"What about the other two forces?"

Xiao Yun thought for a while before asking.

The drunkard said: "one side is naturally the royal family. The royal family has the support of the northern clan, and after all, controls half of the court. The other side is the military. Several military leaders who have separated one side since the founding of the country have their own advantages."


Xiao Yun nodded.

The world, in fact, is much more complex than expected.

In short, a nearly 100 level conspiracy series, in which all the strategies, all the hearts of the people, all the thinking and all the layout used, a person in a high position can go through it in his mind in only one day.

And such a thing, he will do for decades, tens of thousands of days!

If you use an example to describe it.


The simplest game.

But the most gambling.

Anything that is gambling and can spread for a long time often has two properties.

Gambling itself.

And some skills.

Without a gambling method that requires skills, it can't exist for a long time. It can only appear for a while, but it can't last for a long time.

Because of people's confidence.

As a saying goes, the best hunters often appear in the form of prey.

If you want to win all of a person, then... You must first make him feel that he can win!

Stone scissors paper is such a play.

Some people think they are lucky, others think they are good at calculation.

The simplest triangular relationship and the best rules of victory and defeat. It seems that it is difficult to find an easier bet than this in the world.

But is it easy to really want to win?

Think about it layer by layer. If you want the other party to think about the layer, you have to be one more layer than the other party. What you need to know is the other party's mind, including habits, including human nature, including the mastery of the other party's mentality and so on

Some things, ordinary people look like two people playing a game of scissors, stone and cloth. It looks very simple. They can make more than scissors and stones. It's not difficult at all.

But in fact, outsiders can't see how much psychological struggle the other party has gone through and how much effort and calculation he has overturned outside the gambling game.

Xiao Yun had seen a man in his previous life. In order to win the scissors, stone and cloth, he sorted out all the other party's data, from large to small, and mastered all the details. If only those data were added up, I'm afraid they could fill a room. Then he specially found several people and took advantage of all opportunities to appear around him, imperceptibly exposing him to the action of "stone".

It's a kind of brainwashing that people can't pay attention to.

After three months of preparation, in a gamble that decided life and death, it seemed as if it was a joke to propose to use scissors, stone and cloth, a gambling method that relied entirely on luck, and the other party readily accepted it.


A "cloth" came out easily.

Because all his calculations and all his layouts were subconscious to the other party. He used the most conservative state to draw a high probability and stabilize first, which was the only thing he could think of in his mind at that time... Stone.

But he didn't expect that the other party gave a "scissors"!

Is this result luck?


Xiao Yun investigated afterwards.

Before that person collected all the information of the other party, in fact, he had been manipulated by others. After all the subtle brainwashing, the other party had already been prepared, but pushed the boat with the current, deliberately making him feel that he had been brainwashed.

So that at the last moment, we can use this unique skill!

It's like a power struggle in court.

What you hear may not be true, and what you see is often only what the other party lets you see.

Everyone is acting, even in their sleep.

Everything is an illusion!

Want to see reality in illusion... Few people have this ability.

You can only make full preparations, and then spell out a life and death.

Is it easy?

Xiao Yun narrowed his eyes and thought.

People in the sun and moon country are very strong.

But he is not a simple man.

For the sun moon country.

He has already made his own arrangements.

Hong Xiluo!

This merchant of the sun moon country can sell anything freely and has countless ties with the royal family of the sun moon country. Will Xiao Yun be unprepared to cooperate with him?

He investigated.

This guy can eat in the Royal and military.

Because there is a fierce man in the sun moon country.

Hong yuelun.

He is the best expert in the world!

This kind of character is not above the Jianghu, but prefers to be in the temple.

And went to the military appropriately.

"Hong yuelun, do you know?"

Xiao Yun suddenly asked.

The drunkard was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "didn't you say you don't care much about things in the Jianghu?"

"Is he really the best master in the world?"

The drunkard sighed and said, "at least in the open."

"Is that right?"

The drunkard said, "if master were alive, he would not be. I had a war with him."

"Oh? Who won?"

"I didn't lose and he didn't win."

"It's ambiguous. Who wins and who loses when fighting?"


The drunkard touched his nose and said, "in terms of moves, I lost half of my moves, but he can't kill me, and I can obviously live better than him. Now he's afraid he's old. My skills are growing day by day, but I'm generous. I don't say I'm better than him, so we didn't lose or win."

It's about not blushing and heartbeat at all.

But it also made Xiao Yun realize Hong yuelun's terrible.

The first country in the world, with the first expert in the world

It seems natural.

But in fact, it is abnormal!

However, a master's overall life environment is a little difficult. It is coercion and discipline that makes people have that ability.


People always have inertia.

If you want to be the best master in the world, you can't work hard, and talent is no longer the main factor. You must have situations and adventures, most of which depend on luck.

Xiao Yun cares about such people.

But according to the drunkard, that guy seems to be old.

The other party must not be like an alcoholic. After eating the elixir, he has a very long life.

It should not be feared.

On the other hand, Xiao Yun's layout is the Moran state.

Moran will not let Xiao Yun down.

Because the tribes and small countries around it actually have some strange powers.

Now the Moran state should almost integrate those forces. As long as Xiao Yun gives an order, it can have a great impact on the sun moon state.

More important.

Can give someone a great credit!

A credit that can accumulate enough people's support.

It's simple.

Just let Moran fight the sun and moon.

Disturbing residents.

Then the people of the sun and moon kingdom were terrified.

At that time, get a puppet. As soon as he appeared, the kingdom of Moran was defeated.

And choreograph some magical deeds.

All kinds of magical abilities.

Let the people have full respect for that man.

It is extremely helpful for striving for such a position as Datong.

For the sun moon state, this kind of country that pays attention to laws and regulations and appears peaceful internally, but in fact has extremely serious contradictions. Even if it is strong, it is the easiest existence to deal with in Xiao Yun's view.

Xiao Yun asked again, "what's the matter with running to Yuezhi country?"

The drunkard said: "Didn't you say that last time? It was borrowing troops! ChuChu actually lived in the Northern Wei Dynasty and controlled a part of the Northern Wei Dynasty. As long as Yuezhi sent troops and cooperated with others, especially under the pretext of national treasures, Yuezhi could take advantage of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Especially taking advantage of the northern expedition of the state of Qin, the Northern Wei Dynasty could only eat a dumb loss and swallow its own pain It's too late. "

"Well, the weather is favorable and the people are friendly. It's really good."

"Isn't it?"

The drunkard smiled and said, "then the Yuezhi state will lend tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of troops. At that time, it will directly rush into the territory of the Riyue state under the banner of helping the government, and then unite with the major clans. It only needs to defeat a few troops of the Riyue state. At that time, the Riyue state will be owned by the girl who is clear, and the second queen of the Riyue state will appear."

"The second? It seems that there has been one?"

"Yes, there was one thousand years ago. Of course, it was just a puppet. How to say, it was a way to transfer imperial power. Once the royal family of the sun and moon kingdom was Ji, because the Queen's surname is now Li, and the clear maiden surname is Ji."


Xiao Yun narrowed his eyes and said, "didn't you just say that ChuChu's mother is from Sima's family?"

"Hey, hey, can't there be Ji in Sima's house?"

"Is Sima's family willing to give up their rights?"

The drunkard said, "why don't you understand the thoughts of the big clan? If they have a common enemy, they can still unite, but if one of them wants to become a royal family, they will immediately attack it. It's inevitable that there will be chaos in the world. Besides, how many years can the royal family be? Those who can really inherit through the ages are big families!"


Xiao Yun nodded and said, "it seems to make sense."

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