Situ Ping'an, the second grade, began to talk around.

All officials try to find the answer from other people's eyes, but they can only see that the other party is also at a loss.

Old Taifu had no intention to explain.

He turned and walked back to his position, lowering his head, as if everything had nothing to do with himself.

The people waiting for the answer are also full of embarrassment.

They dare not say much about the old man.

Just as Xiao Yun once said to Shangguan qinger.

The seed, a small one, seems to be unprofitable and harmless, but as long as a drop of water, even if it is stuffed into the hardest rock, it can break the boulder, bear the heavy pressure and split the armor of heaven. If there is no gap, it will squeeze out the gap by itself, poke its head out of it, bathe in the sun, drink the dew overnight, and then be silent and silent, Quietly and knead nono to announce its existence to the whole world!

The name situ Ping'an is like a seed.

Without too much understanding, it also grows in the hearts of all officials.

Next, the intermediate hall bachelor stepped out of the queue and also read 36 names.

All kinds of comments are more regular.

It didn't cause any trouble, but it didn't get much approval.

Too dull, although not disappointed, but definitely not happy.

Sure enough, the cabinet is still like that. It's not close to people, can't find anything wrong, and people can't like it.

Several large and medium-sized students all gave their own comments. The last one was Li Guofu.

The national auxiliary is a post. It has been ad hoc since the previous dynasty. It is a second-class official post, but its status is very special. It can be heard directly to the sky without memorials, but it has no real power, and has no interests with other officials.

So... If he is neutral, the nature of his official position is neutral.

Because of his neutrality, his evaluation results will affect the future direction of the current situation, and even... There will be some meaning of his majesty!

"Zhao Xi, heaven's dependents study hard without losing their childlike heart and five grades."

Reading Zhao Xi's name, Grand Master Zhao Wuji's eyes lit up and immediately turned to look.

The result was such a comment, which finally fell into the list of five grades.

The implementation of the five grades is the official position of the eight grades. Now the eight grades are really lacking. Without exception, they are all in other places.

In fact, it's good for my little grandson to be selected and evaluated, but only five products really don't give me face.

Especially the comment.

Do you study hard? What does tianhun mean? It's just that he was born in the Zhao family. It has nothing to do with himself.

Study hard? I've been in the capital for a long time. Who doesn't know that Zhao Xi is a guy who didn't enter the Imperial College. Where can it have anything to do with studying hard? Is it ironic?

Without losing the heart of a child? This is a good evaluation. Although it is easy to associate with descriptions such as impulse and indulgence, the state of Qin is based on martial arts, which is always good.

In fact, Zhao Wuji thinks Li Guofu should praise Zhao Xicai in literary talent.

After all, he came up with a good poem in the evaluation, which Zhao Fengxi thought of after several days.

Zhao Xi is Zhao xiaochilde, Zhao Fengxi's useless brother.

But even so, Zhao Wuji also felt that he should evaluate four products. If he had four products, he would be much easier to operate. He would stay in the capital for a casual job and have no worries about food and clothing in the future. Isn't it better than anything?

Now you can be an eight grade official, or you'll wait two or three years first?

While thinking, a name suddenly came to his ear.

"Xiao Yun..."

The moment he heard the name, Zhao Taishi's face immediately became gloomy.


Suddenly he spoke and interrupted Li Guofu.

Li Guofu turned his head and looked at Zhao Taishi with a puzzled face.

Master Zhao smiled first, and then said in a deep voice, "I've heard of Xiao Yun, but he's an unskilled guy. He wanders around the flower streets and willows all day and goes in and out of the romantic places. I heard that he owed money before. He was blocked at home and asked for it. It's really lost someone."

Speaking of this, he turned his head, looked at Xiao Huaien standing on the other side, and suddenly smiled and said, "Lord Xiao, what do you think of your grandson?"

Xiao Huaien, devil Xiao, the land of Northern Xinjiang, stamped his foot. The whole desert trembled a few times. At this time, he silently lowered his head and said nothing, as if he hadn't heard it at all.


Master Zhao sighed, Said: "Xiao laoguai, in fact, I'm also for his good. In recent years, Ding Buwang, a young generation, has only such a lineage in your family. If you really become an official and do something wrong recklessly, then... Hey, I'm afraid it's a bad end, so don't judge it. Let him live a peaceful and stable life, isn't it good?"

As he spoke, he carefully watched Xiao Huaien's reaction.

He expects Xiao Huaien to respond. It's better to get angry, show his momentum of the devil Xiao, and make a fool of himself in the hall. Then what he wants to do... Will be much easier.

But Xiao Huaien didn't say a word and nodded slightly, as if he agreed with master Zhao's words.

Zhao Taishi sighed silently.

Then Lang Sheng said, "in that case, don't mention this son's comments."

In a word, it will break Xiao Yun's career.

Li Guofu was also silent. Looking at the file in his hand, he didn't know what he was thinking.

But at this time, his majesty, who had been watching from the wall, suddenly said, "Li Aiqing, how do you think of this?"

Your majesty has spoken!

Instead of agreeing with master Zhao, he asked Li Guofu, as if he were supporting him.

This scene surprised all civil and military officials, and they couldn't figure it out for a moment.

Li Guofu sighed and said, "I have some selfishness towards Xiao Yun. As for being an official... I don't think he is suitable for being an official."

This sentence made all civil and military officials relieved at once.

Sure enough, Zhao Taishi's words still carry weight.

However, I don't know what Xiao Yun did and how he offended master Zhao. He even made a public attack in front of his majesty!

Is it aimed at the Xiao family?

Not really. Although there are sometimes political disagreements, the relationship between Xiao and Zhao has always been good, and Xiao laoguai focuses on the martial arts. It is impossible to have too much conflict with the Zhao family. There is no need for such tit for tat, which will bring harm to Xiao Yun, a small pond fish?

But some well-informed people know very well.

I heard that Xiao Yun beat Zhao Xi, the little childe of Zhao in the street, and disrespected Zhao Fengxi. Zhao Wuji, an old man who protects his weaknesses, naturally came out to make trouble.

But... I can't help feeling sick in my heart.

Naturally, the younger generation should solve the problems themselves. As an elder, you have grown up several generations. You are also a high-ranking and powerful person. Why can't you live with a child? It's embarrassing to say it!

But this can only be thought in our hearts. More importantly, we still think Xiao Yun deserves it.

Who's to blame? It's a strange thing to provoke the Zhao family.

Don't you know how much you weigh? Do you have to make the egg that hit the stone? Silly or not!

Stupid man, no one will sympathize with you in officialdom.

"Can't you be an official?"

Your Majesty's tone was a little sorry!

This sentence stunned all civil and military officials again.

Suddenly turned his head and looked up at his majesty with some offence.

Just then, old Qiu Ge suddenly came out again.

He said softly, "I'm talking about Xiao Yun's child? The old minister thinks this child is very interesting. If you can enter the court, you may make the dead court more angry... Think carefully, I haven't seen young people in the Zixiao hall for many years."

With these words, he walked back.

This time, all civil and military officials are going crazy!

What's going on?

The world has collapsed? The sun and moon are upside down? Yin and yang are reversed?

Xiao Yun is not a big man, but he is very famous in the capital!

Apart from other things, he has made countless jokes and embarrassments over the years! A lot of people eat with his jokes. If they don't hear from him after a few months, they will ask the servants to inquire.

You can also use him as a negative teaching material. If your children don't succeed, you'll say that if you go on like this, you'll become Xiao Yun!

And it's more effective.

After all, there is a chain of disdain between dandy and waste.

Xiao Yun has always despised the bottom of the chain!

But what happened today?

Your majesty asked?

Old Qiu Ge ran out to endorse him?

Master Zhao spoke against

When, on this solemn court, is there such a dandy who can't get on the table and will only live in market jokes forever?!

Do not understand, how can not understand, want to break the head, also do not understand.

But... They can see the fact that it seems unusual.

You'd better not get involved.

So even if there was no discussion, all the people present chose silence, eyes, nose and heart, and said nothing.

Master Zhao was stunned.

Turn around and look at old Qiu Ge.

In his opinion, it was Qiu GE's revenge on the previous locust plague that he opposed for the sake of opposition.

And the way to oppose yourself is even more excessive than yourself.

Talking to a famous dandy? This... Where to reason?

He was about to speak, but his majesty robbed him first.

His majesty said with some laughter, "Li Aiqing, old Qiu said so. What do you say?"

Li Guofu was a little embarrassed, then picked up the file again, sighed and read aloud.

"Xiao Yun, laugh and scold the hidden edge. He is naturally a sage. Only idle clouds and wild cranes can become a way. In case of wind and rain, he will turn into a dragon! He will be rated as a saint."


This remark shocked the whole audience!

Saint product?

Jiupin Zhongzheng hasn't produced a saint product for many years? First, I don't want to, but I can't!

There are many things in the world, a master in a hundred years and a saint in a thousand years!

A recognized waste has become a saint in Li Guofu's mouth?

This is really a little exaggerated.

It's incredible.

And... It's too much!

How can he de?

He Xiao Yun, what can he do?

Although no one here wants to be rated as a saint and cut off his official career, he can't compare with others!

There's nothing else. With such a comment, even if Xiao Yun doesn't do anything in the future, even if he burps his fart and dies the next day, he can still be famous in history and make a record in the history books of the state of Qin.

It doesn't matter if he is a brilliant guy or a guy who has made great contributions, but what is Xiao Yun? He deserves it?!

Who can not be angry?

His Majesty was stunned for a long time, then smiled bitterly, suddenly picked up the paper he had put down before, looked at it carefully, and sighed a long time later and said, "is it a saint's product? It's also good."


The so-called golden words.

As soon as your majesty says this, I'm afraid it's going to be settled!

In his early twenties? The famous waste in Beijing? The young childe of the Xiao family, who is often rumored to bully men and women, has become a saint?!

And turn around and think about the four comments just now

But I found that there was something else in this comment!

Others are two sentences, one sentence is five words, and together it is ten words, which determines a person's character and grade.

But Xiao Yun used four sentences and twenty-eight big words with a loud voice!

Analyze it carefully.

First, laugh and scold hidden edge? what do you mean? Is it difficult to say that Xiao Yun's original actions are means? Are they all illusions? In order to hide their strong edge?

This... Tell the ghost, ghost letter?

Ten thousand steps back, even if this sentence is true.

What about the next sentence?

Natural sage talent? Is he a saint or a natural? Where did it come from? Where's the sage qualification? Like nonsense.

Who was born a saint?

What is a saint? Transcendence is holy!

Saint itself is not a natural thing. It is innate. It is vulgarity. Vulgarity is the ultimate vulgarity. When people live in the world, his majesty often calls himself only a vulgarity.

It requires the day after tomorrow to learn, cultivate self-cultivation and have great wisdom.

Not only is his reputation and knowledge shocking to the world, but more importantly, he has to be beneficial to this world. Only by being respected by all the people and saving the world with high achievements can he deserve the name of a saint.

Why is it natural?

Angry, everyone is angry.

But what surprised them more was the latter two sentences!

Idle clouds, wild cranes, Fang Chengdao? Why? That is, what event can enter the highest state and be named after the Tao instead of being mixed?

The word Tao originally represents the ultimate. Only when we achieve the ultimate in one aspect, surpass certain boundaries, form our own system and inheritance, can we call it Tao!

That must be a great fortune. As a dandy waste, he can achieve it through the lifestyle of idle clouds and wild cranes? Who believes it?

As for the latter sentence

It's the heart!

What is a dragon in case of wind and rain?

What is a dragon? Your majesty is a real dragon, and the prince is a Jiaolong, but they dare not call themselves so.

Because the dragon, the only chance in the world to incarnate the existence of a real dragon!

In other words, people who become Jiaolong may threaten the throne.

What concept? what do you mean?

What is wind and rain? Nature is experience and honing. Whether it is an official or experiencing troubled times, it is wind and rain.

In other words... If the world suddenly turns into chaos, does Xiao Yun have a chance to rise up and become a overlord? Even rebel and become emperor?

If others say this, it's just a joke.

But it was what Li Guofu and Li Huan said!

Who is Li Huan? The third national auxiliary of the state of Qin has only three people for a hundred years.

There is only one requirement to sit in this position, that is, sharp eyes!

When you look at people and things, you need to be accurate enough to make people point.

His many years of experience in office has told people all over the world that he is accurate in looking at people and things!

He has been in the national auxiliary for 39 years and has been in Dazhong for 20 years. It is impossible to estimate people and things, but without exception, they are very accurate!

Because of this, the little childe Zhao Xi of the Zhao family, such a dandy, was rated as pure childlike, but no one refuted it. Instead, everyone believed that Zhao Xi had some "brilliance" they didn't find.

So now do you believe it or not?

I can't help but believe Li Guofu.

Chong Xiaoyun, I can't believe it, I can't believe it.

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