Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 220: 斩飞余老

As soon as Lin Yi’s words were spoken, the whole person’s breath changed, such as a sword, a sword, and a sword in both hands, screaming at the elders.

Yu Chang's face suddenly changed, this sword is really too powerful, as if there is only such a sword between heaven and earth. Retreat from the four sides, all blocked, can not be evaded, can only block. The internal force instigated, the wind screamed fiercely, and the long sword slammed into the face, hitting a sword like Lin Yi.


The dazzling fire flashed, and the fierce wind whistled between the two. The elders were shaken back by three steps, and each step was very heavy. Stepping down, the ground was stepped into a large pit, and the slate exploded, almost becoming a powder.

Three large pits were created at the foot of the elders.


Lin Yi’s sword is too strong, and the people around him are not shocked. The elders, the elders, have changed their colors, and their faces have shown a dignified color.

Yu Changchang consciously held the right hand of the sword, the shock was endless, the tiger's mouth cracked, the blood ran down from the palm of his hand, and soon, the hilt was red. The chest was violently shaken, and it was boiling. The internal forces in the body are tangled and almost rebellious. Reluctantly, the internal force subsided, but I saw Lin Yi recovering, holding the sword in both hands, and the same sword, he came to him.


The elders took a sigh of cold air, twitched their mouths, picked up the internal force, and raised the sword, once again.

It is also the only sword between heaven and earth, occupying the vision of the entire elders, and all the retreats are sealed and cannot be avoided. Integrity. A sword that is overbearing.


A fierce sword whistling.

The wind screamed violently.

The elders were shocked by this sword again, this time. Step by step, step back five steps!

Five large potholes appeared at the foot of the elders. The floor of the bluestone slab is almost inconspicuous. There are cracks everywhere, and the center of the battle between the two is a dot, such as a spider web. The densely cracked all around, and the radius of the crack is as much as a hundred meters.

All around it was chilling. Everyone was surprised to say nothing.

This scene is really shocking, and the elders were actually beaten by Lin Yi!

"Come back!"

With a big bang, Lin Yi’s eyes sparkled with excitement, and the whole body’s blood was boiling. Zixia Shengong is running wildly, and the internal force roars in the meridians and flows between the hands.

The muscles of both hands are inflated, and Lin Yi’s robes are wide and block them. If not, Lin Yi, who is seen by others at the moment, must be an image of a muscular teenager.

With two swords, the volley leaps and squints at the elders again!


The elders of the elders were shaken back seven or eight steps. Resistance has been very reluctant.

Lin Yi's mouth is slightly upturned. At this time, it is time to pursue the victory. Although his tiger's mouth is also shaking, the chest is boiling, and the body seems to have been injured.

If he is fighting normally, he will never be so hard. It’s too easy to lose both.

This is a trick to kill the enemy a thousand losses of eight hundred.

But at the moment, only this rude move is used. Only then can everyone be shocked.

In order to completely thoroughly let all the elders of Huashan look at him and re-recognize him. He Lin Yi, is not an ordinary disciple, he is a genius, a true genius, the set of elder disciples, absolutely can not be placed on him.

In front of him, the elders and the disciples are no different.

It’s all his men’s defeat!


The footsteps slammed, and the volley jumped up, and jumped straight to the sky of the elders. Waiting for the elders to rest, the sword squats again!


The long swords collided, and the elders were shaken back more than ten steps, and the blockages became more and more stubborn. Lin Yi, who has rotated a few laps in the air, flutters on the ground, digesting all the forces, without half-injured.

As soon as I landed, the whole person vacated again and jumped to the sky of the elders. The same sword, kneel down.


The elders can no longer resist, and the whole person, like a cannonball, was shaken back dozens of meters. The feet did not leave the ground, and traced the size of a door panel. All the bluestone boards were shattered.

Lin Yi smiled slightly, chasing Yu Chang, volley leaping, and then the sword to Yu Chang Lao.


This time, the elders did not have any resistance. They barely took the sword and the whole person was given a huge force to the squadron. It flew over the tens of meters in the air, landed on the ground, and rolled over ten meters. .

The ground is cracked like a spider web.

Lin Yi is like a shadow, the whole person becomes a residual image, chasing it away, facing the elders, smashing a thorn!


"Stop it, the old man is defeated."

When the elders came to the ground, his weak voice came, and his weakness was extremely weak. He talked and kept coughing, apparently not hurting. Seeing Lin Yi’s sword stabbing, he was struggling with his eyes, but he quickly relaxed and couldn’t lift it in one breath. He could only raise his hand and admit defeat.

The words of the elders, although not clear, but no doubt, he admit defeat.

Lin Yi's mouth is slightly tilted, and the sword is taken back and returned to the sheath.

Looking at all the people, everyone was swept away by his fierce gaze, all of them bowed their heads and dared not look straight.

Yu Chang lost!

The first-class peak master, Huashan ranked second, the elders actually defeated Lin Yi!

This is a violent shock for all Huashan people!

Like a big earthquake, it is not light for everyone.

Glance at the audience, no one dared to look straight, Lin Yi mouth slightly tilted, coldly shouted: "Stupid standing still doing? Still not lifting Yu Shishu to heal?"

Everyone was shocked by Lin Yi’s cold drink, nodded, and woke up, and quickly went forward: "Yes, it is a master!"

A group of Huashan disciples lifted up the elders and walked toward the No. 2 Palace. When passing by Lin Yi, Yu Changchang had a pair of dull eyes, gazing at Lin Yi for a long time, his mouth moving, wanting to say something. But what can't be said. I only heard Lin Yi smile at him gently: "Yu Shishu, you will go down and raise your wounds!"

The elders nodded slightly and looked a little lonely. It was quickly lifted up and disappeared in front of everyone.

Lin Yi, a man with a scabbard, proud

At the top of the palace, those top-ranking masters of Huashan standing on top of it, looking at Lin Yi’s figure, all face each other. The eyes are full of sorrow.

The first-class peak, the second elder of the 13th elders of Huashan. Just lost?

This is incredible.

"Defected, defeated, Yu Shixiong actually lost!"

"Lin Shizhen's strength is too fierce, and the remaining brothers are not opponents. And it is still in the hands of Lin Yi!"

“Is this a sign of the rise of Huashan?”

"But it is also the time when I waited for the older generation to fall! You see, Lin Yi is just the beginning. I am Huashan. There will be countless younger disciples, and I will continue to challenge me. I will wait for the older generation. Step down, fall down!"

"This is really a big time. It is a pity. I have been born for decades. Although it is still in this big age, this era does not belong to us, but belongs to these younger generations!"

All the elders in Huashan's first-class environment. One by one, sigh. The era that belongs to them is falling, and the era of the younger generation is beginning to take place. They are as bright as the rising sun of the rising sun, and they will shine through the rivers and lakes. The entire era.

And they are the stepping stones at the feet of these arrogant people.

It was by them. With their bones, they propped up a brilliant era.

At the top of the palace, the 13th elders circle of Huashan, the seven elders of the first-class peaks, looked at the scene, all face each other, all shocking expressions.

"Is the brother of Yu lost?"

"I am waiting for the second-ranked brother, who has led us to move forward, is it so defeated?"

"Unbelievable, this is incredible!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, this is a fact! The younger generation of Huashan has already caught up with us, and has even surpassed us!"

"Yeah, the only thing that is fortunate is that this person belongs to my Huashan disciple. If it is other sects, the consequences are hard to imagine!"

A group of top-ranking peak masters, the masters standing at the top of the entire world of the rivers and lakes, all look down, full of exclamation. Lamenting the rise of the younger generation, the people of their older generation will gradually retreat into the rivers and lakes, gradually fade away and become transparent.

"Fortunately, among us, there is also the brother of Linghu, not defeated!" Suddenly, a great elder said with a gratitude, suddenly caused everyone's approval, one by one looking to the elders of the fox.

The elders of the foxes smiled at them and their eyes were full of encouragement: "Everyone can't give up so easily. We are still making progress. If we work hard, this world will be ours. Lin Yi, this genius, there are so many, I have only one Linyi in Huashan. The entire era, as long as we work hard, we still belong to us. We will not be abandoned by this era!"

The elders of the foxes cheered up, and they immediately restored their brilliance to these top-level peak masters. One by one, the sorcerer’s brother said yes, the world still belongs to them.

The entire rivers and lakes are still not held by the older generation of them?

One or two days of arrogance are simply unable to shake their position.

They have not been abandoned by the times.

The elders of the foxes glanced around and saw all the elders present, one after another, and they were very proud. Yu Chang was defeated by Lin Yi, his face was lost, and his majesty was none. Nowadays, all the elders have been drawn by themselves. The eldest of the 13th elders in Huashan, the loudest speaker, isn’t he?

Yu’s opponent, who has been with him for decades, is completely down.

Although I feel a sigh in my heart, I am more proud of it and awkward about the future. Just as his eyes were blurred and full of fantasies, there was a voice coming from his ear: "The long-awaited fox sorcerer’s sword is superb, Lin Yi is not talented, and invites the sorcerer to come down and ask for advice!"

The elders of the fox, the slightly smug face instantly solidified. (To be continued)

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