Tired, coupled with the injury, Xiao Yun was in a semi coma immediately after closing his eyes.

On the one hand, holding Shangguan qinger is to keep her warm, so as not to be frozen to her heart and infected with wind cold.

On the other hand, he is also worried that if he sleeps with his head up, he will choke to death in case of vomiting!

It's better to lie on your side. Vomit can flow out along the corners of your mouth.

Others don't know that Xiao Yun is considering these.

Now they only think Xiao Yun is powerful and invincible. He will not have an accident himself or let them have an accident.

This kind of trust beyond common sense is not a kind of pressure?

If Xiao Yun shows his vulnerability, the "root bone" of their small team will collapse immediately!

This sleep, sleep directly until the next day.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing was to spit hard.

The dust in the sky fell and almost painted a layer on the body. Naturally, the mouth and nose were not spared.

He frowned, reached out and knocked on his chest a few times to listen to the sound changes.

"Damn it!"

He whispered a scold, scolding himself.

I didn't expect this. My mouth and nose are not covered. Now I have slight signs of pneumoconiosis!

After the volcanic eruption, the most terrible thing is the volcanic ash floating in the air.

That thing is not much different from cement.

Inhale it into the lung, mix it with tissue fluid, solidify it, paste it directly, and make people suffocate and die... It's not uncommon.

In fact, there has been a volcanic eruption in this earthquake, but they can't see it at this position. The famous hot springs in the capital... Are the places where the earth's crust is weak!

Not all volcanoes will erupt, spray high and flow down slowly, melting everything on the ground.

There are also those that come out of the cracks in the ground and invade around like mountain springs.

It won't produce much dust, but... It's dangerous enough.

When they heard Xiao Yun's curse, they immediately turned their heads and looked at him.

Shangguan qinger was warming up the barbecue and asked nervously, "young master, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yun sighed and said, "I forgot about dust. If this dust is inhaled too much, even if we can survive, we won't live long."

"This... What can I do?"

Everyone was shocked.

Even the fox's face didn't look very good and smiled reluctantly.

Xiao Yun tore one from the wrap, folded it twice, put it on his mouth and nose, breathed for a while, sighed and said, "I can barely resist it, but the effect is not very good."

So several women gathered around.

After all, things like cloth are their main battlefield, so they should show it at this time.

As a result, Shangguan qinger and Cong Shuang regretted it as soon as they came up. The two guys stared at each other with big eyes and unspeakable embarrassment.

Instead, Miss Wu touched the material and asked, "since it is to block dust, the material should be thin and dense."

"That's right."

She bit her teeth, opened her two layers of clothes, and tore them up on the third layer, but she couldn't tear them for a moment.

"Well... Help me."

Xiao Yun squatted down, stretched out his hand, and suddenly blushed.

Through the third layer of skirt, you can vaguely see her legs.

Very thin, very moist.

The powder is tender.

be close by.

People have an impulse to grab a hand or bite.

So this makes Xiao Yun more embarrassed.

Not to mention the psychological struggle, tear open this layer of cloth, and there will be only wrapping clothes as thin as cicada wings

Miss Wu is not stupid. Naturally, she is also aware of Xiao Yun's embarrassment.

She can only pray again and again in her heart that Xiao Yun is an honest man and is in a hurry to power. This is not her fault, and no one will know in the future

With a cry, the cloth was torn off.

Xiao Yun looked, and then... Faced a more embarrassing thing!

This thing is always put on the mouth and nose!

The girl's body always carries a smell of milk, and Miss Wu has a fragrance similar to osmanthus, light and long.

He bit his teeth hard and directly covered his mouth and nose... There was the girl's temperature

He shook his head, pulled back his thoughts, carefully felt the dust resistance of the silk cloth, and found that it was really much better than his own wrapping!


Nodded, and then stood there at a loss.

When I go to the girl's skirt corner to tear the cloth, I have to drill in... I don't think it's very good.

But in my heart, I didn't delay my action. I really bent down and was ready to continue to tear it.

"I'll do it!"

Suddenly, Cong Shuang came over with a gloomy face, pushed Xiao Yun away very arrogantly, squatted down and began to tear.

Xiao Yun can understand this substitution behavior.

But he didn't understand why the other party was angry.

Can only stand there blankly, waiting for the skirt corners to become masks, and then distribute them to everyone.

Of course, excluding the fox face.

"What about... Xiaosheng's? Hey hey..."

The fox smiled awkwardly and pointed to his nose. His smile was not very natural and humble.


The condensing pair curled their lips and said impatiently, "there's not enough cloth. Just wear childe Xiao."

"Oh... Oh."

The fox face reluctantly took over the cloth wrapped by Xiao Yun, put it on his mouth and nose, frowned, as if another one had opened on two crescent moons.

His eyes crossed the faces of several women, and then he was silent.

It's too complicated. He'd better not get involved.

The party moved on.

This time, there was no danger. Although aftershocks occurred from time to time, they were stunned to find that even if the earth shook and the mountains were more severe and their bodies were more unstable, there was no fatal danger.

Because... The ground!

When they finally came to a plain, Xiao Yun stood there, looked left and right, then nodded and said, "just here. We'll stay here for a long time. After the earthquake has completely passed, we'll find a way to leave the forest."

The terrain here is actually very high.

It should have been a hillside or something.

After these earthquakes and aftershocks, mudslides were formed and flattened.

The reason for staying here is not only the terrain, but also the smell.

Here, you can smell a strong smell of sulfur mixed with burning in the air. Obviously, the lava is not far from here and is in a cooling state.

No one knows how many harmful gases there will be. The most important thing now is not to get close to it.

As for another more important reason, it is "foot feeling".

It's soft here!

In some places, even if you don't pay attention to it, one leg can sink into the soil and need to work hard to pull it out.

This kind of place is a disaster for those women.

They managed to keep clean and refreshing, and all disappeared here.

Each one looks like it has just been dug out of the coal pile, and you must not cry. When you cry, there will be two gullies on your face. When it is dry, you can take it down directly with your hands and stand up when you hold it

Or Miss Wu, she wears the thickest skirt. Looking from a distance, she looks like a walking zongzi, but it is not abrupt. On the contrary, it looks small and particularly cute.

Now pull out the second layer of skirt and spread it on the ground, which can avoid the too soft soil.

Sit on it and lie down again.

She looked at the sky blankly and suddenly asked, "can we... Really go out alive?"

Xiao Yun smiled and said, "who can know? But it's better than waiting for death. Even if we can't escape the buried fate in the end, when we get to the hell, we can say that we've tried, done everything we can, and have no regrets."

With that, Xiao Yun went around looking for wood and food.

And more importantly, find water! This is also the main reason why he no longer moves forward.

In this state, uncontaminated water is more important than food.

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