Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 231: Du Gu Jiu Jian Xiao Cheng

"Master, big harvest, ten excellent martial arts cheats!" Linghu Feng screamed in Lin Yi's ear and handed a stack of martial arts cheats.

"Xuan Jin Knife Method", "Bone Bone God Claw", "Yang Jia Gun Law", "Tiger Tiger Whip Law"

The secrets of superior martial arts are printed in the eyes of Lin Yi. These are not very famous martial arts. Just look at the name. Lin Yi knows that this is the magical teaching from those small small groups.

In the rivers and lakes, almost as long as there is a family power of second-rate masters, almost all of them have martial arts guards. In the Central Plains, the magical teachings have produced a lot of murders that do not know how many exterminations are going on.

Putting ten excellent martial arts cheats into your arms, this is the rule of Lin Yiding. Almost every searched martial arts cheats will be watched by Lin Yi for one night. On the second day, Lin Yi will send them to the law enforcement team to watch.

If someone is interested, you can copy it directly and practice directly. There is no need to contribute point redemption, which is also the welfare of the law enforcement team. Also led to the Wuyue Jianpai, many disciples, are rushing to enter the law enforcement team.

It is a pity that Lin Yi is extremely strict in controlling the number of people. He controls the number of disciples that only 60 disciples can join in each school, which has caused many Wuyue Jianpai disciples to regret.

However, Lin Yi saw so many disciples want to join the law enforcement team, they set up a reserve team for the Wuyue Jian School Law Enforcement Team.

The reserve team has reached 1,200 people as a reserve team disciple of the law enforcement team. They are trained like the law enforcement team, but they are weaker than the formal law enforcement team members. If a law enforcement team disciple is injured and has to withdraw from the law enforcement team, he will select a disciple from the reserve team and become a full member.

Among the Wuyue Swords, almost all of the disciples have already taken the law enforcement team. When I was a true disciple of the Wuyue Jianpai. The 1,200 people in the reserve team are elite disciples of the Wuyue Jianpai.

Those who can enter the law enforcement team are qualified to be called true disciples of the Wuyue Jianpai. Those who can enter the reserve team are eligible to be called elite disciples of the Wuyue Jianpai.

In the two years, a lot of geniuses emerged in the Wuyue Jianpai.

Among them, the performance on the Wuyue sword is bright, Huashan Han Bai, Yu Hai, Jiang Xiaoyu. Hengshan Yiqian small nun, Lushan Road, Pingyu, Zuoyu, Taishan Yuntaizi, Hengshan Moyu, have entered the second-rate situation.

They have become the mainstay of the reserve team's disciples and the most popular candidates for the law enforcement team.

These thoughts flashed through the brain, and Lin Yi took the best martial arts cheats and looked at the team. On the team, most of the boxes are gold and silver jewels, as well as some herbs, such as centuries-old ginseng.

And some of the magical search for the name of the device, armor these.

For these. Lin Yi didn't care much. He swept it and ignored it. What he cares about, only superior martial arts, because of the perverted requirements of the solitary sword, he had to search a lot of martial arts cheats.

He still looked down on the solitary sword and looked at his own comprehension.

Without superior martial arts cheats and combat experience, his understanding of the solitary sword is extremely slow. The fox wind has already realized the final decision of the solitary sword. The practice of the solitary nine swords has become a small one, and he has only realized that the Du Gujiu swordsmanship has reached 70%.

In order to train the solitary nine swords into a realm as soon as possible. He also had to go crazy with the Wuyue Sword School of Law Enforcement, cross-border attack, crazy attack on the Confucian transport team, search for superior martial arts cheats.

This time, there were ten more excellent martial arts cheats, and finally got together. Lin Yi’s heart was eager to train the disciples of the law enforcement team with the urgency to practice the solitary sword. Drive the carriage and drive back to the Huashan border.

There was a carriage walking, and the speed of the road had naturally dropped a lot. It took several hours to reach the Huashan border. The station of the Southern Army.

"Less head!" The people of the Southern Legion saw Lin Yi, and immediately stood up and greeted him.

Lin Yi nodded to these people, then pointed to the things in the carriage behind him, and told him: "These things are handed over to you!" Then, hurried away, shut themselves in the room.

See Lin Yi, the members of the Southern Legion and the members of the law enforcement team are not surprised.

Every time there is a harvest, their masters will come back as soon as they return.

The people of the Southern Legion are skillfully packed up with combat power, statistical statistics, and classified. The disciples of the Wuyue Jian sent law enforcement team also dispersed to find their own fun.

Drinking and drinking, sleeping and sleeping, everyone is a very busy look, but it is very easy

In the room, Lin Yi spreads ten excellent martial arts cheats, one by one, and quickly uploaded ten cheats to the system. Open the solitary nine sword panel, on the solitary nine swords, the already accumulated martial arts cheats, there are hundreds of books.

The most is the sword method, which is full of fifty or sixty.

However, in order to upgrade the sword-breaking style, it is necessary to first train the Du Gujiu swordsmanship formula. After the Du Gujiu sword is trained to Xiaocheng, the sword-sword can be upgraded to the second layer.

The same is true for the other seven styles.

In the past two years, Lin Yi has made up for it, and he has also become a six-style sword-breaking, broken knife, broken gun, broken arrow, broken whip, and broken type. There is no difference between the palm and the break.

The broken palm is not a good five-door mastery, but can't be practiced.

The gas-breaking style is the same as the general decision-making. It needs to be learned by comprehension, and there is no superior martial arts cheat to practice.

Nowadays, Lin Yi is only trained in the palm of his hand.

He has a hunch that he can fully comprehend the final decision as long as he breaks into the palm of his hand. At that time, the total decision will be 10%, and the break-up will follow the ascension to enter the first level.

In the past two years, he has not upgraded his inner strength, has been consolidating his inner strength, and is constantly practicing the three great achievements. He has to accumulate enough resources for himself, and by then, he will be able to accumulate enough combat experience and enter the first-class peak.

In two years, he has a deeper understanding of his own Lingbo microsteps, and he can use many subtle steps. Cooperate with Zixia Shengong and the three swords of the three-sword sword, and send out their own desperate blow.

This killing is used more than he was two years ago.

Not only does it consume less internal force, but it is much faster. Not much waste. Although it seems that he has not improved his internal strength in the past two years, his combat effectiveness has actually improved a lot.

Now, if he once again confronts the veteran squad, who can break out the top-notch combat power in a short period of time, he can kill him with his own killings and within a hundred strokes.

Half step below the top. Invincible!

This is the progress of Lin Yi.

Although it is invisible and intangible, it is a real improvement.

I thought about this in my heart. Lin Yi took back his thoughts and calmed down. He opened the solitary sword and upgraded the panel.

system hint:

Do you spend 500,000 points of combat experience to learn "falling eagle"?


Lin Yi’s heart screamed, and now the five-door method is in place. At this time, if you don’t practice, you will break the palm and when will you practice?

The 500,000 combat experience is consumed clean.

Directly take a good master. Give it to the extraordinary realm of sanctification.

system hint:

Congratulations to the player, consuming 500,000 combat experience and successfully upgrading the "Golden Eagle" to the extraordinary sanctuary

Five consecutive games, spending 2.5 million combat experience.

The five-door method has all been upgraded to the extraordinary realm of the sanctuary. The small icon of the solitary sword and the palm of the hand has begun to light up. It is flashing and shows the learnable state. Lin Yi is about to break the palm of the hand.

system hint:

Congratulations to the players. Successfully upgraded the first layer of the solitary sword.

All the tricks and secret techniques about breaking the palm. All poured into Lin Yi’s heart. Countless sparks exploded in Lin Yi’s mind. At this time, Lin Yi only felt that his head was alive and numerous, and his thinking was clear.

Although it is somewhat painful, this clear thinking is real. Resist the pain, his crazy enlightenment. Deducted from the final decision.

Numerous thoughts have risen, and countless feelings of their own have been incorporated.

The deduction is extremely fast, and the total decision is becoming more and more obvious.

The total decision-making style is 80%.

The total decision style is 90%.

Total decision-making comprehension

The total decision-making style is ninety-nine.

The total decision is 10%!

system hint:

Congratulations to the players and comprehend the first layer of the Du Gujiu.

system hint:

Congratulations to the players, comprehending the first layer of the solitary sword

The total decision. The remaining eight styles have entered the first floor.

Du Gu Jiu Jian Xiaocheng!

The thoughts of the sky were recovered, and Lin Yi held the fist tightly. The eyes were full of excitement, and the solitary nine swords finally became small.

After studying for three years, or relying on the system, I finally got the solitary sword to the realm of Xiaocheng!

Don't underestimate the realm of the solitary swords, as long as it is the same realm as Lin Yi, whether it is using any martial arts, you can break it. You don't need to look for any flaws, you can forcibly break it. It is so overbearing and unreasonable.

The realm of Lin Yi is the first-class environment to get through the second pulse.

As long as it is the first-class person in the second vein, Lin Yi can break his martial arts moves with a sword, and then kill a sword.

With the same level and below, you only need two swords to kill!

This is the power of the solitary sword!

Of course, this is to deal with the opponents who have not practiced the great achievements of the world. Those who have mastered the great achievements of the world have magical means and moves, which are not so easy to break.

However, the Du Gu Jiu Jian Xiao Cheng, also has great restraint effect on the success of the gods.

Lin Yi does not care so much, in the end can not really be invincible with the realm.

Even if he is not a small sword, he can be invincible in the same realm. Nowadays, the solitary sword is small, and for him, it is even more powerful.

Meet a half-step top master, he also has a battle!

I thought about it in my heart. Suddenly the pigeons flew down the window and fell to his side. Grabbing the pigeons, taking out their letters, and glanced at them. Lin Yi’s eyes sparkled with light and said to himself: “The five heads sent me to lead several disciples and went to Kaifeng City to participate in the heroes of Shaolin. Conference?" (to be continued...)

Ps: Three chapters broke out, tired enough, and eager for a monthly ticket! Children's shoes with monthly passes, vote for the martial arts!

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