The great beauty said nothing more.

Pick a knife.

This is not a fight between power and killers.

It's just a simple fight between two people licking blood.

Originally, this kind of drama only belonged to men.

Now, there are just more beauties.


Suddenly, all the swords came out!

Two people who were still talking like old friends a moment ago suddenly rushed together, knife to the neck and sword to the throat!

The swords meet, and the stars burst out.

Staggered, close to the necks of both sides, flashed behind, but turned around at the same time and chopped off the other side's head with a fierce blow!


There was a loud noise and the swords collided.

Retreat and advance.

When you enter, you work hard, and when you retreat, you fight skillfully.

But they didn't know what to think, so they all rushed forward.

The key is that they have equal strength, and they resist for a time!

So a skill struggle becomes a labor-intensive struggle.

The great beauty's strength was pressed on her whole body, holding a knife in both hands.

But Xiaobai only holds a knife. The wrist strength of this arm is convenient for the beauty to have the same strength of the two arms.

The remaining hand reached into his arms and took out a knife

The great beauty knew something was wrong. She immediately raised her foot and kicked it into Xiaobai's chest and abdomen.

However, because one leg was pulled out, the support was not enough, and the strength of the upper body was defeated. The other party's long sword still rowed heavily in front of her chest!

At the same time, her feet barely touch each other's body, which can only be the help to pull them apart.

But it was a big loss!

The great beauty stretched out her hand to protect her skirt, but she couldn't stop blood gushing from her fingers.

Xiaobai reached out and patted his chest, as if he had been kicked dirty.

"Did you stop?"

The great beauty still couldn't help asking.

Xiaobai sighed and said, "if I point my finger forward, it will kill you. If I point back, you can live. Life and death are such a big thing, but it is only determined by one finger. I hate this kind of thing and hate it."

The great beauty bit her teeth and said in a deep voice, "but your master won't let you let me go."

"Hey, this thing also disgusts me."

Xiaobai sighed, shrugged his shoulders and said, "but the old guy has taken me in, and childe Zhao has the righteousness to support me. Now one of them is dead and the other is in crisis. I can stop once, but I can't stop any more."

The big beauty twitched her eyes violently.

She couldn't accept it for a moment.

She survived the storm on the battlefield, and she survived the death imprisonment. She also survived the terrible earthquake, but she had to die here because of a powerful man?!

She is unwilling.

But what?

I can only smile helplessly, lift the long knife and make my last resistance.

Xiaobai nodded and shot again.

This time it's a thorn.

The fastest speed.

The speed of the sword is fast, and the opponent dies fast.

Great beauty cut down with the a knife, but did not hit each other's long sword. For a moment, she sighed and completely accepted her life.

But at this time, a flying dagger flew directly to Xiaobai's temple!

With a whistling sound.

Yes, there's a sound.

I don't even understand why there is such a loud noise on a throwing knife.

But the noise also attracted Xiaobai's attention, so he had to escape, so he couldn't assassinate the great beauty!

On the contrary, if there is no sound, then Xiaobai will die, but the great beauty will also die!

Xiaobai sidestepped away, pulled away, and then looked aside.

The great beauty subconsciously touched her neck, then stood there in amazement and looked left and right.

She doesn't understand who can save herself at this time, and she really succeeded!

Several people turned their heads and looked in the same direction.

The direction of the flying knife.

And there is an ugly cowhide rope, indicating the direction of the shooter.

Xiao Yun came out slowly from the grass.

Then slowly put the rope away.

The moves have been released.

People are already on guard.

If you use it again, it will be very troublesome, especially if the opponent is obviously a high-level guy.

He took a deep breath, smiled at the great beauty and said, "we meet again."

"Is that you?!"

The great beauty looked stunned and stared at Xiao Yun. She couldn't believe it.

"Who else can I be? Now I'm the only one in the world who knows how to love you. Where can others be reliable?"


The great beauty was stunned again and then smiled bitterly.

But she immediately said, "you go, this man has great Kung Fu!"

Xiao Yun said with a smile, "I know he is very powerful, but I don't know you are so powerful. It's not easy to take so many moves under his hands."

The great beauty smiled bitterly and didn't know what to say at this time.

Just then, a drop of rain fell from the sky and fell on her forehead.

She reached for it and looked up at the sky in surprise.

"Is it raining?"

She thought it was a good thing.

Xiao Yun frowned immediately.

Look up at the sky.

He held out his hand, and sure enough, there was a drop of rain on the palm of his hand.

At this moment, his face became gloomy.

The great beauty looked at him and thought he was worried about the battle after that, so she comforted him again and said, "go first, I can resist for a while."

Xiao Yun shook his head and said, "no, this rain is a good thing for my battle, but it is a big problem for my next survival."

The great beauty shook her head and said, "I don't understand."

Xiao Yun smiled, looked at Xiaobai and asked, "do you understand?"

Xiaobai also shook his head.

"What about you, Mr. Zhao?"

Zhao Fengxi scolded loudly, "are you willing to come out at last? I'll kill you today!"

"It seems that you don't understand."

Xiao Yun sighed, and then said, "I hated the rain before, because if it rained, I always didn't play well until I suffered a loss in this regard, so I kept practicing, and I finally got some skills."

While talking, the rain grew heavier and heavier, and finally turned into a pouring trend.

Xiao Yun raised his head, looked at the sky, then pulled out his knife and sandwiched it between his fingers.

"Someone once said that the fastest knife can cut off the rain dripping from the air. I tried for many years and did it in the seventh year of knife practice."

Then he looked down at Xiaobai and said softly, "do you want to try?"

Xiaobai holds a long sword and lets the rain wash on the sword. Drop by drop, it makes a crisp sound.

He nodded, suddenly raised his hand, and a sword came straight to Xiao Yun's neck!

Life and death are in an instant!

Xiao Yun did not continue to look at him. Instead, he raised his head and closed his eyes at the most dangerous moment.

Just when everyone thought Xiao Yun was crazy and dead

Suddenly, Xiao Yun turned his head and waved his arm.

Short knife, hanging at the fingertip.

Sweep out.

First came the rain.

The blade cut through it, and the raindrops were divided into two halves. The lower half seemed as if nothing had happened. It continued to fall at the speed of just now, while the upper half flew back into the air, collided with other raindrops and smashed into flowers.

Then the knife turned into a touch of brilliance, like the wind in the rain and the light of the cold night, came in an instant, but disappeared in an instant.

The next moment.

Xiaobai was so fast that he passed through the place where Xiao Yun was.

Then he looked at the long sword in his hand and touched his neck.

There was no blood on the sword because he didn't stab it.

There was no blood on his neck, but Xiao Yun used the back of the knife!

In such a war, Xiaobai doesn't believe that Xiao Yun will mistakenly use the back of the knife to cut himself.

He turned his head and asked, "are you keeping your hand on purpose?"

Xiao Yun said, "you're dead. You owe those killers or this childe Zhao. You've paid off. Go."

He didn't kill Xiaobai because he felt sorry for each other.

And just because Xiaobai left her hand on the great beauty just now.

At that moment, because Xiao Yun was stunned, it almost led to the consequences he couldn't bear.

So for Xiaobai's sudden stop, he is thinking of each other's good.

Xiaobai stared at Xiao Yun blankly and struggled for a while.

Some people asked, "just now, how did you do it? Why at that moment, I suddenly couldn't see you."

Xiao Yun said with a smile, "because you are not a killer or an assassin."

"I don't understand."

"Then you don't understand. If you have an opportunity in the future, maybe you can understand. Now you can leave."

Xiaobai bit her teeth hard, turned her head and looked at Zhao Fengxi. Suddenly she knelt down and knocked her head heavily. Then she turned and left without a trace of muddle.

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