Moving forward, you can always see some small animals.

If you raise your bow and arrow, you will kill.

She is very good at archery.

However, at the moment when the arrow hits the small beast, the small beast will start to flee and immediately disappear into the public's sight. The arrow is only a little short, shooting in the air and swaying its tail feathers, showing its embarrassment.

Several times, this is true.

Cong Shuang wondered for a while before he found that Xiao Yun would flick his finger when he was shooting an arrow

Although I didn't know what he had done, I recognized him as the troublemaker!

"What are you doing?!"

Carrying a bow and arrow, he came up and asked for punishment.

This made Xiao Yun a little helpless and said, "pick your nose and pop it up. What's the matter?"

"You didn't pull!"

"That finger itches, can't it?"

"You are making trouble!"

"Well, in fact, it's not trouble."

"Then why did you do that?"

Xiao Yun touched his nose and asked softly, "first of all, these little beasts will not increase your performance in Chunwei. Second, you won't eat them. So what's the purpose of shooting?"

"Practice... Practice your hands. Don't touch bows and arrows for a long time. I'm afraid it's manual."

Xiao Yun glanced and said: "The relationship between man and nature is not that we should not kill, nor that these little lives are difficult and lovely, and shooting is too cruel. It is a demand relationship. You need to use its life to continue your life. If you eat it, you can live. If you can't eat it, it's easy to die. Don't worry and eat boldly, you can't help killing in the world. But if it's just for fun or practice The reason for is beyond the basic norms of man and nature, but to face this nature with a superior master mentality. You can play with it wantonly, kill at will, and take each other's life as your own pleasure... But what can you do? Can man claim to be above all things? Is it a little arrogant? "

Cong Shuang was stunned, frowned and thought carefully.

Then he asked, "if you eat, you can kill, if you don't eat, you can't kill, but it's the same. What's the difference?"

Xiao Yun said with a smile, "for these little beasts, nature is no difference, but for you!"

He took a step forward, stretched out his hand, pointed to his chest and said in a deep voice, "there is a boundary here, which is a rule. Being a man is not only to keep his heart, but also to cultivate his heart into a better shape."

I frowned tightly, but I really didn't understand.

Although she doesn't understand it, it doesn't affect her to know the correctness of these contents, and it has a certain depth.

As long as you want to understand and remember these, it is of great benefit to yourself.

In fact, in this world, few people will teach others. Even the officials in the dynasty who want them to help teach the prince must give the name of a young teacher, otherwise they will not be willing to devote all their life to teaching.

The existence of saints like Xiao Yun is still teaching himself some profound truth, which is extremely rare!

If you don't appreciate it, it's unreasonable.

However, in her view, this is also a matter of "should be divided".

Although Xiao Yun still doesn't understand why she always lacks some distance and politeness to herself.

Now we walk together, but we don't care what we have or don't have.

Move on.

He couldn't help asking, "what kind of animal are we looking for?"

"It depends on the opportunity."

Xiao Yun said with a smile: "for rich people, hunting is a pleasure, but for professional hunters, hunting is a livelihood. There is a saying that is good. Don't challenge others' jobs with your entertainment!"


"Even a professional hunter, entering the mountain depends on luck. Generally, he can only fight some small animals and eat for a period of time, but if he wants to spend the winter or really improve his life, he needs to fight real animals!"


Cong Shuang asked curiously, "aren't they all meat? It's easy for small animals to fight more?"

It is also a normal remark that the children of a rich family can say to distinguish between wild animals and small animals by the weight of meat.

There's nothing wrong.

They just don't understand.

"Beasts, not only meat, but also fur, as well as some internal organs. The bones of some beasts can be sold for money, especially some beasts. Their internal organs are very precious medicinal materials. Whether fur, bones or medicinal materials are much more important than meat. A precious beast is enough to make a small village spend the whole winter! There is a big difference, not just a small village Pure meat. "

My eyes blinked blankly.

A wry laugh.

"Originally, I thought I knew a lot of things, but only after I came out did I find that there were many things I didn't know."

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Just learn these things slowly, and you don't have to force yourself deliberately."

Xiao Yun sighed and said, "learning is endless. It's not good to get in. Enough is also a kind of intellectual attitude."

Cong Shuang nodded stupidly.

The face is a little more cold and soft.

Xiao Yun continued: "therefore, even professional hunters may not be able to meet large beasts in the mountains at one time. Let's not pursue too much. It's good to get my luck and lose my life."

"All right."

In this way, I understand.

Xiao Yun continued to wait as he walked.

Waiting for Zhao Fengxi, those guys to shoot themselves.

Yes, they can even see their tricks. How can Xiao Yun not see them?

If only he and Shangguan qinger came in by themselves, Xiao Yun would have found it.

It is not difficult for Xiao Yun to solve some dandies, even if they take some people with them.

But now there are condensation pairs around, some things can't be done.

It's always bad to leave evidence, and it's even more troublesome to leave witness.

Years of killer experience in previous lives told him not to trust any active mouth!

But after more than a day and a night, there was no trace of them.

That's a little strange.

He deliberately set out at last to give Zhao Fengxi enough preparation time.

As a result... Xiao Yun was obviously disappointed by the other party.

Just thinking, I suddenly saw a group of people running out next to me.

A horse, in a panic, ran straight over, tripped over the raised tree root, bumped into the tree, twitched and moaned, and obviously couldn't live.

When the group found Xiao Yun and others, their eyes immediately lit up and shouted, "there is... There is a wave of animals! Help us!"

Animal tide?

Xiao Yun frowned.

This kind of thing exists, but it usually only happens in the wilderness. For example, the migration of bison and the fear of wild horses will cause the so-called animal tide. They can trample themselves to death. It is extremely dangerous for humans to get mixed in.

But this is the primeval forest!

It's rare for wild animals to see one. Can it form a wave of animals? Besides, there is no way to attack in the depths of the dense forest. Where is the animal tide?

When they hear each other shouting, they immediately come forward to help.

But Xiao Yun stopped him directly.

The first thing he thought of was conspiracy!

"Be careful, don't come forward, wait for them to come... And you, be careful. Once they put their hands in their arms or where you can't see, you have to keep a distance and prepare for the enemy."

Xiao Yun's reminder stunned everyone present.

However, there are experienced guards among them. They immediately understand the significance and arrange it immediately.

Xiao Yun was a group of people who avoided running, walked to the horse, squatted down and stroked the horse's neck.

This is a good horse, strong and young.

Unfortunately, there are many fractures in the leg and viscera were injured in the impact. Under current conditions, it is impossible to cure.

Sighed, Xiao Yun bit his teeth, raised his hand fiercely and pointed at the root of the horse's neck.

The horse's neighing gradually disappeared, but he gasped heavily. His big eyes looked at Xiao Yun innocently, as if asking for help.

Xiao Yun took a piece of fruit from his arms and stuffed it into the horse's mouth. He watched it swallow it and chew it slowly.

Chewing, chewing, there is no action.

Half a fruit fell from the mouth of the horse and rolled out far

Xiao Yun took a deep breath and got up slowly.

He turned to the frightened crowd and asked softly, "who are you leading?"

Everyone's eyes turned to a young woman in the middle.

Look at the dress. It's obviously a lady from a rich family.

Xiao Yun nodded and walked up to her.

"There are animal tides, you have to help..."


He slapped and threw it heavily on the young woman's face.

Blood seeping from the corners of the mouth reflects lead, and messy sideburns add tears.

First I was confused, then I had a sharp pain, and then I cried out.

"Hold it back!!"

Xiao Yun, who has always been gentle and quiet, suddenly roared like the most ferocious beast in the mountains and forests!

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