Xiao Yun smiled gently and shook his head like a devil.

"Qing'er, find a clean stick and a clean sweat towel."

In fact, there was no need for Shangguan qinger to do it. The next people were ready immediately and handed it to Xiao Yun.

The stick is wrapped in a sweat towel, soft outside and hard inside.

Xiao Yun handed it to Leng Xiaohan and said, "you'd better bite it."

Leng Xiaohan subconsciously shook his head.

One is face, the other is fear.

"Tut, be obedient, otherwise you can't stand it. If you don't move or say anything, it's easy to hurt your heart."


Leng Xiaohan glanced at his granddaughter.

But I found that congshuang, a heartless guy, was looking at it with interest, and his eyes were shining. He seemed to be very interested in this kind of thing!

Sighed, only reluctantly took the stick, hesitated again and again, and then put it in his mouth.

"Go in."


Leng Xiaohan was very upset.

Right now, poof!

The thickest gold needle suddenly stabbed into Leng Xiaohan's hand!


His eyes widened in an instant.

Cold sweat splashed down his forehead.

But... I didn't feel the pain of biting this thing.

He couldn't help thinking in his heart. It seems that Yun boy still underestimates himself. Although he is old, he is also an iron man. How can he lose his temper because of this little pain?

As a result

The next moment, he watched the thick gold needle stir back and forth in his flesh!


It's like stirring a pot of rotten meat!

The golden needle did not move once, which is a new experience of pain.

Let Leng Xiaohan's palm, which originally wanted to take out the stick in his mouth, shrink back quietly.

Or... Bite!

After a incense stick.

Xiao Yun finally stopped.

The cold Xiaohan, who was sweating like a grout, was finally relieved. He just felt that his chest was really stuffy because of the pain for a long time.

But Xiao Yun did not relax.

Instead, he wiped his sweat first, and then carefully wiped his hands.

He said to Shangguan qinger, "hold the tail of the gold needle first. I'll call you later, and you'll pull out the gold needle as quickly as possible. You must not hesitate, okay?"

Shangguan qinger hurried to get ready and nodded nervously at Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun also took a deep breath and slowly held his hands on Leng Xiaohan's palm. Each finger found a very exquisite position. After all the adjustments, he took a deep breath and said, "pull it out!"


The golden needle was drawn out in an instant. As the golden needle went out, there was a white and yellow water line.

And at this moment

Xiao Yun made a sudden effort with both hands and squeezed Leng Xiaohan's palm with all his milk strength!



Thick, white and yellow.

Blood, black as ink.

And white minced meat, black particles

In this squeeze, he sprayed wildly along the small hole poked by the small gold needle!

A water line rises into the sky, at least three feet high!

At this time, the cold Xiaohan almost fainted because of the severe pain.

He clenched his teeth and cracked the wooden stick with two clicks! If it wasn't wrapped in a sweat towel, I'm afraid I would hurt myself.

The body shook several times. It was absolutely perseverance that didn't finally fall down.

Then he opened his mouth and the stick fell down. He gasped and had no strength to say a word.

Xiao Yun looked at his state, sighed and said, "doctor Han, do you always take medicine?"

"That's nature, nature!"

"Give Leng Guozhu a pair of conditioning medicine, mainly bupleurum, angelica, Rehmannia glutinosa, red peony and safflower, supplemented by neutralizers such as fried sand with Platycodon grandiflorum, in order to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis and enhance the function of heart and lung. Should there be some left in the secret medicine I gave you? Put some in it."

"This..." Han Shizhong said bitterly, "it's all... It's all used up."

Xiao Yun was stunned and said with a smile: "Ben Shao deliberately gave more. Are you not curious? Don't you want to study? Didn't you swallow some privately? After all, leaving some does not affect the curative effect of the medicine soup."

Han Shizhong said: "this... I really want it, but it's the childe's secret medicine. I don't dare to keep it because the childe didn't give it to me."

"Dare not or don't want to?"

"I dare not."

"You are straightforward."

Han Shizhong hurriedly said, "I found that in front of the childe, it's really the next policy to move your mind."

"It's transparent."

Xiao Yun waved his hand, took a teacup from the side, buckled the lid, poured in two coins of Nirvana secret medicine, and said: "one coin is dispensed with medicine, three copies are given to Guozhu in three days, and the rest is one coin. You can take it for research and try to match it with some conditioning drugs. After all, conditioning is the first prescription."

"Thank you, childe!"

Han Shizhong was so excited that his hands trembled.

Just now I watched him apply needles. This kind of thing is definitely a unique skill that will not be spread out!

I didn't see Leng Xiaohan's swollen knuckles. Now, although they are still swollen, they don't have the black color of death before, but start to look ruddy.

This... Is a unique skill!

He learned, looked, as long as careful research, a year and two years may not be achieved, but ten years and eight years, can always find a way to come, can leave a safe and living craft for his family!

This kind of thing means too much.

He also knew that Xiao Yun would give him this future if he didn't stop him.

How not to appreciate, how not to respect?

Xiao Yun stood up, stretched his waist and said, "doctor Han, you'll be tired tonight. First take it for old man Leng so that he can sleep well. After conditioning for three days, I'll give him an injection. He has pain in his limbs. He can't be in a hurry. If he wants to recover, I'm afraid it won't happen overnight."

"Good cloud less!"

He also learned from Shangguan qinger and called Xiao Yun Yunshao.

In his mind, the name means something.

Xiao Yun turned his head, arched his hand at Leng Xiaohan and said, "old man Leng, I've been busy all day. I'll leave first. I'll come back in a few days. If there's anything important, let doctor Han find me."


Leng Xiaohan turned to look at the outside sky, pondered, but said: "it's too late today. Although the curfew can be ignored, it's always dangerous to travel at night. Just stay."

Xiao Yun was stunned and said with a bitter smile, "this... Isn't very good?"

"Ha ha ha!"

Leng Xiaohan laughed a few times and said, "although my Leng family is not a big family, there are still some rooms. You just stay, but... You can't live in the backyard."

Xiao Yun rolled his eyes and said, "backyard? I can't live in the backyard. If you want me to go to the backyard, I'll go right away. The curfew can't control me!"


Leng Xiaohan lost his temper for some reason. He snorted and closed his eyes.

Obviously sulking.

Shangguan qinger looked at the clouds. He didn't know what the big and small foxes were doing.

Think carefully... You don't need to know!

So he happily carried the star iron and box and left with Xiao Yun.

The servant wanted to pick up the big package behind her, which was basically polite, but she didn't let it go and protected it tightly.

Someone led the way, twists and turns, and walked to a set of guest rooms on the west side.

The room is big and clean.

A group of servant girls rushed in and arranged bedding for them. They immediately withdrew and dared not disturb the "strange distinguished guest".

Before leaving, Xiao Yun suddenly shouted to one of them and said, "early tomorrow morning, prepare a copper basin of fine sand for me. The sand should be washed clean, washed three times, raised and dust-free, and put it at the door. It's going to trouble you."

"Where is this, young master? What else do you want?"

"No, you can go down and have an early rest."

"Please have a good rest."

They all went out. Xiao Yuncai took a long breath, sat down on the bed, rubbed his eyebrows, and youyou said, "I'm really tired this day."

On the first day of coming to this world and going out, although I was prepared, I didn't expect to be really busy outside!

There was a big aunt's temptation before, and then there was a conflict with the Zhao family. She bought medicine, made needles, and participated in a tasting to shock the hope of being an official. Finally, she went to the cold family to treat people

Xiao yunben is not an iron body. Now he only feels physically and mentally tired, but piansheng's bed is a little cold.

"What are you doing?"

She looked up at Shangguan qinger. She was tidying up the small bed by the door.

She is considered to be Xiao Yun's personal maid. Naturally, she has to arrange a bed in the house to take care of Xiao Yun at any time.


Facing Xiao Yun's sudden question, she turned her head in amazement and looked dull.

In fact, she was very tired this day.

Two more fights!

"Tut! Don't you have any eyesight? This bed is so cold. You should be as skinny and thick as you. Ben is less delicate. He is recovering from a serious illness. You're not afraid that Ben is less cold. Come and warm the bed quickly!"

Shangguan Qing'er pouted wrongfully and secretly muttered, "warm the bed if you want to warm the bed. If you say some words to curse people, it's rough and thick? Where's it rough? Where's it thick?"

Reaching out and touching his waist without any fat, the word "thick" is really a little abrupt.

As for warming up the bed, although I have only one day's experience, I am familiar with it.

Anyway, just lie inside and cover the quilt with your own temperature!

The two are really tired, they can't, just touch the pillow.

Before the lights went out, he slept dead.

One o'clock passed. At midnight, a figure suddenly appeared at the door.

The body is as vigorous as a civet cat, but the action is a little clumsy.

Like opening the door.

The little dagger buckled for a long time without effect. One lost weight, but opened the door and nearly fell in.

Only then did I know that the door was not locked!

The man was stunned for a moment, as if he was angry. He bit his teeth and continued to touch it slowly.

Afraid of being found, he deliberately lay on the ground and climbed forward with his limbs.

It took a while to get to the bedside, sneak out his head, put out his little white hand as jade, and touched it on the hanger, but he didn't touch the clothes.

Sleeping in harmony with each other!

The man bit his teeth again, as if he had made a great struggle in his heart. Finally, he stretched out his hand to lift the quilt, laboriously lifted Xiao Yun's skirt, and groped for a long time before he took out the small medicine bottle in his arms.

He immediately drew back his hand, stared at the small medicine bottle, and immediately turned a happy color in the black, bright and pink pupil.

Then he put it in his arms, turned and walked outside the door.

"It's only two dollars. More is useless. You don't have enough self-control. Eating more is harmful."

Suddenly, Xiao Yun's voice sounded on the bed.

Let the little thief in black stay where he is, like a sculpture.

Slowly turning his head, he found Xiao Yun looking at himself with a playful face.

To avoid embarrassment, Xiao Yun didn't turn his head and closed his eyes again.

"Just take two money and put the rest down."


The thief didn't hide any more, straightened up, walked quickly to Xiao Yun's bed, took out the bottle, opened it, carefully poured more than two dollars into his palm, then covered the bottle and threw it on Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun groaned with the a bitter look, but did not open his eyes.

The little thief turned to leave, but suddenly turned back, looked at the sleeping Shangguan qinger beside Xiao Yun, and scolded in a low voice: "apprentice!"

Then he left.

The door is not closed!

"This... This is the truth that thieves are difficult to prevent."

Xiao Yun was helpless. He got up, closed the door, blew the light and went back to bed.

Those who came covered their faces.

It's quite an act of painting a snake!

You are the only one in the world! Even if only one eyebrow appears, people who have only seen her can recognize it!

In this world, few people with congenital deficiencies can live to the age of 16.

And whenever this disease, eyebrow hair is empty, and whenever it is the part of hair, it will turn yellow.

Condensable double is different.

Her hair, her eyebrows, black clear, black shiny!

With the unparalleled whiteness in the world, it's like drawing a beauty on the whitest rice paper!

If she doesn't move, standing there is a painting. If she melts in the mountains and rivers, she is a beauty of rivers and rivers. If she melts in the courtyard, she is a painting of ink.

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