Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 173: Xiaobei teaching, Huashan madman

Xiaobei is a disciple who has graduated from the lower house of Huashan for more than a year. Because of his ordinary qualifications, he went back to the Longmen Escort of Leizhou City to make a dart. Because in the lower house, only the disciples who scored in the top 100 or were spotted by Huashan executives will be able to obtain the Huashan mentality. He did not reach the top 100, so when he was discharged from the hospital, even Huashan had no mentality, let alone practicing internal strength.

There are a lot of disciples with him, and even Huashan has no heart. If they follow the rules of the past, they will be qualified for at least three or four years in order to obtain the Huashan mentality and learn the internal strengths before they can enter the third-rate situation and become a third-rate master.

He is also prepared to continue to squat, who knows, Huashan chief disciple, their master. Under a paper order, it began to vigorously promote the contribution system. With the contribution point, not only can I redeem the Huashan method that he wants most, but even if he contributes enough, even the superior swordsmanship can be exchanged.

This move almost made all the disciples who came out of the lower house boil. He clearly remembered that ten days ago, the boiling scene, thousands of people came out, raising his hand and shouting: "Long live the master!".

That scene has so far made him hard to forget.

Xiaobei was particularly excited. When the system of contribution to the day was announced, he and a few brothers who came out from the lower house together, drunk at home and drunk, everyone was very happy, all filled with the future. Hey.

Xiaobei also took a look at another job at a glance, that is, the school's teaching of the military. The school was established in Leizhou City and its subordinate counties, and Xiaobei immediately signed up. Then because he was the first to sign up, he immediately got the job, which made him very happy.

When you teach in the school, you can get a fixed three-point contribution every day, which is only equivalent to his basic salary. If there is a genius among his students, he can enter the state school in the annual assessment. Each time you enter a person, you can reward him with 10 points of contribution. This makes Xiaobei feel the blood boiling. I feel that I can do a big job.

As long as he has been taught for one year and can teach a hundred students to enter the State City School, he will be able to exchange the Huashan method with a value of 300 points, and he can also exchange a superior sword. The remaining contribution points. You can also buy him a yard in Leizhou City.

The prospects are so good, how can you not let him get excited?

Just think about it, he is very happy!

What's more, as long as he is doing more than a year and two years, he can also give his brothers and sisters. One person puts together a set of Huashan mental methods, and a superior sword. At that time, everyone in his family can practice martial arts and even become a family of martial arts.

His childhood wish was to be a hero, and then to build his own home into a martial arts family. I thought that after the Huashan lower house, he could never do it again. There is no such hope.

I never thought that when he was almost bent by the reality, he was ready to lower his proud head. Master Lin Yi is in the upper position. Defeat the powerful competitors, and set the position of the chief disciple in one fell swoop. As soon as I sat in the position, I made a bold reform and introduced a contribution point system. Such a, let him Xiaobei, let hundreds of thousands of out of the Huayuan's lower court disciples, the future full of hopeful policies.

It can be said that this policy can change the fate of his Xiaobei and change the fate of his Xiaobei family. Change the fate of hundreds of thousands, even millions of people!

Xiaobei is sincerely grateful to Master Lin Yi for his ability to create such a policy that benefits all of their lower court disciples. Like all the disciples in the lower house, he is in a crazy yell. Shouting loudly, I want to support Master Lin Yi.

In the heart, Master Lin Yi is regarded as his benefactor. Even many people have engraved a long-lived card and wrote the name of Master Lin Yi. Place it at home, every day tonight, pay a visit to the longevity card. Express your inner excitement and gratitude.

As in the days that have passed these days, Xiaobei is in a state of sorrow in the early morning, such as playing chicken blood, full of energy to go to school work. There are so many people who come to the school to study martial arts, and there are many teachings. But Xiaobei is responsible for teaching young children and teenagers.

They are all young girls under the age of 16, which makes him feel very familiar.

At that time, he entered the lower house of Huashan, and it was similar to the young girls who were present. I am full of embarrassment about the future, but after entering the lower house, I know the fierce competition and the cruelty of reality. However, now it’s all right, as long as you work hard and make up for the contribution points, he will be able to exchange Huashan’s mind and exchange the superior swordsmanship.

The future is beautiful, and Xiaobei is full of energy.

As soon as they entered the school, many parents of young girls had followed Xiaobei and greeted Xiaobei one by one. Among them, there were many families and even gang forces in Leizhou.

It can be said that apart from Huashan, they are the actual rulers in the local, the real emperor.

but now

Xiaobei straightened his chest and raised his head high and full of enthusiasm. All of them, they all have to listen to their own, and smile at their own faces. Each face is filled with a flattering, flattering color.

"Small North teaching is coming?"

"Hurry, hurry up and let the small North teach!"

"You don't want to block the road of Xiaobei teaching, or else your children, don't want to enter the state school this year, want to enter Huashan, don't even think about it!"

"Right right, Xiaobei teaches you to be offended? You guys are old and rough, let them go!"

"Little North, you please! Please!"

"Little North teaching, I am pleased with you, I hope you can help our children, enter the state school!"

Xiaobeiyi showed his face, and the local emperors, one by one, showed their smiles diligently, and gave a road to Xiaobei, who spoke good words in his mouth. Listening to Xiaobei’s pride, I’m even more impressed by Master Lin Yi.

Master Lin Yi is too powerful. A system of contribution points will not only send hundreds of thousands of disciples in the lower court, but also scream for excitement. Through the establishment of the school, all the people under the Huashan rule, all the people are confused.

At every site, the people of Huashan are almost the most honorable people. If they say something, they are like Jinkou. No one dares to listen. Coupled with the reconstruction of the six doors, the entire Huashan site, the ruling of the rule, no one can shake.

This set of policies followed by one set are almost all related to each other, and they are not linked to the whole Huashan. As far as Xiaobei saw it, no one dared to question his Xiaobei’s words in his county. Huashan will firmly grasp the dominance of the entire county.

Whether it is the heart, or strength.

Within the sphere of influence of his own power, Huashan has no one to shake his position, and he has become a true ruler. And these rules go deep into the county!

Once again, I sighed in my heart and expressed my admiration for Master Lin Yi. Xiaobei glanced at the many parents and arched the archer: "Please rest assured, your children, I will teach well. This is not just because of the body. Responsibilities, and your expectations. It is really, Xiaobei I also want to test all the students I teach, all into the city city school! To know, to enter one, I can have 10 points to reward points! Forever Not too much, not even dare not responsible."

Xiaobei’s words, I heard the parents laugh, and they are envious of Xiaobei, and they are expecting in their hearts. I hope that their children will also be able to enter the lower house of Huashan and become a disciple of Huashan. In this way, they can benefit from the contribution point system.

At that time, their children, like Xiaobei, can earn their contribution points by virtue of tasks or work, and exchange the superior swordsmanship of Huashan. Although the swordsmanship for each exchange can only be used once. However, it is ok to accumulate some contribution points and help the family to exchange the exercises.

This is also the reason why almost all the local forces on the Huashan site, such as chicken blood.

This scene took place on the sites of various branches of Huashan.

For a moment, when you were in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, you had to force someone to enter the school. Now these disciples are vying to go one by one. And they are more excited about being able to teach, and they are full of hope for the future!

Throughout Huashan, the mental outlook of hundreds of thousands of disciples in the lower courts has changed one person. It used to be dead, and almost all of it fell, too lazy to do anything.

But at this moment, all the disciples of Huashan's lower courts are like chicken blood, vying to rush to teach as a teacher, when catching their heads. There are quite a few people who have taken aim at the bandits of the mountains.

You know, every time you kill a bandit, it is also a reward. Similarly, every killing of a cultist also contributes rewards, and the reward is very deep.

Therefore, in just ten days, that is, the tenth day of the contribution point system.

People from all over the rivers and lakes have found that people in Huashan seem to be crazy!

One by one, I saw the bandits and saw the devils, such as chicken blood. The eyes are red, the excitement is screaming, and the bandits and the devils are madly chased.

Although the swordsmen of Huashan were all crazy before.

However, compared with the current Huashan swordsman, it is really a shame.

They are crazy more than madmen. Whose people have seen, who saw the bandits or the cults, so excited? See the cultist, do not say anything, pull the sword to kill.

Killed, immediately cut off the head of others, laughing.

Looking at this scene, many people in the rivers and lakes are chilling in their hearts, the goose bumps are all over the body, the back is cold, and the scalp is numb.

Crazy, all crazy!

Even the people of the cult, the people who saw Huashan were afraid. Feeling Huashan disciples, they are still crazy than their magical teachings, still not afraid of death, but also bloody!

When they mention Huashan, they are afraid!

Qiushui Temple.

The situation of various branches in Huashan has been passed to Lin Yi’s ear. The situation is very good. Although Huashan’s strength does not seem to improve much, its spiritual appearance is on a level!

Lin Yi also let go of his heart and secretly thought that the next step would be to force Huashan Swordsmen to force all Huashan disciples to learn. (To be continued.)

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