Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 195: Lost and defeated

As soon as she landed, Lin Yi was shocked that this person has deep internal strength and great strength. It is simply unbelievable. But there is no fear, cold screaming, and a heel, the whole person is like a sharp arrow, rushing to Yang Xiaofeng.

The speed is so scary.

Yang Xiaofeng is even more shocked on his face. He did not expect that a second-rate peak master would even fight with his first-class master. Seeing Lin Yi’s sword stabbing, the momentum is horrible, and the power is not weak.

Whether it is speed, position, or power, it has far surpassed the second-rate swordsmanship realm, and it is much more powerful than the average first-class master!

Surprised in my heart, when did Huashan appear such a character?

Even if Huashan is famous for its arrogance, it seems that the rumors are not so powerful, right?

Although Lin Yi’s reputation is obvious, but he entered the second-rate peak, it is only Huashan, and the Wuyue Jianpai know. The person who teaches the devil is not clear. Although I know that there is a person like Lin Yi, when Lin Yi was the chief disciple, he just entered the second-rate situation and did not reach the second-rate peak.

For a time, this Yang Xiaofeng did not recognize Lin Yilai, which is also a very normal thing.

However, Yang Xiaofeng was surprised and surprised, but he did not show weakness. The wind is whistling, and the momentum is horrible. Not afraid of the long sword that Lin Yi stabbed, he raised his hand to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi sees this, the brow is slightly wrinkled, and some of the first-class masters of this magical teaching, did not even stop the meaning of their own sword. But it did not go to entanglement, the long sword did not recover, and straight to the body of Yang Xiaofeng.

At this moment, Yang Xiaofeng suddenly grinned and his face showed a hint of mockery.

Lin Yi’s heart screamed and shouted badly. Sure enough, Yang Xiaofeng seems to have a very weird, even some magical power, full of resistance, and a body of thrust, pushing his sword out.

This power is great. Lin Yi’s long sword was forced to push out. When he arrived at Yang Xiaofeng’s body, the sword must be defeated. Lin Yi was shocked. The sound of the wind whistling in the ear, like a thunder, blasted in his ear, a great sense of threat in his heart, scalp numb. After a glimpse of the eye, I saw a big hand. With a horrible momentum, he shot him in his head.

Quickly take the sword, Lingbo micro-step start, the speed is three times faster, with a very fast speed, retreat. The danger has passed, Lin Yi is cold and sweaty, and even some heart palpitations, almost on the road. If there is no Lingbo microstep, he can really be shot dead.

It is even more surprised. In my heart, I thought about the magical power of Yang Xiaofeng’s body, and shouted: “Is it a big move?!”

Some of the regrets were actually lost, and Yang Xiaofeng, who was shocked by Lin Yi’s speed, suddenly heard Lin Yi’s words, looked up and grinned: “Is it recognized by you?”

Lin Yi was silent and suddenly shouted: "You are Yang Xiaofeng of the Mingjiao Yang family?!"

“Hey?!” Yang Xiaofeng looked at Lin Yi with some surprises: “Do you know me?”

Something surprised in his heart. Although Yang Xiaofeng is a first-class master, he does not have much reputation in the rivers and lakes, and he is not known by the right people. Although he is a Mingjiao elder. But his age is only twenty-seven years old.

The great movements that were practiced were also just being practiced soon, and even many people of Mingjiao did not know that he had practiced a great move. He took the lead and came out to perform the task of attacking Huashan disciples.

Lin Yi’s slogan broke his identity, and he was very curious to stare at Lin Yi. “Who are you? When did Huashan appear as a second-rate disciple of the first-class swordsmanship?”

"I am the chief disciple of Huashan, and also the chief disciple of Wuyue Jianpai Lin Yi!"

Lin Yi replied. The heart is remembering this Yang Xiaofeng's information.

In the past, the descendants of the great movement of Qiankun, except for the proud arrogance, are the people of the Mingjiao Yang family. Yang Jia, created by the descendants of Yang Ming, Yang Ming. In Mingjiao, the power is enormous.

Moreover, it is recognized by the internal education of the Ming dynasty, and it is possible to learn from the great family of the great gods.

Being able to learn how to move around in the age of twenty-seven or seventeen, and still just entering the first-class situation, Lin Yi can quickly lock, this person is Yang Xiaofeng.

This person is very talented and is also a generation of Tianjiao.

However, the Ming dynasty has such a peerless genius as the arrogant arrogance, so the reputation of this person is not obvious. And this person is also not interested in what the reputation of the rivers and lakes. I always like to act secretly and execute the command of Mingjiao.

After the opening of the Devil War, he became the vanguard of the Devil, and there were countless butchers. In the proud of Tianjiao became the top master, became the Ming teacher, the world's first master. He also reached the top of the master, is the most powerful man of the proud Tianjiao.

Burning Shaolin Temple and destroying the Lushan School is what this person did.

Of course, there are also teams that attacked Huashan to participate in the Wuyue sword. There are very few people who have escaped from Huashan. Only the elders of Qin and Linghufeng have fled back to Huashan. As for other Huashan disciples, they were all killed.

This person is the first butcher of the devil!

Before Lin Yi crossed, he had already taken the position of the deputy leader of Mingjiao, second only to the proud arrogance. Most of Mingjiao’s affairs are controlled by him. It can be said that he is also an absolute man in the battle of the devil!

Lin Yi's brow is locked, and these characters are still the descendants of such great peers. Although he wants to kill, it is almost impossible.

The first-class environment is also a sacred man.

Its combat power is already second only to the top of the peak.

Lin Yi himself, even if the cards are all out, the combat power is also under the top of the peak.

Maybe he can beat him, but it is impossible to kill him.

With this in mind, the heart of Lin Yi’s murder is gradually fading, and some regrets. If you can enter a first-class situation, you may be able to kill this person.

But now, it is impossible!

Moreover, even if he can kill him, he will inevitably lose both sides and even play for a long time.

He didn't have so much time to delay, and now he is racing against time. After repelling this group of Mingjiao people, they will also rush to support the three schools of Hengshan, Taishan and Hengshan.

After weighing the pros and cons, he looked cold. This war, you need to speed up the battle, will fight this Yang Xiaofeng!

"You are Lin Yi? You are not just entering the second-rate situation? A year's time is up to the peak? It really is a" Yang Xiaofeng looked surprised, just about to say, but was interrupted by Lin Yi.

I saw Lin Yi killing him again.

This time, Lin Yi's speed is reaching the limit, and the whole person's body flashes, and he is in front of Yang Xiaofeng. The sword is very fast. Like a lightning bolt.

Yang Xiaofeng kept silent, and his look dignified to the extreme. Although Qiankun was greatly moved, he was able to move his power out. It can also hinder the attacking of his long sword and change its attacking position to make it stab.

But Lin Yi, the speed of the sword so fast, is just lightning.

The move of Qiankun is not omnipotent. If you accidentally deal with it, you will really be stabbed in a sword. I began to fully operate the internal forces, and I used to move the big hand, and the big palm of my hand was constantly screaming.

The two madly fought and the battle was extremely hot!

The fighting rhythm is even more scary!

Others can only see two figures, crazy battle, Jianguang flashing.

The vast majority is the figure of Lin Yi, surrounded by Yang Xiaofeng, crazy sword.

Zixia magical power broke out!

Lingbo microsteps broke out!

The solitary nine swords broke out!

The three swords that have lost their lives in the three-sword swordsmanship have erupted!

Lin Yi’s cards are all out. Yang Xiaofeng was pressured to lose his hand, and his body was bruised, but all were minor injuries. Every sword was moved to his turn by the great move.

However, even so, the body suffered more sword damage, and he was almost a blood man. His face was pale and he was very tired.

Yang Yi retired with a palm of his hand, and then madly quit, jumped on the tree, and shouted: "A good Huashan Linyi. Wugong is really strong, I am not as good as Yang Xiaofeng! Qingshan is still, green water is flowing, today The defeat of Yang Xiaofeng is in my heart. One day, we will meet again! Hey, I hope you Lin Yi, I haven’t died yet!”

In a hurry, a few words, Yang Xiaofeng continually jumped on the tree, at a very fast speed. Disappeared in the eyes of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi has no expression and has not chased. Although it is a pity, but he really can't leave this Yang Xiaofeng. The three masters of the world have come out, and the cards are all used out. It is just to defeat this Yang Xiaofeng and force him back.

system hint:

mission rewards:

Repelling the top masters of Mingjiao, Qiankun moved to pass on people, shocked the devil, and rewarded three million combat experience.

Suddenly the system prompts the sound, Lin Yi saw, the pity of the eyes to go, although did not kill Yang Xiaofeng, but still left it with 3 million points of combat experience, this battle is still no loss.

Yang Xiaofeng is a sacred man, and the inner realm is higher than him. This is a leapfrog challenge. It is still less than three million combat experience.

Lin Yi estimated that if Yang Xiaofeng was killed, he could even get five million combat experience!

Can not help but look bright, sneer: "Yang Xiaofeng, ran today, next time you meet, you must kill you, the experience of running away, more back!"

Defeat a person and gain combat experience. But to go to him, but defeated. Only by killing it can you gain the combat experience of killing.

After all, defeat and kill, or two concepts.

Killing is far more shocking than defeating.

Secretly listed this Yang Xiaofeng as a murderer, Lin Yi turned to look at the battlefield between Huashan disciples and the disciples. The situation on the battlefield was almost in vain. The disciples of the demon religion were formed by the disciples of Huashan disciples, madly rushing, and fled.

Now that Lin Yi has actually defeated Yang Xiaofeng, she is crying and crying for her crazy escape! One by one, you will be able to perform your work. Wu Shouyi is only a symbolic pursuit. He finds that the formation will be dissipated and he will be removed. He will not pursue it.

Only the fox wind was alone, and the sword was killed.

After a while, the fox wind sword was almost dyed in blood and came back. Lin Yi waited for a moment, and Qin Elder also came back. He shouted: "Runn by the magic scorpion!"

Lin Yi didn't care. He looked at everyone and looked at it. He said loudly: "Now we are going to support Hengshan, Taishan, and the Three Schools!" (To be continued.)

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