Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 269: Take the bear's head to apologize

"why you?"

The bear demon saw that the person who almost killed the proud arrogant was actually his acquaintance, Lin Yi, who was shocked and screamed, and his face was shocked and unbelievable.

When he was still fascinated by his own two years of great progress. However, it was discovered that Lin Yi had defeated the first day of the world in the past two years, and he also clicked and killed!

I won't be able to get up!

Who is proud of Tianjiao? Since childhood, it has been the arrogance of the demon religion. These years are called the first arrogance of the world, and the strength is strong, and it is the first person among the peers. As one of the top ten elders of the Sun and Moon God, Xiong De has a clearer understanding of the strength of the proud Tianjiao.

At this moment, proud of the arrogance, open the fifth pulse of the first-class peak masters, you can be invincible in the first-class peak, able to beat the top-level master!

Such a genius, even the bears have to admit that when the proud arrogance enters the first-class peak, his bear devil is not his opponent!

Can such a talented person be defeated by Lin Yi?

The bear devil is incredible!

Who is Lin Yi? Four or five years ago, seeing him was only a thin young boy who had worked hard and was hard to see. In addition, there is no eyesight and a person who is daring. This kind of person, in the eyes of Xiong Mo, is a small role that can't live in the rivers and lakes for a long time. The road of martial arts can't go far.

But this is a character, in just a few years, it is mixed with the wind and water, it is really making the bear magic stunned. Two years ago, Lin Yi was the chief disciple of Huashan, and he was already shocked once in the second place.

After seeing Lin Yi again two years later, Lin Yi was the chief disciple of the Wuyue Jianpai. On the first day of the pilgrimage, he opened the first-class master of the four veins. Just now, the world's first day of arrogance. The pride of the devil, proud of the arrogance in his hands, and almost killed by Lin Yi!

It’s only two years, it’s so big!

It is hard to imagine what will Lin Yi become after a few years?

The bear devil did not dare to think. Because this result makes him feel terrible, and it is definitely a nightmare of the devil!

Staring at Lin Yi, the eyes are brewing a murderous machine, killing in the chest, boiling, and finally erupted, a savage savage screaming out!

This little thief must not stay, must die!

Be sure to threaten the dangers of the Holy Spirit. Give it to the cradle! If not, this thief is a nightmare for the future of the Holy Spirit!

The bear demon suddenly broke out and screamed, and instantly awakened everyone!

Huang Yiting, Mu Ziyan, Yang Yufeng three people, his face with a terrified color, with a hint of sorrow in his eyes, screaming: "Half-step top master?"

One face showed an incredible color, but more was frustrated, and there were half-step top experts to save. This proud arrogance can't kill. Even, even a few of them. Have a life threat!

The faces of the three men were very dignified, and they stared at the bear demon with a nervous look. The only thing that made them a little bit more comfortable was that this half-step top master seemed to be completely out of focus on the three of them, but staring at Lin Yi.

Obviously. Lin Yi met this top-level master, and also made a grudge!

Think about it, the three can not help but secretly admire Lin Yi, actually dealing with the top half of the master, but also able to let half of the top master so hate him. Lin Yi’s ability to be hated is really amazing!


The killing of the sky, Lin Yi also awakened, staring at the bear magic figure, faceless, look very calm. It seems that the killing of the sky, the overwhelming attack on him, has no effect on him, like a breeze.

The five fingers opened, and in turn they held the hilt tightly. Thinking of the scene of the sneak attack of the bear, the amazing power, Lin Yi’s eyes flashed a dignified.

This bear magic seems to be stronger than two years ago!

More power, faster, and more flexible!

The difference is as if the bear devil was a stupid bear two years ago, and two years later he became a good man and became a bear. How big is his strength, you can imagine it.

Lin Yi gripped the hilt tightly, with a hint of dignity, and with a very dangerous look, his eyes continued to linger on the proud arrogant and the bear devil.

Quietly standing there, motionless, in the perception of the people, it has become a sharp sword, a sharp sword, seems to be able to break everything!

It’s moving!

Ao Tianjiao blinked. When he saw that the bear demon seemed to know Lin Yi, and when he gave a rush to Lin Yi, his heart suddenly became a joy. He just ordered to let the bear demon kill Lin Yi, but he just had to export. time.

An amazing sword, earth-shattering!

Amazing arrogance in the heart, quickly closed his mouth, will soon release the words of Lin Yi will kill, the eyes are extremely dignified, and even some horror, fear of looking at Lin Yi.

This familiar atmosphere

Let him appear in his mind, Lin Yi that just hit him hard, almost a sword!

That sword will be remembered forever by him. He is full of fear about this sword and almost has a psychological shadow. This is the first time he is on the verge of death and smells the breath of death.

Memory is deep!

The breath of Lin Yi's moment made him smell the familiar atmosphere, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

Jiuyang Shengong was running, and the injury was suppressed. He stood up hard and shouted to the bear demon: "The bear elder, the bear predecessor, you will entangle this Lin Yi, and the seat will go to the rescue army, and this will be the right path. The big disciple of the faction was killed!"

The atmosphere of Ao Tianjiao is utterly awkward, but it is known to the individual that the arrogant words of Ao Tianjiao reveal a sense of guilty conscience, fear, and want to escape.

Xiong Mo and Huang Yiting and others, revealing a strange color, do not know why Ao Tianjiao?

The demon side, there is a half-step master of the bear demon, and his proud arrogance here, should have the upper hand.

Before they could understand, they didn’t react. Ao Tianjiao was like a rabbit, and he ran away.

"Aogongzi?!" Xiong Mo couldn't figure it out, and loudly wanted to stop the proud arrogance, but he saw the proud arrogance, ran faster, ran lightly and fully, the internal force broke out in his feet, and his head did not return, almost When you die, you will disappear in the blink of an eye.

The bear devil looks at each other and does not know why Ao Tianjiao is afraid of this. Even Huang Yiting, Mu Ziyan, and Yang Yufeng are all face to face, unable to understand, why does Ao Tianjiao have to escape?

However, Lin Yi looked at the figure of proud arrogant and disappeared in front of him, and the bear magic blocked him in front of him, so that he could not chase, and the eyes flashed a pity. However, he did not care much. The experience gained in Ao Tianjiao has already satisfied him.

When I ran, I ran, and I used him as a stocking back. Just like I was unbeaten, after some time, I was fattening and killing!

However, I promised Yang Haofeng to kill the arrogant arrogance.

Lin Yi turned his head and looked at Yang Yufeng. He looked apologetic: "Yang Fengfeng is sorry, I have lost my word, and promised that you will kill the arrogant arrogance, but it was ran by the proud arrogant!"

When Lin Yi said this, Huang Yiting and others listened stunned and listened to the meaning of Lin Yi. If the proud arrogance does not run, then the bear magic will stop him here, and he can also kill the proud arrogance?

This is too crazy, right?

The three men took a sigh of cold air, and the bear demon listened to it. It was a cold sigh. He looked at Lin Yi with a look of disdain, but found that Lin Yi simply regarded him as non-existent. He didn’t look at him, and his heart was furious. .

Yang Yufeng swallowed a slobber, and secretly cried out in his heart: "Linda, it is really a proud person!"

Quickly, some stammered cries: "Lin's brother has nothing to do, this does not blame you, just blame this sudden emergence of the magical half-step master, stopped you. Can see with your own eyes that you will defeat Ao Tianjiao, let him suffer Seriously, I am already very happy!"

Said, said, Yang Haofeng clenched his fist, his eyes flashed a sense of perseverance, made up his mind, said aloud: "Linda brother I decided, I will keep you around the martial arts in the future, Next, Ao Tianjiao does not need you to start Lin Da Ge, I have to beat him personally!"

"Good!" Lin Yi nodded heavily. The reason why Yang Xiaofeng stayed at his side was that he was safe and able to find the trouble of arrogant arrogance at any time. Even if he lost, he could be rescued by himself.

Lin Yi wants to take him in. Naturally, he believes that Yang Lanfeng, a god-carving man, has a future and is a good hitter.

This is a situation that both people like, Lin Yi is happy, and Yang Xiaofeng is also happy. After a moment of smiling, Lin Yi suddenly smiled and said: "Since you are a hurricane, call me a big brother, then I am a big brother, can not be rude to you!"

"Linda, you will defeat Ao Tianjiao and hit him hard. This is a big gift for me!" Yang Haofeng quickly refused and shook his head.

"Do not!"

Lin Yi erected his palm and opposed Yang’s words: "After all, he did not kill the proud arrogance, defeated him, wounded him, and only made the first meeting. I can’t do you to stay with you. gift."

Said, said, Lin Yi suddenly raised his finger, pointing to the bear devil, facing Yang Yufeng: "Take his head off, as a gift for you?"

"It is him, the arrogant arrogance of the ran, and let me not complete the promise that you promised to kill you for the proud arrogance. In this case, it is the proud arrogance of the bear devil, take the head of the bear devil, come Apologize!"

"How? Hurricane!"

Yang Xiaofeng was stunned and stuttered and couldn’t speak. And Mu Ziyan could hear this, couldn’t help but raise his thumbs, and shouted with excitement and excitement: "Lin brother, you are a real man, my Muzi Yan admire you heroic, so a bear devil runs. Ao Tianjiao, take the bear's head to pay for the crime!"

"But Lin Xiong, Xiong Mo, he seems to be a half-step top master?!"

Lin Yi listened to the slight smile, the long sword came out, the sword pointed to the bear devil, the tone was full, and it was full of resolute meaning: "How about the top-level master? How to kill him today!" (To be continued...)

The second and sixth chapters take the bear's head to pay for the crime:

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