It is essential to live at home on weekdays, and what every family has is scarce in the Gobi.

Or not at all.

Cooking becomes extremely difficult.

Even if the northern nomads are well prepared for travel, they usually eat barbecue.

So we can only eat things that are half cooked and nothing to eat.

What doesn't eat pork because of faith? It's all bullshit.

He ate diarrhea!

Xiao Yun and his party were forced to travel far, and it was even difficult to barbecue.

And now it's not good to roast meat alone.

After a great disaster, there will be a great epidemic!

All kinds of corpses are corrupt and breed bacteria and viruses. The corpse water seeps into the ground and pollutes the groundwater and rivers. If it is drunk raw, it will cause diarrhea or plague.

This is quite dangerous!

Because in this world, the treatment of plague is actually very simple and rough.

Most of the plagues, regardless, are sporadic and local. Then the people of a village disappear and become a dead village.

Some travelers often encounter deserted villages with no one or only one or two mottled elders. At this time, they will subconsciously cover their mouths and noses because they understand.

A small number of large ones were left. Along a water area or river, almost all villages on both sides of the bank were recruited, and people fled wildly.

Then you just need to send troops to guard the official road.

As for someone running outside the official way?

Those who can turn over and cross the mountains are healthy, but those who have some diseases die on the way.

It's simple.

But it's also cruel.

The reason why this happens is just as simple and rough.

Not to mention the medical level, there is not even the most basic medical knowledge here!

Boil water.

It's harder than roast meat.

It takes water to cook the meat.

This requires a pot.

Want to find a pot in the wild?

This is simply a fantasy for these refugees.

The previous practice in the mountains and forests was taught by Xiao Yun to use leaves as a pot.

The failure rate is very high. Often a handful of water is hard to boil. The leaves are rotten and spilled directly. They are distressed to death and even put out the fire.

They want to drink raw water directly. It's too much trouble.

Fortunately, Xiao Yun's prestige is still there and can control the situation.

But now, things are in trouble.

There are no leaves and not so many dry branches to waste. Water here is not precious, but fire becomes precious!

"Young master Xiao, there is no pot or leaves now. You said we must drink boiled water, but... But where is it?"

A group of people are sad.

Xiao Yun looked very insipid and said, "without a pot, just make one yourself?"


"In your opinion, this is a desperate situation, but in benshao's opinion, it is common. Benshao has at least three ways to get this pot alone."


People, look at me, I look at you.

Even Cong Shuang and Shangguan qinger don't believe Xiao Yun's statement.

On the contrary, Miss Wu trusted and even followed blindly, and shouted: "since there are three methods, it's better to use the simplest one now. After all, everyone is thirsty."

Everyone looked embarrassed and looked at Xiao Yun's reaction. They were in a complicated mood.

While they don't want to see Xiao Yun helpless, they want to see Xiao Yun eat flat.

It's contradictory.

Xiao Yun nodded and then said, "we're walking by the river. Can't we find a pot? You guys go get some dry branches, you, go get some big stones nearby, and you, follow me to the river."

When you go to the river, you should get water.

But Xiao Yun took off his clothes and jumped into the water when the two women blushed.

As for Shangguan qinger, she is used to it and doesn't feel anything.

This also makes the two women around her look at her a little strange.

Even a little hatred.

Really very sensitive.

The others rolled their eyes when they saw Xiao Yun's move.

They also want to jump into the water and bubble well to wash away their stench and fatigue.

Xiao Yun wouldn't let them in, but he jumped in himself! That's a little too much.

But everyone obviously dared to be angry.

But at the next moment.

Everyone was worried again.

Because Xiao Yun has been underwater for a long time, but he hasn't floated yet!

Everyone put down their work and hurried to come over, one by one nervous.

Others began to take off their shoes and socks, ready to jump in and save people.

At this time, a big shell suddenly rushed out of the water!

Then there is a hand below.

The owner of the hand is naturally Xiao Yun.

He surfaced, laughed and shook hard, and the shell flew directly to the shore.

Snipe and clam fight, this is clam!

Mussels can grow very large, even nearly one meter in diameter.

This kind of thing will grow on the riverbed and lake bottom without pollution and with a lot of silt.

People in the world don't like to eat, and they don't know there will be fresh water beads in it, so there is almost no mining, which gives them an excellent living environment.

So it must grow big.

This piece is more than a foot in diameter!

A man on the bank looked at the clam, frowned and asked, "is this something for eating?"

Xiao Yun said with a smile, "it can be eaten. Of course, its more important mission now is to become our pot."


With a little warning, the man's eyes lit up immediately.

He squatted down, pulled out his hunting knife, pulled the clam away, pulled out the clam meat, held the shell in front of him, widened his eyes and said in surprise: "yes, isn't this a pot?!"

The crowd suddenly realized it and turned to Xiao Yun with admiration on their faces.

The problem that had plagued them just now was solved by Xiao Yun in an instant, even with food.

Clam meat can't be eaten directly, but it can still be eaten when cooked.

Now these rich children can not be picky about food at all. As long as they can put it in their mouth, they would have been full of bark weeds if Xiao Yun hadn't controlled it well.

With the pot, and Xiao Yun didn't commit suicide in the river, they immediately went to work.

Soon, a crowd of raw materials piled up in front of Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun touched the clam and caught the fish.

Three or two times, build a simple stove with stones, build a small shelf with everyone's hunting knife and portable rope hook lock, and put the clam shell on it. It's still a little slow at the beginning, but as long as it's boiled once, it's fast next time!

There are a lot of clams to touch. This thing can not only be used as a pot, but also a smaller one can be used as a bowl. It is also boiled with water and poured into boiling water, which will soon cool down.

Everyone drank warm water comfortably, as if they had come to life at once.

Sitting on dry stones, one by one didn't want to move at all.

Especially after drinking fish soup, one by one is full of happiness, as if it was the greatest enjoyment in my life.

"Just live here. I don't want to go back to the capital!"

A noble childe sighed.

Everyone was stunned and smiled bitterly.

Someone said, "let the life of rich and noble people live, but be a savage here?"

The noble childe snorted coldly, Skimming path: "What do you know? You can go back to the capital? Think about it. The earthquake has a wide range and must have affected the capital. In addition, childe Xiao said before that there will be a major epidemic after a major disaster. Now what will happen in the capital? Now we are here. Although we have had some meals and nights, we have childe Xiao here! We are not afraid of anything! Live, we can live well Yes, even if the armored black cavalry of the Northern Wei Dynasty appears, we can survive from their blade. Even if we don't eat or drink, childe Xiao can change it for us. But once we return to the capital, young master Xiao will naturally go back to Xiao's house. We all go home separately. In the face of each family's troubles, there will be no young master Xiao around us! "

A few words made everyone silent in an instant.

One of them laughed, drank hot soup and said, "in fact, the scenery outside is also very good, ha ha, ha ha."

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