this chief disciple!

He can't let the people around him disappoint him and break his heart.

This is also his first time, so active to compete for the position of the chief disciple. Pulling the sword on the court, all the opponents, he was brushed a few swords, the sword in his hand was shot and defeated.

Although he did not have the domineering attitude of Lin Yi, he swept the audience. However, in an extremely handsome manner, the opponents were all killed and successfully promoted.

Yu Zecheng, who was defeated, shook his head, and all the fantasies in his heart were annihilated by the swords of the fox.

These true disciples are not the opponents of the fox wind, or even a level!

The wind was so terrible that the sword was in his hand and almost survived. What moves have the position of superior swordsmanship, and it is fast and the sword is gorgeous.

After brushing a few times, he was dazzled, and he was attacked and defensive in an instant. The sword could not hold it and was shot and flew away.

Yu Zecheng was deeply hit in the heart. At this moment, he discovered that the gap between him and Linghufeng would be so great, and the big one made him unimaginable. In the same way, the other three true disciples who lost the same were the same. The four men looked at each other and then shook their heads.

One by one, strengthen your confidence, you must become stronger!

Next time, it must not be so easily defeated by the Fox.

Although the hope is very embarrassing, it is also the only place where they can comfort themselves.

Yu Zecheng looked at Lin Yi, who had already stood in the middle of the road and was promoted. His heart was very complicated. This is only a year, the Lin Shidi, has surpassed himself, leaving himself far behind.

Even he himself did not realize when he was embarrassed.

"I hope Lin Shidi can defeat the fox wind!" Yu Zecheng's heart is dark.

The promotion of the fox wind, also embarked on the central platform, and Lin Yi's eyes, began a decisive battle between the two.

This war, called the battle of the peak is not an exaggeration.

One is that Huashan has become famous for a long time, suppressing all the disciples of Huashan for more than ten years.

One is the rapid rise of Huashan, and in just one year, it has sensationalized Huashan Linyi numerous times.

An old brand of arrogance, a new day of arrogance.

The two great Tianjiao collisions in Huashan, who is the true Huashan disciple, the strongest?

Almost everyone has a big eye, and they dare not miss any fascinating scene. They all look at the central stage. Even the elders, the thirteen elders, and the heads have shown a strong interest.

For a time, the two are truly eye-catching!

"Let the fox wind, you have not always wanted to be the position of the chief disciple? Retreat, admit defeat, your wish will be reached, no one can force you to be the chief disciple, you can go and pursue what you want Free life. You are a wandering world, or a drunkard, no one will stop you, you are free!"

Looking at the fox wind, Lin Yi smiled and cried, wanting to sway the wind.

"Prefer to lose? I have never confessed to the fox wind in my life! I want to admit defeat, do not think about it!" Linghufeng shook his head.

"Why are you doing this?" Lin Yi sighed.

The fox has a firm color in the eyes, and the sharper the breath, such as a sword with a stalk. Looked like electricity, looking to Lin Yi, shouted: "Lin Yi, I should thank you, you let me figure it out! You are right, Duan Feifei also said yes, I make the Fox wind is a coward! So, starting today, I will let Fox Wind no longer be a coward!"

Lin Yiyang raised his eyebrows, and he looked at the fox wind with some surprises. He did not expect that this made the fox wind really listen to it. However, he still has doubts and even some surprises: "You want to compete with me for the position of the chief disciple, just to prove that you are not a coward?"

"No!" Linghu shook his head and took a deep breath: "That night you said it is right, strength can determine everything, strength can control your own destiny! Now, I make the Fox wind strength is not enough, but I want What should I do to protect the people around me? The position of the chief disciple is an opportunity for me to protect the people around me."

After all, the fox wind looked at Lin Yi, wondering: "Lin Yi, you know me so much, but I have never understood you. I even think that you are a mystery, mysterious. You can Tell me, why do you want to be the chief disciple?"

“Why should I be the chief disciple?” Lin Yi’s eyes turned and suddenly smiled: “Because I want you to call me a master!”

Linghu wind stunned, then looked angry and angry, pointing at Lin Yi swearing: "Lin Yi you bastard! Forced to help me make a decision not to say, even dare to beat my little sister, today I have to avenge my little sister, dying You bastard! I want to be my master, dreaming of you!"

"Dream?" Lin Yi smiled, his face became serious, and his face said awkwardly: "Let the wind, you should retreat, today you must retreat, the position of the chief disciple, not you can be!"

"Why? I don't want to be a time, a bunch of people advise me to be. When I want to be, you stand up and stop me?" The fox wind brows slightly, seeing Lin Yi is not like a joke, his look has become awe Asked doubts.

Lin Yi haha ​​smiled and pointed to the fox wind and shouted: "Why? Why ask? Why do you have the talent for the fox? Can you manage Huashan? Can you take Huashan to the forefront? You can bring Is Huashan rising to the rivers and lakes? Can you take Huashan beyond Shaolin Wudang? You can't, you can't do anything! You are a drunkard, you know nothing except drinking, you can't!"

"You figured it out? What do you think of? What is the result of your imagination? Is it the position of the chief disciple? Tell me, is this the result of your imagination? Let the wind, you too disappoint me! You Want to be the chief disciple, you are just for the people around you? Have you thought about hundreds of thousands of disciples in Huashan? Have you thought about their future? Have you thought about their lives?"

"No, you have nothing! Your eyes have been placed on your elders, and the younger brothers and sisters have been around! I never thought about so many disciples of Huashan, you never thought about you and your sister. Why, why can we live comfortably in Huashan, be able to live a life of luxury, carefree swords, who gave it to you?"

"No, you have nothing!" (To be continued.)

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