For a few days, Xiao Yun's disease recurred. He was bedridden and probably caught a cold.

When he was "recuperating in bed", his confidant Liu Er came home drunk at night, fell off the carriage and died.

Xia Ge'er suddenly got a strange disease. His body festered and there was no medicine. He squirmed like a maggot in bed for three days and nights and died.

The big servant girl linger beside the big aunt also salvaged it from the well a few days ago. She said it was possible that she accidentally went in at night and drowned.

One after another, the family is killing people, but Xiao Yun's condition has improved. He can walk down the ground these days.

It began to spread in the marketplace that the Xiao family was haunted and that the ghost of the second child of the Xiao family came back.

It is also said that Xiao Yun has a hard life and will kill everyone around him one by one.


These days, Xiao Yun not only pretended to be ill and secretly beat up his body, but also brought back a girl, Shangguan qinger.

Now he really needs people, people he can trust.

"Young master, it's almost midnight. You should go to bed."

Shangguan qinger came in slowly. There was a trace of anger on her handsome and heroic face, and her voice didn't bring any respect.

Xiao Yun sighed helplessly and turned to look at the 23-year-old girl.

She is very beautiful. She has a tall figure, thin waist, long legs and bright eyelashes. If she wears the most popular shutter cloud skirt, she should be very beautiful. But now a strong suit and a cold face always give people a feeling that they owe her money. It's good-looking or good-looking, but the beauty is naturally out of question.

Shangguan qinger was the dowry of the young lady of Shangguan family, that is, Xiao Yun's mother. When the second child of the Xiao family went to the battlefield, she asked her to stay and take care of Xiao Yun.

When the news of her death came, Xiao Yun was sent to the big room, but she was thrown into the concierge. Because of some Kung Fu, she was asked to take care of the house.

She doesn't complain about this. After all, she doesn't like what Xiao Yun does in ordinary days. They don't deal with it all the time. It's better not to see him.

"Did I ask you to take care of me?"

Xiao Yun's face was smiling, but his voice was cold, which made the originally cold night wind colder.

Shangguan qinger's eyes trembled and looked at Xiao Yun strangely.

"The young master has just recovered from a serious illness, and his body can't stand the hardships. Moreover, the wind is cold at night. If he gets cold again..."

"All right!"

Xiao Yun's tone suddenly became severe and almost roared out.

Shangguan qinger was surprised and immediately looked up. As a result... He saw Xiao Yun smiling all over his face. It was not an angry expression.

But... This smile is very fake, and the momentum in his eyes makes people palpitate.

"Come here."

Xiao Yun waved to Shangguan qinger kindly.

Shangguan qinger was puzzled for a moment.

"Gee, come here if you want."

"Oh, yes."

"Ha ha, I still obey. You can't change your military habits. Come and sit here."

Shangguan qinger doesn't know, so she doesn't want to sit next to Xiao Yun at all, not to mention that Xiao Yun's position is too close.

"Sit down."

But Xiao Yun suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed her wrist.

Xiao Yun was surprised and subconsciously wanted to shake off his backhand, but somehow, his wrist was not only caught by Xiao Yun, but also his center of gravity was unstable and wanted to jump forward. As a result, he suddenly struggled at his waist. As soon as his whole body turned, he really sat next to Xiao Yun.

And Xiao Yun's hand is holding her waist!

"Young master, you!"

She subconsciously wanted to stand up, but the other party just pressed on her waist and didn't stand up.

"Be honest!"

Xiao Yun suddenly gave a stern voice and shocked Shangguan qinger on the spot.

"Young master, are you..."

"Didn't you just say you were afraid I was cold? You were warm and I hugged you. What's the matter?"

This kind of fallacy, Shangguan qinger couldn't refute for a moment. He could only say, "why don't I make up a brazier for the young master."

Xiao Yun said with a smile, "the dew is deep in spring. It's the most piercing. What's the use of several braziers? It's not as reliable as your fragrant, soft and warm body."

Shangguan qinger's face turned red at once.

Before, she was still surprised at why she was caught by Xiao Yun and why she sat next to him. At this time, listening to him, she realized how inappropriate their posture is now.

"Young master, please respect yourself!"

It is reasonable to say that Shangguan qinger is Xiao Yun's elder, so now her face suddenly becomes cold and obviously wants to do it.

Xiao Yun frowned first, turned around and looked at her very seriously.

That kind of look... Is very strange, and even makes Shangguan qinger feel a trace of danger.

This made her subconsciously step back.

As a result, the waist was held tighter.

"If you don't let go of me, I will..."

"I don't understand!"

Xiao Yun's deep voice startled Shangguan qinger.

"Who gives you confidence, or who gives you the right to talk to me like this? Look at me with such contemptuous eyes? Who gives you the courage to make you feel that you can not obey my orders?"

Shangguan qinger widened her eyes and looked at Xiao Yun strangely. After a long time, she squeezed out a sentence: "the master and wife asked me to take care of you before leaving..."

"Take care of?! ha!"

Xiao Yun smiled angrily and said coldly, "how do you take care of it?"


"I was taken away by the big room. My big aunt, the old fox, ostensibly loved me in every way. What do you want? Let me have fun and act recklessly. She was responsible for causing trouble, but she stopped me from reading and didn't let me practice martial arts. It was killing me. Then you looked at me coldly? Is that what you call taking care of?

My cheap brother, a pair of poison almost sent me back to the West. Is that what you look at? This is called care?

I managed to survive. I had to go to the concierge to get you back, and then look at your smelly face that owes you 200 yuan every day. Is this your care?

What did you take care of? "


Shangguan qinger was stunned again.

She didn't expect Xiao Yun to know that her uncle and mother supported the killing!

Xiao Yun said in a harsh voice, "now I am your servant for the Lord. If you don't respect and don't listen to orders, it's disloyalty!

As a slave of the Shangguan family, you are also a family. If you don't obey the orders given to you by the master and wife, you are unfilial!

I'm poisoned until I die. You don't care. It's unkind of you and my master and servant to come and see me!

During the period of recuperation, there was no helper in the cold room. The quilt was as cold as iron. I couldn't drink a cup of hot water. I climbed to the back kitchen and got something to eat before I was starved to death. But you didn't care. It's unjust!

You are such an unfaithful, unfilial, unkind and unrighteous bitch. Why do you have such a smelly face every day? What qualifications do you have? What do you rely on? Can you tell me? Huh? What does it depend on? I'm really fucking curious! "

Shangguan qinger was shocked and trembled all over. She said in a trembling voice: "young master, the slave is..."

"All right!"

Xiao Yun slowly closed his eyes, breathed out a deep breath, then opened it, but smiled again.

"The past, after all, is the past. From now on, I hope you can keep your duty and fulfill your obligations. As for your wishes... Don't you just want to run to the battlefield in Northern Xinjiang one day to avenge my parents? There are plenty of opportunities in the future, and this matter is definitely not that simple, which needs to be discussed in the long run."

Yes, the death of his parents is not that simple.

He Xiao Yun is still living alone in the Xiao family. How can his mother die?

And the big family

Xiao Yun, a killer in his previous life, knows the shit in the big family best.

Because those who need him to do it are dignified people. If you want to kill successfully, you need to understand, dig, and even know each other better than the other, so as to achieve the effect of killing and getting out perfectly.

If he had not been betrayed, would he have been killed by an unknown explosion at the peak of his career?

He wants to go back and take revenge!

But first, live in this world.

Obviously, this is also very difficult.

Because more than ten days ago, when he poisoned Xia Ge'er, the other party clearly said that he bought poison, but Xiao Yun poisoned before he could poison it!

Xiao Yun believed him.

When a man is dying, his words are good.

Reluctantly shook his head. Xiao Yun pointed to the gums in the room and said, "now go and lay me down and warm up, and then call me."

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