Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 169: 令令狐独孤九剑

When I heard Lin Yi’s words, Ouyang Ming was a little bit stunned. He asked with a look of confusion: “How can you have this idea? You are not afraid of letting the wind learn the solitary sword, beyond you? You know, let the fox The wind is very talented. Once he has learned the sword, your chief position can be unstable.:../"

"Master, the fox wind is very talented for the understanding of Kendo, and after the disciple took the solitary sword back, I thought that this solitary sword is very suitable for the fox wind. If the fox wind is practiced as a solitary sword, he With the sword, in the future, the fox wind will surely become the mainstay of my Huashan. For me, Huashan will benefit from him."

"Moreover, the disciples don't think that the wind can surpass me. It's not the disciples who are arrogant. In the eyes of the disciples, the people who are surpassed by me don't want to catch up with me in my life!" Lin Yi's face is right, he is full of confidence. .

After this decision, he also made some thoughtful thoughts. In the past games, it proved the talent of Linghufeng to practice the solitary sword, and finally became a top player. This world, because of the impact of Lin Yi, let the Fox wind realize the sword meaning early. It can be said that the speed of the fox wind into the top master is much faster than the previous one.

A top expert, for Huashan, the benefits are great. What's more, Lin Yi also has enough confidence to suppress the Foxwind and train him.

Useful, useful, not worried that he will challenge his position, why not?

Besides, the sword alone and the nine swords were taught to the genie, and the people of the fox group could be brought together to support themselves. It also completely dispelled the idea that the rest of the family wanted to use themselves as chess pieces.

The right and left sources, secretly cultivate their own power, and finally force Huashan Qunxiong, boarded the position of Huashan, this is Lin Yi's early thinking.

Passing the solitary sword to the fox, this is the best way to draw the fox. Let them thoroughly feel their goodwill, and let them be quiet, not because the fox wind is not sitting on the chief position, worrying about the future. Even the dog jumped to the wall.

Although Lin Yi’s approach is similar to that of Ouyang Ming’s approach, it is balancing the two factions.

But Lin Yi is different. He secretly supports those disciples in the lower house. Let them grow up and eventually become Lin Yi’s own forces and force all factions.

Lin Yi’s heart was nervously looking at Ouyang Ming, and he taught the solitary swords to the fox wind. This step is very important. Related to his series of follow-up plans. I have to make him nervous.

"This way," Ouyang Ming nodded, his face was cloudy and uncertain, frowning and contemplating. He is also thinking about whether or not to teach the solitary sword to the fox. In general, the solitary swords are taught to the head, or the chief disciple in the door. It is difficult for other disciples to obtain inheritance. One is to ensure that the inheritors can be trained as a solitary sword, and the other is to let the power of the head be at the top of Huashan, and will not be overhead.

But this time. But let Ouyang Ming feel a little embarrassed. Obviously, it is of great benefit to the benefit of Huashan, and it will be a great genius for Huashan to see the sword in a hundred years. Once it is practiced as a solitary sword, its strength must be extremely strong. Strong, Huashan will also improve its strength.

However, it is difficult to make it difficult, and the fox wind is not the chief disciple!

It stands to reason that he is not qualified to practice the solitary sword. This is very unfair to the chief disciple. The future situation of Huashan will also cause turmoil.

However, Lin Yi, the chief disciple, has proposed to pass the Du Gujiu sword to Linghufeng. This made Ouyang Ming have to think seriously. Between the tradition that Huashan has been staying in and the strength of Huashan, he finally chose the latter.

In order to enhance the strength of Huashan, what are the rules?

The rules are set up to enhance the strength of Huashan.

Thinking about this, Ouyang Ming looked at Lin Yi with a look of awe: "Yi Er, you can think clearly. Once the fox wind is practiced as a solitary sword, it threatens your chief disciple position. Can't help you."

"Master, the disciple thinks clearly, the disciple has enough confidence to be able to control the fox wind!" Lin Yi nodded hard and his face was full of confidence.

"Are you sure?" Ouyang Ming asked again.

"OK!" Lin Yi nodded heavily.

Ouyang Ming nodded: "Well, if that is the case, then you will pass the solitary sword to the fox wind!"

"Xie Shizun!" Lin Yi arched his hand and thanked him.

"Oh, thank you, let Linghufeng say it. However, thank you not for me, but thank you Yi Er. Even the Master respects I did not think, Yi Er, your heart will be so generous. Not only no jealousy The genius of Linghufeng will help him. You are very surprised by the Master, but it also proves that Master has not misread you. Huashan has your chief disciple, and Huashan will be under your control in the future. It will definitely be better than being in the hands of the Master."

"Yi children, your talent is better than the teacher, even the heart and mind, but also better than the teacher. Master is very optimistic about you, optimistic about the future of Huashan!" Ouyang Ming laughed, the eyes are full of appreciation.

Listening to Ouyang Ming’s words, Lin Yi admits that it is not, does not admit it or not, can only arch the hand, he said: “The disciple retired!”

"Well, let's go!" Ouyang Ming nodded and waved.

Lin Yi slowly retreated and his figure disappeared into the eyes of Ouyang Ming. Ouyang Ming’s eyes sparkled with meditation and meditation for a long time. This is a secluded sigh: “Yi’s look is the ZTE of Huashan. If I let the competitors send the masterpiece, I have to admit that I have no such Heart, this confidence!"

Huashan Houshan cliff edge.

Facing the white clouds, the fox wind stood on the edge of the cliff, again and again, pulling the sword and coming out of the sword.

Pull the sword and throw out the sword.

These two movements have been used by him. Almost every sword's angle, strength, and even speed are exactly the same. If the time is speeding up, press and hold the fast-forward lens, it is like a fox wind, a sword, just a sword.

This is a very solid foundation of swordsmanship.

Since the age of three, Linghufeng has been practicing and has been practicing for 19 years and more than ten years.

Pull the sword and throw out the sword.

These two actions have almost become the instinct of his body.

The fox wind is constantly drawing swords and swords. In my heart, I thought about the scenes of the time when I decided to fight with Lin Yi. I have never forgotten. It is not a resignation of the position of the chief disciple, nor is it a regret that is defeated by Lin Yi, but is a sword of Lin Yi, full of wonder.

The fox wind has grown from small to large and has never served a single person, but the swordsmanship of Lin Yi is completely obedient!

"I really don't know how he practiced?" Muttered in the mouth, and Lin Feng was full of curiosity about Lin Yi.

He only felt that Lin Yi was full of mystery. It was not like a 16-year-old boy who had just entered Wushan for only one year. Instead, he sometimes feels that Lin Yi is like a martial arts master, full of wisdom. His eyes are extremely deep, as if there are countless martial arts sentiments. This made the fox wind full of curiosity. Sometimes, he thought that this Lin Yi was not a martial arts master reincarnation, awakening the memory of previous life.

However, he soon annihilated this idea and ridiculed himself. I am really whimsical, how can I really have a reincarnation?

Perhaps, is this Lin Yi a early wisdom?

There are many such wizards born in the world, and when they are born, they are like knowing their destiny.

The mind was silently thinking, but then his mood dimmed. Without winning the position of the chief disciple, he clearly felt that the younger brothers and sisters around him were full of anxiety and fear. Even the patriarchs, many elders, are rushing in a hurry, seemingly ready to plot something, full of face. The fox wind is sinking, and they are worried about their future.

Even if he made the fox wind understand the sword, he still could not give the people around him a sense of security, which made him extremely hard hit. However, he is not the same as the previous fox. He won't be hit by these, and the more he does, the more he will be motivated.

Your own strength is still very weak, you have to work hard!

Step on

The footsteps came from the ear, getting closer and closer, and the speed was very fast, and I came to my side in an instant. The body of the fox is tight, and the sword is stabbed behind him. This sword stab is extremely fast, and the thorn is so sudden that the fox wind believes that this sword, no second-rate master can take it. Even if you just stepped into a first-class master, then under this sudden attack, you will suffer a loss.

However, the fox wind suddenly condensed and his heart was lost.

The sword he stabbed was not only stabbed, but his hand was easily grasped!

When I was trying to desperately, I heard a message from my ear: "Let the younger brother, what are you thinking about?"

Hearing this voice, the fox wind was loose in the heart, and he vomited a sigh of relief. If it is that person, then it is normal to be able to grab your hand so easily. Because this guy can't be measured by common sense at all. Looking around, I saw a teenager face that was familiar but made him hate.

"Lin Yi brother, trouble you next time don't be so scary!" Linghu breathed a sigh of relief, blaming.

The person who came is Lin Yi.

Lin Yi’s face was a bit stunned, and there was some suffocation. It was sneaked out by the fox wind, and it was also slammed by the fox wind, which made him silently refuted. Blame himself, walking too fast.

However, this can not blame him, Lingbo microsteps alone in the world, he just trained, have not completely controlled this speed.

Take a look at the fox wind, and take a cheat from your arms and put it in front of Linghufeng: "Give you!"

"What is this?" The fox screamed and took it. He just wanted to look it up, his eyes suddenly shrunk, and his hands trembled fiercely.

On the cheats, I wrote the four characters of the dragon and the phoenix dance.

"Don't be a sword?!"

The fox wind screamed!

"Is this for me?" Linghu looked at Lin Yi with an incredulous look. (To be continued.)

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