Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 25: Killing Xue without tears

Swords and swords, sparks flashing. New address: .o

The two fiercely separated, and they approached quickly and fought together.

Only two people can be seen in illusion, revealing countless afterimages. Wherever they pass, the ground cracks like a spider web, and the trees are cut by a knife or a sword like tofu, and the incision is smooth.


Once again, Lin Yi flew down on the tree stalk not far away, looking at Xue's tears, grasping the hand of the sword, looming pain, even the wound cracked, the tiger's mouth hurt, the blood gradually became red Hand.

he got hurt.

The hand holding the sword was injured by the fierce fighting.

Looking to Xue no tears, Lin Yi's heart is a bit stunned. The strength of Xue Xue’s tears is really terrifying. A blood knife method, actually practiced, is faster than the peerless magic. The knife is extremely fast and extremely accurate.

Regardless of Lin Yi’s sword, he was able to strike the knife with lightning and block Lin Yi’s sword.

This time, it is really an opponent who is evenly matched.

On the other side, Xue tears did not seem to have any emotional eyes, began to flash, with a dignified color. If you can't see the face, you can feel the dignified color on his face.

In the face of Lin Yi's opponent, his heart is even more dazed!

A second-rate peak master, even if he can only get a pulse with him, he can get through the whole body meridians, and the masters who enter the first-class peaks are evenly matched.

If it was before, someone told him that there is a second-rate peak master who can match him. He has no tears to tear the person's mouth and let him talk nonsense!

But at the moment, after meeting Lin Yi, he discovered that there is really a kind of wizard in this world!

A wizard who can overcome the challenge!

At the peak of the second stream, he realized that he did not realize the sword meaning, and the sword method was already fascinating. This is not counting, after a fierce battle, after the temptation. He also found out. This is the death of Jian Xian, who has at least three great achievements.

At the peak of the second-rate, you will practice three great achievements!

You know, between the world. I don't know how many people hold the magical inheritance in their hands, but they have never been able to get started. This talent for the swordsman is really terrible.

The three masterpieces of the world are as if they were specially made for him.

A sword method, an internal strength. A body.

Still with a sword!

Xue did not even know what to say, and was completely hit. Not only because of Lin Yi’s talent, but also the great power of Lin Yi’s body, beyond his imagination.

You must know that he has no tears in his heart, only one step away, he can enter the masters of the first-class peak, and there is no magic in his body!

There is no magic work!

Compared with Lin Yi, he is like a beggar.

Convergence in the heart of the heart, Xue no tears eyes cold to the extreme. Looking at Lin Yi coldly, the killing is getting stronger!

If you kill the sword, you will kill it.

That must have a special sense of accomplishment?

The future is destined to cross the rivers and lakes, even the invincible top players, these big men, killing in the cradle.

That feeling

Just think about it, Xue has no tears and feels that he is boiling!


Coldly screamed, the **** curved knife crossed a red practising, and the speed was extremely fast to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi snorted and raised his sword.


The fire flashed and the sword collided.

A force of force. Passed from the knife, passed to the sword, passed to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi snorted and stepped back.

Xue did not have a tearful eye. The bloodthirsty meaning in the eyes is even stronger, and the **** scimitar is slashed again. He found that there is not much to do with Lin Yi's opponent. Only hard and hard, relying on their own internal realm is higher than the other side, to live it to death!


Lin Yi snorted. Xue has no thoughts on tears, his heart is clear, but there is no sense of dodge and fear. At this time, the fight is the basis of their own.

If he does not dodge, fear, then it will fall in the wind, Xue Yu no tears holding a knife, chasing and cutting.

The so-called long-term hiding will be lost, dodge more, only the situation is more and more passive.

Moreover, he is here to rescue, he is absolutely unable to retreat, can not escape. If he is alone, he does not mind, relying on Lingbo microsteps, escape.

Just in the rivers and lakes, people can't help themselves!

Then fight it!

Zixia Shengong was running, the internal force broke out and poured into Lin Yi’s hands.


It seems that the hands have become bigger and the power is even stronger. Lin Yi has a sword.

Very fast!


The sly squatting on Xue’s tearless knife, the tremendous power passed, Lin Yi snorted and retreated. Xue’s tears are also the same, screaming and taking a step back.

The hands of the knife were numb, and the chest was boiling.

"Come back!"

Lin Yi recovered, and there was a hint of twilight in his eyes. Xue did not show his tears, and he held the knife with both hands.


The two were shaken again.


After several consecutive hard touches, the two could not stop the blood boiling in the chest, snoring, bleeding from the corners of the mouth, all suffered internal injuries.

"Look at the sword!"

Lin Yi’s face was stunned, like a madman, screaming, regardless of his internal injuries, and his footsteps, such as the arrow of the string, the sword. Xue has no tears to see this, but also with a knife.

Looking at Lin Yi's sword, he took the knife and smashed each other, and the cost has been reflected. He didn't think so much at all.

However, Lin Yi’s mouth was slightly tilted, and he suddenly changed his way.

The solitary sword is broken!

A sword of a savage voice becomes a silent sword, colliding with Xue’s tearless **** machete.


It just happened to be light and there was no previous buzz.

Xue did not respond to tears, and the **** scimitar in his hand was inexplicably shaken aside, his chest wide open.

Lingbo micro-step start, triple speed burst!

Kill the three-sword sword fast!

The sword was flashing like lightning, stabbing Xue without tears.


Xue did not have any reaction time, but when his knife was shaken aside, Lin Yi suddenly broke out. The sword seemed to be several times faster, and he was pierced by Lin Yiyi.

The sword is stirring!


Xue did not shed a tear in his blood, pointing to Lin Yi, and opened his mouth: "You, you"

Stupid and incomprehensible, full of shock. Unbelievable, then the head slammed, and the body fell, and fell under the sword of Lin Yi.


Lin Yi pulled the long sword out of Xue’s tears. Xue did not tears to the ground.

Xue has no tears!

Looking at Xue’s tearless corpse, Lin Yi’s face shook his head with no expression. This Xue’s tearful strength is very strong, and he died when he died. Lin Yi is far more than he imagined.

The past lives have been mixed with rivers and lakes for decades. As a player, almost every day there are battles, the number of battlefields, Lin Yi has reached more than 10,000 unimaginable for everyone in the entire rivers and lakes!

Even the top masters of the demon, looking at the number of battlefields like astronomical numbers, have to be in a daze.

Their magical teachings are in the process of being killed all day, but a master of magical teaching, who can fight thousands of times in his life, is already an extremely fierce figure.

However, for those who have broken the battles with Lin Yi, it is still a small witch.

If it is a fierce word. That Lin Yi can be called a demon!

The enchanting is not like it!

However, this is also for people in the world of the rivers and lakes. Among the players, this is a common practice. Whoever fights the battlefield, did not break five thousand times, are embarrassed to say that they are fighting Daren.

Only after breaking 10,000 times is it qualified to say that he is a fighting mad.

Without him, murder brush experience, Daguai upgrade.

This all needs to fight!

There are so many battles, as long as they are not stupid, the combat experience is extremely rich. Even the strength of the hand is weak. The power of the move is weak, but they can all use the combat experience to make up for these weaknesses and achieve the goal of weak wins and strong ones!

Lin Yi is one of the thousands of players. It is a common practice for him to be weak and strong, and to overcome challenges.

system hint:

mission rewards;

Killing the blood knife door to get through the seven pulse of the first-class master Xue no tears, Megatron magic, sensational rivers and lakes. Reward the battle experience of 4 million.

The system prompts the sound, Lin Yi silently opened, glanced at the corner of his mouth, and the result was quite satisfactory. Four million combat experience, second only to the success of the gods, and the first-class peak master.

However, the combat experience, he will not be too small, cold eyes, looking to the remaining two blood knife door first-class master. As for the first-class peak master of the blood knife door besieged by Qin Elder and Elder Hengshan Mo, he was automatically ignored.

He is not a lot of interest in a top-notch peak who is hard to kill and hard to get.

Looking into the eyes of one of the first-class peak masters, Lin Yi Changjian mentions, step by step, as a ghostly killing the past.

Jianguang flashed.

The super-hot master of the **** knife that is fighting with the elders of Hengshan, just occupied the upper hand, suppressing the elders of Hengshan, the corners of the mouth slightly tilted up, and the heart is proud. A sword light flashed in front of his eyes, he did not react, and the body fell to the ground and was cut off by a sword.

The head flew up and rolled down again, his face full of horror.

"Lin Shizhen, doing a good job!" The elder of Hengshan also saw it. After discovering that it was Lin Yi, he looked like a strange color, raised his thumb and laughed.

Lin Yi smiled at it.

system hint:

mission rewards:

Killing the blood knife door first-class master, Megatron magic, sensational rivers and lakes, rewarding two million combat experience.

Two million combat experience!

Lin Yi looked at the last blood knife door first-class master, this first-class master in Lin Yi's eyes, is a lot of experience, shining and shining, as if reminding Lin Yi, come and take it, come and take it!

Lin Yi that endures this temptation?

The sword is on.

Lingbo microstep starts, the speed bursts three times!

Zixia magical power broke out!

The solitary sword is broken!

Suddenly flashed in front of the blood knife door first-class master, broke his **** machete.

Kill the three-sword sword fast!

The long sword suddenly accelerated, like a lightning bolt, crossed the neck of the first-class master of the blood knife door, the head was broken, flying in the air, rolling to the ground, a look of horror.

One more person! (To be continued.)

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