The eunuch followed and said with a bitter face, "young master Xiao, why do you say this? It's still two to say whether the locust disaster will appear or not. Now the most important thing is to solve the food problem."

Xiao Yun said, "you know what? In fact, locusts can also be eaten!"


The eunuch could not help retching, and then said, "young master Xiao, do you want us people in the state of Qin to catch locusts to eat?"

"Why not eat?"

Xiao Yun said with a smile, "cicadas can eat, silkworm pupae can eat, many insects can eat, and even a good flavor. Why can't locusts eat?"

"Can you really eat?"

The eunuch was stunned.

Then he frowned and thought about it carefully.

He immediately recalled the plague of locusts he had seen.

It's terrible to think about the overwhelming disaster.

But if locusts can eat... Isn't that what flies in the sky food?!

"Can you really eat it?"

The eunuch couldn't help getting excited. He even ran over and grabbed Xiao Yun's shoulder. He asked excitedly in his eyes.

Xiao Yun frowned and asked, "Why are you suddenly so excited?"

The eunuch was stunned for a moment and knew that he had lost his temper.

He sighed and said: "Young master Xiao doesn't know something. In fact, I experienced locust plague when I was a child... I will never forget the scene of that year! Obviously everything is fine and the dealer is growing well. I remember my father said that when the harvest is good, I will buy some good wood and make a set of furniture as my sister's dowry. In fact, my sister can get married a few years ago because My family is poor and can't afford the dowry money, so I procrastinate again and again. If I procrastinate again, my sister will become an old girl. I'm afraid she can only marry the scoundrel in the village. "

The eunuch fell into memories. His expression was warm at first, and then tragic.

"As a result, the plague of locusts came all of a sudden! It was like a cloud on the top of my head. It was so dark that the whole sky was dark. Where the locusts passed, they ate all the farmers, trees and even the grass roots on the ground! Naturally, our family had no harvest... Alas, after half a month of food, the family couldn't live, and the family could only live Family migration, to put it bluntly, is to be a beggar along the way, or find a livelihood in the big city, which can make the whole family survive the year. "

Xiao Yun listened and didn't interrupt. His expression was also serious.

"As a result, the big city was also difficult. There were many people and little work. Naturally, my father couldn't buy it. At that time, the family wanted to sell my sister to a rich family as a servant girl, but they were too old. Moreover, the rich family also tightened their clothes and food and didn't accept it at all. They also wanted to sell her to a kiln. My sister died and died of hunger a month later."

The voice of the eunuch became trembling.

Not only his voice, but also his body began to tremble, his expression was terrible, and his eyes were empty, as if his sister's body was now in front of him and on the ground!

"Then my mother, and then my father can't do it. He entrusted the relationship and finally sold me into the palace and became a eunuch... Hehe, childe Xiao, can you imagine that it will be incomplete for a lifetime. At that time, it will take some money to get through the relationship!"

He gnashed his teeth.

"My father has no money, so he can only kneel at the door of others' house and knock his head for nine times..."

After taking a deep breath, the eunuch continued for a while: "it was a year later when the old slave entered the palace and rested to learn the rules. At that time, the old slave asked for information, but no one heard from my father. Everyone speculated that my father should have died in the famine."

Xiao Yun tilted his head and asked, "so do you hate locusts?"


The eunuch stared round and asked again, "can you really eat?"

Xiao Yun nodded and then said, "but things are not so easy. In fact, people are not stupid. Locusts have hit their faces. They are really hungry. Even people eat locusts, not to mention locusts? But do you know why they haven't eaten locusts for so many years?"

"Can't you... Eat again?"

The eunuch became nervous.

Xiao Yun said: "in fact, you can eat it, but you need to master certain methods."


"No, drug treatment."

"Drugs?" The eunuch doesn't understand.

Xiao Yun said, "in fact, locusts in ordinary days can be eaten directly. They don't need cooking, burning, baking or cooking. They can be taken up and put directly into their mouth. Although they taste a little bad, they are all right after eating. On the contrary, they are nutritious and good for their health."


"If it's roasted, it's fragrant! It's more fragrant than all the meat you've eaten. As long as a little salt is used to flavor, you'll even get addicted."

"Is this true?!"

The eunuch became more and more excited.

Xiao Yun poured a basin of cold water on it.

"But if a species becomes a huge group in a short time, things will become extremely complex. They are in groups, and an almost incomprehensible thing will happen, that is, they will mutate and carry toxins to resist natural enemies."

"Poison... Toxin? Childe Xiao means that ordinary locusts will be fine after eating, but locusts in locust disaster are poisonous?"


"Is this... Toxic?"

Xiao Yun sighed and said, "I hope it's not big, but there's a great possibility that people will die if they eat it."

The eunuch was stunned for a moment, then staggered back for two steps, and said bitterly: "young master Xiao, you are really a wonderful person. What you said before gave the old slave a piece of hope, but the hope was erased in a moment. Young master Xiao's ability to play with people's hearts really made the old slave admire."

That's full of irony.

Xiao Yun touched his nose and said, "I'm such a boring guy in your heart. Although the locusts in the locust disaster are poisonous, Ben Shao said that in some diseases, Ben Shao is the best doctor in the day! Since it's poisonous, let's just find a way to get rid of it?"

"Can you detoxify?"

The eunuch immediately came to his senses again.

But it went down again immediately.

"Antidotes are also medicines. Nowadays, food is limited, and medicines are even more scarce. If they are prepared into antidote pills and distributed, it will cost more human and material resources than food."

Xiao Yun said with a smile, "you can think of this. It seems that you are also a capable person around your majesty. You are His Majesty's excellent helper."

The eunuch smiled bitterly and didn't speak.

Xiao Yun said, "in fact, it's still quite easy to solve this, but you need to gamble!"


"Yes, let your majesty bet on the luck of the whole state of Qin!"


"If it does, once and for all, no, to be exact, kill two birds with one stone, which directly solves the two most deadly problems, but if it cannot be solved, the state of Qin will lose its last support and decline in an instant, which is almost irreparable."

The big eunuch's eyes twitched violently.

I was frightened by Xiao Yun's words.

However, he still clenched his teeth and said, "the old slave can't be the master of this kind of thing, but he always wants the old slave to bring this news to his majesty, especially the content of this gamble!"


Xiao Yun threw these two words lightly, Then he explained: "Either with money or with food, as long as the people find locusts, no matter how many, they only need to catch them and send them to the government in exchange for money or food! Then these locusts are sent to the capital by specially assigned personnel. After we have seen the locusts, we can study the antidote. If the antidote is successfully studied, we can grind all the locusts into powder, mix the antidote and make meat The bread will be distributed in the name of grain as a reward for continuing to catch locusts! "

The eunuch's pupil immediately narrowed into a line, did not speak, but left for the first time, returned to his majesty and told his majesty Xiao Yun's words.

The Lord of the state of Qin was stunned and silent for a long time.

Then he said slowly, "that is to say, I want to put the future of Daqin on whether Xiao shengpin can develop an antidote. Is that what I mean?"

The eunuch bowed and dared not respond.

Your majesty continued: "If this is the case, then we can make the whole thing go round as long as we take out a certain amount of money and food. People catch locusts in exchange for food, and we use locusts to make food and distribute it as a reward, so as to form a balance. This matter also has three advantages: first, it can solve the plague of locusts, second, it can solve the scourge of no food in the world, and third, it can solve hundreds of problems The curse of doing nothing. "

At this point, his majesty suddenly sneered and said, "but if he has not developed an antidote, I will spend the last savings of the state of Qin in exchange for useless locusts. There are still three evils!"

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