The animal tide is finally over.

Lost people will disappear forever.

The rest of the people, one by one, were still in shock. They widened their eyes and looked around blankly, and then saw the traces around them, weeds and debris, and sawdust into needles.

I can't help shaking all over.

Then the eyes looking at Xiao Yun changed again and again. From the beginning, they were confused and even looked down upon, and now they have become... Rely on.

I don't think about anything. I don't have to think about anything. Just follow Xiao Yun.

What do you want to do next? Just wait for Xiao Yun's notice!

As for how Xiao Yun did it, they don't care at all now.

Xiao Yun took a deep breath and turned to check. Even if he had only met once, he still clearly remembered the number of people.

Just under the wave of animals, even if he tried his best, four people died!

Taking a deep breath, he wanted to tell everyone to go back and try to leave the forest in the direction of the animal tide.

But in fact, there were only two purrs in his throat.

My voice is completely dumb!

Sure enough, his voice also needs to be practiced. Even if he roared harder than this in his previous life, there is no problem.

With a sigh, he waved his arm behind him.

When everyone looked at him, he expressed his meaning.

Most people are ignorant, look at each other and want to see the answer from each other's eyes.

Only Shangguan qinger frowned for a while, and then said, "Oh! Yunshao means that we follow the animal tide and leave in that direction!"

Condensate frowned and asked, "are you sure? He just made a mess. I think he wants us to go deep into the forest. If we follow the animal tide, in case they turn back, can we have good luck again?"

Shangguan qinger was angry for no reason.

They glared at each other angrily.

Two guys who have a good relationship on weekdays suddenly turned into enemies!

Then he looked at Xiao Yun at the same time, waiting for him to announce their right and wrong.

Xiao Yun doesn't understand what happened to them.

Now the disaster is ahead. Compared with the ensuing earthquake, the animal tide is just a small thing, but these two people are here because of this small thing

He doesn't understand.

Even if you want to understand, you can't.

He sighed helplessly, pointed to Shangguan qinger and nodded heavily.

Shangguan qinger immediately looked like a winner, with high toes and high spirit.

Condensate Shuang was a dejected look, snorted fiercely, and then explained: "you have been with him for the longest time. Naturally, you know him best. What's the matter? Isn't it very normal?"

Xiao Yun ignored them and took the lead in running towards the animal tide.


It's late.

The quarrel between the two women didn't take much time. It can even be said that when he saw the women of the Wu family, they were already late.

Xiao Yun knew this for a long time.

He just had one in ten million luck and felt that he might have escaped the disaster.




A loud noise came from the distant mountains.

What followed was the shaking of the earth and the mountains.

The whole world is shaking.

What goes with the tide is mankind itself.

Several people couldn't stand steadily and fell directly to the ground.

Just about to stand up, suddenly the ground under me cracked a gap more than a foot wide!

The man was stunned and half his body had fallen into it.


After a miserable cry, he subconsciously reached out and grabbed the ground in front of him.

When the people nearby saw it, they reached out to save him for the first time.

But the next moment.

The clod separated from the ground and fell into the crack together with the man. The people around him couldn't reach out and just touched the man's fingertips. Then he could only watch the man's eyes widen and fall down without breathing.

Bit by bit, the speed is faster and faster. In the twinkling of an eye, it has fallen into darkness and can no longer be seen.

Only a long scream came out of the crack!

Cold sweat came down from everyone's face.

What happened at present finally made them feel the same.

The condensing pair immediately shouted, "what should we do now?"

Xiao Yun doesn't know what to do.

Earthquake, this time, is to see life!

Those with a big life can live, but those with a poor life... Even if they are gifted, they will die miserably.

At this time, it makes no sense to care about others.

It's time for everyone to work hard.

He took a direct step forward, pulled Shangguan qinger to his side, and then ran desperately to the outside of the forest!

I understood Xiao Yun's plan in two moments.

At this time, she was not given any time to play.

Almost without any consideration, she rushed to Xiao Yun and followed him closely.

However, after only two or three steps, Cong Shuang couldn't keep up with Xiao Yun's footsteps.

She was so anxious that her eyes were filled with tears, but she was stubborn and didn't flow down.

Suddenly, he stumbled under his feet. The whole man tripped over a small branch and fell forward. In front of him, there was a fallen tree!

The branch that just fell from this tree.

If you hit it, at her speed and the speed of the trees falling down, you will die!

But at this moment, her skirt suddenly tightened, and the whole person moved out like flying clouds.

I saw the big tree passing by from the tip of her nose and patting on the ground. The wind and waves blew up her skirt, and the hunting wind sounded!

A spirit, turn around and look.

Sure enough, Xiao Yun reached out to pull her at the most critical moment and saved her life.

Xiao Yun opened his mouth and said ah ah twice.

This time, she no longer used Shangguan qinger's translation. She also knew that Xiao Yun asked herself to follow.

So I was determined.

Even the emotion of excitement and grievance burst out at the same time. The tears that had not been shed before suddenly burst the embankment.

But there was no sound of crying.

After wiping the corners of his eyes, he followed Xiao Yun with determination.

Forward, forward, until

There is no more road ahead!

The earthquake in the virgin forest is the most terrible!

Anyone who has a little knowledge of earthquake risk avoidance knows that the first thing to do in an earthquake is to run to a relatively flat and open place. On the one hand, to avoid ground fissures, on the other hand, to avoid something falling from the head and burying people deeply.

In the virgin forest, these two points are obviously unattainable!

With a violent shaking, the big tree surrounded by seven or eight people was uprooted by some great force, and the whole collapsed, pressing on other trees and rocks.

The huge stone, which has not been broken by wind and rain for thousands of years, breaks into fragments and blocks any gap

The road in front of Xiao Yun is in ruins!

Like a giant wall, it completely separates him from "safety" into two worlds.

Circuitous? It's impossible.

This is an earthquake, an earthquake is a moving wave, which affects a sector. I don't know how many miles from left to right, it will only be more miserable than here.

It's not that he didn't want to cross from above.

But... The earthquake is one wave after another. Although it has calmed down temporarily now, if you climb to a high place and encounter vibration again, you really have no possibility of survival and will be crushed by trees and rocks.

Unless you are Superman, can move ten thousand kilograms of weight, can fly, and the key is invulnerable, this can live.

He bit his teeth, turned his head and looked deep into the forest

In previous lives, there was a saying called "die and live later".

Not the sophistication described.

Experience actually comes from natural disasters.

If it's a shipwreck and a cold wind, the ship can't run away from it, and it can't run away from the huge waves hundreds of meters high! If you want to survive, in fact, there is another dangerous move, that is to think of rushing into the center of the storm!

If you pass through the wind barrier, you can reach the eye of the wind, a calm and unbelievable place.

The same is true of earthquakes.

The epicenter of the earthquake is the most tragic, but it also appears first and has the greatest power. Often the first vibration turns all the places that can collapse into ruins, but it has become a relatively stable place.

Like cactus, after a shovel is patted up, the middle is the first to contact the point with the greatest force. The needling is pressed down smoothly, but it doesn't touch the feeling. On the other hand, at the edge of the road, there are a lot of barbs.

Therefore, in such a dangerous situation, he also thought of "winning in danger".

He bit his teeth and said with a voice that had just recovered a little, but was still very hoarse: "go, go deep!"

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