Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 216: Lin Yi’s ultimate goal

However, Lin Yi’s approach is different. It is easy for the five factions to accept and there is no competition for interests. Each of the five members has the position of five members of the Wuyue Sword School. One member of the committee is a member of the five factions. It is absolutely guaranteed that the Wuyue Jianpai will dominate the five factions.

What's more, Ouyang's head can't sit on the Wuyue League, and it doesn't mean that Lin Yi can't sit up. He has enough confidence to sit in the position of the Five-Yue League. However, these need to be slowly and slowly, can not be too hasty, first send the Wuyue sword to merge and say.

"The second step, led by my chief disciple of Wuyue Jianpai, established the Wuyue Jianpai law enforcement team, the law enforcement team disciples do not need much, three hundred people are enough. The chief disciple of each faction must be appointed, when I The five captains of the Wuyue Swords Enforcement Team are the captains of the law enforcement team. The disciples of the law enforcement team will become the foreign institutions of the Wuyue Jianpai, and the most elite team of the Wuyue Swordsmen. The Wuyue Swords faction, any party has a war, and has been attacked by the demon. Can be dispatched quickly and rushed to reinforcements."

Ouyang Ming nodded, and Lin Yi was able to beat the masters below the top peaks in the second-rate realm, almost invincible below the first-class peak. At this moment, with the speed that surprised him, he was first-class and became a first-class master. Its strength is enough to stand side by side with the best peaks. Can be equivalent to a first-class peak master.

The other four disciples of the Wuyue Jianpai are not the ones who move. They are all second-rate peaks. They can be regarded as top-notch masters. Coupled with Huashan's Linghufeng, this Wuyue Jianpai law enforcement team is a top-notch peak and a lineup of five top players. In addition to nearly 300 second-rate masters, but also are elite disciples in the big school, its lineup is extremely strong. If it is Lin Yi and then practiced with the sword array, set up the Wuyue sword array. That fighting power, as long as the top master can not, no one can defeat it.

With this kind of combat power, as long as you invest in any battlefield, you can quickly change the situation and turn the tide.

See Ouyang head nodded. Lin Yi went on to say: "The third step, and the most important step, is to let the other four disciples, all learn the sword array, and let their fighting power be fully upgraded. Change their previous ideas and thoroughly form specialized operations. Unit. At the time, my Huashan and the four factions, each formed a sword array, complement each other. Starting from a small team of five people, the group formed the Wujian sword faction of the Wuyue Jianpai!

Wuyue Jianzheng is the best sword array in Lin Yi's heart, and it is also the ultimate version of Huashan Jianzheng. Huashan Jianzheng has always been flawed and cannot be a perfect sword array. To make it attack, Huashan Jianzhen is very powerful. But if it is defensive, it is a big gap. But if it is the Wuyue Jianpai. Five people formed a sword array and made up for each other. The perfect combination, the power can be big.

Just like the Battle of Lanzhou City, it is dominated by the sword method that is suitable for battlefield charge, and Hengshan and Taishan are on the side of the auxiliary attack. Hengshan is the guardian, and Huashan guards the rear. Five people teamed up. Can form the most perfect Wuyue sword array. There are attacks and guards and auxiliary, this is the most complete sword array.

In fact, players have confirmed this in previous games. The player of Wuyue Jianpai is single. Power is not strong. However, the Wuyue Jianpai, each with one person, formed a five-person squad, and formed a team of Wuyue swords, the combat power was extremely strong.

In the past games, although Huashan was destroyed, there are still many players who are disciples of Huashan. The progress of the plot of Dajiang Lake has little effect on the players.

They should fight to blame, the upgrade has to be upgraded. The progress of the plot is only a lot of active tasks.

However, the players have been tempered thousands of times, the most suitable for the formation of the Wuyue Jianpai disciples, but it is worthy of Lin Yi to consider. Outside Lanzhou City, he personally teamed up and tried it once. Indeed, it is better to fight against the five disciples of Huashan.

The battlefield has never been the world of the lone ranger. It is the stage of the group. Only by teaming up can we survive on the battlefield. Even if you become a top player, you must follow this rule.

The top players are always the top players, not the first-class, second-rate masters.

How can a top-level master who is single-handed alone be the opponent of several top players?

What's more, Lin Yi has a deeper consideration. The Wuyuejian array has been built more and more battles have been experienced. The disciples of the Wuyue Jianpai will naturally regard other disciples as their own, and they will be full of recognition for the Wuyue Swords, and the influence of weakening on the individual faction. . I will not be stubborn and think that I am from which party.

This pair of Wuyue Jianpai, eventually merged into one faction, has a great effect. As long as the time is long, the Wuyue Jianpai will be merged into one faction. It will be the general trend, not the top level of the faction, which can be blocked.

These, Lin Yi just passed through the heart, buried in the heart, and will not say it. Now, all the factions of the Wuyue Jianpai want to keep their inheritance, and do not want to merge into one.

There are very few who want to really merge into one faction, and perhaps only Lin Yi.

This is destined to be an extremely long battle, and it is still a very hidden battle, with influence, under the long-term subtle influence, to achieve this. At that time, the top leaders of the Wuyue Jianpai factions will be surprised to find that the Wuyue Jianpai really merged into one faction, but it is the trend of the times, not what they can stop.

Only then will the Wuyue Jianpai merger plan be said to be truly completed. When Lin Yi arrives, he can take the position of the Wuyue League leader as a matter of course. At the same time, in the opening of the last plan, all the swordsmanship and cheats of the Wuyue Jianpai will be merged, and all the swordsmanships will be established into a contribution system. All the disciples of the Wuyue Jianpai can Redeem by contribution point.

At that time, the Wuyue Jianpai, deservedly became a faction.

With five top experts sitting in the town, the site spread all over the rivers and lakes, then the strength of the Wuyue Jianpai, and Wudang Shaolin are also comparable.

Even in the third-rate, second-rate, first-class personnel, it is more than Shaolin Wudang.

This is not the strength that comes out of thin air, but the Wuyue Jianpai has this kind of strength, but because it has not merged into one faction, the divisions of each faction are extremely serious. Equivalent to one, five, and one-fifth of the strength is naturally not comparable to Shaolin Wudang.

These are the plans of Lin Yi’s mind, and no one will tell. What Ouyang’s head heard was only superficial. I don't even think that Lin Yi would think so much, thinking so deeply.

Although it is a pity that I can't sit on the position of the Five-Yue League, I don't think it is time for consideration. Now is to resist the invasion of the magical religion, the Wuyue sword faction must be merged.

Lin Yi’s merger plan is also very easy to satisfy the other four factions, and the possibility of passing is extremely great. There is nothing to say about Ouyang’s head. The pity of the eyes is fleeting. I immediately nodded: “Yi’s you are very careful, this plan is very good, and the passing rate is very great. After you go back, take a rest. Improve and improve the plan, prepare the other four factions to gather in Huashan, and in front of them, tell the plan, convince them, let the Wuyue Jianpai formally merge and set up!"

"Okay, Master!" Lin Yi nodded and looked good. He couldn't see it at all. He had many thoughts hidden inside him. As a top master, the predecessor has a strong camouflage ability. Ouyang Ming naturally can't see Lin Yi's disguise, and can't see Lin Yi's thoughts.

I was immersed in the excitement of the Wuyue Jianpai's upcoming merger, and waved again and again, letting Lin Yi retire.

"Farewell!" Lin Yi arched his hands and turned to walk out of the main hall. He thought that the Wuyue Jianpai was immediately merged, and his heart was extremely excited. Everything, just wait for more than ten days, the four parties gathered in Huashan.

However, he can't waste it for more than ten days. Since the Wuyue Swords are to be merged, Huashan is even more incapable of contradicting. These contradictions must be resolved and suppressed.

Before, he was the realm of the second-rate peak, but he couldn't beat the top-level peak player. He naturally wouldn't have any action. But at this moment, he also became a first-class master, with enough confidence to fight the top-level masters.

Problems that have not been solved before will naturally be solved first.

With a corner of his mouth, he looked in a direction, carrying the autumn water sword and went straight. Going all the way, causing countless people to pay attention, one by one is looking at Lin Yi.

Moreover, Lin Yi’s appearance is not like asking someone to discuss anything, but going directly to challenge. Lin Yi’s direction, but the palace of the 13th Elder of Huashan, who is he to challenge?

Think of Lin Yi’s second-rate peak to kill the top players. Nowadays, you can advance to a first-class situation.

"Don't you be a master, do you want to challenge the 13th elders?" The strange Huashan disciple, thinking for a moment, couldn't help but be surprised. In an instant, it caused everyone to resonate with a sigh of relief. Everyone went to Lin Yi with a honeycomb: "Masters have to challenge the 13th elders. This is big news. This excitement must not be missed. Be sure to check it out!"

The thirteenth elder palace, ranked second palace.

The elders sat in the chair and looked sad. The two elders who were beside him were also worried.

Lin Yi took the second-rate peak, the sword defeated the four elders, and the nine top-ranking masters spread throughout Huashan, they are naturally heard. If this is the case, it is still impossible for them to be the top three peak players.

However, it was also said that after Lin Yi’s first battle, he broke through the bottleneck of the second-rate bottle and advanced to the news of the top players. The news was passed to the ears of three people, completely panicking the three.

The second-rate peak is capable of being a top-notch master and becoming a first-class master. Isn’t Lin Yizhen the ability to be a top-notch master? Even if it can't, it's enough to match the top talents.

That's it, only to let the three people panic. (To be continued...)

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